Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Prisoner - 8/10. Loved it. Gyllenhaal and Jackman are very good in it. I'd recommend it if you have a 150 minutes to spare.

Gyllenhaal's hair is fecking amazing in it too.
Days of Wine and Roses (1962)

Jack Lemmon and Lee Remick are so good as recovering and relapsing alcoholics that it makes for uncomfortable viewing. 8.5/10

The Imitation Game (2014)

The Alan Turing movie where he breaks the enigma code. A worthy subject, based on the biography by Andrew Hodges. Cumberbatch has Turing nailed, even down to the slight stammer. He might win the Oscar. Knightley makes her mark by mispronouncing Euler. 8/10

Paris, Texas (1984)

This won a stack of awards. We go straight into a memorable opening shot of Texas, and an amnesiac walking across the desert. It tells the story of a man who gradually reconnects with the family that he abandoned. Harry Dean Stanton and Natassia Kinsky were ideally cast. Some haunting cinematography and music. :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
Falcon Rising
America's got a new action hero. I rated this purely on action entertainment value. Acting, plots, storyline and all the other arty farty pretentious bullshit that people spout on here don't come into it with this film. Just think of the first time you saw a Jean Claude Van Damme movie and this is pretty much all of them.
Given that it is a story from Genesis I suspect there is. Most fiction varies from the source book due to artistic licence.

Aronofsky said the whole film was some allegory for environmentalism or something.

It's got as much to do with the Bible as Spielberg doing a movie called 'David & Goliath' and it being a man battling a gigantic robot would be related to the Bible.

Either way, it's a shocking film. But considering it was directed by the same guy who did 'The Fountain', the biggest pile of pseudo-spiritualistic-transcendental nonsense, it's no surprise.
Except many many parts of the original story are retained irrespective of whatever guff the director came out with. Which is reason enough not to bother watching it anyway on my book. Although it would be hard to come up with something that was sillier than the original story.
Equalizer (2014)
9/10 This was to Denzel Washington as Taken was to Liam Neeson. Masterful performance.
I really liked it too. Typical Denzel role though, he's played the same character for a while now.

The prozzie he does all that for in the film, wasn't she a kid in some older movie starring him? It's been bugging me a while, she looks really familiar.
Los Cronocrimes (Timecrimes)

Very good low budget sci fi film about time travel. A good lesson that a film doesn't need a big budget to keep you entertained throughout.
The film is from 2007 but I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a Hollywood remake soon.
Very enjoyable. 7/10
Wrong - there's nothing biblical about it.
Sorry TB, although they were very careful to fictionise the whole thing and add loads of other stuff to avoid it being a complete bible story, from the bible it is.
Falcon Rising
America's got a new action hero. I rated this purely on action entertainment value. Acting, plots, storyline and all the other arty farty pretentious bullshit that people spout on here don't come into it with this film. Just think of the first time you saw a Jean Claude Van Damme movie and this is pretty much all of them.

Thank you! I have been saying Michael Jai White and Steve Adkins should be pushed as american martial arts actors!

Wow! I'm not going to say anything about the plot because revealing anything can ruin it. This film stayed in my head well after it ended. Late contender for film of the year and a star is born. LOVED IT 9/10

Based on the non-fiction book of the same title by Laura Hillenbrand, one of my favorite reads of all time and a truly inspiring account of Louis Zamperini's life through World War II. Sadly, a Hollywood treatment ripped the heart of the story and like most theatrical versions of a brilliant piece of literature, it fails to do justice to the author's vision and the life of a real life legend. Tad distant in the narrative, monotonous at times, not very stirring despite plot device inserts and a bit too condensed. Had the potential to be so much better, an Oscar worthy epic but unfortunately the direction and cinematography let it down, less than the sum of its part. Didn't feel emotionally invested in the on-screen Zamperini despite a good acting job by Jack O'Connell.

Solid 5/10.
:lol:Good to see we have finally moved on from grown men passionately debating the relative merits of Beauty and the Beast and Frozen.
True Romance

Written but not directed by Tarantino. The plot is sometimes a bit far-fetched, while the Elvis stuff was weird and I thought the ending was a bit contrived (not the shootout which was fun, after that), although it's got some very good scenes in there too. Fantastic villainous performances from Oldman, Gandolfini and Walken as well which all help to keep the film alive and make it an enjoyable ride that's worth the watch.

Corpse Bride was fantastic. The original folktale was more chilling, though...this was given the Hollywood effect Button style, which spoiled the last 15 mins for me. Can't beat stop-motion when it's done like this - CGI isn't a patch on it. Boxtrolls is also worth a watch if you've got a hard on for stunning animation.
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Pride Fun story of the Gay and Lesbian movement's support of the 84/85 miner's strike. If you enjoyed Brassed Off and The Full Monty then you will probably enjoy this. Comedy with a bit more depth than US Hangover style comedy. 8/10

Horrible Bosses 2
Another US Hangover style comedy. If you enjoyed Horrible Bosses then you will enjoy this. Stupid but funny in enough bits to make it well worth a watch at home 6.5/10
Moneyball is a cracking watch, sure it was about baseball but that shouldn't put people off who don't know their Babe Ruth from their Daryl Strawberry. So check it out, especially if you're a sports fan.

And I wonder if moneyball can be successfully applied to football, that said it's going that what here isn't it. Isn't Comolli a fan?
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Gone Girl - Definitely one of the better thrillers in the last decade or so but at the same time a long way off the best (Memento, Das Leben der Anderen, El Secreto de Sus Ojos etc.). It's silly and completely runs out of steam half an hour before the end but up until that point it was fairly gripping and intriguing. A few glasses of red wine definitely helps with the (very necessary) suspension of disbelief. It really did seem like the writer completely ran out of ideas and had no idea what she was trying to say with that last act though.
Shall be watching Gone Girl today. The reviews in this thread had won me over to try it sooner rather than later.
Moneyball is a cracking watch, sure it was about baseball but that shouldn't put people off who don't know their Babe Ruth from their Daryl Strawberry. So check it out, especially if you're a sports fan.

And I wonder if moneyball can be successfully applied to football, that said it's going that what here isn't it. Isn't Comolli a fan?

Aye, good film. Really enjoyed it. I didn't really understand much from the stats point of view, but even then the characters are still interesting enough to enjoy it.
Aye, good film. Really enjoyed it. I didn't really understand much from the stats point of view, but even then the characters are still interesting enough to enjoy it.
Yeah, some of the baseball lexicon was difficult to understand, but it I'm not sure it mattered. Was a very easy watch, 2hrs+ flew by.

And I've got a great idea...I reckon moneyball could be applied to cricket.
Moneyball is a cracking watch, sure it was about baseball but that shouldn't put people off who don't know their Babe Ruth from their Daryl Strawberry. So check it out, especially if you're a sports fan.

And I wonder if moneyball can be successfully applied to football, that said it's going that what here isn't it. Isn't Comolli a fan?

More about that in the "Comolli interview" thread and Liverpool apparently using the Graham statistical model to judge targets.
More about that in the "Comolli interview" thread and Liverpool apparently using the Graham statistical model to judge targets.

I'll check that out. Not sure it could be applied to football though. It's just too much of a team game unlike baseball or cricket.
Watched Noah and the Robocop reboot over last couple off days

I'd heard Noah was awful and was surprised I ended up quite enjoying it. 6.5/10.

Where those Rock monsters in the bible?

The Robocop reboot gets a solid 6/10. Was decent fun for the most part
The Interview - It's a Seth Rogen movie. 3/7
I'd give it a 3/70. Even as one of their typical stoner comedies i thought it was really poor

Honestly, the best thing that could have happened to this movie was Sony pulling it from cinemas. Had it gone to cinema it would have been forgotten about within a week and been another Pluto Nash (not to that scale but failed to break even). But given how events transpired it gave the movie extra publicity so people would want to spend money and see it - it even got people who wouldn't normally watch this type of movie to buy it themselves!

The cynic in me would be spouting on about a bigger conspiracy where the threat from North Korea and the alleged "hack" was all faked so they could create a buzz around the movie given how it was poorly received at early screeners... But that would be silly...
The cynic in me would be spouting on about a bigger conspiracy where the threat from North Korea and the alleged "hack" was all faked so they could create a buzz around the movie given how it was poorly received at early screeners... But that would be silly...
Almost certainly.
Almost certainly.
I only mentioned it because i saw a leaked preview a critic must have done after the first ever screening and it was not flattering to say the least, they also mentioned how no one in the cinema laughed once. Honestly its the only way how you could get anyone to watch this movie - by telling them not to

It would be silly as most of the stuff coming out in the media about Sony paints a very unflattering and in someways racist portrait of their top brass.
I'd not seen much that came out which would be considered racist - do you have any links?
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I'd not seen much that came out which would be considered racist - do you have any links?

That is the quickest link I could find, their were more reputable sources reporting the same (Huffington post etc) and there was an apology from one(or both) of the two execs involved. Not very flattering stuff overall.

Edit: this one too: