The Redcafe Novel

The Latest Update.....

Redcafe's Spastic Authors Collective said:
Onward 300, the Bridge of spastics awaits those Reds, Blues, and Pinks who shout “feck” loudly at the Mods who are busy giving blowjobs to Looking Busy and fisting one-another’s shitty mouths, vigorously wanking, and cumming into their hair. “Lovely” they said.

Goat-Man bitched about lardarse, “who rimmed Noodlehair?”, he asked. Pangolins jumped over goal posts, stole from the Scousers (who had very little that wasn’t stolen already anyways), took outsized vibrator’s and used them to mock their curly, ginger pubic hairs, which were very similar to those of the yanks.

“Mastication For The Nation” were the racist taunts, which intensified during their fisting of sex-dolls. Rubber-masked, eunuch midgets sang “and transvestites were swinging round and round like a record baby right round, round, round”.

Cabbage-Face, the village idiot, spat copiously towards Skralck with venom and hatred. Google searched for porn, but Internet Explorer spazzed and crashed.

Blatant propaganda resulted in Wenger bursting into a pizza while dancing naked like a pack of chicken nuggets and chips, smothered with shit juice, piss-flavoured sorbet, and ketchup.

Meanwhile, Forlan cruised Canal Street dressed in a rubber gimp suit with a matching PVC man-bag. Mourinho straddled his sister and brother, while thrusting his nose into Kenyon’s anus with gusto.

Goat-Man fellated George Michael during a recording session while George was strumming in the urinals.

Obi-Won slapped his cock on his kneecap with authority and spanked his pink oboe, which was bound for South Park with a cnut, some shit, and a “coadjutrix”.

Goat-Man anal-ized himself deeply while fantasizing about every single RentBoy and wanked, without lubricant, all over Girish and Vlad’s circumcised units.

Drogba, the twat, swallowed cocks with Jose whilst sodomizing Terry. Cabbage-Face cut open his genitalia, finding spastic tumors amongst gangrenous cells and Vlad’s goat, which had shite upon Cashley Cole.

Stupid men stood and wanked upon Robben and he fell, as Campbell plunged his Latisimus dorsi into Totti. Groaning loudly, he accomplished what the RedCafe couldn’t, despite the sightings of “Gashout”, which were rejected by the Internet’s keyboard warriors who were pretending that “Swiss Roll” cocks were made rubbery by the use of the electronic devices blamed for the many explosions at several armadillo’s homes.

Stereotypical views of Caftards ranged, unceremoniously, from fecktards to Spastics. Theirry Henry typifies French genius’s who lick balls and then Arsene.

Once their were dickless Spawns that originated from Jupiter and who were made limp by RedEye. Spasticity is caused by the irregularity of posters replying to freaks like Freak. Incredibly, dinosaurs divulged their positions within parliament by yelling, “sucks big Tony”.

Microwaves vibrate due mostly to radiation and Scooby-Doo. Meanwhile, Colin made sandcastles using rifles with sand-grenade launchers.

Revelz created reasons for sticking two phalluses up Noodlehair’s neither region. Goat-Man swallowed his testicles after Totti collided with seven magnificent goals!!! United laughed at Francesco Coco, Panucci, and Totti, as the begged, humiliated and perplexed while desperate to take their “Ultras” home.

Granny made silicone pies. Cabbage-Face shagged Justin Timberlake senseless with a porcupine’s egg muffin, yet Goat-Man jazzed custard petroleum on his anus and piss-pipe excessively. Bobbing gel bum-friends smoothen splattered vaginas using silicone-asstroglide pantyhose, which snagged on Rafa’s zipper. Crouch crouched over Eskimos, and when menstruating, four bishops displayed warts.
