Television The Propgropthrop

Nikki was underrated. She got to be a decent wrestler by the end.

Brie was awful though. One of the worst wrestlers around her time.
The stuff from SD leading to this was nicely done, but that trial was such a fantastic segment. Everyone played their role. Awesome and compelling storyline
That segment was absolutely fantastic. Gonna be sad when this storyline ends.

Feel robbed of a steel cage match.

Also, whoever edited the opening video package deserves a raise, that was fantastic.
Apart from the Bloodline segment the whole show was cringey trash mixed with the usual nothingness tbh.

You'd think all the clips of great moments from past Raws and the fact they had hundreds more they didn’t even use would drum home to them just how bloody dull the show is now.

Brock is always good for a crowd pop but the feud with Lashley makes no sense. It's all based on Brock coming out and doing exactly the same thing to him last time he returned, for no actual reason.

Whiney nostalgia time but WWE used to produce actual great story telling like this:

This was going on at the exact same time the Mcmahon vs Austin story was unfolding, Rock was slowly taking over the NoD, Mero/Sable, the emergence of DX....all great fueds/stories built up over months.

Now the only half decent running story they have is about someone giving someone else a t-shirt and whether they're part of their special friends group or not and actually it's been going on for about 6 months now and this is all there is to it so just get to the bloody point.
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Apart from the Bloodline segment the whole show was cringey trash mixed with the usual nothingness tbh.

You'd think all the clips of great moments from past Raws and the fact they had hundreds more they didn’t even use would drum home to them just how bloody dull the show is now.

Brock is always good for a crowd pop but the feud with Lashley makes no sense. It's all based on Brock coming out and doing exactly the same thing to him last time he returned, for no actual reason.

Whiney nostalgia time but WWE used to produce actual great story telling like this:

This was going on at the exact same time the Mcmahon vs Austin story was unfolding, Rock was slowly taking over the NoD, Mero/Sable, the emergence of DX....all great fueds/stories built up over months.

Now the only half decent running story they have is about someone giving someone else a t-shirt and whether they're part of their special friends group or not and actually it's been going on for about 6 months now and this is all there is to it so just get to the bloody point.

The LA Knight / Bray feud is great. Of course it's going to be a bit cringey with the oldies, it always is but it was still great. Agree about the Brock bit. Plus I could watch Ron Simmons saying 'Damn' anytime :lol:
The LA Knight / Bray feud is great. Of course it's going to be a bit cringey with the oldies, it always is but it was still great. Agree about the Brock bit. Plus I could watch Ron Simmons saying 'Damn' anytime :lol:

Not worked at all for me... I would agree that LA Knight has been great, but I think the feud itself has been a bit naff... think they've totally bungled Bray's return.
Not worked at all for me... I would agree that LA Knight has been great, but I think the feud itself has been a bit naff... think they've totally bungled Bray's return.

Maybe, the problem is they've put 2 guys who need a push against each other so one will lose and I hope it doesn't hamper their push. Think LA Knight is brilliant and needs to be pushed to the top.
Maybe, the problem is they've put 2 guys who need a push against each other so one will lose and I hope it doesn't hamper their push. Think LA Knight is brilliant and needs to be pushed to the top.

I'm not going to pretend everything is set in stone and cannot change. I dont know the future.

What I do know is that LA Knight was put into this position to take his lumps from Bray who is considered the star but they had some problems booking him because his opponent always ended up being worse off than before. Vince made Knight the manager of a pair of models. Granted he got some chemical help and its possible Vince might start to see him in a different way. He did with Becky afterall. But this is a guy thats in the spot because unlike Seth Rollins and the rest, it doesnt matter if when this is over he gets boos, cheers, or no reaction at all and even if this is all he does, it was still an improvement for him to be on tv and in the ring stars rather than skits with lower card models.

LA Knight has A character. He has some catchphrases that he says confidently regardless of whether they make any sense for what is going on. And he's in a good shape. For right now he's The Miz in better physical shape. What he doesnt have is the name recognition, the shows, the wife and the title history. He's not going to get it either. This could easily be the only time he's doing anything with someone noteworthy before he falls back down to lower card comedy and matches.
I'm not going to pretend everything is set in stone and cannot change. I dont know the future.

What I do know is that LA Knight was put into this position to take his lumps from Bray who is considered the star but they had some problems booking him because his opponent always ended up being worse off than before. Vince made Knight the manager of a pair of models. Granted he got some chemical help and its possible Vince might start to see him in a different way. He did with Becky afterall. But this is a guy thats in the spot because unlike Seth Rollins and the rest, it doesnt matter if when this is over he gets boos, cheers, or no reaction at all and even if this is all he does, it was still an improvement for him to be on tv and in the ring stars rather than skits with lower card models.

LA Knight has A character. He has some catchphrases that he says confidently regardless of whether they make any sense for what is going on. And he's in a good shape. For right now he's The Miz in better physical shape. What he doesnt have is the name recognition, the shows, the wife and the title history. He's not going to get it either. This could easily be the only time he's doing anything with someone noteworthy before he falls back down to lower card comedy and matches.

And it could just as easily be the feud that puts him in the spotlight for a lot of viewers (who won't have seen him before) and propel him to the upper midcard and eventually main event scene.

We can all do what if scenarios, but they don't all have to be negative.
And it could just as easily be the feud that puts him in the spotlight for a lot of viewers (who won't have seen him before) and propel him to the upper midcard and eventually main event scene.

We can all do what if scenarios, but they don't all have to be negative.

I hope this is the case. Vince (not the first time) booked his start wrong with that model thing but now he is in his element. WWE are really short of top heels at the moment. The only other one is Austin Theory who isn't quite top level yet. LA Knight has great mic skills and can get the crowd going, Even with the Undertaker he was great. Really hope this is the start of the push for him.
Agreed @sewey89
There's no point watching if that's always the case

@TheGame there's no issues if you're enjoying the feud. A lot of people are

@Annihilate Now! Interested to hear your thoughts on why the return is bungled

When he came back he was white hot, felt like one of the biggest stars in the industry, nevermind the company... And now, he's still over yeah, but he doesn't feel anywhere near as hot as he was... And I think that's to do with all the Uncle Howdy/weird stuff, it just has been a bit of a mess for me.

I think if he came back as OG cult leader Bray it would have been way better.
When he came back he was white hot, felt like one of the biggest stars in the industry, nevermind the company... And now, he's still over yeah, but he doesn't feel anywhere near as hot as he was... And I think that's to do with all the Uncle Howdy/weird stuff, it just has been a bit of a mess for me.

I think if he came back as OG cult leader Bray it would have been way better.
Fair enough. I think they obviously wanted to evolve it. I do agree they need to go the leader route though. Him with his own 'cult' faction would be great (especially with talk of Wyatt 6). Would be a good way to involve people who arent doing much. Sorta like Taker had with the ministry.

I think the one thing with Wyatt is that his promos were always stronger than his matches. Im not disappointed they havent had him wrestle much.

Yep really enjoying both characters especially LA Knight. That and the Bloodlines are favourite things at the moment.
I want to see Brock/Lashley 3. I think its a good use of Lesnar (away from the title).
The LA Knight / Bray feud is great. Of course it's going to be a bit cringey with the oldies, it always is but it was still great. Agree about the Brock bit. Plus I could watch Ron Simmons saying 'Damn' anytime :lol:

Not sure what to make of the Bray/LA Knight stuff.

I like both of them (although Knight is a bit too Rock wannabe at times) and I'm glad they've (finally) given Bray something to do, but again the actual fued makes no sense and Bray in general just doesn't make sense. It's been entertaining at times but I think mostly that's on the two of them as individuals.

Bray's return summed up everything I hate about WWE at the moment. They gave it a huge build up, made it the main event of a ppv, and then there was some overly extravagant flashing lights and noises, and then he just, was there, and that was it. They kept showing it over and over and everyone going on about it being a great moment, but he literally didn't do anything. It could have just not happened at all and would have made no difference to anything...then the next week on Smackdown he's just sort of there not doing anything, again...and this went on for like 2 months, at least. Such a ridiculous waste of what should be an intriguing character.

I just compare it to say, when Jericho first appeared. They gave that a similar build up, but then when he finally appeared, he immediately had a load of stuff to say, basically announced he was taking over Raw, and had a confrontation with The Rock. It was a genuinely great piece of entertainment, at the time. The next week they teased him going up against Undertaker, and after that it was straight to building his character by having him fight and fued with people. So it all became part of his character and story.

WWE now seem to think they can swap out substance through character and story building, by just giving everyone a pointless gimmick.

I don't actually think the Sami/Bloodline stuff is that amazing. It just sticks out because its the only thing WWE is doing that has any substance to it. Where you actually think or care about what might happen next.
I haven't watched since Bray's return and even then I rarely watched much weekly. Been invited to a night out for the Royal Rumble on Saturday, so does anyone have a good way to catch up on any good storylines (if there are any)? Also, who are the main guys/gals being pushed at the moment and ones to watch in the actual Rumble matches?

Based on the promos and build to the rumble I'm assuming that every single entrant is Cody Rhodes and he's going to fight himself for an hour before the surprise ending where Cody Rhodes ends up winning.
I would like rumble to do an ending where every participant gets eliminated before #30 walks out.

So #30 automatically wins just by getting into the ring
Based on the promos and build to the rumble I'm assuming that every single entrant is Cody Rhodes and he's going to fight himself for an hour before the surprise ending where Cody Rhodes ends up winning.
Innit, WWE are so bad at building things up.
Aew was a good tribute for the briscoes. Glad the main event match happened (such a shame the Briscoes together couldnt appear before the tragedy)

Also nice they hit a million.

Think that was the best mjf for a while now. The beatdown and the post beatdown promo. Danielson With a fire promo too

I do feel it's odd that we haven't seen omega since the trios main event win a few weeks ago (don't even remember an explanation)
And same with Adam cole, haven't seen him (though we got a video recap and such). And saw him come out towards the end.

Do think aew needs to tighten that stuff up cos as a TV show if you watch week to week , it feels random at times (and you gotta search for explanations online)

I haven't watched since Bray's return and even then I rarely watched much weekly. Been invited to a night out for the Royal Rumble on Saturday, so does anyone have a good way to catch up on any good storylines (if there are any)? Also, who are the main guys/gals being pushed at the moment and ones to watch in the actual Rumble matches?

YouTube. And reading recaps from the shows going forward . Tbh go get going, I'd just read the recaps up until last week SD. Then watch Raw this week and possibly SD tonight.
Based on the promos and build to the rumble I'm assuming that every single entrant is Cody Rhodes and he's going to fight himself for an hour before the surprise ending where Cody Rhodes ends up winning.
Innit, WWE are so bad at building things up.
Literally half the rumble is already confirmed what more do you want :lol:
Literally half the rumble is already confirmed what more do you want :lol:
This isnt so much on HHH (cos hes trying to correct that) but looking at the Rumble, theres maybe two people that could / should win it.

WWE has done such a bad job recently that the ones im thinking are either part timers who arent announced like Brock (less so this year) or Austin and Rock (:lol:)

Or from those announced:
Cody (who is a star cos he got signed back)
Rollins (cos he been on a hot streak but been away from the title picture, just a few mentions here and there about him beating Roman).
Sami - Storyline wise would be great but just dont see it.

Also random, but I miss when you would have a random brawl on a Raw and SD and people just throw each other over the top rope to show their dominance or what they can do.
This isnt so much on HHH (cos hes trying to correct that) but looking at the Rumble, theres maybe two people that could / should win it.

WWE has done such a bad job recently that the ones im thinking are either part timers who arent announced like Brock (less so this year) or Austin and Rock (:lol:)

Or from those announced:
Cody (who is a star cos he got signed back)
Rollins (cos he been on a hot streak but been away from the title picture, just a few mentions here and there about him beating Roman).
Sami - Storyline wise would be great but just dont see it.

Also random, but I miss when you would have a random brawl on a Raw and SD and people just throw each other over the top rope to show their dominance or what they can do.
I can't see Cody winning since they announced him returning but have to wait and see.

If they're not doing Rock/Reigns, someone like Gunter would be good. I wouldn't mind a McIntyre redemption arc either.

If it's anyone other than Rhea or Shayna for the women's then they've fecked up.
This isnt so much on HHH (cos hes trying to correct that) but looking at the Rumble, theres maybe two people that could / should win it.

WWE has done such a bad job recently that the ones im thinking are either part timers who arent announced like Brock (less so this year) or Austin and Rock (:lol:)

Or from those announced:
Cody (who is a star cos he got signed back)
Rollins (cos he been on a hot streak but been away from the title picture, just a few mentions here and there about him beating Roman).
Sami - Storyline wise would be great but just dont see it.

Also random, but I miss when you would have a random brawl on a Raw and SD and people just throw each other over the top rope to show their dominance or what they can do.

I starting to think Sami will actually win it.
I can't see Cody winning since they announced him returning but have to wait and see.

If they're not doing Rock/Reigns, someone like Gunter would be good. I wouldn't mind a McIntyre redemption arc either.

If it's anyone other than Rhea or Shayna for the women's then they've fecked up.
Cody is winning it, they've announced a return a few times who have gone on to win it.

My partner is out tomorrow so im going to stay up, love the RR.
HHH, and Edge in recent years I think. I think they did for Edge didn't they?
Triple H had already returned at that point, was just his first match back but he was in ring cutting promos and had already got his return pop. The same with edge infact. They'd both already returned and it was their first matches back.
HHH, and Edge in recent years I think. I think they did for Edge didn't they?

Edge returned in the 2020 rumble and didn't win (though it was a surprise return) - Drew won

He won in 2021.

That 2020 rumble was one of the best rumbles in recent history.
Triple H had already returned at that point, was just his first match back but he was in ring cutting promos and had already got his return pop. The same with edge infact. They'd both already returned and it was their first matches back.
I thought the question was what returner announced ahead of time went onto win the RR?
I thought the question was what returner announced ahead of time went onto win the RR?
Cody has announced he's returning at the rumble.

Edge and Triple H had already returned before they went on to win their rumbles. There lies the difference.
Cody has announced he's returning at the rumble.

Edge and Triple H had already returned before they went on to win their rumbles. There lies the difference.
Ah okay, yeah that is slightly different I suppose.

Anyway he's still winning it regardless.
Literally half the rumble is already confirmed what more do you want :lol:

I genuinely have no idea who is in it other than Rhodes. Reigns is unattainable for anyone else and it's like they've given up even trying to pretend otherwise.

Honestly think WWE will get a qhole lot better when they take the title off Reigns so every other wrestler and match isn't completely pointless and they aren't doing rubbish like trying to make the US title a big deal.