Anway, get it watched
@dumbo .
I did.
Mank is interestingly shot in places and I thought the acting was mostly pretty darn good. But although I adore the films that came out of that Hollywood, I don't have any interest in Randolph Hearst and the Californian social set. These are not interesting people to me. And there is little shown here that seems to have informed the character of Kane. Kane is not personality, Kane is broad universal themes. He is Quixote, Ahab, Ozymandias, the future Orson Welles.
The craft is interesting to me. Give me stuff on Mank, Welles, Toland building the darn thing. Even here the more interesting story was going on in a New York theatre.
I found it quite masturbatory. The annoying mannerisms, the jazz score, the ironic prescience thing ("Oz will sink the studio" IoI), the cigarette burns, the way the politics are contorted to draw modern day parallels: Not on my watch. Seriously though, shoot in black and white by all means but what was the point in having the cue marks? when the lighting, focus, steady cam, digital sharpness, aspect ratio are all pulling in the opposite direction and creating this anachronistic aesthetic. This is a minor gripe but either do it properly or don't bother. When you see the convincing job the likes of Anna Biller do on an independent budget, this looks like carelessness. Hell, Fincher himself did a great job of distressing film in the projector scene in Fight Club. I don't get it.
I thought it took only cheap shots at Welles (and he's an easy target). His own film The Other Side of the Wind is a far more substantial and excoriating take on his behaviour.
In terms of portraying the romance of a slosh writer, this is no The Lost Weekend. And as a
story behind the film film, it doesn't have the commitment of an Ed Wood, or even Once Upon A Time In Hollywood - as much as I hate it. Mank feels like a sort of fan service for Hollywood gossips and vacuous politics dot-to-dotters.
Still it's quite watchable but the subject matter is really not my cup of tea.
Did I do good?