Guess who's back?
ole_gunner said:UPDATE: Bad news you sick lot. During the new chapter coming up shortly. All sexually suggestive posts will not be included in Dr. Dwayne's final edit. Perhaps we can have atleast one chapter with no hint of homoerotica, beastiality or rimming...
blow meole_gunner said:UPDATE: Bad news you sick lot. During the new chapter coming up shortly. All sexually suggestive posts will not be included in Dr. Dwayne's final edit. Perhaps we can have atleast one chapter with no hint of homoerotica, beastiality or rimming...
ole_gunner said:UPDATE: Bad news you sick lot. During the new chapter coming up shortly. All sexually suggestive posts will not be included in Dr. Dwayne's final edit. Perhaps we can have atleast one chapter with no hint of homoerotica, beastiality or rimming...
ole_gunner said:UPDATE: Bad news you sick lot. During the new chapter coming up shortly. All sexually suggestive posts will not be included in Dr. Dwayne's final edit. Perhaps we can have atleast one chapter with no hint of homoerotica, beastiality or rimming...
i'm commited to use the words "feck" "tits" and "sperm" in every sentenceole_gunner said:There should be atleast one clean chapter if it's going to sell to kids.
blowjobsole_gunner said:I should have known that was too much to ask.
ole_gunner said:UPDATE: Bad news you sick lot. During the new chapter coming up shortly. All sexually suggestive posts will not be included in Dr. Dwayne's final edit. Perhaps we can have atleast one chapter with no hint of homoerotica, beastiality or rimming...