Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

i think you didn't "understood" the movie. And by this i mean you somehow did make sense out of what was going on in screen. Somehow...


It's really hard to make out what you're trying to say (fair enough if English isn't your first language) so lets just leave it at you being the genius who understands the movie. Whilst I, the simpleton and longtime hardcore science/science fiction fan, simply fail to grasp the clearly obvious reasons it's a shit film.

It's really hard to make out what you're trying to say (fair enough if English isn't your first language) so lets just leave it at you being the genius who understands the movie. Whilst I, the simpleton and longtime hardcore science/science fiction fan, simply fail to grasp the clearly obvious reasons it's a shit film.


What is this?

It's really hard to make out what you're trying to say (fair enough if English isn't your first language) so lets just leave it at you being the genius who understands the movie. Whilst I, the simpleton and longtime hardcore science/science fiction fan, simply fail to grasp the clearly obvious reasons it's a shit film.

I love science fiction as well (including time travel theme movies), long time hardcore fan also, but i cant consider a movie in which
some guy, is at the same time, his dad and mom (a silly paradox)
something to take seriously. Producers probably don't care because in general the public is not that worried to understand why things happen, but personally, i would never label this movie as "fantastic original film".

I enjoyed the film but for me its a 5/10 or 6/10 at best.
I love science fiction as well (including time travel theme movies), long time hardcore fan also, but i cant consider a movie in which
some guy, is at the same time, his dad and mom (a silly paradox)
something to take seriously. Producers probably don't care because in general the public is not that worried to understand why things happen, but personally, i would never label this movie as "fantastic original film".

I enjoyed the film but for me its a 5/10 or 6/10 at best.

It might be a silly paradox, if you watch Science fiction movies which tell you what silly paradox's are. In truth though, we have absolutely no idea what a 'silly paradox' is when it comes to time travel. My Biology isn't strong enough to know if it's theoretically possible to be
your own mother/father/child
, however, the science behind it in the movie seems at least feasible to a layman. As for the physics though, there is absolutely nothing we currently know of which can prove it to be a 'silly paradox', other than we don't think backwards time travel to be possible. Alas, it's a fecking Science Fiction movie though, so we let it slide.
A fellow fan of The League?

Watched this the other night and thought it was strangely enjoyable. Takes a few interesting twists and turns.

Has anyone seen 'What We Do In The Shadows' yet? Desperate to see it but only got a limited showing in cinemas.

Never watched the League (what is it?) Love FOTC so am also keen to see WWDITS.
I'm watching WWDITS (good use of abbreviation) here next week. It's one of those films that you pretty much have to campaign to get your local indie to show.

That said my friend in Aus who turned me onto FOTC said she didn't think it was very good so now I'm going in with low expectations.
Foxcatcher - 'True life' drama in which Steve Carrell plays an eccentric, wealthy man who uses his position to form a wrestling squad on his property and infiltrate his way into the life of it's star turn played by Channing Tatum. Not knowing much about wrestling shouldn't put people off as it is more about the relationship between the two men and Carrell's changing mental state, with the sport being a backdrop more than anything. Tatum does some good acting in the first half which makes it all the more strange they replaced him with a mannequin in the second half as his brother, played by Mark Ruffallo, takes over as the leading man.

Carrell is a harder one to judge, he seems to be getting a lot of acclaim but I was massively distracted by the alterations they made to his face, which I might add didn't make him look much like his real life counterpart, instead making him look a lot like a lump of creepy, part baked play-do which was compounded by the fact that a lot of his dramatic acting seemed to be him staying very still and looking up while he spoke.

The man who Channing Tatum plays has strongly disowned it for being factually inaccurate and the conclusion felt quite rushed but apart from that I quite enjoyed it.
Foxcatcher - 'True life' drama in which Steve Carrell plays an eccentric, wealthy man who uses his position to form a wrestling squad on his property and infiltrate his way into the life of it's star turn played by Channing Tatum. Not knowing much about wrestling shouldn't put people off as it is more about the relationship between the two men and Carrell's changing mental state, with the sport being a backdrop more than anything. Tatum does some good acting in the first half which makes it all the more strange they replaced him with a mannequin in the second half as his brother, played by Mark Ruffallo, takes over as the leading man.

Carrell is a harder one to judge, he seems to be getting a lot of acclaim but I was massively distracted by the alterations they made to his face, which I might add didn't make him look much like his real life counterpart, instead making him look a lot like a lump of creepy, part baked play-do which was compounded by the fact that a lot of his dramatic acting seemed to be him staying very still and looking up while he spoke.

The man who Channing Tatum plays has strongly disowned it for being factually inaccurate and the conclusion felt quite rushed but apart from that I quite enjoyed it.

Bennett Miller did that quite well with Moneyball too, since it could be enjoyed without knowing much about baseball or statistics. Will give Foxcatcher a watch at some point.
The Inbetweeners Movie 2

It has some decent moments and some alright laughs, but resorts to a hell of a lot of cheap sick/pee gags as well. It's kind of pointless too and didn't really need to be done, although it still managed to get some laughs out of me at some points.

If i was to describe this movie i would say it was stuck too far up its own arse for me to enjoy it. It done nothing for me yes there was a few fun bits, but the rest was dreary boring shite, how its rated so highly by the critics i don't know, i guess they like the smell of their own farts.
Nightcrawler - Huge fan of that. 8 or a 9 out of 10. Gyllenhaal is the man right now. Superb acting. Quite like the plot and it just all blends in.
If i was to describe this movie i would say it was stuck too far up its own arse for me to enjoy it. It done nothing for me yes there was a few fun bits, but the rest was dreary boring shite, how its rated so highly by the critics i don't know, i guess they like the smell of their own farts.
The reviews for this have varied wildly. I think Inarritu is overrated and haven't liked any of his films apart from Amores Perros, he is pretty pretentious.
The reviews for this have varied wildly. I think Inarritu is overrated and haven't liked any of his films apart from Amores Perros, he is pretty pretentious.

It is wildly pretentious-there is apparently nothing more important in the world than serious creative types and their work-but the direction and acting are that good that I didn't mind being subjected to Inarritu's bullshit pov.

A million times over.

The Drop: James Gandolfini’s last movie and its difficult to know what to say about this having myself been a big fan of the great man. One thing is for certain and that’s that his talent deserved a better final movie than this one as unfortunately whist this isn't terrible by any stretch of the imagination it also isn't really noteworthy for anything other than being Gandofini’s last role. That is a shame as they have assembled a stellar cast here with very few actors who I haven’t enjoyed much more in better and more well written roles than the ones they play here. And therein lies the problem because whilst all the main actors here are doing a very good job, the movie itself is fairly innocuous and doesn't really have anything to say that you won’t have seen said with greater poignancy elsewhere. I also had a problem trying to figure out what accent Noomi Rapace was trying to do here, whether it was some form of European or Small town American. Matthias Schoenaerts by comparison is doing a very good and clearer accent in his role. All in all the movie is a bit too disjointed, underwritten and lacking in polish to be something which rises above an average crime drama. That in itself is more than a little sad as having assembled such a great cast and with this being the last time we will see Gandolfini in a new role this really needed to be better to do justice on both counts. Not terrible, but not a movie that hangs together anywhere near as well as it needed to. In its final throws I was expecting everything to come together in a way that told me I missed something throughout, sadly that wasn't the case. Pretty average.

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It is wildly pretentious-there is apparently nothing more important in the world than serious creative types and their work-but the direction and acting are that good that I didn't mind being subjected to Inarritu's bullshit pov.

Edward Norton made the film for me - the last 20/30 minutes where he barely featured was when I started to zone out.
Watch the latest X-Men movie last night. "Days of Future Past" or something.

It was alright. Wasn't a massive fan of the X-Men collection, but yeah decent.
Thank you for this. Made me watch it just now. Holy feck, was actually amazing. I think I called what happens quite early on, but despite the predictability of it, they created the plot fantastically. High recommendation. My brother's taste in films is very strict so I rarely recommend films to him - I shall recommend this and Prisoners to him, no doubt. Memento too, although he's probably seen it.
Surely you guys are not exaggerating? I will give it a try later tonight.
fwiw I thought it was shite. I was enjoying it for a while but the plot became so daft I didn't even bother finishing it.

It's worse than Lesbian Vampire Killers. I watched LVK last night, it lacked lesbian sex and titties, which kind of rendered it pointless.
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