Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Yes I have seen that actually, bit of an obscure film isn't it! Very good in my souvenir, though I saw it a while ago.

Are the other films of the J-Horror Theatre Collection any good? (if you've seen any)
Yeah they are ok, some better than others but Infection was the best one for me, escpecially as I have a thing for mental institutes/hospitals etc.. When I make my first horror feature, it will be in a mental institute. But I can't seem to finish this bloody script.
Yeah they are ok, some better than others but Infection was the best one for me, escpecially as I have a thing for mental institutes/hospitals etc.. When I make my first horror feature, it will be in a mental institute. But I can't seem to finish this bloody script.

I'll watch it then if you ever get it made, I also love those kind of films!

Have you seen Death Tunnel? It's a shit film cos the acting, plot and directing are dreadful, but the premise was brilliant and the whole atmosphere is at times pretty creepy. Also, the editing is erratic which gives the film (unvoluntarily, most probably) an even weirder tone. It's worth the watch if you have 90 minutes to waste, but it's not a good film, which is unfortunate, because it could have been.

The synopsis:

Five college girls who were attending an initiation party (themed "Truth or Scare") wake up inside an abandoned sanatorium (a huge type of hospital used to treat disease outbreaks.). They are told (via a speaker system within the sanatorium) that they must spend five hours inside, each on a separate floor. The girls are warned that they must survive five ghosts during the night. Each girl finds newspaper clippings from the 1930s, and they learn that the sanatorium had previously been used during the so-called "White plague," (tuberculosis) and that Jack died from the disease - while many others killed themselves in the hospital. Although this starts off as prank, both the girls and the prankster find themselves in a fight to prevent history from repeating itself. They discover that there is only one way out of the sanatorium - the tunnel underneath the hospital, nicknamed the "Death Tunnel," as it was used to transport all of the bodies out of the hospital.
I'll watch it then if you ever get it made, I also love those kind of films!

Have you seen Death Tunnel? It's a shit film cos the acting, plot and directing are dreadful, but the premise was brilliant and the whole atmosphere is at times pretty creepy. Also, the editing is erratic which gives the film (unvoluntarily, most probably) an even weirder tone. It's worth the watch if you have 90 minutes to waste, but it's not a good film, which is unfortunate, because it could have been.

Just looked it up on imdb and boy does it seem awful but I agree the idea seems quite good. I'll give a watch when I can cheers!
Just looked it up on imdb and boy does it seem awful but I agree the idea seems quite good. I'll give a watch when I can cheers!

Yeah it's really a shit film, no doubt about it! :lol: It's just an 'interesting' watch when you love that type of film, it was actually filmed in the deserted sanatorium I think which gives it an eerie atmosphere. It's just such a shame EVERYTHING else about it is so shit, it could've been a good film.
Another positive vote for The Conjuring.

Definitely agree with Scrumpet that it is the anticipation of the scare that gets to you. I had a couple of goosebump moments where you're thinking "oh f*ck."

What was the point of the Annabelle doll? Just to give a bit of back story? The initial scenes had no real input into the main story arc with only the rocking chair scene really using the doll.

Just to get a few scares in early I'd say, then they could build up to the main story. And it also introduced the Warrens. Plus, every good horror film needs a creepy doll.
Only God Forgives

Really loved the cinematography, soundtrack and the atmosphere created. Didn't like the film.

It was like watching a Lynch/Noe film thats been blended up and edited and directed by someone who reallly needs a producer to control him. I think there was potentially a great film in this, not sure if it ended up on the editing floor or what but the plot, themes explored just didn't hook me.

Cum dumpster made me laugh.

I am just seeing the final part of the mini series The Pacific. It is magnificent. The best mini series I have ever seen. Normally I would just speed up to the start of each part, but I wait to hear the start and end of each part...simply beautiful soundtrack. One of the best I have ever heard.

I am just seeing the final part of the mini series The Pacific. It is magnificent. The best mini series I have ever seen. Normally I would just speed up to the start of each part, but I wait to hear the start and end of each part...simply beautiful soundtrack. One of the best I have ever heard.


It is good but I found it a bit hard to get into, the way it drops in and out of certain stories. If you enjoyed this, I'd recommend Band Of Brothers which I thought was far superior.
Bit of a s
Only God Forgives

Really loved the cinematography, soundtrack and the atmosphere created. Didn't like the film.

It was like watching a Lynch/Noe film thats been blended up and edited and directed by someone who reallly needs a producer to control him. I think there was potentially a great film in this, not sure if it ended up on the editing floor or what but the plot, themes explored just didn't hook me.

Cum dumpster made me laugh.


Bit of a spectacular failure wasn't it? Loved Drive, disappointed in this. There is a good movie in there... maybe. On reflection I liked a lot of the scenes, but I probably shouldn't forget that at the time all I could think was 'This is a such a fecking mess'. I mean there was almost no emotional investment in any of the characters, it felt like an exercise in supreme style and minimal substance. Drive found a good spot inbetween the two, this just went overboard. After the nth scene with no words shot in slow motion with cool music... I just realised that was pretty much all this film was. With of course some metaphors and symbolism thrown in so we can try to take at least something from this... but nah, it failed IMO. 5/10 is pretty fair I'd say.

Oh and also, the fight scene with Gosling. How Final Fantasy was that music?!!?
The Raven

John Cusack plays Edgar Allen Poe and joins up with the police to investigate a spate of killings based on his own work.

I've got absolutely no idea why I decided to watch this.
I think I am the only one to enjoy this film, I thought it was OK.

Same. I thought it was a decent 6/10 kinda film.

Oh yeah, don't get me wasn't the worst film I've seen by a long shot. It certainly had no more pretensions of being anything other than what it was.

I've just literally got no idea why I decided to watch it. I was in a Netflix trance.
fecking Åmål is basically my childhood, I really want to watch Girl with Hyacinths but never gotten round to it.
I always did have you down as a young lesbian woman. Cheers.

Silent Light - only a couple of scenes meant anything to me, yet when the credits rolled I felt affected by it, albeit not exactly dramatically. So I guess it was more worth the time than I thought. It's as advertised - beautiful to look at (amazing setting), incredibly slow-paced & with everything that comes from the use of non-actors (children reacting to the camera was funny in a nice way). The few scenes between the husband & mistress were the only ones that made an impression at the time. Anyone seen Dreyer's Ordet, to compare it to?
I always did have you down as a young lesbian woman. Cheers.

Silent Light - only a couple of scenes meant anything to me, yet when the credits rolled I felt affected by it, albeit not exactly dramatically. So I guess it was more worth the time than I thought. It's as advertised - beautiful to look at (amazing setting), incredibly slow-paced & with everything that comes from the use of non-actors (children reacting to the camera was funny in a nice way). The few scenes between the husband & mistress were the only ones that made an impression at the time. Anyone seen Dreyer's Ordet, to compare it to?


Ordet is alright but a bit dreary and very christian.
This is the end - Kinda funnny. I suppose the point of the film is to be as 'meta' as possible, and it does achieve that, but wasn't amazing. 6/10
The Conjuring - The plot is something we've seen 100 times in this genre, but unlike most of those movies, The Conjuring does everything right IMO and continuously scares throughout.

Old school scares, great acting and story(for a horror) make this one of the most terrifying movies I've seen. 9/10
Ain't Them Bodies Saints

Very strong debut from David Lowery, a really beautifully shot film with great performances from Casey Affleck, Rooney Mara and Ben Foster. It's quite a small film, and slowly paced but an engaging story with a terrific setting (rural Texas in the 70s, looks great). Definitely a director to watch.
The Conjuring - I wanted this to be a bit scarier than it was, it was a tad derivative and contained scenes that we've seen before. That being said, all the performances were good, the film kept my attention and it clearly was frightening people given the reactions of much the audience. The Conjuring was pretty decent overall but just didn't scare me as much as I'd want from a horror film. 7/10
Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa - as an avid Partridge fan I was a little sceptical that this would live up to it's high standards that Partridge fans alike have come to know from Coogan's previous work, the trailer had it's funny moments but still didn't reassure. Well, I went to see Alpha Papa last night, and fans be rest assured that this is no other than a Partridge triumph. The comedy didn't take long to start up with some excellent opening credits and the laughs just keep coming quicker & quicker from there on. A few familiar faces from the past series make an appearance in the film, and a certain Geordie friend has some great scene stealing moments - especially one towards the films climax. Overall fans of the character should be pleased with the result and will thoroughly enjoy this, outsiders maybe not so much - but no doubt you will still be laughing along pretty often at the jokes too. A couple of slow points, but overall a strong 9/10
The Killing (1956)

Brilliant film. You can easily see how much the story structure would go on the influence future heist movies. Oh and the ending. :lol::lol:
Before Midnight - As you'd expect, excellent stuff.
Such a great film. I thought the first half was a bit slow, but when they got to the hotel it just kicked off in the best possible way.

A Hijacking

Gripping Danish film about a ship hijkacked by Somali Pirates, told from the perspective of those on the ship and those in the office of the shipping company back in Denmark. Absolutely devastating, I needed a stiff drink by the end of it.
Bad Milo

It is billed has a comedy/ Horror film, there is not much horror in it, apart from maybe the acting which is dreadful.
The film is about something living in somebody butt, it was never going to a classic, but it was OK, slightly better than I expected and as you would expect in a film about something in somebody arse, there is lots of butt and shit jokes.
The story was a bit lame and in parts it got boring, but worth a watch.

Thanks for the views on Ordet. Took me a long time to be in the right mood to watch Silent Light, so it will probably be an age before I get round to Ordet. I have Kitano's Dolls lined up for this weekend, which I'm looking forward to.

Really happy to read the positive review of Partridge. The trailers didn't promise much but I guess tempered expectations are always a good thing for those type of films.
I turned off Silent Light after about 15 minutes, just wasn't in the mood for it and I never got round to it again unfortunately.

Dolls is delightful film.

Are you talking about Silent Light, the Carlos Reygada's film? A truly bizarre film, as are all of Reygado's work. One of my favorite directors, but you have to like his weird style and direction and narration otherwise you're going, what the feck. Very original filmmaker.The best going in Latin America at the moment, imo.

Loved Dolls as well, but really don't have much time for any other of Kitano's work.

You mentioned before, fecking Amal. Thought it was fantastic as was his next one, Together. Then Lucas Moodyson then got very dark very quickly. Really enjoyable, albeit depressive stuff. One of his last ones, Container, is probably unwatchable for many, but I thought it was an original masterpiece. Took a lot of patience to get through, though. Another one of my favorite filmmakers.