Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse - Documentary on the production of Apocalypse Now. Coppola seemed to get madder as the filming dragged on, you never see directors putting their own money into films like that anymore.

Autumn Sonata - Very good, minimalistic film with Ingrid Bergman and Liv Ullmann basically trying to out act each other in it. Definitely two of the greatest actresses of all-time.

L'Appartement - Interesting and riveting at times but I thought the ending and Vincent Cassel's haircut was shambolic.
To be fair, no one actually knew the real history behind rise of the planet of the apes. I'm not sure how the likes of Dr Zaisus could've known...what decades? centuries? millenia? after the emancipation of our distant cousins.

Wasn't it dealt with in one of the original films? (you're the movie buff) I'm pretty sure it was paradox story. One of the apes was sent back in time to become his own great great great grandfather. Then apes became slaves (for some reason) and he rebelled. I think they were trying to keep that theme, with a Batman Begins feel.

It was hit and miss. I can see why cinc thinks it's pretentious...And indeed why Batman Begins is. But if you aren't going to suspend your disbelief a little for realistic comic book films adapts, then there's probably no other way to please you than to do it camply.
The Change Up.

Exactly as good you'd expect a body swap comedy with Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds to be. Some funny bits, very predictable and I want to marry Leslie Mann.
Wasn't it dealt with in one of the original films? (you're the movie buff) I'm pretty sure it was paradox story. One of the apes was sent back in time to become his own great great great grandfather. Then apes became slaves (for some reason) and he rebelled. I think they were trying to keep that theme, with a Batman Begins feel.

It was hit and miss. I can see why cinc thinks it's pretentious...And indeed why Batman Begins is. But if you aren't going to suspend your disbelief a little for realistic comic book films adapts, then there's probably no other way to please you than to do it camply.

No, you've misunderstood. Yes the story was told in original movies, but it was told via sacred scriptures and poor archaeology much like the Creation in Genesis ie based on religious type text if anything. The apes weren't exactly an advanced civilisation by the time Mr Heston leaped forward in time, in fact, I'd say they were probably equivalent to human civilisation a few millenia truth is they couldn't have know their own history. What I'm saying is I think they could've had more scope than constrict themselves within a very very sketchy pre history story.

It's always awesome.

'Run for it? Running's not a plan! Running's what you do, once a plan fails!'
Lake Mungo

I thought it was just rubbish.
It was on a par with Blair Witch , which is quite possible the worst film I have have ever seen , this one is better but not by much.
While there is some good filming in there , great shots of Victoria , the film it self was a let down, even more so when you found out who was behind the pics and has for the ending :boring:

4.5-5 /10
How did Lucas go from THX 1138 to Star Wars? I reckon he was trying to copy Kubrick. Very good film, though, especially visually.... infact, I thought it was stunning in that regard.
How did Lucas go from THX 1138 to Star Wars? I reckon he was trying to copy Kubrick. Very good film, though, especially visually.... infact, I think it was stunning in that regard.

Glad you liked it. The original short film was done in 1967, so I think he wasnt trying to copy anything. He's a fantastic visual director, his editing and screenwriting skills however are severely lacking - and I love Star Wars.

The original THX1138 EB

Glad you liked it. The original short film was done in 1967, so I think he wasnt trying to copy anything. He's a fantastic visual director, his editing and screenwriting skills however are severely lacking - and I love Star Wars.

The original THX1138 EB

Agree on both points. I loved Star Wars as much anyone, but it wasn't much more than a children's film. As for THX the less is more approach probably helped the overall feel of the film, and it didn't highlight his deficiencies as a scriptwriter.
Interesting film, though..which was similar to...say..BNW but had a different approach to some subject matters..drugs being a suppressant, sex being totally outlawed and controlled due to these mind controlling suppressants in Lucas' film, whereas Huxley's vision of dystopia was mass orgies, free sex without emotions and drugs for pleasure(even though he enjoyed all these things later on in life).... people in BNW were able to find happiness...where as THX 1138's world was much more sombre.
And ta for the link.
George Lucas' wife, Marcia was a world class editor, they divorced in 1983 (after Jedi). I think her influence on Lucas is vastly underrated. I think she was able to guide his talent and help him out where he was lacking.

Thats why his film after that are almost always all over the place. (The second half of EPIII is amazing though)
George Lucas' wife, Marcia was a world class editor, they divorced in 1983 (after Jedi). I think her influence on Lucas is vastly underrated. I think she was able to guide his talent and help him out where he was lacking.

Thats why his film after that are almost always all over the place. (The second half of EPIII is amazing though)

Really? I thought the second have of Ep 3 was far too contrived.
All of all the SW prequels are awful, but most Star Wars fans wont let themselves admit it. They're like creationists.
Yep, good call. Looks amazing, I could probably watch the movie with no sound and still be entranced...

What're the most impressive movies visually then, movie buffs?

Depends what you're looking for. In the Mood for Love(anything by Chris Doyle), Ran, Blade Runner, Apolcalypse Now are all sexy.
For me it had a sort of Shakespearan quality and the imagery was out of this world sometimes. If only he had a decent dialoguewriter...

I thought it was awful, Cinc, in fact I can't bring myself to watch it again. At least TPM had Darth Maul scrapping away.
The first two was, surely.

They're all awful. Not being a particular fan of the first ones I didn't see an epic conclusion to an amazing, nostalgic, childhood favorite, and just saw a very silly space soap opera, with completely over the top and cluttered SFX and terrible, terrible acting. You really have to love SW as a thing to think they're anything but dreadful IMO.
They're all awful. Not being a particular fan of the first ones I didn't see an epic conclusion to an amazing, nostalgic, childhood favorite, and just saw a very silly space soap opera, with completely over the top and cluttered SFX and terrible, terrible acting. You really have to love SW as a thing to think they're anything but dreadful IMO.

you think Rise of the Planet of the Apes isnt horribe, i think scifi is a field we wont agree on:)
Considering you think that abomination of flashing lights, silly dialogue and mid afternoon soap opera acting is in anyway comparable to the Godfather....I'm quite happy with that.

"Execute Order 66"

"Master Skywalker, there are too many of them, what are we going to do?"

If it's an homage to anything it's an homage to I...Though II shares much of the same elements with Roth & Fredo being killed & Pentangeli slitting his wrists (sorry if I've ruined that for anyone)

Lets just remind ourselves again shall we...


Jesus Christ man have a word with yourself..

Regardless of it's cheesiness it's still completely awful. Though this is clearly trying to be deep and meaningful. So, a film trying to be deep & meaningful but with a silly premise is apparently completely different to a kids film with a silly premise trying to pay homage to the Godfather?...Because it's Star Wars?

In my head that's just vindicated my view on everything I've ever disagreed with you on.
Being an homage doesnt mean its as good as... It means it was a deliberate alluding to something the director respects.

George Lucas even described this scene as a "Godfather-montage" in preproduction.
No, but it's doesn't make it automatically respectable, or deserving of merit. It's terribly acted, the dialogue is woeful, it's unspectacularly directed, rather mundanely framed, there's too much going on in basically all the shots. There's literally nothing good about that whatsoever. Maybe the music? The only thing going for it is that it's Star Wars. Which Star Wars fans have a blind spot to.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dude Where's My Car?>>>>>>>>>>>Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith.
No, but it's doesn't make it automatically respectable, or deserving of merit. It's terribly acted, the dialogue is woeful, it's unspectacularly directed, rather mundanely framed, there's too much going on in basically all the shots. There's literally nothing good about that whatsoever. Maybe the music? The only thing going for it is that it's Star Wars. Which Star Wars fans have a blind spot to.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dude Where's My Car?>>>>>>>>>>>Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith.

Sure it doesnt for these reasons. Who said otherwise.

As for the last part, you are being very silly.
Sure it doesnt for these reasons. Who said otherwise.

So, if the acting, writing, directing & cinenmatography aren't up to much....What can possibly make it good?

As for the last part, you are being very silly.

Considering Rise got broadly better reviews, and holds a higher rating on Rotten Tomatoes by both critics (marginally) and public (vastly), consensus (or as good a consensus as we can find) says clearly I'm not.

Star Wars fan in denial shocker.
So, if the acting, writing, directing & cinenmatography aren't up to much....What can possibly make it good?

Considering Rise got broadly better reviews, and holds a higher rating on Rotten Tomatoes in both critics (marginally) and public (vastly), clearly I'm not.

Star Wars fan in denial shocker.


I didnt say it was an homage because it was good. I said it was an homage and it was good (the directing, the cinematography and the music).

Your constant reference to Rotten Tomatoes is worrying though. Why would anyone care what complete strangers think of movies? I write reviews sometimes professionally, but they dont mean anything.
I think I've referenced them twice in this whole thread, and then only because it's the best available source of a mean film community opinion, and because you say things like "you're being very silly" for rating a film with more positive responses over a film with less. It's clearly not a be all and end all. But it at least shows you're in the minority of opinion, in broad terms.

As for it being better than the Dark Knight...Well there you're clearly in a group of about two, with George Lucas, and a 45 year old man who lives in a basement in Idaho and sleeps with a life size stuffed model of Chewbacca with a hollowed out crotch. In fact probably only him, I don't think George is that deluded.

For what it's worth I find absolutely nothing about that cinematography or directing that's above competent (there's far too much going on, hardly any of the shots are framed interestingly, let alone epically) and yet you are on record as calling it Shakespearean and "out of this world"...

Blud? That's just feckin' wack ya get me?
I think I've referenced them twice in this whole thread, and then only because it's the best available source of a mean film community opinion, and because you say things like "you're being very silly" for rating a film with more positive responses over a film with less. It's clearly not a be all and end all. But it at least shows you're in the minority of opinion, in broad terms.

As for it being better than the Dark Knight...Well there you're clearly in a group of about two, with George Lucas, and a 45 year old man who lives in a basement in Idaho and sleeps with a life size stuffed model of Chewbacca with a hollowed out crotch. In fact probably only him, I don't think George is that deluded.

For what it's worth I find absolutely nothing about that cinematography or directing that's above competent (there's far too much going on, hardly any of the shots are framed interestingly, let alone epically) and yet you are on record as calling it Shakespearean and "out of this world"...

Blud? That's just feckin' wack ya get me?

"mean film community opinion" as readers of rotten tomatoes. Star Wars is hip to hate, which means that their average will come down seriously. These are popularity contests, and popularity doesnt equal quality. Most people in these sites rate films with 1s and 10s and nothing in between

And even by that, EP3 has a higher critic average 7.2 than Rise of the Planet (7.1) on Rotten Tomatoes. And has the same average on metacritic (68). Which means that your hyperbole SWEP3<Dude Wheres my car<Planet of the Apes.

And if you think that Rotten Tomatoes is a "mean film community opinion" you'd think that your appraisal of the OT is way off.