That was a little embarrassing for Broner. The general feeling was that he would blow Malignaggi out of the water inside 6 rounds to announce himself as the next superstar. In the end he made harder work of an old Paulie than any of the top fighters who have beaten him before, that includes Amir Khan! Bizarrely Broner is the Ring no 6 P4P fighter in the world despite never have beaten a fighter who has ever, at any point of their career, been in The Ring top 10 P4P fighters. Considering that strange Ring ranking and that bizarre refereeing performance; one where the ref saw and failed to take the appropriate action against a kick in the balls; an elbow to the head; punching on the break and two counts of overhead back punching, you do start to feel that Al Haymon does have undue influence with influential figures in the fight game.
I scored the fight 7 rounds to 5 for Broner but I can understand a wider Broner victory. It is hard to make a case for Paulie winning that fight in any light. Nonetheless I do not feel that Broner is close to the level of Ward, Pacquiao or Floyd. For me, he is still a hype job at this point, he lost on a good number of peoples scorecards against Ponce De Leon too. I remain to be convinced.