Television The Propgropthrop

I've been getting the feeling they're preparing to turn him for a few weeks now, though it's purely gut feeling than anything backed up with proof. It'd be wrong to have him join The Authority though, it undermines his character in every possible way.
I've been getting the feeling they're preparing to turn him for a few weeks now, though it's purely gut feeling than anything backed up with proof. It'd be wrong to have him join The Authority though, it undermines his character in every possible way.

It does.
But at the same time, Rollins is meant to be a chicken shit heel. It doesn't make sense for him to go into a match outnumbered 3-1 in face/heel terms
Guys check out the WWE E:60 special its so good, made me care about some guys I never gave a shit about. It just reminded me how rough this business is and I loved the fact that they showed us things from the pov of NXT wrestlers and their struggle to make it in the WWE. But what was even cooler was the little back story we got on each of the three guys featured especially Adam Rose whom I never payed attention to in the past but i'm sure to follow now. If you can get access to it I really recommend you give it a shot it is really well made.

Yeah it was very good, although they were very unlucky in the people they chose to follow and what ended up happening (Xavier would have been much better if the New Day had turned sooner). Triple H and Hayes backed up everything I ever said about Kruger, I fecking hated it, so forced and bland. Just a shame that the Rose character was so mismanaged on move up.

I've been getting the feeling they're preparing to turn him for a few weeks now, though it's purely gut feeling than anything backed up with proof. It'd be wrong to have him join The Authority though, it undermines his character in every possible way.

Joining the Authority would be a horrendous move, a turn however would be a good call right now. That being said will they turn him just before Die Hard With Dean Ambrose comes out?

It does.
But at the same time, Rollins is meant to be a chicken shit heel. It doesn't make sense for him to go into a match outnumbered 3-1 in face/heel terms

I'd say it makes perfect sense tbh, he can keep running away and hiding before sneaking in at a big moment, a la Sandow when he won the Money in the Bank.
Like clockwork, starting Raw with a 20 minute Authority promo zzz

Jamie Noble on the mic = ratings!
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:lol: Me too. But I will start watching about 2:30/3am and then be finished at the normal time.
sometimes i save them up for a treat, i might do that this week, i have a saturday night off so i might save raw, NXT and smackdown for saturday, order a pizza and just chill out.
Yeah, well I hope it is a good week for you mate. Weather is looking nice for a bit too, so can take your ickle girl out :D
Thanks man, i'm still planning on coming up to your place for lunch one day, how much of a drive is it from Cornwall? my sister is getting married in Cornwall in July and i'm there for the week, i might need to escape the family at some point so figured i might take a drive your way.
Thanks man, i'm still planning on coming up to your place for lunch one day, how much of a drive is it from Cornwall? my sister is getting married in Cornwall in July and i'm there for the week, i might need to escape the family at some point so figured i might take a drive your way.

PM'd you dude, it's the wrestling thread, where we discuss oversized men covered in oil not meeting up at a pub.
Just watched the E:60 Documentary - Very good.

As @Hamadovich86 said - I'll care a lot more about Adam Rose's progress now and really hope for the best for him.

Seemed like such a genuine, family orientated bloke.
Missed the start of RAW. The rest of it seemed like a standard episode though. What's happening with Bryan? Is retirement a genuine possibility or do people expect him to come back again?
Missed the start of RAW. The rest of it seemed like a standard episode though. What's happening with Bryan? Is retirement a genuine possibility or do people expect him to come back again?

He apparently said that doctors told him he maybe out for weeks, months or he may never wrestle again. This is really fecking bumming me out, it was said that the WWE didnt put him in the main event picture to test out his injuries and unfortunately their hunch seems to be right. I would like for him to take as much time as possible even if its a fecking year, just rehab the hell out of whatever is hurting him, get the surgeries he needs and then try to comeback.
He apparently said that doctors told him he maybe out for weeks, months or he may never wrestle again. This is really fecking bumming me out, it was said that the WWE didnt put him in the main event picture to test out his injuries and unfortunately their hunch seems to be right. I would like for him to take as much time as possible even if its a fecking year, just rehab the hell out of whatever is hurting him, get the surgeries he needs and then try to comeback.

I have a bad feeling that he won't get back. You would think that he and Brie would want to start a family sometime soon too, so maybe all the re-had and stuff to get back wouldn't be worth it? If he doesn't come back it will be a huge shame, but at least we got that year or so where he was the hottest thing that had been around in a long, long time.
Having him in a ladder match if they were worried about his health was quite bizarre. I did think the timing of his return was too soon but was happy he did come back. In fact, it kinda messed up Reigns and Bryan by having Bryan return so quickly.
Bryan is finished. Even if he comes back, they won't ever want to push him properly again.

I hope he retires and doesn't risk his health by coming back.
So they are having Payback this Sunday, then Elimination Chamber two weeks after then Money in the bank two weeks after that.

Too many too soon
Bryan is finished. Even if he comes back, they won't ever want to push him properly again.

I hope he retires and doesn't risk his health by coming back.

He has has a huge crowd backing. If he's fit, then don't think WWE will stop pushing him. But yeah, I don't see him with the big belt anymore.

Cena is doing a fantastic job with the US belt. The matches with Zayn and Neville were brilliant and after a long time, that title is getting some relevance.
The Network numbers must be fairly crap if they're pulling a trick like this. I know they said they had 1.3 million subscribers but I believe that like I believe United have over 650 million fans around the world.
He has has a huge crowd backing. If he's fit, then don't think WWE will stop pushing him. But yeah, I don't see him with the big belt anymore.

Cena is doing a fantastic job with the US belt. The matches with Zayn and Neville were brilliant and after a long time, that title is getting some relevance.

Zayn will take Bryans spot as that face the crowd loves. Replace the YES chants with OLE.
The Network numbers must be fairly crap if they're pulling a trick like this. I know they said they had 1.3 million subscribers but I believe that like I believe United have over 650 million fans around the world.

1.3 was after WM. It will be interesting to see how many dropped out after WM. I however wouldnt be surprised if they manage to retain quite a few of them so the one month free for a new person makes sense.
He has has a huge crowd backing. If he's fit, then don't think WWE will stop pushing him. But yeah, I don't see him with the big belt anymore.

Cena is doing a fantastic job with the US belt. The matches with Zayn and Neville were brilliant and after a long time, that title is getting some relevance.

Yeah, Cena has genuinely been one of the best parts of Raw since WM. Putting on very good matches most weeks (he's always been an underrated worker, he made a Khali match look good once), and really making some of the roster look strong. It also gives them the opportunity to bring back legends for one off appearances occasionally.

On another note, anybody read JTG's book? There are excerpts kicking around online. Punk comes across quite badly in one of the stories, whereas Regal comes across well. JTG also avoided punishment in the wrestlers court due to the Benoit tragedy making everybody forget about him stealing another wrestlers girl
Ic and Tag titles to be decided in the chamber apparently. Tag should be interesting, the could do it with 3 teams, 4 teams or 6 teams. 3 or 6 seems most logical.
Ic and Tag titles to be decided in the chamber apparently. Tag should be interesting, the could do it with 3 teams, 4 teams or 6 teams. 3 or 6 seems most logical.

Yup, especially after the teaming up of Rowan/Harper. They make a immense team. I think they can have a good match against Cesaro/Kidd. Lucha will get the usual cheers.

Wonder who they'll hang the IC on? Ziggler or maybe Sheamus?
Lucha, New Day, Ascension, Los Matadores, Cesaro/Kidd, Rowan/Harper - six teams right there.

IC title going on Neville would be great. Ziggler should be the default guy they go with tbh and just put in the role DB was going to be with regards to having championship matches nearly every week.
I dont think it should go on Sheamus tbh. His run with the Us title was boring as it was.
Yup, especially after the teaming up of Rowan/Harper. They make a immense team. I think they can have a good match against Cesaro/Kidd. Lucha will get the usual cheers.

Wonder who they'll hang the IC on? Ziggler or maybe Sheamus?
If they had 6 they could have Cesaro/Kidd v Harper/Rowan v Lucha Dragons vs New Day vs Kidd/Cesaro vs PTP or Ascension or Primo/Epico (Or whatever they're calling themselves now). It could either be a clusterfeck or an absolute belter.

As for the IC, think we will get Sheamus v Ziggler v Barrett v Neville v Rusev v Stardust. Add on a Cena US Title defence, World Title Match, Womens Title and Ryback v Wyatt and you could have a good little PPV on your hands.
Neville for IC title would be great, but I think not. Zigger is default and Sheamus is the one having the push right now.

World title should be interesting. Would be a shame if Rollins drops it to Reigns now in a 3vs1 handicap match for him effectively.
Yeah, Cena has genuinely been one of the best parts of Raw since WM. Putting on very good matches most weeks (he's always been an underrated worker, he made a Khali match look good once), and really making some of the roster look strong. It also gives them the opportunity to bring back legends for one off appearances occasionally.

On another note, anybody read JTG's book? There are excerpts kicking around online. Punk comes across quite badly in one of the stories, whereas Regal comes across well. JTG also avoided punishment in the wrestlers court due to the Benoit tragedy making everybody forget about him stealing another wrestlers girl

Haven't read any of it but I will if I can. Thought Regal was quite well liked by most of the other workers. The Punk thing doesn't surprise me. Seems he is either liked or disliked with no real in between.
Punk though did himself say hes an asshole and really its for anybody thats not his friends.

I think if a wrestler loses his girl to JTG, that wrestler should be the one punished not JTG.
Still don't get why some people hate on Sheamus. Think he's been fantastic since he returned as a heel, was desperately needed as his face run had become stale. Very underrated talker and worker. Think he plays his heel role brilliantly.

Heartbreaking stuff for Bryan, gutted to see things turn out like this. Just pray for the best for the guy.

Cena/Neville was fantastic and Neville came out looking awesome, hoping we get a rematch after Cena retains against Rusev.
Couple of stories from the book. two stories in each spoiler tag
On October 16, 2006 Cryme Tyme made their television debut on Monday Night RAW. I was so HYPED!

We had an amazing debut, the crowd loved us, our co-workers congratulated us- I was on cloud nine. I thought there was nothing that could ruin that moment. Until... There was one particular Hall of Famer that wasn't particularly happy with my entrance. A few weeks prior to our TV debut, Shad and I were working a non-televised live event. After our match, this particular Legend pulled me aside. He spoke to me in a very calm tone, and he warned me that my hand gestures were very similar to his own tag team's signature hand gesture. According to him, my hands almost crossed each other in the general vicinity of my crotch. Like a good rookie, I apologized, assured him that it was an accident, and promised that it would never happen again.

Although I apologized to this Legend, I was certain that the movements I used in my entrance were so wild and all over the place that no one could possibly ever mistake them for his signature hand gesture. But, since I knew he was watching me closely, I made sure from that point forward to not to cross my hands anywhere near my crotch AT ALL. However, there was another live event where he accused me of doing it again! After our backstage segment with Booker T, I decided to watch the rest of the show with a few of the other wrestlers on the monitor in the talent viewing area. Out of nowhere, this Legend (and childhood hero of mine, one who I adored so much, in fact, that I used to dance around the house to his theme song wearing nothing but my Ninja Turtle underwear) was in my face, with his fingers pointed, centimeters away from poking me in the nose, screaming at the top of his lungs! "Not only did I warn you once, I warned you twice! And the third time, you did it on national TV! You have NO RESPECT for me or this business!!!" Then he stormed off. WTF! After letting that soak in for a few minutes, I came to grips with the fact that the Superstar I had watched and loved since I was four had just scolded me like an ugly step child. I had to think quick. I did NOT want heat with this guy. I went looking for him, and, I apologized my ass off! I assured him that he was the last person I would EVER want to piss off, and told him how much of an inspiration he was to me. Needless to say, he wasn't really moved by my speech. He replied, "Just don't let it happen again. I'm tired of you young guys coming up here, thinking you can do whatever you want to do." To this day I still go back and replay my entrance. I don't think I ever did anything wrong. But I want you readers to do some "cross" examination of the evidence yourselves (pun intended).
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One night after a show in England, I was with the boys at the hotel bar. I noticed that a particular female had her eyes on me. This woman was so into me, and made it so very obvious that one of my colleagues picked up on it. Now this was not just any co-worker. This was the leader of the locker room, the champ himself. It started to get late, so I very discreetly snuck out of the bar and back up to my room. I made my way to my room, undressed, and got comfortable in my bed. The phone rang. I answered it. It was the champ.

CHAMP: "Hey JTG, hope you're not sleeping. I have a beautiful young lady that wants to hang out with you."

ME: "Hey Champ, I'm actually in my bed and I'm exhausted. Are you referring to the English chick in the red top?"

CHAMP: "Yup, she's on her way up to your room. I sent her up a few minutes ago! Don't disappoint me and you're welcome!"

I was tipsy and exhausted. I laughed to myself. It seemed like I was waiting for a delivery from DomiHOES, Booty-Hut or Little Skeezers (with a side order of peer pressure). A few seconds later, I got a knock on my hotel room door.

ME: "Who is it?" HER: (In a cute British accent) "Room service!"

It was 3:00am. I knew damn well it wasn't room service. Still unsure (and still tipsy), I opened the door. There she was, the English chick in the red top. She let herself in, we had very little small talk, and then this little English vixen got right to it. She pushed me down on the hotel bed and began to have her way with me. About an hour later, she left my room with a big smile on her face. "Thank you for a good time. You take care now, okay handsome?" Before my night of debauchery in Europe with the British babe, I had actually met her a few months prior. One of my colleagues introduced her to me as "one of his road chicks." On the night she took advantage of me, I didn't even think about her association to my co-worker. It never crossed my mind. But when my colleague, who I actually considered to be a friend, found out about the situation, he was hurt. I'll never forget that fateful Sunday night when he called me. He sounded like a sad little boy who had lost his dog.

WRESTLING PAL: Hey Jay, what's up? You know [insert groupie name here]?

ME: Yeah, I know her.

WRESTLING PAL: Did you guys

ME: Yeah, but she raped me!

WRESTLING PAL: I can't believe you, Jay! I told you that was my personal road chick! Uncomfortable silence.

WRESTLING PAL: Let's just talk tomorrow.

When I got to work the next day, for some reason almost the whole locker room knew I had a late night rendezvous with my colleague's "personal road chick." The news spread throughout the locker room, and it seemed like the roster was choosing sides. The chatter went on for weeks and I just wanted it to stop. It got to a point where something had to be done. My colleague decided that he wanted justice, and I, on the other hand, just wanted the nightmare to end. Since we both needed a resolution, he had me summoned to Wrestlers Court.

Forget the court shows you see on TV. Wrestlers Court is much worse. In Wrestlers Court, the locker room is the jury, and a top guy is the judge. In our case, The Dead Man himself was set to preside over our case as the Honorable Wrestlers Court Judge. JBL acted as Prosecutor and represented my colleague. I was strongly advised to sway the court's decision by buying beer for all the boys. Since things weren't looking good for me, I was also instructed to purchase special liquor for JBL and The Deadman, in order to further help my cause. Before arriving at the venue, I went to a liquor store and spent over $400 on alcohol. To me, that was well worth the investment. I needed to win. If I lost this case, I was going to be sentenced, and the verdict could have been deathly severe. The punishment would have been something like carrying other wrestler's bags for months, or not being allowed to change in the male locker room for a whole year, which are things that may sound silly to an outside person, but, in reality, greatly inconvenience the life of a wrestler. That day before RAW, there was a lot going on. There was to be a fake funeral service for Vince (his character had "died" a few weeks earlier), which meant hours and hours of rehearsals for the entire roster. Throughout the day I saw my wrestling pal a few times. As he passed me in the hallways, he said, "You're going down!" That definitely intimated me. I'll be honest; it looked like the jury would most likely favor him. He had been around much longer than me, and was really well-liked among the boys. All day guys kept asking me was I ready."This is big, Jay," they would say. Others antagonized me by saying things like "You should just quit now and get a job at Subway, make it easy on yourself!" The time was getting closer to my court appearance, which was scheduled to after the final rehearsal. The entire roster and WWE staff was called to sit in the stands around the ring. Vince was out there, Stephanie, the guys from the production truck who you hardly even see, writers, agents, Michael Hayes- everybody you could possibly think of. They were all ringside. I knew this story had become big in the locker room, but I didn't think the whole company would be taking part. As the crowd got thicker and everyone was finding their seat, the boys were looking at me like, "Oh, shit, you're in trouble now, JTG!" Even my courtroom opponent looked shocked. Finally, just when I thought we were about to begin, things took a different turn. Something strange happened. One of the top guys in the company dropped to his knees and began to cry. A few moments later, Vince entered the ring and informed everyone that Chris Benoit and his family had been found murdered in their home. It was a shocking moment. I was told that the trial was postponed. That postponement ended up being an indefinite one, because that edition of Wrestlers Court never ever happened. Me and my buddy are cool now, and has he helped me a lot through the course of my career.