Television The Propgropthrop

What a crappy way for such a long title reign to end. Hopefully he returns very quickly.

Where is Daniel Bryan? Perfect time to bring him back now, if he is cleared.
It's a poetic way for it to end, given how badly it was booked. Seth was booked as a perpetual coward and no-one really got the rub from beating him.

Bryan was getting a 'third opinion' from a doctor regarding his concussion last I heard.
WWE needs to not end Survivor Series with:
-Successful cash in
-Part time person holding the title
-Somebody old or who has had the title before winning it
My thought is this.

It should be Roman. I don't see any positive to not giving him it again, they shit out at Mania when they should have stuck, now is the last chance to make him your star, if the boat hasn't already sailed.
Forcing the Reigns title will kill him in the long run, the crowd are tired of that, and he'll get Cena hate very strongly. He doesnt have the mic skills to handle that. What they should keep doing is keep him in the hunt, allow him to garner support. Play up the fact that he has been constantly screwed, and then when the crowd is on his side, pull the triger.
WWE needs to not end Survivor Series with:
-Successful cash in
-Part time person holding the title
-Somebody old or who has had the title before winning it
Well i have been giving this a lot of thought and I wouldn't mind seeing a throw back to Survivor series 1998.

Daniel Bryan could be a surprise entrant to the tourney to kick the night off as a huge surprise that would get the crowd fecking pumped form the off. In my head this is a 16 man tournament. Before any off this, on Raw this week we need someone like Alberto Del Rio to lobby the authority and say that he can be the new face of the company. he then enters the tournament and gets to the final where he faces DB and the authority turn on Del Rio, DB wins the title and sells out to the authority.

the issue is whether or not DB is ready to return. if not Reigns could be that guy. either way, a heel turn is probably needed to fill the void of Rollins as there aren't really any heels that could generate the hate of a Rollins, imagine the heat of DB if he turned on the fans.

Of course the more realistic option is that Reigns wrestles four times in a night, wins the belt and Sheamus cashes in, this makes sense as a heel must cash in on a face champion which leads me to believe that this was the original plan for SS pre Rollins injury.

if this happens then Reigns wins the belt back at TLC and Bray Wyatt wins the rumble (in my fantasy booking) after dispatching of the Undertaker/Kane at SS and winning strongly against sting? at TLC. This would lead to Reigns Vs Wyatt at mania, which i think would be a sensibly booked championship match and if the WWE didn't think this was strong enough for a mania main event then they could subsidise it with a Rock vs whoever or possibly an Austin Vs whoever (lesnar?) match that would put bums in seats - not that they ever have any problem shifting mania tickets anyway and don't need to even worry about PPV sales anymore.
Gutted for Seth, one of the best guys in the Roster, if not the best imho. Shame his reign at times has been booked like shit. But at least he'll come back to probably a huge babyface pop.

Question is though, who they going to elevate to top heel? I honestly don't see a Ambrose turn.... To obvious. Brey winning the belt would be good, but the feud with Reigns has been going on a better part of a year now, be a bit tedious if they revive it now.

Don't think DB will return, he's still not cleared and i don't think they'll put the title on him till he's proved he's clear of injuries.

I also don't think Reigns will win, just like i didn't think Rollins would drop to Reigns. To obvious and they'l swerve us. I do think Reigns will pick up the title close to Rollins return though.
Forcing the Reigns title will kill him in the long run, the crowd are tired of that, and he'll get Cena hate very strongly. He doesnt have the mic skills to handle that. What they should keep doing is keep him in the hunt, allow him to garner support. Play up the fact that he has been constantly screwed, and then when the crowd is on his side, pull the triger.

Everyone knows they aren't forcing him at this point though, everybody is fully aware that it's been forced into them.

He's still an absolutely fine promo of his style, he struggles if they want him to be John Cena. He shouldn't be John Cena, he should be Roman Reigns.

The crowd will never be on his side if you keep screwing him. I'm actually about 95% sure the boat has already sailed in that front.

Roman HAS to win.
Could we see something similar to Rock/Manking at SS98 with the authority having Reigns be their next chosen guy as a swerve.

Heard that they may scrap those plans though and have something in place for Raw this week. World title win in England.
They've spent to long building Reigns up as a babyface to have him turn heel.

Also now they've announced a tournament, they won't drop the title on someone on Raw. Besides a survivor series tournament will help sell the network.

I think what they will do is have Reigns claim that he should be the rightful title holder as he's #1 contender, they announce tournament, he gets screwed out of it. Similar to Samoa Joe in NXT.

I wonder how they acknowledge it, they rarely if ever acknowledge Live Events in TV kayfabe. He was injured against Kane who is not suppose to be around at the moment.
They've spent to long building Reigns up as a babyface to have him turn heel.

Also now they've announced a tournament, they won't drop the title on someone on Raw. Besides a survivor series tournament will help sell the network.

I think what they will do is have Reigns claim that he should be the rightful title holder as he's #1 contender, they announce tournament, he gets screwed out of it. Similar to Samoa Joe in NXT.

Good call, and would make sense too, in a way. Maybe they are hesitant to turn Reigns heel after all the building like you said?

Over at NXT, it seems like they are building up to a fatal 4-way match for the title a bit, or maybe I am seeing it wrong?
Good call, and would make sense too, in a way. Maybe they are hesitant to turn Reigns heel after all the building like you said?

Over at NXT, it seems like they are building up to a fatal 4-way match for the title a bit, or maybe I am seeing it wrong?

That's what i think. How ever it could be just a way of creative setting up Balor vs Joe without being to obvious (Joe winning the Battle Royale) and it also gives more of a story. Joe turning heel, because he feels he deserves a shot and has had to take drastic measures to do it, is a better story than winning a Battle Royale and having babyface vs babyface.
That's what i think. How ever it could be just a way of creative setting up Balor vs Joe without being to obvious (Joe winning the Battle Royale) and it also gives more of a story. Joe turning heel, because he feels he deserves a shot and has had to take drastic measures to do it, is a better story than winning a Battle Royale and having babyface vs babyface.
I absolutely agree. I sadly got spoilered on the Crews vs Balor match (not that I expected the title to change hands anyways), but this makes more sense. Especially now that the main roster is getting depleted a little, there might be a chance that Balor drops the title to Joe and gets the call-up, whilst Joe is built as a monster heel that Crews takes down in the future n his road to success or something? Just speculation of course.
Rock turned heel when he was so close to being a top face. They could easily do the same with Reigns.
Rock turned heel when he was so close to being a top face. They could easily do the same with Reigns.

True, but The Rock could talk and that made him able to switch between face and heel easier.
Good call, and would make sense too, in a way. Maybe they are hesitant to turn Reigns heel after all the building like you said?

Over at NXT, it seems like they are building up to a fatal 4-way match for the title a bit, or maybe I am seeing it wrong?

I saw it as a way to fill tv time before properly building Finn vs Joe and Crews vs Corbin, it was also a nice way to get to those Crews vignettes and will be good footage to have down the line when he becomes "more aggressive" a la Zayn and Bayley.

When I put it like that it really spotlights how low NXT are on the new ideas front…
Everyone knows they aren't forcing him at this point though, everybody is fully aware that it's been forced into them.

He's still an absolutely fine promo of his style, he struggles if they want him to be John Cena. He shouldn't be John Cena, he should be Roman Reigns.

The crowd will never be on his side if you keep screwing him. I'm actually about 95% sure the boat has already sailed in that front.

Roman HAS to win.
Its obvious he's the guy they want..but Unlike Bret hart who was a technical master, to be the face of the company, you need to be brilliant at promo's..Think of Rock, Cena , Austin , Hogan , so he'll have to improve his promos. And just like Cena, he'll have to get used to 20 min promos.

As for the crowd , I dont think he's time has past just yet...Rather had he won the title at Mania, that would be premature. I think for someone like Reigns the thrill is in the chase...Once he wins the title, what then?
Its obvious he's the guy they want..but Unlike Bret hart who was a technical master, to be the face of the company, you need to be brilliant at promo's..Think of Rock, Cena , Austin , Hogan , so he'll have to improve his promos. And just like Cena, he'll have to get used to 20 min promos.

As for the crowd , I dont think he's time has past just yet...Rather had he won the title at Mania, that would be premature. I think for someone like Reigns the thrill is in the chase...Once he wins the title, what then?

Lex Luger was the face of the company for a while, he couldn't talk for shit. Bruno Sammartino was forever and he doesn't speak an understandable word. There's no reason he has to do 20 minute promos.

You're just completely wrong on the second thing. If you keep painting a guy as a failure, he'll be seen as a failure.
Lex Luger was the face of the company for a while, he couldn't talk for shit. Bruno Sammartino was forever and he doesn't speak an understandable word. There's no reason he has to do 20 minute promos.

You're just completely wrong on the second thing. If you keep painting a guy as a failure, he'll be seen as a failure.
Luger was the face during that terrible 90's period. The time when Vince was losing all his stars. He was genuinely terrible and thats why never won the title. And Bruno was a different era, not the sports entertainment era.

I get what you are saying. But crowds do seem to garner support for someone that constantly gets screwed to prevent him from his reaching his objective. Think of Bryan for example, that was his charm. Austin had to constantly fight of being screwed by Mcmahon. If it were possible , how about having Reigns legitimizing himself by beating the Rock. That would do wonders for him.
Whats the update on Daniel Bryan.
Now would be the perfect time for him to return.
Whats the update on Daniel Bryan.
Now would be the perfect time for him to return.
Even if well, he has vacated 2 titles in the last 2 years due to injury so I doubt they would bother again.
Luger was never the face of the company, even after the Yoko slam. He was being positioned as one, but they didnt fully pull the trigger. I still find him beating Yoko by countdown and celebrating with balloons roflworthy. Strangely enough, I really liked Luger in WCW though and marked out when he made Hogan tap out to the torture rack.
Agreed with @K2K - you cant compare Bruno to Reigns since its two different eras. Regardless, Reigns can work as a heel much like Brock early on when he had somebody talk for him, but he talked limited (but got better over time). Same with Tista.
Luger was never the face of the company, even after the Yoko slam. He was being positioned as one, but they didnt fully pull the trigger. I still find him beating Yoko by countdown and celebrating with balloons roflworthy. Strangely enough, I really liked Luger in WCW though and marked out when he made Hogan tap out to the torture rack.
Agreed with @K2K - you cant compare Bruno to Reigns since its two different eras. Regardless, Reigns can work as a heel much like Brock early on when he had somebody talk for him, but he talked limited (but got better over time). Same with Tista.
The fact that Lex Luger failed at the time when the WWF was at perhaps its lowest point speaks volumes about what a disaster that attempt was.

The heel Reigns combined with a being constantly screwed can work, Remember this

That was one of the best star creating moments, and Reigns will only make it if he has something like that. Not necessarily that story-line , but a reason for us fans to care. Right now, I dont feel that with him, whats his story? Why should I cheer him? They have just given him big wins without any semblance of storytelling behind them.
The fact that Lex Luger failed at the time when the WWF was at perhaps its lowest point speaks volumes about what a disaster that attempt was.

The heel Reigns combined with a being constantly screwed can work, Remember this

That was one of the best star creating moments, and Reigns will only make it if he has something like that. Not necessarily that story-line , but a reason for us fans to care. Right now, I dont feel that with him, whats his story? Why should I cheer him? They have just given him big wins without any semblance of storytelling behind them.

I love that moment! Also agree with you entirely, I just don't know why I should give a crap about Roman Reigns.
Its not just Reigns though, its a lot of them. A lot of meaningless matches put together where we are meant to pick a side. TBH, I did like Reigns stuff with Wyatt though
As far as I know, questionable at best. Independent Doctor has cleared him to go, but WWE seems to be hesitant to clear him and get him back in the ring.

Someone, I think @Earthquake, nailed it on the last couple of pages. He's getting outside doctors who'll clear him, but he can get as many as he want and WWE will still be in disagreement. He's far more likely to wrestle outside of WWE than in it going forward.

I love that moment! Also agree with you entirely, I just don't know why I should give a crap about Roman Reigns.

Well yeah, Roman's booking is terrible (ironically he's got good reactions the last few weeks coming up against Honky Tonk Rollins, the only man booked worse). He's the guy who "Can and Will" against anything then, Erm, doesn't. That's why he needs to win this tournament, he already looks a complete loser.
I love that moment! Also agree with you entirely, I just don't know why I should give a crap about Roman Reigns.

As the next face of the company , they ought to do much better. People might think Daniel Bryan might be only popular because of his past Indy history, but the biggest reason for his popularity is that there is a story behind him, and the WWE have given us a reason to care. Think back to his NXT stint, they was a brilliant story told there, with the over the top Michael Cole making us want to follow this new guy for a a reason. Smark or not.

Its not just Reigns though, its a lot of them. A lot of meaningless matches put together where we are meant to pick a side. TBH, I did like Reigns stuff with Wyatt though
Did they tell us why they were fighting in the first place?
Lex Luger was the face of the company for a while, he couldn't talk for shit. Bruno Sammartino was forever and he doesn't speak an understandable word. There's no reason he has to do 20 minute promos.

You're just completely wrong on the second thing. If you keep painting a guy as a failure, he'll be seen as a failure.

Lex Luger wasn't really that liked by the majority of fans or respected by the wrestlers (read various reports of this). Vince loved him as, at the time he fit his bodybuilding wet dream vision and envisioned Luger as the next Hogan but people just didn't take to him, largely due to him having a 10th of charisma that the old blonde-bald-mulleted racist had. The only thing Luger should be used as an example for would be as being amongst the worst temporary faces of the company, something i'm sure Reigns wouldn't want to be associated with. Reigns doesn't really have oodles of charisma himself and isn't known for being a proficient technician in the ring but I do believe he has the potential to connect with fans as people will eventually (if not already) get on board as he appear to have heart and the determination to persevere the negativity he experiences being the smark's favourite whipping post.

I feel that Reigns can actually get to the level required (not like the Rock or Austin but as a realistic choice for when Cena fades out) and is fast approaching it as he seems more likeable than someone like Luger. In this instance the fans may take to him more if he does get the title at SS as this will be down to Rollin's injury and should be seen as a more appropriate and opportune time for him (given how he wasn't forced into the title picture but "earned" it due to circumstances). As an old school fan I would like to see a sort of homage to the deadly game Survivor Series and it would be a fantastic throwback to have Reigns "do a Rock" and turn heal in the process, thus fulfilling the heel void left by Rollins and in the process nullifying the impact of smark boos, eventually down the line he can become a fan favourite and be the real face of the company. The only issue I can see here would be potentially blowing the load too early as you would expect the initial plan would be for Reigns to win the title at WM 32 but if it worked for the Rock at SS why not Reigns?.

IMO I'd have Reign's title run last from Survivor Series up until Seth returns in 6 to 9 months and have the two feud, Reigns as a heel and a face Rollins who sat on the sidelines and questioned his own run as champion and admitting it wasn't good enough but since he has trained HBK style to prove to himself and the world that he can be the best of all time. WWE has an opportunity to make Reign's look like a dominant champion (what they should have done with Rollins) and in the process when a stronger/sharper Rollins beats Reigns this will legitimise him as a champion. In the long-term this injury may actually be for the best in an odd way .
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Did they tell us why they were fighting in the first place?

Anybody but him or something. I cant even remember, I remember fading out of Brays promos at the time cos it was the same thing he did with Ambrose and Cena and Taker. though he lost two of those big matches. Bringing in Braun actually made me take Wyatts serious again.
Anybody but him or something. I cant even remember, I remember fading out of Brays promos at the time cos it was the same thing he did with Ambrose and Cena and Taker. though he lost two of those big matches. Bringing in Braun actually made me take Wyatts serious again.
Bray is another poorly booked character..the new face of fear, but he feels nothing like it..His promos , I dont get what he is talking about or who is addressing..I'm starting to think that he doesnt either.
The latest Wrestling Observer is saying that Rollins' injury has thrown a huge spanner in the works, and may even effect other feuds. Currently all the WWE writers and Vince are huddled in Connecticut trying to redo all their WrestleMania plans.

The planned 'Team Undertaker versus Team Wyatt' match might need rejigging as the babyfaces slated to join 'Taker's team might now be needed in a WWE Championship tournament. And there mightn't be enough effective heels left to fill out the other half of this potential tournament, so they may need to draft in Owens or Del Rio. This was somewhat speculation on Meltzer's part, but they will need to move around other storylines to make up numbers.

He also mentioned that there's a planned Reigns/Ambrose feud that may need to be moved forward.
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TBH, considering how much we are all speculating, this could turn a real negative into a huge positive for WWE. For right now,. its no way at all predictable what will happen, regarding this and now other feuds which will defo be affected.

Exciting and possibly huge time for WWE. Let see if Vince still has "it" to turn this into a huge bang for WWE