Gaming The RedCafe General/Random Gaming Chat Thread

I was just checking and it seems Outer Wilds is still not out on the Switch. Would have been great for some of you Switch users to be able to play it. They announced it 2 years back so it’s a bit odd.
Been playing a bit of Judgement. Really enjoyed Lost Judgement last year and this is so far good as well. I’m not sure why this character / series seems to have been sidelined in favour of the like a dragon bloke and Kiryu’s return? For me the whole detective thing works really well in the Yakuza world.
Outer Worlds
Outer Wilds
The confusion...

Finished outer worlds, it's a lot like later Fallout games. In the end not all too memorable but solid gameplay.

Outer Wilds, have never seen, thought it was a typo at first.
Outer Wilds is such a brilliant unique game and I don't say that lightly. Not for everyone, it took me a few tries to get into it, but once I was in the right mindset and clicked, it was a brilliant experience.
Outer Worlds
Outer Wilds
The confusion...

Finished outer worlds, it's a lot like later Fallout games. In the end not all too memorable but solid gameplay.

Outer Wilds, have never seen, thought it was a typo at first.
Outer Worlds is a bog standard Bethesda like RPG.

Outer Wilds is one of the best games ever made.

You’re welcome.
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Outer Wilds is such a brilliant unique game and I don't say that lightly. Not for everyone, it took me a few tries to get into it, but once I was in the right mindset and clicked, it was a brilliant experience.
Do try the DLC too if you haven’t already have. It’s absolutely brilliant and perfectly compliments the base game.
As the others have said, play Outer Wilds. There's nothing else like it.

Not true. You can always put on a blindfold and have your mate spin you around for ten minutes.

Remove the blindfold and voila. You've got the same motion sickness that Outer Wilds induces.
This looks really cool. Always thought that a company should do the beat cop stuff from True Crime/LA Noire but in-depth and polished, this looks just like that.

Been playing a bit of Judgement. Really enjoyed Lost Judgement last year and this is so far good as well. I’m not sure why this character / series seems to have been sidelined in favour of the like a dragon bloke and Kiryu’s return? For me the whole detective thing works really well in the Yakuza world.
Issues with the guy they got to play the main character, they used a real J-Pop star for the likeness and voice and apparently he stopped wanting to do it.
Just started another modern metroidvania classic: Axiom Verge. So far, so good. I knew I would love the pixel art, I've seen enough screenshots, but I had no idea the soundtrack was this good. I'm only in the first area but I'm already in love with it.

@Dirty Schwein have you played this one?
Just started another modern metroidvania classic: Axiom Verge. So far, so good. I knew I would love the pixel art, I've seen enough screenshots, but I had no idea the soundtrack was this good. I'm only in the first area but I'm already in love with it.

@Dirty Schwein have you played this one?
Never heard of it but looks decent. Will add to watchlist.

I recently completed completed a Metroidvania called Blasphemous. Really enjoyed it.
Never heard of it but looks decent. Will add to watchlist.

I recently completed completed a Metroidvania called Blasphemous. Really enjoyed it.
How have you never heard of it? :lol: It's always pretty high in best of metroidvania lists. Combat is projectile based like the old Metroid games, so no melee like most metroidvanias.

I played Blasphemous a couple of months ago. Lovely artwork and I generally enjoyed it, but not among the better ones in my opinion. Here's a couple others I played in the last few weeks:

- Iconoclasts: this is often listed as a metroidvania but it's more of a 2d action/puzzle platformer that's very story heavy. Lots of character dialogue. Very colourful pixel art. An unusual game, it's interesting but gets old well before it finishes. Probably not the best choice if you're looking for a metroidvania

- Momodora: Reverie under the Moonlight. A very short metroidvania. Despite intially releasing in 2016, it feels old, with its low res pixel art and 4x3 aspect ratio (yes, seriously, you will have black bars on the sides). I liked the art style though, it gives it a very moody atmosphere. Enemies and bosses are pretty cool, if not very challenging on normal. If you're looking for a cheap and short experience, you could do worse than this one.
How have you never heard of it? :lol: It's always pretty high in best of metroidvania lists. Combat is projectile based like the old Metroid games, so no melee like most metroidvanias.

I played Blasphemous a couple of months ago. Lovely artwork and I generally enjoyed it, but not among the better ones in my opinion. Here's a couple others I played in the last few weeks:

- Iconoclasts: this is often listed as a metroidvania but it's more of a 2d action/puzzle platformer that's very story heavy. Lots of character dialogue. Very colourful pixel art. An unusual game, it's interesting but gets old well before it finishes. Probably not the best choice if you're looking for a metroidvania

- Momodora: Reverie under the Moonlight. A very short metroidvania. Despite intially releasing in 2016, it feels old, with its low res pixel art and 4x3 aspect ratio (yes, seriously, you will have black bars on the sides). I liked the art style though, it gives it a very moody atmosphere. Enemies and bosses are pretty cool, if not very challenging on normal. If you're looking for a cheap and short experience, you could do worse than this one.
I'll add these too.

I might have actually heard of it but I'm not a very observant person generally.
- Iconoclasts: this is often listed as a metroidvania but it's more of a 2d action/puzzle platformer that's very story heavy. Lots of character dialogue. Very colourful pixel art. An unusual game, it's interesting but gets old well before it finishes. Probably not the best choice if you're looking for a metroidvania

That one looked great but I also got bored before the end. Owlboy is a similar style game but IMO much better - at least better-paced.
That one looked great but I also got bored before the end. Owlboy is a similar style game but IMO much better - at least better-paced.
There was a lot to like about Iconoclasts, but yeah, it was mostly the pacing that let it down. I finished it but I was desperate for it to be over by the final areas. I've got Owlboy sitting in my library as well, maybe I'll try it after Axiom Verge.
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Yes mate, sadly my ps5 popped a few weeks back. Got paid yesterday so will order a new one this weekend. Can’t wait. There’s a few of my geeky worky games mates well into this.

Have you been playing it much? It’s a really good game.

Haven't played in a while but installed it to try and get some hours in again, want to see the new updates!
Games are just too long these days. Sakuna of Rice and Ruin has been enjoyable 10 hours in but no chance I’m playing it for another 20 hours. The profession via a to do list has already ground me down. This is another one that could have done without the extra 30% fat.
YouTube's algorithm kept recommending me this video and I finally gave in this morning. It's amazing how it itches a sense of nerdy gaming nostalgia and I don't even like the Elder Scrolls games.

On the games I’ve been playing these last few months:

Judgement : Having already played it’s sequel and a few Yakuza titles, I pretty much knew the formula here. But I have to say - I really like the Judgement games. The whole episodic crime mystery fits in perfectly with the whole realistic cutscene - beat ‘em up loop. Also I think Yagami is a pretty great protagonist - it’s a shame the actor fell out with the studio. I’d trim a bit of the fat in the final act where I was dragging myself as was the story but I’d do that with 95 per cent of games anyway. Solid 8.3/10 for me.
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Deathloop: It’s an interesting one as the general view on Deathloop is a stark contrast to the perfect 10s given by IGN and Gamespot.

For me, first off it’s a game that I really enjoyed playing - in the sense that it felt good to me. The feedback from the movement, shooting, abilities etc was good. So I had a lot of fun with the moment to moment gameplay and immersion much more so than I did in the Disnhonoured games which I always felt were overrated. Being Arcane (pre Redfall), the world is, as you’d expect, very well put together on a technical level and the same goes for the story - it’s slickly told for the most part.

But ultimately, in a lot of key areas, Deathloop lacks a certain character in its world and the erm characters that inhabit it that stop it from going further beyond a game that is enjoyable to something truly memorable. For example the world was well crafted and I can recall most of it - which is good. However I can’t say there was any part of said well crafted world that truly grabbed me and left me in awe/ fear/insert random emotion. Same with the characters - the idea of these geniuses or super high achieving individuals that had deep underlying flaws who you had to take out is fascinating but I could not tell you anything about any of them apart from the general cliche they fall into. Plus you never actually meet them face to face so I’m not even sure what they actually look like aside from a short interaction shooting them. All of this maintains an experience that has no personal element to it - which I think also encapsulates the story, your own character and the over reliance on the menu screens.

Again, I like Deathloop and it was mostly a breeze to play. But they needed to spend a bit more time expanding their ideas and making them richer, for it to truly shine.

Deathloop: It’s an interesting one as the general view on Deathloop is a stark contrast to the perfect 10s given by IGN and Gamespot.

For me, first off it’s a game that I really enjoyed playing - in the sense that it felt good to me. The feedback from the movement, shooting, abilities etc was good. So I had a lot of fun with the moment to moment gameplay and immersion much more so than I did in the Disnhonoured games which I always felt were overrated. Being Arcane (pre Redfall), the world is, as you’d expect, very well put together on a technical level and the same goes for the story - it’s slickly told for the most part.

But ultimately, in a lot of key areas, Deathloop lacks a certain character in its world and the erm characters that inhabit it that stop it from going further beyond a game that is enjoyable to something truly memorable. For example the world was well crafted and I can recall most of it - which is good. However I can’t say there was any part of said well crafted world that truly grabbed me and left me in awe/ fear/insert random emotion. Same with the characters - the idea of these geniuses or super high achieving individuals that had deep underlying flaws who you had to take out is fascinating but I could not tell you anything about any of them apart from the general cliche they fall into. Plus you never actually meet them face to face so I’m not even sure what they actually look like aside from a short interaction shooting them. All of this maintains an experience that has no personal element to it - which I think also encapsulates the story, your own character and the over reliance on the menu screens.

Again, I like Deathloop and it was mostly a breeze to play. But they needed to spend a bit more time expanding their ideas and making them richer, for it to truly shine.


I looked at this and thought...I'm sure I have it. Low and behold, it's one of my many desktop icons :lol:

I really liked Dishonored and the fun you could have in that, so if this at least feels as smooth I'm sure I'll enjoy it enough. When I get round to it!
I looked at this and thought...I'm sure I have it. Low and behold, it's one of my many desktop icons :lol:

I really liked Dishonored and the fun you could have in that, so if this at least feels as smooth I'm sure I'll enjoy it enough. When I get round to it!
You’ll probably hate the mission system though - one spends a lot of time in menus for what is a time loop game. But it’s worth a go even if it doesn’t leap as high as it could.
Deathloop was one of those games they instantly improved by releasing it on Xbox. Amazing how many times that happens.

i haven't actually played it as i can't stand arkane games
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Because I can't resist a good Arkane bashing...

All of their games are the same type of shite in the sense they don't do anything except give you a playground to roam around in. There's no sense of accomplishment in what you do and the stories/characters are thoroughly mediocre and bland.

Prey is the most egregious example because it's a fantastic shell for what ultimately should have been a better game. It riffs so clearly on System Shock but doesn't approach 10% of the actual subject matter. There's no depth to it.

Their games are like when you hear some random movie being touted as Ghibli-esque, except what the person actually means is that it just looks like a Ghibli movie because it doesn't resonate on any other level.

No other developer winds me up like them and I'm glad – console affiliation aside – that Redfall got a good old roasting because it's nice to think it took the flack that their other games deserved.

/and breathe/
I thought Deathloop was so fecking bland and boring, and I loved both Dishonored games.

Yeah most people who like Dishonored seem to dislike DL and vice versa. Doesn't bode well for me, but I'm going to give it a try since I must have drunkenly bought it :lol:

I did find Prey bland and boring though. In a rare moment of siding with that toenail yoyo, I agree it's like a shell for something more.
Why would I hate menus? Anything that gives more depth to missions/lore is always better.
Actually I think they pull away from the experience in a way - not necessarily the menu themselves but how they are interwoven with time. For example in Outer Wilds (any chance to mention it) the time loop is a genuine time loop as it creates a sense of tension and urgency as there’s actual time as a mechanic. Whereas in Deathloop the menu activates a time period and in game there is no mechanism of time passing. It makes it a more accessible but less deep experience.

But every game isn’t supposed to be as deep or non linear so it’s fine - I enjoyed the game.

Telltale Expanse game coming out this week. Looks like they got some of the actors from the series reprising their roles. Reviews appear to be decent so far.
GhostWire Tokyo - So I held off playing this until the spiders thread update (and it coming to ps plus extra). And I have to say that considering the reviews, I was really taken aback by how much fun I had with this. Beforehand, I knew about it being overloaded with collectables so I essentially ignored almost all of that and just played it like a linear single player game veering off for a discovery / upgrade / side quest when I felt like it in between the main missions.

Personally, I liked combination of the general atmosphere fueled by Japanese horror art / sound design, as well as the combat loop which was akin to your doom or wolfenstein shooters but with less mobility and hands for guns. I’m usually someone who takes his time with games playing 3-4 at any given time. But I breezed through this within 10 days (around 22 hours). One thing to add - I think the experience would be far better on the PS5 as the dual sense elevates combat greatly.

I've been playing some Subnautica: Below Zero the last few days, it's basically Subnautica 1.5 and that's a good thing. I generally don't like survival games but Subnautica was the exception, I just couldn't get enough of exploring the depths, mining stuff and building an unnecessarily elaborate base, and now I'm doing it all over again. The only negatives for me are the fact that the map is more compact - I loved the wide open depths of the first game - and the increase in land-based exploration, which isn't where this game is at its strongest. The modular Seatruck is a cool addition, although I do miss the fast and nimble Seamoth.

Some other stuff I've played recently:

- Guacamelee 2. More of the same, which is fine. After two of these games I do think they're a bit too heavy on the combat and platforming trials and too light on exploration.

- Steamworld Dig. Found this in my library and decided to give it a go. I didn't like it at all and abandoned it after a couple of hours. It's just digging to find crystals, so you can improve your equipment and dig more efficiently. On paper that gameplay loop seems fine, but the process itself is boring and the controls don't help either. Apparently the second game should be a substantial improvement but I disliked this so much I doubt I'll give it a go.

- Yoku's Island Express. I'm still working my way through it so no final verdict yet, but it's been fun so far. It's a cute little 2D adventure-platformer with a lot of its movement based around pinball. It sounds weird but it works, though I'm not sure how much I'm going to enjoy the inevitable backtracking to complete side-quests and stuff.
Not touching Expanse after it costing 40 quid and the episodes are only 30 mins long...the feck.