Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I like lots of 80's films.

Strangely, (despite the fact that some of them look dated) my teenage nephews love quite a few 80's films too.

Stuff like Ghostbusters, Indiana Jones, Gremlins, Uncle Buck, The Breakfast Club, The Goonies, The Princess Bride and the much maligned (on here anyway) Ferris Bueller.

This reminds me that I must introduce them to Weird Science, Big Trouble In Little China and The Lost Boys. Now that they're getting a bit older.
To the bolded part: that's a good thing though, no? I actually quite enjoy it when a trailer turns out to have been a bit misleading, well in the case where the film itself is very good. If the trailer had let me believe it was going to be amazing and it's a letdown, then not so good.
No I totally agree. It's just that there was a big moment highlighted in the trailer which was in the back of my mind the whole way through but didn't be as significant as I thought it would be.
Naked - Well that was depressing. Wouldn't say I enjoyed it but I don't think that's the point. Very dark and misanthropic.

The Game - Definitely one of Fincher's lesser efforts. However it's an enjoyable thriller with enough twists and turns to keep you interested. Not sure how well it would hold up if I watched it again, I have a feeling it would fall apart. Also the ending is one of the most ridiculous things I've watched, quite frankly, it was insulting.

Predestination - My brain hurts... I keep trying to work out the timeline but I guess the fact that it is a paradox rules that out. Still it was very good.
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Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies
More of the same really with a big battle thrown in. Fans will lap it up but won't convert anyone either. I personally thought it was quite entertaining but the 48fps is still annoying and makes it look like computer game cut-scenes 7.5/10
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Predestination - My brain hurts... I keep trying to work out the timeline but I guess the fact that it is a paradox rules that out. Still it was very good.

:lol: Yeah don't even try to make sense of it.


Good slimy performance from Gyllenhaal. Kind of a Travis Bickle for the Reality TV generation. Thought the ending was a bit flat though.

Finally got round to watching this after all the hype. Good film overall. Not perfect by any means, but an admirable idea. I thought the main actor was occasionally a bit wooden, but he's helped by a very good script, good character development and his parents are very well-acted. His older sister was annoying as feck though. My main problem was that too many supporting characters in this seemed to be utter dicks, but for the most part it's excellent and managed to feel more real than most films you'll watch. Fairy well-developed characters over time as well. Whether that's because of the actual passage of time, or just due to a good script/acting in general I'm not sure. Probably a mix of both. Definitely impressive though. I'd probably give it a 7.5, but the whole idea and concept being pulled off ups it to a...

The Guest

Absolutely no expectations before watching, actually not a bad watch this. It's a throwback to the 80's and a mix of a few genres, like Drive meets Hotline Miami meets Universal Soldier. Dan Stevens was a surprise, he was actually very good in a role I thought he would be laughable in. Once you get past the first act the plot is gone, its pretty bonkers and makes little to no sense by the end buts its entertaining.

Exodus : Gods and Kings

I say it's pretty good, although it gets predictable and lame at the end. The drama aspect seems to get lost halfway and turns into some kind of animated bible sequences. There's not much Bale can work given that he's just a passenger in a chariot driven by the God himself.

Could have been alot more intense exchange between Ramses and Moses, I was expecting something like Zhuge Liang opposing the Wu Scholars wittery, but instead this potential dialog is non existence.

The 7th plaque is quite an astonishing view (although much of it is CGI, but hey... I don't think you can replicate the wrath of god without CGI) and although people complains about CGI, I think they're as close as you can get in portraying the event.

7/10 for epicness, and Zifora is a beauty (cue her naked picture somewhere in internet ;))
Gone Girl
I love most of Finchers films and also really enjoyed this. A great story with lots of twists and turns. Love how the film constantly has you changing feelings towards different characters and it didn't seem as long as it's runtime. Some parts were predictable and the final act wasn't as tight as the rest of the film but overall it was a solid film that I enjoyed a lot 8/10

Pretty f'kin grim this one. You could taste the dirt. Shane from The Walking Dead has been landing some plum roles since he left that show too. And Shia Leboeuf wasn't annoying. Must have been the moustache. Why did all the gunfire look like Star Wars blasters? Is that factual?

Good genre film though.
R.I.P.D. - awful film. Not funny at all. Waste of time 1/10.

Toy Story That Time Forgot -
a TV short like last year's Toy Story of Terror, I was really looking forward to seeing what Pixar had to show this time round. The animation is fantastic, as expected, but the lack of screen-time given to the original Toys was a bit disappointing. It still kept my attention and was a nice story, but I feel they could've reduced the run-time a little bit. Not as good as last year's short, but as a fan of the series it was worth watching 7.5/10.
Guys, I'm traveling for a week and when I'm not out in the evening I'd like to have a few 'easy' films to watch, like Die Hard or stuff like that, or comedies that aren't shit. Any recommendations?

Really enjoyed this. Thought Buscemi was excellent in particular, although the whole concept in all its bizarreness and the dark humour meant it was a very enjoyable watch.

B rate action film. Liked it how the macho crew were shitting themselves throughout the film and Arnie actually tried to act in this one. Some decent action scenes and a semi-decent revenge mystery plot but if you don't like action films, this won't change your mind. The final act was abysmal 5.5/10
It's time for a "Best movies of 2014" thread me thinks.
The Guardian's gone for:
1) Under The Skin
2) Boyhood
3) Inherent Vice (cheats)
4) Whiplash (cheats x2)
5) Leviathan
6) Two Days, One Night
7) Nightcrawler
8) Ida
9) The Grand Budapest Hotel
10) Lego Movie

(3 and 4 aren't out in the UK till next year ffs)

I've only seen 1,2, 9 and 10, and to be fair, that's the order I'd put them in.
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Guys, I'm traveling for a week and when I'm not out in the evening I'd like to have a few 'easy' films to watch, like Die Hard or stuff like that, or comedies that aren't shit. Any recommendations?
clueless, clerks, gremlins, the princess bride, stardust, the mummy, 10 things i hate about you, the taking of pelham 123 (not seen the remake), arizona dream, jeux d’enfants, clueless, thank you for smoking, fecking åmål, election, coraline, anaconda, babe: pig in the city, the fall, delicatessen, clueless, the station agent, ace ventura, what’s eating gilbert grape, rush hour, shanghai noon, alan partridge. and clueless.
Gone Girl. Easy watch. Completely and utterly bonkers though. Not sure I've seen a film where everyone was so unlikeable before.

Finally got round to watching this after all the hype. Good film overall. Not perfect by any means, but an admirable idea. I thought the main actor was occasionally a bit wooden, but he's helped by a very good script, good character development and his parents are very well-acted. His older sister was annoying as feck though. My main problem was that too many supporting characters in this seemed to be utter dicks, but for the most part it's excellent and managed to feel more real than most films you'll watch. Fairy well-developed characters over time as well. Whether that's because of the actual passage of time, or just due to a good script/acting in general I'm not sure. Probably a mix of both. Definitely impressive though. I'd probably give it a 7.5, but the whole idea and concept being pulled off ups it to a...

Watched this film myself earlier and thoroughly enjoyed it, I'd give it 8.5 too.
Watched this film myself earlier and thoroughly enjoyed it, I'd give it 8.5 too.

Yeah, I thought it had plenty of flaws and was perhaps a tad overhyped, but the idea was very impressive and it was pulled off relatively well too.
I'm going to watch Badlands. Anything will do to get that contrived nonsense Gone Girl out of my system. How can Zodiac be brilliant yet Gone Girl be a utterly pointless waste of time...? That said I'll give Social Network a look. I'm hoping it's more nearer to Zodiac than Fincher's lesser efforts.
I watched the new Hunger games few nights ago. Pretty boring and poorly acted. Disappointing overall 5/10.
I watched the new Hunger games few nights ago. Pretty boring and poorly acted. Disappointing overall 5/10.

Haven't seen it although splitting it into two probably doesn't help. You end up with dragged out films that suspend all the excitement and action till their second/third part.
Haven't seen it although splitting it into two probably doesn't help. You end up with dragged out films that suspend all the excitement and action till their second/third part.

Yeh that's definitely the case with this. It had a decent ending but a whole lot of nothing going on in between.
I'm going to watch Badlands. Anything will do to get that contrived nonsense Gone Girl out of my system. How can Zodiac be brilliant yet Gone Girl be a utterly pointless waste of time...? That said I'll give Social Network a look. I'm hoping it's more nearer to Zodiac than Fincher's lesser efforts.
The quality of The Social Network is much closer to Zodiac than Gone Girl is . However i though Gone Girl was decent enough.
I'm going to watch Badlands. Anything will do to get that contrived nonsense Gone Girl out of my system. How can Zodiac be brilliant yet Gone Girl be a utterly pointless waste of time...? That said I'll give Social Network a look. I'm hoping it's more nearer to Zodiac than Fincher's lesser efforts.
Zodiac is based on a good story, Gone Girl on a crap one. Social Network is superb.
Stranger by the lake.

Friendship, sex and murder in this watchable french suspense film, set in a cruising spot by a lake. Does a few interesting things but its euro-minimalism and carefree depictions of gay relationships can't disguise all of the films more flimsy aspects, or its fairly stock, trashy noir template.
Guys, I'm traveling for a week and when I'm not out in the evening I'd like to have a few 'easy' films to watch, like Die Hard or stuff like that, or comedies that aren't shit. Any recommendations?
Bad Boy Bubby
Turkish Delight
Island of Death
Hunger Games: Mockingjay part 1

Was kind of pointless and seems like a filler to the finale. Nothing really happens bar the ending and was not climatic at all. The acting standards seems to have gone down too. Worst of the series by far 4/10
Gone Girl

Great. Rarely goes in the direction you expect it to, albeit the directions it does go in are something that would be largely impossible to actually predict so I didn't feel too stupid having not guessed them. Pike is fantastic and Affleck and the milf from The Leftovers are great too. A thoroughly top notch, dark and completely bonkers thriller in a time when thrillers are largely by the mill shite that also manages to constantly poke fun at and lobotomize the modern world of media. Fincher at (almost) his best.


The Guitar Mongoloid - Rueben Ostlund (2004)

Swedish flick done in a documentary style of different scenes in the lives of people in some Swedish city. There´s a couple of themes and relationships that tie many of the scenes up with a narrative thread, especially that of the chubby little guitar mongoloid and his big buddy, which turned out to be rather moving. Very well done that. Reminded me a bit of Von Trier and a sort of a very tame Swedish version of Harmony Korine´s Gummo. Enjoyed this movie a lot.

8 1/2 cocks up
Gone Girl

Great. Rarely goes in the direction you expect it to, albeit the directions it does go in are something that would be largely impossible to actually predict so I didn't feel too stupid having not guessed them. Pike is fantastic and Affleck and the milf from The Leftovers are great too. A thoroughly top notch, dark and completely bonkers thriller in a time when thrillers are largely by the mill shite that also manages to constantly poke fun at and lobotomize the modern world of media. Fincher at (almost) his best.



I hate you so much right now.
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