Television The Propgropthrop

Rock vs Brock in terms of those going in the ring.

I remember there rumours of having MVP and Mayweather vs Rey and ODLH in a tag team contest for WM. That would have been big around the time.

I think Stephanie/HHH vs Rock/Rousey would generate a lot of interest and money too.
CM Punk & Colt Cabana v HHH & that Doctor who ignored Punk's lump
Austin v Hogan
Dana White & Ronda Rousey v Vince & Stephanie McMahon
Lesnar & Haku v Mayweather (no hold barred and it's a shoot)
Torrie Wilson v Nikki Bella (tit-wank contest, I'm the judge)
Everyone in their prime, Austin vs Hogan would be the winner by a LONG distance.

Everyone in their current condition, Rock vs Brock, by quite a long distance.

If they manage to sort out the HHH/Steph vs Rock/Ronda match then that will probably be closest to that.
Well that changes a lot.

Lets go!

Please let Zayn win this and not just have him push Cena close.

No chance does Zayn win (although I'd be delighted to be wrong). I can't see them having Cena vs. Rusev for nothing at Payback.
Anyone else not notice that The Big Show did not make an appearance ? :D I don't think anyone missed him.
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Ambrose and Rollins have unbelievable chemistry. Most of my favourite matches over the last year or two are their 1-1's.
Is that the first time Ambrose has beaten Rollins? Im sure hes lost every other match against him.

Sami's entire career has been defined by how incredible he is as an underdog who gets people on his side. Why on earth should he beat Cena on debut?

Agreed with that. It was fine. I dont think he will be there full time, think its a one off now. Unless he pulls double duty with Raw and NXT but tbh, he shouldnt just yet.
Agreed with that. It was fine. I dont think he will be there full time, think its a one off now. Unless he pulls double duty with Raw and NXT but tbh, he shouldnt just yet.

I'd imagine the plan was that was the call up, and he'd leave NXT after the next special in a fortnight (or the tapings the night after). That being said him managing to feck his shoulder up during his ring entrance may be a real spanner in the works for both plans.
Yeah I read he hurt himself. But also read it was minor as well. They could always have him wrestle the Special, have Owens send him on his way out and then have Zayn come in once fully healed. But yeah it all depends I guess @phelans shorts
The WWE 24 stuff is fantastic. The roman reigns one was brilliant to watch.
Yeah I read he hurt himself. But also read it was minor as well. They could always have him wrestle the Special, have Owens send him on his way out and then have Zayn come in once fully healed. But yeah it all depends I guess @phelans shorts

Not much has got out year, sounds like a torn rotator cuff which is not good. Add in Itami being out for 6 months and this NXT show coming up is cursed, Sami will probably have his promotion called off no matter to fill that spot.

Forever a lower midcard guy

Can we talk about how Uhaa Nation is in NXT now? Because that's a thing that's happening and I'm hyped.

Signed his contract in Regal's office on the last episode. No idea as to his name, nothing was said.

Sucks right.

Can we talk about how Uhaa Nation is in NXT now? Because that's a thing that's happening and I'm hyped.

Signed his contract in Regal's office on the last episode. No idea as to his name, nothing was said.

That personified how they view NXT as this super indie. Anyone who watches NXT must know who Uhaa is. They don't feel the need to actually identify him and why people should care. It made sense with Owens at least, he had that ROH exposure behind him at least.
TBF, anybody watching NXT will know him especially with how Social media is used.

The Itami thing sucks Read its between 6-8 months. Bad timing as you could have seen both him and Zayn being one of the next crop to come up. Probably still will, but timing doesnt help in terms of keeping in shape.
Lucha Underground had a rare off show this week, by which I mean by their standards. It was still pretty great. Melissa Santos may be the best ring announcer in the world, and the post credit scene put Marvel to shame.
Tough enough cast looking good.
Jericho host
Lita, Booker and Billy Gunn as trainers
Bryan Hogan and Paige as Judges.
Looks like they may be putting Rowan and Harper back together.

Hope they do.
Guys check out the WWE E:60 special its so good, made me care about some guys I never gave a shit about. It just reminded me how rough this business is and I loved the fact that they showed us things from the pov of NXT wrestlers and their struggle to make it in the WWE. But what was even cooler was the little back story we got on each of the three guys featured especially Adam Rose whom I never payed attention to in the past but i'm sure to follow now. If you can get access to it I really recommend you give it a shot it is really well made.

On the flip side I watched the Roman Reigns 24 episode and I didnt like it. Its 30 minutes long with a 10 minute montage of the WM main event. The rest of the time he was talking about his family and his younger years which was cool but I thought this series was about what happened on the day not a documentary type thing. They didnt show anything interesting from the match booking or Roman's reactions to the changes/finish. He was clearly disappointed he didnt get the strap but we werent given any insight so I was disappointed with that.
I liked the Roman reigns 24 episode. It did a better job of getting him sympathy and getting him over than whats been seen on actual Raw / TV.

The e60 special was just fantastic though. Great stories on all three, with different views. There was a bonus one online for Big Cass and Tyler Breeze.