Or DB.
Who the feck is DB?
That'd be me.
Or DB.
Who the feck is DB?
18 votes out of 48 for Spammy. Three times as many as Brad with 6.
Come back soon, Spammy.
Tell me that was scripted. Please, you'd be my hero.
Good work with the stats jveezy.
You're like Tony Gubba on dancing on Ice.
What was his cat called, was it Winston?
Nice to see a fellow red get the nod.
There's still hope for you yet.
Worst poster here he comes!!
Damien, have you got every single post in the history of the Caf saved?
Damien, have you got every single post in the history of the Caf saved?
I am still resting on my laurels of winning Post of the Year last year.
oh snap.
I am picturing having a massive Redcafe database of all posts with 1000 different tags for quick reference.
All colour coded.
Damien, have you got every single post in the history of the Caf saved?
I genuinely think this is the only logical explanation for his never ending database of Caf' related information.
I am picturing having a massive Redcafe database of all posts with 1000 different tags for quick reference.
All colour coded.
Nick has tried to cozy up to the caf heavyweights this year, on one occasion meeting up with Elvis and Mockney for food (no point in mentioning Zarlak as he's still a nobody). Nick became so nervous at the meet up that he ate everything in site. The pizza, the burgers, then the table and chairs and eventually he consumed poor old Zarlak.
It's time for the Award of:
Regular who would make a good mod 2011
A closely contested award this year. Poor old KM as desperate as he is never took plaudits. The consensus is that Lance is too much of a shitc**t and Mockney couldn't be trusted with the secrets of the mod forum. So the award goes to none other than pdeudo-funny guy and poor man's JGraham - R Nick.
Nick is forever trying to be helpful, humorous, caring, a pillar of sense, a wealth of knowledge and information etc...but failing dismally in the process. Mods need balls and based on my experience of him Nick is just to much of a limp wristed, conformist fag that wants to please everyone and is afraid of offending anyone. With JGray going AWOL over the past year odd Nick had tried to pick up the mantle of being everyone's favourite nice guy but has just looked incredibly gay and insincere in the process.
Nick has tried to cozy up to the caf heavyweights this year, on one occasion meeting up with Elvis and Mockney for food (no point in mentioning Zarlak as he's still a nobody). Nick became so nervous at the meet up that he ate everything in site. The pizza, the burgers, then the table and chairs and eventually he consumed poor old Zarlak. But Nick couldn't stop there....he continued to eat. Soon large parts of Greater Manchester had disappeared deep into Nick's belly. But as he grew bigger his personality and presence didn't. With all this weight on board Nick may have looked like a man mountain, but inside he still felt like the little boy that was never accepted.
The truth of the matter is that there's about as much chance of Nick becoming a mod on the caf as there is Shane starring in a film with Eric Cantona. Nick will be buzzing to death on this award, until he wakes up sand see that his peers were only taking the piss. I wonder did he ever shit Zarlak out? Only joking Nicky. You’re a great guy (no typo), much liked, and I’m sure you’d do a great job. If Brophs can do it, anyone can (apart from Weaste – who proved he couldn’t do it). Well done!
First poster to guess the name of the Mod who's idea it was to blank Randall gets a tagline of choice. Please create a another thread.
First poster to guess the name of the Mod who's idea it was to blank Randall gets a tagline of choice. Please create a another thread.
If Brophs can do it, anyone can (apart from Weaste – who proved he couldn’t do it). Well done!