Dirty Schwein
Has a 'Best of Britney Spears' album
Mr. Crocket
A children's tv presenter with supernatural abilities abducts kids from parents who neglect them. A good performance by the actor playing the villain, an interesting concept/social commentary and nice to see practical effects. However, this was a missed opportunity as the script was flimsy and directionless. After a fun first half, the second half of this film is predictable, cliched and I was really bored, wanting it to end 5.5/10
A children's tv presenter with supernatural abilities abducts kids from parents who neglect them. A good performance by the actor playing the villain, an interesting concept/social commentary and nice to see practical effects. However, this was a missed opportunity as the script was flimsy and directionless. After a fun first half, the second half of this film is predictable, cliched and I was really bored, wanting it to end 5.5/10