The Rise of the Right Wing In Ireland.

Just curious, did you really move primarily to avoid right wing society? Was there a job change or family thing….or was it purely for that reason?
We had planned to do it once my daughter finished secondary school, as part of a vague - move towards retirement plan, but the toxic environment meant my wife started looking at jobs in Ireland earlier and she got offered a great job over here. She got offered a similar new job in the UK at the same time, but we decided to make the move much earlier than planned. So she moved straight over and we fully moved over once my daughter finished primary school in UK.

So on the face of it you can say it was a normal, moving for a job thing, but we wouldn't have been looking for another 5 years if things hadn't gotten so rotten. This was especially so for my wife who was working in the UK civil service at the time and working for the bunch of criminals under Johnson was too much to bear.
We had planned to do it once my daughter finished secondary school, as part of a vague - move towards retirement plan, but the toxic environment meant my wife started looking at jobs in Ireland earlier and she got offered a great job over here. She got offered a similar new job in the UK at the same time, but we decided to make the move much earlier than planned. So she moved straight over and we fully moved over once my daughter finished primary school in UK.

So on the face of it you can say it was a normal, moving for a job thing, but we wouldn't have been looking for another 5 years if things hadn't gotten so rotten. This was especially so for my wife who was working in the UK civil service at the time and working for the bunch of criminals under Johnson was too much to bear.
Fair enough. It would have been a bit of an extreme case if that was the sole reason (imho), but your response makes good sense
Was at the counter rally in Cork over the weekend. Good numbers for the us (anti racists), decentish numbers for the mutants. It's my first time going to anything like this, my main takeaway was the lack of ideas the far right actually has. They spent half the time shouting "blablablabla (ad infinitum)" through a megaphone in an attempt to drown out an obviously bigger, more coherent and more organised group of us. No real violence to report other than a 40 something year old woman next to me catching an egg to the dome.
Was at the counter rally in Cork over the weekend. Good numbers for the us (anti racists), decentish numbers for the mutants. It's my first time going to anything like this, my main takeaway was the lack of ideas the far right actually has. They spent half the time shouting "blablablabla (ad infinitum)" through a megaphone in an attempt to drown out an obviously bigger, more coherent and more organised group of us. No real violence to report other than a 40 something year old woman next to me catching an egg to the dome.
And who doesn’t want to see that
It wasn't very nice but I'm surprised there wasn't more of an altercation given that it lasted almost 4 hours and it was quite heated at times.
Aye I can imagine. Fair play to you for going anyway
The rise of the right worldwide is interesting, and a big part of that is caused by the decline in living standards for the working and middle class as incomes have stagnated and housing costs have soared. The centrists and centre left have offered almost no policies to address the housing issue, as such I can see why a lot of people turn to the right.

The average person on the right / far right probably doesn't have the intellectual capability to fully justify their stance, and likely throw in loads of xenophobia with stuff like immigration, but underneath all that there is a lot of real greviance. It's occuring world wide and the longer politicians ignore the real issue (living standards and housing), the longer it will continue.
Going to lower the tone because I refuse to believe this hasn't been posted.

Low hanging fruit is always the best.

Edit: Racism and the stoking of fear surrounding asylum seekers is bad and I hope Ireland stamps this out better than what Britain has done.
The rise of the right worldwide is interesting, and a big part of that is caused by the decline in living standards for the working and middle class as incomes have stagnated and housing costs have soared. The centrists and centre left have offered almost no policies to address the housing issue, as such I can see why a lot of people turn to the right.

The average person on the right / far right probably doesn't have the intellectual capability to fully justify their stance, and likely throw in loads of xenophobia with stuff like immigration, but underneath all that there is a lot of real greviance. It's occuring world wide and the longer politicians ignore the real issue (living standards and housing), the longer it will continue.
What are you talking about? There has never been a centre left government in Ireland.
I wish we could get a good Right Wing in the first team!
Meant the western world in general, specifically the UK (soon to be) and the USA.
There hasn't been a government even remotely to the left in the UK since Maggie Thatchers first term and you're obviously joking about the USA, right?
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There hasn't been a government even remotely to the left in the UK since Maggie Thatchers first term and you're obviously joking about the USA, right?
I said centre and centre left, not sure why you're getting your panties in such a twist.
I said centre and centre left, not sure why you're getting your panties in such a twist.
Because you're totally misappropriating the blame for the rise of the far right. You have the causes correct but then go on to blame the centre and the centre left. We've had nothing but centre (that's being very generous) and centre right government's (neolibs) in Ireland, UK and USA since the late 70s. If you admit that this has nothing to do with the left, like whatsoever, then I'm happy to move on from this debate.
Meant the western world in general, specifically the UK (soon to be) and the USA.
But the UK has had a right wing government for 13 years and the housing issues have largely arisen from that right wing government.

The left had/have policies to tackle it (see corbyns manifesto 2019) but they're not in power to implement said policies.

The right wing fear this because housing is profitable for them given most are asset rich and profit from it. So they create culture wars and shake a jar where the fickle will blame immigrants or people on benefits for the problem. But never the wealthy billionaires, of so the top 10 doubled their value over the last 2 years.

The right wing have no intentions of sorting these issues. They just want to create smoke screens so that the fickle will fight amongst each other and blame each other while their property portfolios grow.

But fire away lad. Keep blaming some asylum seeker from Sudan rather than the Ceo who has 20 properties he's renting out at unaffordable prices due to the demand.
But the UK has had a right wing government for 13 years and the housing issues have largely arisen from that right wing government.

The left had/have policies to tackle it (see corbyns manifesto 2019) but they're not in power to implement said policies.

The right wing fear this because housing is profitable for them given most are asset rich and profit from it. So they create culture wars and shake a jar where the fickle will blame immigrants or people on benefits for the problem. But never the wealthy billionaires, of so the top 10 doubled their value over the last 2 years.

The right wing have no intentions of sorting these issues. They just want to create smoke screens so that the fickle will fight amongst each other and blame each other while their property portfolios grow.

But fire away lad. Keep blaming some asylum seeker from Sudan rather than the Ceo who has 20 properties he's renting out at unaffordable prices due to the demand.
Nobody is blaming asylum seekers. Believe me I understand the causes of the housing market better than most.

In the UK the conservatives deserve the majority of the blame - Thatcher with RTB particularly, HTB, Stamp Duty holidays, QE, hell even the financialisation of mortgages from building societies to banks in the 80s. Of course it's a policy designed to bung their voter base, home owners.

My point being that the centre and centre left governments, who you'd hold to higher standards than self-interested conservatives and you would hope would help, have done and will do little to address the issue. Blair added significant fuel to the fire with BTL mortgages. Biden doesn't care about housing costs. Starmer hasn't mentioned anything that would help. Not too judge them too harshly, most politicians are 50+ and home owners so are either ignorant or incentivised to not do anything.

When angry where do people turn too? Irrational or uninformed call it whatever, but people angry with their own living standards turn to blaming immigrants, minorities, conspiracy theories etc.
I agree with you mate and it is an unfortunate perdeciment we find ourselves in. Corbyn could have been revolutionary in the UK but instead we now have someone who's more centre than left that won't take the drastic actions needed in the UK.

And some parties which do consider themselves left are all talk and no action. Sinn Fien being a prime example who have achieved the square root of feck all when it comes to NI/UK politics.
Nobody is blaming asylum seekers. Believe me I understand the causes of the housing market better than most.

In the UK the conservatives deserve the majority of the blame - Thatcher with RTB particularly, HTB, Stamp Duty holidays, QE, hell even the financialisation of mortgages from building societies to banks in the 80s. Of course it's a policy designed to bung their voter base, home owners.

My point being that the centre and centre left governments, who you'd hold to higher standards than self-interested conservatives and you would hope would help, have done and will do little to address the issue. Blair added significant fuel to the fire with BTL mortgages. Biden doesn't care about housing costs. Starmer hasn't mentioned anything that would help. Not too judge them too harshly, most politicians are 50+ and home owners so are either ignorant or incentivised to not do anything.

When angry where do people turn too? Irrational or uninformed call it whatever, but people angry with their own living standards turn to blaming immigrants, minorities, conspiracy theories etc.
Calling Blair and Biden even centre left in nonsensical. We don't know for sure with Starmer yet but he's looking like he'll be further to the right than Blair which is creeping rightwards of centre right, in my book.
Calling Blair and Biden even centre left in nonsensical. We don't know for sure with Starmer yet but he's looking like he'll be further to the right than Blair which is creeping rightwards of centre right, in my book.

You do have a point, but there in lies the truth that the actual left like Corbyn or Bernie Sanders are fundamentally unelectable.
Why are they destroying their documents?

It's so we cant tell they're actually really rich. Instead they get free fish fingers and beans and live in basically open prisons, for free! And everyone knows prisons are like holiday camps these days. Crafty forgeigenereers.
It's so we cant tell they're actually really rich. Instead they get free fish fingers and beans and live in basically open prisons, for free! And everyone knows prisons are like holiday camps these days. Crafty forgeigenereers.

I’ve only this season realised the link between all the allegations about footballers of African descent and fake ages. An opposition coach was banging on to me about how a black player on another team couldn’t possibly be U14 and that immigrants are always pretending their kids are younger than they are so they can get a few more years of child benefit. He was a bit taken aback when I told him that I’d been chatting to the dad of the lad in question and he had a strong Cork accent.
I’ve only this season realised the link between all the allegations about footballers of African descent and fake ages. An opposition coach was banging on to me about how a black player on another team couldn’t possibly be U14 and that immigrants are always pretending their kids are younger than they are so they can get a few more years of child benefit. He was a bit taken aback when I told him that I’d been chatting to the dad of the lad in question and he had a strong Cork accent.


Ah its all bollocks. There are versions of the 'logic' but it's just fundamentally that 'they' are untrustworthy, Obama's birth cert, etc.
You do have a point, but there in lies the truth that the actual left like Corbyn or Bernie Sanders are fundamentally unelectable.
Yep, even though the aims of the left address the problems you listed. So I wonder why they're considered unelectable?
Watching UpFront With Katie Hannon on telly now. All about the drama going on at Sandwith Street and on Mount Street over the last few weeks. Some of the stories would break your heart. So mad how quickly Ireland has become such an aggressive and divided places.

Yeah I was smugly telling people that our far right was just a minority of morons and it wouldn't be anything to worry about not so long ago.

Angry young men from under privileged backgrounds are unfortunately easy pickings for these right wing twats. There's an easy target, it's all their fault your life is shit. Let's burn them out.
Watching UpFront With Katie Hannon on telly now. All about the drama going on at Sandwith Street and on Mount Street over the last few weeks. Some of the stories would break your heart. So mad how quickly Ireland has become such an aggressive and divided places.
Can you give a quick rundown as to what's happening in those 2 streets you mentioned?
Can you give a quick rundown as to what's happening in those 2 streets you mentioned?

There's a lot of far right anti immigration agitation going on.

Stick those two street names into Twitter and make your own mind up.

The worst part for me is the escalation in tension has meant these right wing fecks have started disrupting homeless outreach because the people running it are left wing and anti-fascist but you know the far right always so interested in looking after their own. Funny I don't know of any homeless outreach programs run by any of these so-called patriots.
There's a lot of far right anti immigration agitation going on.

Stick those two street names into Twitter and make your own mind up.

The worst part for me is the escalation in tension has meant these right wing fecks have started disrupting homeless outreach because the people running it are left wing and anti-fascist but you know the far right always so interested in looking after their own. Funny I don't know of any homeless outreach programs run by any of these so-called patriots.
Checked twitter... That's some very ugly scenes.
There's a lot of far right anti immigration agitation going on.

Stick those two street names into Twitter and make your own mind up.

The worst part for me is the escalation in tension has meant these right wing fecks have started disrupting homeless outreach because the people running it are left wing and anti-fascist but you know the far right always so interested in looking after their own. Funny I don't know of any homeless outreach programs run by any of these so-called patriots.

The far right never cares about "their own", its just about dividing and conquering the 90% of people they see as beneath them.

So depressing.

Christ. It seems to be popping up everywhere at the moment. I have heard that, since hotels are often full from taking in asylum seekers these days, small towns dependent on tourism are becoming increasingly susceptible to this line of thinking.

So depressing. I wonder can anything be done?
Christ. It seems to be popping up everywhere at the moment. I have heard that, since hotels are often full from taking in asylum seekers these days, small towns dependent on tourism are becoming increasingly susceptible to this line of thinking.

So depressing. I wonder can anything be done?

I dunno. It’s all a bit bleak. Everyone’s struggling with the cost of living and housing. So there’s a lot of people that have been looking for a focus for their anger for a long time now. Although it felt a lot less nasty when it was water rates that got people out on the streets. Now we’ve got a wave of refugees in unprecedented numbers and rabble rousing right wingers, coordinated from outside the country, all thrown into the mix. It’s not going to end well, is it?