Television The Propgropthrop

They can just release Bray Wyatt now and be done with it. There is no need for a SS match now, within 2 weeks of looking like something interesting was going to happen they have the BOD just walk all over the whole Wyatt family, completely killing the angle.
My thoughts on RAW:

First bit with Trips and Reigns was pretty good. The tension between them was well portrayed.
No doubt in my mind beforehand that Reigns would refuse, but during the segment I was actually reconsidering that.

Bit dissapointed in the brackets for the tournament. Maybe this tournament needed some New Day (even if they wanted the title to defend it under freebird rules). At least they agree with me.
One half of me expected the tournament to be held completely at Survivor Series but I do like that all the matches get more time now,
instead of having to rush everything on one PPV. Also missing are the Wyatts, I know they have their own thing at Survivor Series, but no one entered at all? Event to be eliminated in round 1/2?

Kevin Owens is such a good heel. From pockets to insulting the queen of England. Gotta love him.

Cesaro is so good at selling crotch hits, like when he got dropped on the turnbuckle. Good match between him and Sheamus.
Barrett's speech to Rooney was pretty amusing too, and actually added something to the match I felt. It seems he's at OT now waiting for Rooney :lol:

I feel that debuting Breeze like this is a bit underwhelming. He had a good match with Ambrose to be fair, but somehow I hoped they would keep that debut stored away for the payoff between Ziggler and Breeze.

Brothers of Destruction! The only thing I really, really hope is that Wyatt ends on the winning side of this feud. He needs the win.

Judging by the brackets, I am very afraid they will go for a Ambrose/Reigns final, with Ambrose turning heel. Not exactly a good choice, to say the least.
Is it me or were New Day the most over act on the show tonight?!

But yeah, it was quite refreshing to watch a RAW where every match (bar one) had clearly defined stakes, and the outcomes meant something... so thumbs up from me.

Oh, and the Rooney stuff was obviously great.
I agree @Mark_GrumpyLion - They're teasing the Reigns heel turn, with the HHH promo, I imagine that we'll see a continuation of that over the next couple of weeks, ultimately culminating in Ambrose winning the title and being the Authority's 'guy' - Then they'll play it off as this being the plan all along, the Reigns stuff was a decoy and Ambrose was the man they always wanted. Leading to Reigns vs Ambrose for a while and then throw Rollins into the mix when he comes back.
I agree @Mark_GrumpyLion - They're teasing the Reigns heel turn, with the HHH promo, I imagine that we'll see a continuation of that over the next couple of weeks, ultimately culminating in Ambrose winning the title and being the Authority's 'guy' - Then they'll play it off as this being the plan all along, the Reigns stuff was a decoy and Ambrose was the man they always wanted. Leading to Reigns vs Ambrose for a while and then throw Rollins into the mix when he comes back.
That would make sense. But, I do not think it would fly. Ambrose is just too over with the fans to make a heel turn that is credible and is accepted. If they make Reigns make the turn, it would be a bit harder to believe considering his promo with HHH, but I think people could accept it. Have Reigns take the money and fame from the authority, since he's sick of proving himself time and time again only for the fans to still go What?! every time he opens his trap. I can belieee- that.

Also this, I love every promo between Ambrose and Renee just because you can see how much he enjoys winding her up and she tries to keep her cool.
Basically Reigns or Ambrose have to join Authority. Its the only way...

And yeah, Wyatts have to defeat BOD at Survivor Series. Hopefully in a good brawl that really makes Bray look vicious.
Basically Reigns or Ambrose have to join Authority. Its the only way...

And yeah, Wyatts have to defeat BOD at Survivor Series. Hopefully in a good brawl that really makes Bray look vicious.

Or... unfortunately... Sheamus.
as Mr Money in the Bank, could Sheamus not technically just walk to HHH and hand him the briefcase and take the title for himself.
as Mr Money in the Bank, could Sheamus not technically just walk to HHH and hand him the briefcase and take the title for himself.
I don't think so, the contract gives him the right to get a title match when he so desires. But then again, Seth used it to insert himself into a ongoing title match, which (I think) was revolutionary as well.
as Mr Money in the Bank, could Sheamus not technically just walk to HHH and hand him the briefcase and take the title for himself.

I think technically, the contract guarentees a 'match' for the title, while there is no champion, it's pretty useless.
I don't think so, the contract gives him the right to get a title match when he so desires. But then again, Seth used it to insert himself into a ongoing title match, which (I think) was revolutionary as well.

Lesnar vs. Reigns being one on one meant that Seth could add himself into that match and turn it into a triple threat. I imagine a triple threat would be turned into a fatal fourway if someone cashed in during one.

I'd love to see the rules for when the briefcase holder wants to cash in during a tag team match.
He can do what Al Snow did and face himself, and when he wins, hes champ.
Or... unfortunately... Sheamus.

Ending SS or Raw next night with Sheamus champ will be as bad as when ADR cashed in on a hot punk thanks to Nash.
Is Michael Cole ill or something? For weeks upon weeks now everytime they show him on camera his face seems to look fecked as if he's either been crying for 10 hours straight, is having an allergic reaction or has just hit the bong a few times. Maybe just me? His eyes look fecked.

Also, five matches finished with roll up pins last night.
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Breaking Ground is an excellent show... really nice behind the scenes look at what goes on in Florida, and a lot of people come away from it looking really good.

One of those people however is not Dana Brook.
Yeah its gonna be semi and final at SS for sure. Was hoping somebody would wrestle three times at SS tbh. But guess not.

Still going Ambrose/Dean and DelRio/Reigns as the semi finals, then Amrbose/Reigns final. Has to be ... surely.
How does that work? Take you mean KO?
Breaking Ground is an excellent show... really nice behind the scenes look at what goes on in Florida, and a lot of people come away from it looking really good.

One of those people however is not Dana Brook.

Really? Not sure what she's done wrong so far on the show? Came across completely fine to me.

Must say that I'm on the Baron Corbin train now too. Liked him before but this show has completely sold me on him. Sure many will disagree.
Really? Not sure what she's done wrong so far on the show? Came across completely fine to me.

Must say that I'm on the Baron Corbin train now too. This show has sold me on him.

Where everyone else has come across as being (mostly) quite humble, she's felt really arrogant to me, and that whole bit last week about "how she looks being just as important as actually wrestling skill" totally missed the mark and undermined the whole purpose of the show to me.

And then she said "on fleek" without a hint of irony.

Agree on Corbin though, show is doing wonders for him.
That little kid shouting at Taylor Breeze "that what happens you idiot when you mess with dolph Ziggler" :lol:

How over was Bray Wyatt with the crowd chanting he got the whole world in his hands before saying anything

I wish Kane came out in his 2001 RR mask, is their any coming back for the Wyatt family after being taken apart by 2 50yr olds
Where everyone else has come across as being (mostly) quite humble, she's felt really arrogant to me, and that whole bit last week about "how she looks being just as important as actually wrestling skill" totally missed the mark and undermined the whole purpose of the show to me.

And then she said "on fleek" without a hint of irony.

Agree on Corbin though, show is doing wonders for him.

They seem to be trying to make Dana be in character for the show, which is weird when everyone else isn't, although she is quite right on how important looks are, and just like wrestling skill is something she and many other WWE guys and girls spend a lot of time/money on.

Making out she's on the bubble is ludicrous however. Barring an abusive tirade she's set for a long time, mainly because she is quite fantastic.
They seem to be trying to make Dana be in character for the show, which is weird when everyone else isn't, although she is quite right on how important looks are, and just like wrestling skill is something she and many other WWE guys and girls spend a lot of time/money on.

Making out she's on the bubble is ludicrous however. Barring an abusive tirade she's set for a long time, mainly because she is quite fantastic.

Oh she's not wrong, but it's totally away from what the whole point of this show is seemingly about (well that episode in particular, which was heavily based around basic ring work and promo skills), which I found a bit jarring.

But yeah you're right, she is seemingly in character I suppose... which is odd.
To be honest, any excitement I felt for survivor series was killed over 3 tedious hours last night.

They have killed the buzz of the tournament by having the first and second round over the next couple of weeks leaving just the semis and final for the PPV, might as well have done a triple threat match.

Then to add insult to injury, they pissed all over the Wyatts/BOD situation, killing all the Wyatts momentum in the process.

They had a real chance with survivor series, they have pissed it against the wall. I swear to god if there was an item on a pole match I would bet a months salary on Vince Russo writing that show.
SD spoilers

The Lucha Dragons push continues. Very surprised to see Kalisto go over Ryback CLEAN. Another roll up win though, that's six and counting from Raw and SD this week :lol:

Might be worth giving Main Event a watch this week too, Sasha/Becky as the ME.
Breaking Ground is an excellent show... really nice behind the scenes look at what goes on in Florida, and a lot of people come away from it looking really good.

One of those people however is not Dana Brook.

Does seem weird how Dana seems in character. But yeah, awesome show. One of the best the network has provided. I really wish Network was available during my Uni days.

How does that work? Take you mean KO?

No I meant he wrestles himself as KO goes missing ¬¬
Yeah damn you. haha.
Just seen the Smackdown Spoilers... turns out Barrett's new found fame won't be stopping him from being shit on then.
Divas Division still sucks w/ no direction

Why Zeb Colter and Del Rio are together, I still don't know. Swagger vs Del Rio????

Dean Ambrose and Kevin Owens feud would be so nice! Would love to that to be a title match at Survivor Series

Tag Team Division looks solid. The Lucha Dragons look more dangerous and credible and the Usos coming back and Barret and Seamus forming a partnership just makes the division stronger. My only problem is why there is no buildup between ND and LD especially since they will fight at SS?

Breeze and Ziggler is going to be awesome.

Rollins going out like that is really terrible. Cesaro and Reigns should be main event of next Raw.

Things seem to be looking better, but I feel like WWE needs to do a better job of building up credible heels and adding more clarity in feuds.
That would make sense. But, I do not think it would fly. Ambrose is just too over with the fans to make a heel turn that is credible and is accepted. If they make Reigns make the turn, it would be a bit harder to believe considering his promo with HHH, but I think people could accept it. Have Reigns take the money and fame from the authority, since he's sick of proving himself time and time again only for the fans to still go What?! every time he opens his trap. I can belieee- that.

Also this, I love every promo between Ambrose and Renee just because you can see how much he enjoys winding her up and she tries to keep her cool.

Does the 'small package' have anything to do with wrestling in that promo?
Divas Division still sucks w/ no direction

To be fair, it's getting better. Now they've split up the teams... There is actually a story between Becky, Charlotte and Paige. It looks like they are setting up a Sasha Banks to break away from Team Bad as well. It's helped that Nikki is out for a whilst, so they don't have to shoe horn in another team when they can only really do two story's at a time.
Half a thought that they could have Owens cost Ambrose his match against Ziggler with Dolph retaliating in turn. That would leave the semi's likely being Ziggler/Neville and Del Rio/Reigns.

If they were going with the Reigns her turn while winning the title, Ziggler is a good choice for it to happen to.
What this tournament shows is the lack of big names stars within the WWE right now. Other than people that are injured, missing or part timers, they are very few people that could be added to this tournament.

Its a far cry from the 6 man hell in a cell match back in the day. They need to create credible stars, and stop depending on part-timers.
To be fair, it's getting better. Now they've split up the teams... There is actually a story between Becky, Charlotte and Paige. It looks like they are setting up a Sasha Banks to break away from Team Bad as well. It's helped that Nikki is out for a whilst, so they don't have to shoe horn in another team when they can only really do two story's at a time.
True stuff. But Charlottes lack of character development and Sasha Banks not being at the top of division is quite bewildering.
True stuff. But Charlottes lack of character development and Sasha Banks not being at the top of division is quite bewildering.

I like how Natty vs Naomi was pretty much there to show fans that yep, they arent giving them what they want, rofl.
Watched this weeks Breaking Ground, seeing the ref and ring announcer singing along to Tyler Breeze's song made me laugh for some reason. He and Baron Corbin are coming across really well so far, Jason Jordan made himself look like right cnut when he tried to trash talk before Breeze's match too, glad he got put in his place