Gaming The RedCafe General/Random Gaming Chat Thread

@esmufc07 I think you asked me a few weeks back how Hellblade is so I thought I'd fill you in quickly as I'm currently waiting for some rice to cook...

It's interesting.

The game is clearly very interested in narrative and often thrusts control away towards cinematics to tell the main character's story, very often feeling more like a film than even a walking simulator. This involves her (Senua) who is on a journey to retrieve a dead lover, not altogether unlike the story of Orpheus' descent into Tartarus to find Eurydice.

The problem (at least for the MC) is that she's suffering from mental problems, personified in game through constant audio chatter and some puzzles involving illusory visions. When it's not doing this it forces you into combat set pieces that are fine if a little simplistic. I've just had a big part of the game not involving them and honestly didn't miss them one bit.

Visually it's sumptuous. The graphics are amazing and combined with the audio, it makes for one hell of a well-presented game. Played with headphones, as it recommends, it's great.

It compares to God of War (2018) in many ways given that it's also all about Norse mythology but also contrasts massively because whereas that game was quite a tight, satisfying normal enough game, this one is very ambitious and also less 'whole'. It delves into some very deep subject matter so that's laudable but in many respects is very much a bit of a rough diamond.

I haven't finished it but I shall (about two-thirds in). I almost gave up on the first part at a rather annoying boss battle. The game doesn't explain anything and I died many times.

Now I must attend to my rice and will likely return at some point to edit this messy post.
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:lol: Thanks, it is definitely on my list of games to play! Enjoy Norse Mythology so I know I would enjoy this.

Isn’t the sequel Xbox/PC only?
I played about 5 hours so far into Nier Replicant. Decent, but for a remake it still feels like a pretty old game unfortunately. I think they needed more work on it to modernize it a little bit. Some aspects so far feel really outdated by modern standards.
:lol: Thanks, it is definitely on my list of games to play! Enjoy Norse Mythology so I know I would enjoy this.

Isn’t the sequel Xbox/PC only?

Yeah the mythology angle really makes it. Some of the areas are spectacular, almost Shadow of the Colossus-esque.

The sequel is indeed only for owners of the superior console :)
@esmufc07 I think you asked me a few weeks back how Hellblade is so I thought I'd fill you in quickly as I'm currently waiting for some rice to cook...

It's interesting.

The game is clearly very interested in narrative and often thrusts control away towards cinematics to tell the main character's story, very often feeling more like a film than even a walking simulator. This involves her (Senua) who is on a journey to retrieve a dead lover, not altogether unlike the story of Orpheus' descent into Tartarus to find Eurydice.

The problem (at least for the MC) is that she's suffering from mental problems, personified in game through constant audio chatter and some puzzles involving illusory visions. When it's not doing this it forces you into combat set pieces that are fine if a little simplistic. I've just had a big part of the game not involving them and honestly didn't miss them one bit.

Visually it's sumptuous. The graphics are amazing and combined with the audio, it makes for one hell of a well-presented game. Played with headphones, as it recommends, it's great.

It compares to God of War (2018) in many ways given that it's also all about Norse mythology but also contrasts massively because whereas that game was quite a tight, satisfying normal enough game, this one is very ambitious and also less 'whole'. It delves into some very deep subject matter so that's laudable but in many respects is very much a bit of a rough diamond.

I haven't finished it but I shall (about two-thirds in). I almost gave up on the first part at a rather annoying boss battle. The game doesn't explain anything and I died many times.

Now I must attend to my rice and will likely return at some point to edit this messy post.

Have you got to the tree yet?

ps. How was the rice?
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Have you got to the tree yet?

ps. How was the rice?

Yeah I beat it at the weekend. Reading back, my impression of the game definitely improved after the first two sections. I still found combat a little frustrating at times (specifically the part in the fire bit) but the final act is really really good :drool:
Redownloded Red Dead 2 the other day and god it looks so good on the PS5 compared to the 4. Considering it hasn’t even had a proper next gen update it’s a hell of an achievement. Also has any game ever had such polished animations, genuinely forgot what a masterpiece it is in so many ways.
Yeah I beat it at the weekend. Reading back, my impression of the game definitely improved after the first two sections. I still found combat a little frustrating at times (specifically the part in the fire bit) but the final act is really really good :drool:

Yeah, the third act is very good. I loved the sudden use of music. For the previous 2 sections it’s was just the voices but then when you’re fighting larger mobs and soundtracked by that fantastic score it’s very effective and cinematic. Glad you enjoyed it.
Redownloded Red Dead 2 the other day and god it looks so good on the PS5 compared to the 4. Considering it hasn’t even had a proper next gen update it’s a hell of an achievement. Also has any game ever had such polished animations, genuinely forgot what a masterpiece it is in so many ways.

I need to do this. Still not completed it.
I need to do this. Still not completed it.
I have put off downloading it ever since I got my console because I was living in hope they might patch in 60fps or a next gen graphics but really it looks good enough already!
Redownloded Red Dead 2 the other day and god it looks so good on the PS5 compared to the 4. Considering it hasn’t even had a proper next gen update it’s a hell of an achievement. Also has any game ever had such polished animations, genuinely forgot what a masterpiece it is in so many ways.

You forget to mention its one of the most boring and overly long games ever produced.

I booted it up to play 4k 60fps maxed (ish) on pc its beautiful but the games boring as hell.
You forget to mention its one of the most boring and overly long games ever produced.

I booted it up to play 4k 60fps maxed (ish) on pc its beautiful but the games boring as hell.
I think it’s one of the best games ever made. Don’t find it boring in the slightest. Every system has so much depth, even the hunting alone could be a standalone game. If you want a boring rockstar game, GTA 5 takes the biscuit.
I think it’s one of the best games ever made. Don’t find it boring in the slightest. Every system has so much depth, even the hunting alone could be a standalone game. If you want a boring rockstar game, GTA 5 takes the biscuit.

GTA 5 is a miles better game, RDR2 is a better horse riding simulator :D
GTA 5 is a miles better game, RDR2 is a better horse riding simulator :D
It’s really only better if you have the attention of a Nat. RDR2 tells one of the best stories in gaming. Tbf I love the western genre too and many western tv shows and movies are equally slowly paced.
RDR2 issue was more than the side activities were mundane. It's that the gameplay loop itself was from the late 90s. The combat for example, was farsically bad, nearly as bad a walk-ing simulator with some quick action keys.

The world, producing and story telling with obviously top notice but core gameplay was a let down.
You forget to mention its one of the most boring and overly long games ever produced.

I booted it up to play 4k 60fps maxed (ish) on pc its beautiful but the games boring as hell.

Overly long? I think it took me about 50 hours to finish the story and all important side quests.

30-50 hours is pretty much what I expect from open world games.
RDR2 issue was more than the side activities were mundane. It's that the gameplay loop itself was from the late 90s. The combat for example, was farsically bad, nearly as bad a walk-ing simulator with some quick action keys.

The world, producing and story telling with obviously top notice but core gameplay was a let down.
Not sure I agree with that either to be honest. Why was the gameplay poor? The shooting feels top notch and the animation work remains brilliant. Rockstar also have a very good and satisfying physics engine which makes shooting people feel unique. The rag dolls on horses in particular are top notch. The only valid critiques of the game for me are the clunky movement of the characters and the linear nature of the story missions which is what Rockstar always do. They more than make up for that however with how brilliant the main story and characters are as well as the organic feel of the open world where you genuinely feel like you are exploring a living world. Random events and side activities feel very organic as you just stumble upon them in the world. The biggest crime with RDR2 is that we never got a single player DLC and really that’s all GTA onlines fault.
Overly long? I think it took me about 50 hours to finish the story and all important side quests.

30-50 hours is pretty much what I expect from open world games.
I agree. It doesn’t have the same level of bloat that normal open world games have either. None of the fetch quests from assassins creed for example.
Not sure I agree with that either to be honest. Why was the gameplay poor? The shooting feels top notch .
What do you mean by feels? It's your standard aim and shoot nothing gameplay design like all rockstar games. May as well be a movie. Put it simply they can get the click of the gun right but little else. I played Remnant of the Ashes recently and the shooting was actually superb in that. Same with Doom 2016. RDR2 is not about gameplay mechanics. They're just there to ensure you have stuff to do rather than the excellence of it.
What do you mean by feels? It's your standard aim and shoot nothing gameplay design like all rockstar games. May as well be a movie. Put it simply they can get the click of the gun right but little else. I played Remnant of the Ashes recently and the shooting was actually superb in that. Same with Doom 2016. RDR2 is not about gameplay mechanics. They're just there to ensure you have stuff to do rather than the excellence of it.
I mean it feels far better than something like Fallout for example. The guns at least have satisfying punch and design. There’s many games with far weaker gameplay. Especially third person shooters.
Has anyone else tried Knockout City? Online 3v3 dodgeball game, I played a few rounds and it's surprisingly fun and seems like it might have some depth to it. It's free on all platforms for the first 10 days after release, cross platform and also on gamepass.
Has anyone else tried Knockout City? Online 3v3 dodgeball game, I played a few rounds and it's surprisingly fun and seems like it might have some depth to it. It's free on all platforms for the first 10 days after release, cross platform and also on gamepass.
I forgot that this game got released. This is one of those rare instances where EA actually allows some creativity and new ideas to materialise. I might get this on PC if I enjoy watching the gameplay.
Victoria 3 has been announced.

I really felt like playing final fantasy X, but then remembered the unskippable bullshit. Really enjoyed their turn based system and the sphere grid too.

Anyone know anything I'd enjoy similar to that? PS4/Xbox one.
Platinum #20 - Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS5)


Yep, just imported my PS4 save file. Will get the DLC once it comes down in price.

Platinum #21 - Maneater (PS5)


Wasn't as bad a game as I thought it'd be. Glad I didn't pay for it, mind.
Well done on FF7 @Damien. How did you find the last couple of chapters on hard? I’ve only got the last 3 to complete for the platinum.
Was a year ago when I did it so my memory of it isn't that strong but honestly wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be - mainly because I had stocked up and grinded materia beforehand. I remember strugging on Rufus on normal but because I had better gear second time around and I knew the attack patterns it didn't take up too much time.
Damo how do you find the time to platinum so many games?
I keep to one a month if I can and mostly play the games which don't require loads of playthroughs. Started Bloodborne in January and still nowhere near to finishing it :lol: I have nowhere near as many trophies as some on here (@Minkaro is a beast) but a few of my platinums are done over years (Uncharted 1 took me five years, 1 month) and I've just downloaded Ratchet & Clank again to work towards the plat in that (first got a trophy on that in 2016, nowhere near the plat)

Unsurprisingly I'm not in a relationship so I have more free time.
I keep to one a month if I can and mostly play the games which don't require loads of playthroughs. Started Bloodborne in January and still nowhere near to finishing it :lol: I have nowhere near as many trophies as some on here (@Minkaro is a beast) but a few of my platinums are done over years (Uncharted 1 took me five years, 1 month) and I've just downloaded Ratchet & Clank again to work towards the plat in that (first got a trophy on that in 2016, nowhere near the plat)

Unsurprisingly I'm not in a relationship so I have more free time.

You’ll be happy to know that I’ve started a new job that means I’m in an office 9-5, so my trophy hunting is going to be very limited now.

Last year I just had a laptop set up next to the PlayStation, and just gamed all day.
Chivalry 2 is great with some mates on voice chat and a couple of beers in you.
Just finished the original FF7. pretty incredible for a game from that gen. Can’t wait to see how the remake looks like.