Television The Propgropthrop

WWE have done the impossible, they've made Dominik Mysterio entertaining. A "thug criminal" with a tear tattoo after a night in a jail, brilliant.
I think it has improved since Vince but there has been an influx of alot of new characters and some of which have had very minimal impact e.g Hit Row. There has however been clear pushes for the talented stars in my opinion such as Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, LA Knight, Gunther, Austin Theory reinvented, Bloodline, etc. There's still alot of improvements to be made though. As have others have said, if Vince is back, it will just lead to some very strange characters and storylines.

Sami joined The Bloodline under Vince though. The only different thing is Solo Sikoa came in

Owens was already a main eventer, Vince took a shoot headbutt from the guy to put him over. LA Knight was doing the bad models thing, but he's just there to get beat up by Bray now. So yeah its an improvement for him but its still not a particularly positive role. Gunther is doing exactly the same as he was. Theory being more serious is definitely a change but who knows if that was always the plan. It certainly happened while Vince was away though.

I think we already have strange storylines and characters

Alexa Bliss the face of evil... That might be the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a wrestling ring. Looks really silly when Bianca who is 2 times her height and 3 times her build is trying to make her look a physical threat.

Dexter Lumis in a midcard and sometimes higher feud with The Miz... With Gargano instead of wrestling being Lumis' mouthpiece. Why? Just put Gargano in a match and forget about the rest of it

Ronda and Shayna a tag team that always seem to get a talking part, despite the fact that they're both awful at talking
Sami joined The Bloodline under Vince though. The only different thing is Solo Sikoa came in

Owens was already a main eventer, Vince took a shoot headbutt from the guy to put him over. LA Knight was doing the bad models thing, but he's just there to get beat up by Bray now. So yeah its an improvement for him but its still not a particularly positive role. Gunther is doing exactly the same as he was. Theory being more serious is definitely a change but who knows if that was always the plan. It certainly happened while Vince was away though.

I think we already have strange storylines and characters

Alexa Bliss the face of evil... That might be the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a wrestling ring. Looks really silly when Bianca who is 2 times her height and 3 times her build is trying to make her look a physical threat.

Dexter Lumis in a midcard and sometimes higher feud with The Miz... With Gargano instead of wrestling being Lumis' mouthpiece. Why? Just put Gargano in a match and forget about the rest of it

Ronda and Shayna a tag team that always seem to get a talking part, despite the fact that they're both awful at talking

Sami may have joined under Vince but the writing since is what has made him popular, I can't imagine the same if Vince had been there. It's spot on most weeks Owens had been hanging around midcard yet has the mic and in ring skills to be better. LA Knight was some strange fashion guy under Vince yet now is one of the best people on the mic and set for a big match at the Royal Rumble. Gunther is better than he was and has improved. In terms of Theory, Vince even took away his first name, I can't imagine he would have changed him.

Gargano has been wasted a bit as he is talented, think he is injured now. Pretty sure Samoa Joe would have been better under HHH. I still think there has been too many new arrivals and a number with minimal impact. There will always be some strange storylines, it cannot be all good. Overall in my opinion its better but still alot of meh stuff around.
Was raw on different channel last night?, it didn’t tape on series link, few times that’s happened, don’t really mind can tape it 9 the night with less adverts, just watch a day late.
I think it has improved since Vince but there has been an influx of alot of new characters and some of which have had very minimal impact e.g Hit Row. There has however been clear pushes for the talented stars in my opinion such as Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, LA Knight, Gunther, Austin Theory reinvented, Bloodline, etc. There's still alot of improvements to be made though. As have others have said, if Vince is back, it will just lead to some very strange characters and storylines.

He's also made Dominik Mysterio into the greatest thing in wrestling history
One down, Nick Khan and HHH to go.

You've got to feel for all the people that signed in recent months because of HHH/no vince.
Saw a headline earlier about Nick Khan being in on it all and due to receive a massive payday post sale for his troubles.

But yeah feels like Triple H exit is imminent. How does Vince keep getting away with it?
Im gonna have to watch succession now to see how this all plays out.
Things are moving very quickl tonight. All the leading journalists have been hinting at something big tonight and Kermit on squared circle (genuine certified insider) has just claimed WWE has been sold.
Things are moving very quickl tonight. All the leading journalists have been hinting at something big tonight and Kermit on squared circle (genuine certified insider) has just claimed WWE has been sold.

Saudis bought it apparently, going back to being a private company.
If Saudis bought it I can see Vince being put back in charge. Not like they will have any issues with it
Nobodies are reporting this. From what I’ve learned since the Vince scandal is the wrestling media knows feck all about the business side of things
They were better off selling to some souless conglomerate. Talent, backstage, fans, from the bottom up a lot of people won't stomach this and just watch AEW. It's not really like buying a football team, sure some fans say they won't support United (but they probably will), it's a different type of product and there's already a solid alternative. A very interesting year ahead indeed.
WWE have done the impossible, they've made Dominik Mysterio entertaining. A "thug criminal" with a tear tattoo after a night in a jail, brilliant.

Impressive but this isn't impossible.

Impossible would be making Baron Corbyn entertaining, which hasn't even happened by pairing him with JBL. Although it's hard to make someone interesting when the most interesting thing about them is how staggeringly uninteresting they are.
Fantastic episode of dynamite. Great crowd, great matches, a really fantastic return

Want omega to go singles soon and stop coming out with the whole bunch of jobber friends. He looked more like a star at wrestlekingdom on his own during his entry.

Also the womens division is weird. Hayter is the most over, and her and Brit are just stars so the crowd go crazy for them. But are meant to be heels. Toni is getting booed for going against them (and people strangely wanting mercedes because they had it in their mind and Brit saying 'boss' last week)

Saraya is getting a mixed reaction now (some boos) but also she's wrestling on return so there's respect for that, so it's weird.
And shida is completely underused so hopefully this is a good start but defo should not be a heel (but looks like a start of a heel turn)

I do like they are more focused and hopefully continue the run of good shows especially focusing on hook, jungleboy, Starks . Mjf and having them work with the veterans
Listen, Adam Cole is back, so all is well in the wrestling world in my eyes.
Fantastic episode of dynamite. Great crowd, great matches, a really fantastic return

Want omega to go singles soon and stop coming out with the whole bunch of jobber friends. He looked more like a star at wrestlekingdom on his own during his entry.

Also the womens division is weird. Hayter is the most over, and her and Brit are just stars so the crowd go crazy for them. But are meant to be heels. Toni is getting booed for going against them (and people strangely wanting mercedes because they had it in their mind and Brit saying 'boss' last week)

Saraya is getting a mixed reaction now (some boos) but also she's wrestling on return so there's respect for that, so it's weird.
And shida is completely underused so hopefully this is a good start but defo should not be a heel (but looks like a start of a heel turn)

I do like they are more focused and hopefully continue the run of good shows especially focusing on hook, jungleboy, Starks . Mjf and having them work with the veterans

I thought Dynamite was pretty boring to be honest. The matches were fine but it was impossible to get invested in them, as the results were obvious before they started. At least the self indulgent best of 7 is over, they could really have cut out the repetition and made it a best of 3, especially given the result was a forgone conclusion. Totally agreed about Omega, the Bucks too lower themselves by having their dark/elevation friends tag along

As for Hayter & Britt, there are plenty of heels that get cheered, Hayter is getting it for consistent excellence and Britt for elevating her, plus Saraya seems to be playing the outsider making it about herself, which is bound to get some boos.

The JAS segment was horrible, Starks and Jericho are normally good talkers, but seemed to get dragged down to the level of everyone around them. Hager's ironically terrible trash talk doesn't work when everyone else in the segment has unironically terrible trash talk.

The positive though was Adam Cole being back - both because he seemed really messed up, and it's great that he's OK, but also because it looks like he's going to go through some long overdue character transformation.
I thought Dynamite was pretty boring to be honest. The matches were fine but it was impossible to get invested in them, as the results were obvious before they started. At least the self indulgent best of 7 is over, they could really have cut out the repetition and made it a best of 3, especially given the result was a forgone conclusion. Totally agreed about Omega, the Bucks too lower themselves by having their dark/elevation friends tag along

As for Hayter & Britt, there are plenty of heels that get cheered, Hayter is getting it for consistent excellence and Britt for elevating her, plus Saraya seems to be playing the outsider making it about herself, which is bound to get some boos.

The JAS segment was horrible, Starks and Jericho are normally good talkers, but seemed to get dragged down to the level of everyone around them. Hager's ironically terrible trash talk doesn't work when everyone else in the segment has unironically terrible trash talk.

The positive though was Adam Cole being back - both because he seemed really messed up, and it's great that he's OK, but also because it looks like he's going to go through some long overdue character transformation.

Im surprised you found it boring. I think the hot crowd helped them.
The results being obvious isnt a bad thing (especially logically and storyline speaking). I do think the matches were fantastic. Thought every match was at least good if not fantastic.

Adam Coles promo was fantastic. Wasnt expecting him so thats a great bonus for AEW. Again, hopefully they dont just put him with a team or somebody. They tend to do that a lot with people, and dont have many people just on their own. And hopefully they dont turn him heel after a week, he needs a run as a goodguy.

I get what you meant with regards to the promo. Im glad Starks is being used though.
Hagers line about 'slap your face off your face' had me laughing. Brought back Owen Hart memories :lol:

The one thing ive noticed is they are really struggling to get that 1m again. I think they blew a chance to grow their audience once Punk came and just made bad decisions with some random hirings, and incoherent story telling and Tony Khan indulging some of the guys too much.
They killed danielson and Cole making them 'just another guy' grouping them. They had a great Omega/Danielson match but then didnt really follow up with it.
And then didnt take advantage of Punk being there as much as they should have (although the injuries when he became champ, twice, didnt help)

I do hope they keep going with the string of good shows, and new markets / hot crowds.

Rampage is going to take a long time to heal too. They started it with trying to put Moxley, and some serious guys on there, but theyve lost a chunk of their audience or couldnt retain them.
Fantastic episode of dynamite. Great crowd, great matches, a really fantastic return

Want omega to go singles soon and stop coming out with the whole bunch of jobber friends. He looked more like a star at wrestlekingdom on his own during his entry.

Also the womens division is weird. Hayter is the most over, and her and Brit are just stars so the crowd go crazy for them. But are meant to be heels. Toni is getting booed for going against them (and people strangely wanting mercedes because they had it in their mind and Brit saying 'boss' last week)

Saraya is getting a mixed reaction now (some boos) but also she's wrestling on return so there's respect for that, so it's weird.
And shida is completely underused so hopefully this is a good start but defo should not be a heel (but looks like a start of a heel turn)

I do like they are more focused and hopefully continue the run of good shows especially focusing on hook, jungleboy, Starks . Mjf and having them work with the veterans

I thought Dynamite was fantastic as well. My only complaint was that absolute mess of a segment with Starks making fun of someone's lisp and Andretti panicking and using terrible judgement and deciding to chew out Sami for not being able to control his woman. And calling her a slut. Absolute car crash of a segment.

I wish they'd just hurry up and turn Hayter face. Generally there's not much value in having these grey heel/face dichotomies going on, which AEW have had too many of. Wrestling is only fun when there's faces who are hugely over that the crowd pop for so you can get swept up in the excitement at home. If someone's likely to get over massively as a face, just turn them face.

This Shida heel turn is stupid af as well.
you like the petite wrestlers? seems to be how things are going these days.
I personally don't mind smaller guys, Daniel Bryan was a favorite of mine before he disappeared into the obscurity of AEW.

But I found watching Adam Cole very difficult. He was too little and thin. I wouldn't give him great odds against a child in a real fight.
Don't know how anyone could think that was a boring edition of Dynamite. I'd have to question what you enjoy about wrestling if you thought that.

Two banger strong style matches in Hangman v Mox and Danielson v Takeshita and a fun but dumb conclusion to the best of 7. Personally I much prefer the former as my patience has run dry with these stupid spot fests from the Bucks and Lucha Bros. They were fun for a bit but when you've got a guy turning around whilst he's climbing a ladder just so he can be arm dragged of it or Fenix practically placing himself on Omega's shoulders for the OWA at the end it just looks nonsensical. Certainly not boring though.

I guess if you like promo's it wasn't all that. MJF is gonna end up being a fast forward segment if he isn't careful.
Im surprised you found it boring. I think the hot crowd helped them.
The results being obvious isnt a bad thing (especially logically and storyline speaking). I do think the matches were fantastic. Thought every match was at least good if not fantastic.

Adam Coles promo was fantastic. Wasnt expecting him so thats a great bonus for AEW. Again, hopefully they dont just put him with a team or somebody. They tend to do that a lot with people, and dont have many people just on their own. And hopefully they dont turn him heel after a week, he needs a run as a goodguy.

I get what you meant with regards to the promo. Im glad Starks is being used though.
Hagers line about 'slap your face off your face' had me laughing. Brought back Owen Hart memories :lol:

The one thing ive noticed is they are really struggling to get that 1m again. I think they blew a chance to grow their audience once Punk came and just made bad decisions with some random hirings, and incoherent story telling and Tony Khan indulging some of the guys too much.
They killed danielson and Cole making them 'just another guy' grouping them. They had a great Omega/Danielson match but then didnt really follow up with it.
And then didnt take advantage of Punk being there as much as they should have (although the injuries when he became champ, twice, didnt help)

I do hope they keep going with the string of good shows, and new markets / hot crowds.

Rampage is going to take a long time to heal too. They started it with trying to put Moxley, and some serious guys on there, but theyve lost a chunk of their audience or couldnt retain them.

The crowd was great, and results being obvious isn't a bad thing by itself (although a smidgen of doubt would help), but there needs to be something to give me a reason to invest in a match - either a story or good reason for two guys to be fighting, or an unknown outcome (or ideally both). Having a match for the sake of it is only exciting if it's a dream match scenario. The trios match for example would have been exciting if I hadn't watched 6 almost identical matches (minus 2 admittedly awesome ladder spots) in the previous weeks, the build to Page vs Mox was meant to feel personal, but just felt badly acted (in contrast to Punk vs Mox recently, that felt big time and personal), and Danielson vs Takeshita was a foregone conclusion, and the latter could have been replaced with anyone.

Hager's line made me laugh, but at the same time cringe as the goofy character somehow came off as the least goofy person in the entire segment.
Don't know how anyone could think that was a boring edition of Dynamite. I'd have to question what you enjoy about wrestling if you thought that.

Two banger strong style matches in Hangman v Mox and Danielson v Takeshita and a fun but dumb conclusion to the best of 7. Personally I much prefer the former as my patience has run dry with these stupid spot fests from the Bucks and Lucha Bros. They were fun for a bit but when you've got a guy turning around whilst he's climbing a ladder just so he can be arm dragged of it or Fenix practically placing himself on Omega's shoulders for the OWA at the end it just looks nonsensical. Certainly not boring though.

I guess if you like promo's it wasn't all that. MJF is gonna end up being a fast forward segment if he isn't careful.

Like I said in my previous post, a "banger match" for the sake of it doesn't give me any reason to be invested, whether it's a flippy spot fest or two guys taking turns chopping each other in the chest. Give me a reason to care about what happens, and I can enjoy them both.

All of the matches on Dynamite were a foregone conclusion, and none of them gave me much of a reason to care otherwise. Danielson is jumping through MJF's usual hoops, Page and Moxley didn't do a very good job in the build to their match to make it feel like it mattered, and both are getting quite one dimensional character wise, and the trios match was more of the same with a couple of cool spots (the OWA with a very contrived setup though, as you pointed out), and I was bored of that by match 4. I was most interested in the Women's tag match, as at least that could have gone either way, and is furthering a story.

AEW is at its best when it's using matches to tell stories, and that way an obvious doesn't matter - Punk vs MJF, Hangman vs Omega, Wardlow's turn, Swerve and Keith Lee fracturing, etc.
Like I said in my previous post, a "banger match" for the sake of it doesn't give me any reason to be invested, whether it's a flippy spot fest or two guys taking turns chopping each other in the chest. Give me a reason to care about what happens, and I can enjoy them both.

All of the matches on Dynamite were a foregone conclusion, and none of them gave me much of a reason to care otherwise. Danielson is jumping through MJF's usual hoops, Page and Moxley didn't do a very good job in the build to their match to make it feel like it mattered, and both are getting quite one dimensional character wise, and the trios match was more of the same with a couple of cool spots (the OWA with a very contrived setup though, as you pointed out), and I was bored of that by match 4. I was most interested in the Women's tag match, as at least that could have gone either way, and is furthering a story.

AEW is at its best when it's using matches to tell stories, and that way an obvious doesn't matter - Punk vs MJF, Hangman vs Omega, Wardlow's turn, Swerve and Keith Lee fracturing, etc.

Totally disagree about Mox and Hangman. There was plenty of backstory there stemming from the concussion (even before that tbh) and I had no idea that Mox would put Hangman over. He rarely loses.
Totally disagree about Mox and Hangman. There was plenty of backstory there stemming from the concussion (even before that tbh) and I had no idea that Mox would put Hangman over. He rarely loses.
I think its only the second time Mox has been pinned clean (first since Punk) maybe ever in AEW?

The crowd was great, and results being obvious isn't a bad thing by itself (although a smidgen of doubt would help), but there needs to be something to give me a reason to invest in a match - either a story or good reason for two guys to be fighting, or an unknown outcome (or ideally both). Having a match for the sake of it is only exciting if it's a dream match scenario. The trios match for example would have been exciting if I hadn't watched 6 almost identical matches (minus 2 admittedly awesome ladder spots) in the previous weeks, the build to Page vs Mox was meant to feel personal, but just felt badly acted (in contrast to Punk vs Mox recently, that felt big time and personal), and Danielson vs Takeshita was a foregone conclusion, and the latter could have been replaced with anyone.

Hager's line made me laugh, but at the same time cringe as the goofy character somehow came off as the least goofy person in the entire segment.

I think Page/Mox had story
Danielson match story and yes, it was predictable who would win, but again, great match. It told a great in ring story as well.
Trios match is based on your preference but it was a fun match.
The JungleHook tag match had an obvious outcome but that match built perfectly to Hooks suplex of Big Bill (and the crowd went nuts when he finally hit it)

Again, different types of matches. I personally liked them (and even liked the womens tag match despite the heel/face dynamics being weird)

I guess if you like promo's it wasn't all that. MJF is gonna end up being a fast forward segment if he isn't careful.
A discussion needs to be had regarding MJF and his material, right? He delivers it well and is a strong talker, but the material is getting repetitive and ... meh?
It feels kinda weak? I dunno, its just not great especially the amount of time hes given.