Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Did you enjoy Oblivion then Vato?
Yeah, I thought it was a really good sci-fi flick with good performances all around.

There were a few flaws obviously like when
Tom Cruise can fly Morgan Freeman into the Tet instead of Olga Kurylenko(:drool:), yet they can see things like his heartbeat accelerating
, but that's just nitpicking as no film is perfect so it didn't really bother me.

One if not the best sci-fi film I've seen this year, very entertaining throughout. I'd give this one at least 7/10.
Beasts is meant to be brilliant, the critics raved about it. I haven't seen it, so I'm looking forward to see your feedback.

Concerning Oblivion:
1. Olga is definitely :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: worthy
2. didn't you think the film could've finished 10-15 minutes before it did (see above my conversation with Cider, I'd like to know what you think as the film is fresh in your mind!)

What other good sci-fi movies have you seen this year?

Looking forward to Elysium!
Beasts is meant to be brilliant, the critics raved about it. I haven't seen it, so I'm looking forward to see your feedback.

Concerning Oblivion:
1. Olga is definitely :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: worthy
2. didn't you think the film could've finished 10-15 minutes before it did (see above my conversation with Cider, I'd like to know what you think as the film is fresh in your mind!)

What other good sci-fi movies have you seen this year?

Looking forward to Elysium!
Yeah, I agree. The ending was a bit disappointing, but not all that bad IMO.
It could have finished as the story went, the two of them flying up there and blowing the place to bits. They would have died together and would have saved us from this forced happy ending.
But like I said, I don't like to nitpick as I thought the movie was great as a whole. It's hard to please everyone.

I haven't seen many sci-fi films this year that I still remember right now. I saw 'Looper' which was alright but I thought Oblivion was better. Better cast aswell.
Drive nuthuggers actually believe Only God Forgives is a masterpiece around the interwebz, that Gosling stare is one hell of a brainwashing method.
Good Vibrations If you were at all into punk at the time you will love this film. Even if you weren't this is a fun feel good film about the Northern Ireland punk scene of the late 70's. a must watch IMO 8/10
Drive nuthuggers actually believe Only God Forgives is a masterpiece around the interwebz, that Gosling stare is one hell of a brainwashing method.

Oh. It was pretty bad, in my opinion. I don't know how it ends because I ended up thinking "what the feck am I watching" and having a wank instead. So maybe something really cool happens at some point, but I thought it was terrible.
The Wolverine (2013)
very good movie..well done. My opinion could be a bit biased because I'm a sucker for all the marvel productions. The incorporation of the rich Japanese culture added to the intrigue and provided the base for a solid all round film. Hugh Jackman is one of my favorite actors and he didn't disappoint.
Has anyone seen The Colony yet? Just wondering if its worth the effort...

It's pretty bad. It feels like it was half thought out and then massively rushed with most of the storylines either not making sense or being fleshed out at all.
Wolverine's plot was down right absurd. The post credits scene was the best thing about the movie.
I saw Wolverine today. I quite enjoyed it, but I expected it to be shit so maybe my perception was warped somewhat. It was enjoyable, but it did get a bit too silly in the last 10 minutes or so. The post-credit scene sets up the new xmen film quite well.
The Wolverine

Surprisingly this was a decent film and surpassed my expectations. Hugh Jackman is as always, brilliant as Wolverine and the Japanese setting gave the film an extra dimension. The movie did have some predictable moments and there was some silly things thrown in but overall it was done really well. The Silver Samurai looked pristine, it gave Wolverine some depth and the post-credits scene tied things up nicely for the new X-Men film. The only thing that bothered me was a wasted opportunity with Harada (the Bow and Arrow guy). He should have had a bigger role, which is what I thought would happen after watching the trailer. Come to think of it, I also didn't like the Jean Grey scenes. They should have stayed away from trying to connect the film with X-Men Last Stand, that's a film that should always be a forgotten memory. 7/10

Monsters University

An ok film but nothing special and not what you would expect from Pixar. The jokes were predictable and unfunny and the film was unoriginal and formulaic. The main problem with a prequel such as this is that as a viewer you know the final resolution of the character arcs, which takes away from any intensity the film tries to create. Still, the film was enjoyable, just not on the same league as Wall-E, Up or Toy Story 3, but more on the lines of Brave and Cars 2. 7/10


Caught this on TV and I still absolutely love it. It's full of dick and pussy jokes but I can't help but laugh. This and Borat are the only two films where I spend 90% of the time laughing out loud. It never gets old. Brilliant. 9/10


Matthew Mcconaughey journey to redemption continues and man am I pleased with this guy. I always knew he was a decent actor and never did understand why he was tarnishing his name doing chick flicks (probably for the money). Well, this is another brilliant film with him playing a fugitive one an island that uses two boys to get him necessities. A slow burner with plenty of tension. The film grips you from beginning to end and the slightly above 2 hour length goes by in a flash. Loved it. 8/10

Death Sentence

Kevin Bacon teams up with James Wan for Wan's third film and it wasn't a horror film! Watched this for the second time and still love the exploitative nature and uber violence. A good old fashioned revenge flick similar to Death Wish of years gone by. I know its not filmmaking genius but there's something about revenge flicks that I really enjoy and it's an added bonus that Bacon was the star in this one. 7.5/10

Hummingbird (Redemption)

Although he is known to be an emotionless-no-acting-required-muscled-pumped-actor, Jason Statham proves that he does posses acting abilities in this low key, slightly poignant story about acceptance and redemption. Shot in Soho, London during the early hours, this film is probably what Nicolas Winding Refn was trying to create when he made Only God Forgives. Similar mood/tone but executed completely differently. 8/10
Never understood the Superbad hype, nothing better than usual American college movie.
Cry, Cry, Again: Not a great film but there are some beautiful scenes, particularly the guy falling off the bike and the woman dancing at the end.
That's weird Dirty Schwein, I just rewatched Superbad yesterday evening, had the urge to see it again (must have watched it 2 or 3 years ago initially). I watched the unrated uncensored version that runs about 2 hours, and I had the same feeling as the first time I saw it: it's too long by at least 15 minutes, which is maybe an issue resolved by the shorter version, dunno. However, the Jonah Hill/Michael Cera duo works really well, there is some fun dialogue, but the Bill Hader/Seth Rogen/Christopher Mintz Plasse scenes really steal the show. And I say this even though I hate Christopher Mintz Plasse as an actor, his voice annoys me to an unreasonable extent.

I'll have to watch Death Sentence after the conversation we had in here concerning Wan, it's on my watch list... which is a way too long list! :lol:
I'll have to watch Death Sentence after the conversation we had in here concerning Wan, it's on my watch list... which is a way too long list! :lol:

You should see my list of "to watch", it's never ending :lol: If you like revenge thrillers and The Bacon then you'll love it!
Monsters University

An ok film but nothing special and not what you would expect from Pixar.

That's exactly what I have come to expect from Pixar. Since The Incredibles I'd say that Disney Animation Studios has had a better hit rate. In my opinion The Princess and The Frog, Tangled and Wreck it Ralph are all better films than the Pixar titles released during the same time period, with the obvious exception of Toy Story 3. They mirrored Disney exactly by producing their greatest 5 films first, then the quality began to fluctuate.
That's exactly what I have come to expect from Pixar. Since The Incredibles I'd say that Disney Animation Studios has had a better hit rate. In my opinion The Princess and The Frog, Tangled and Wreck it Ralph are all better films than the Pixar titles released during the same time period, with the obvious exception of Toy Story 3. They mirrored Disney exactly by producing their greatest 5 films first, then the quality began to fluctuate.

Those 3 all better than WALL-E and Up?
Up I'll give you to a degree, but not WALL-E. It dips a bit when the humans turn up, sure, but it's still a great film. Way better than anything Disney have made for yonks.
Perhaps it was the contrast with the brilliant early scenes that affected my judgement but I thought the interminable chase around the spaceship in Wall-E was Pixar's lowest point. Worse even than the dog collars in Up.

Didn't like it at all and I count myself as a fairly big sci-fi fan.

It was just quite a bland film seemingly cobbled together from bits of other better films (Moon and Solaris spring to mind) with another pointless Morethan Freeman appearance and a horrible tacked on Hollywood ending.
Cassius, Wibble and Nilsson are the harshest film critics I've ever come across.

Do you guys like anything that isn't arty farty?
The World's End-8.5/10

Great comedy. Pegg and Frost are hilarious as always, there's plenty of good jokes and it's got that similar style and feel to Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead. Well worth a watch and right up there with their previous stuff.
I don't understand how anyone can't like Up! and WALL E, for me they're both masterpieces. How to train your dragon was alright, but nothing special.
WALL-E is pretty brilliant. Particularly the achievement of making you care about two characters without expressive human-like facial features, which has been the standard fall back for almost every film about aliens, robots or talking animals since the dawn of time. It definitely dips though when the fat humans turn up, but I think it redeems itself at the end with the mushy handholding/memory reset schtick.

I think Up dips a bit more. Or for longer. One of the two.
I don't understand how anyone can't like Up! and WALL E, for me they're both masterpieces. How to train your dragon was alright, but nothing special.

UP was fantastic until it went batshit crazy with the bird/dogs etc. Still very good, but the journey from sentimental to batshit crazy was a bit jarring. They had to entertain the kids though!
The World's End-8.5/10

Great comedy. Pegg and Frost are hilarious as always, there's plenty of good jokes and it's got that similar style and feel to Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead. Well worth a watch and right up there with their previous stuff.
It reminds me of the boys on the cafe :)
That's exactly what I have come to expect from Pixar. Since The Incredibles I'd say that Disney Animation Studios has had a better hit rate. In my opinion The Princess and The Frog, Tangled and Wreck it Ralph are all better films than the Pixar titles released during the same time period, with the obvious exception of Toy Story 3. They mirrored Disney exactly by producing their greatest 5 films first, then the quality began to fluctuate.

the thing with Pixar is that their character is funny in itself, and it does the job done

The best pixar moment is that 10 minutes intro on UP. that's fecking ace!
Cassius, Wibble and Nilsson are the harshest film critics I've ever come across.

Do you guys like anything that isn't arty farty?

My favourite film is Groundhog Day.

I resent that actually Spockney. Nilsson is your go to man for 'arty farty' and I hardly ever agree with a Wibble film review.