Television The Propgropthrop

There's more chance this is because Vince watched American History X on his way over to the European tour than concussion risks.

EDIT: If it's even true. No one with any kind of reliability has mentioned it.
Just watched last weeks RAW... I know there's no point in arguing with WWE logic but why on earth didn't Randy Orton just stipulate that any outside interference will result in a title change?
Because Seth will be keeping the title and it makes more sense for a heel champion to be cowardly and scrape through matches keeping the title by the skin of his teeth, it's old school championship booking.

On the same thought line though, I often wondered why Seth Rollins while he was carrying the briefcase claimed to be so intelligant, yet it never once occured to him to cash in the briefcase while Lesnar wasn't on raw winning the match and the title by default.
Unfair that Randy gets two stipulations at extreme rules!

Also, interesting to see what they do for his new finisher. I imagine the Phoenix Splash will be a big part of his moveset when he turns face again, but he's too great of a chickenshit heel to get people on side by performing that reguarly
Because Seth will be keeping the title and it makes more sense for a heel champion to be cowardly and scrape through matches keeping the title by the skin of his teeth, it's old school championship booking.

On the same thought line though, I often wondered why Seth Rollins while he was carrying the briefcase claimed to be so intelligant, yet it never once occured to him to cash in the briefcase while Lesnar wasn't on raw winning the match and the title by default.

WWE logic is that the competitors have to be in the ring when the bell rings for the match to be legit. Resulted in Hornswoggle being cruiserweight champion once
So, Seth's new finisher didn't look great first time out. I'm hoping that was just because it was botched, and it'll be done right from now on.
Pretty poor Raw. Poor show, shit crowd.

feck knows what Booker T was going on about when he claimed Naomi is the greatest diva of all time :lol:

So this is actually happening.
That will be very... extreme. rofl

Raw has conformed to its normal level of terrible after "Raw after Mania". Standard!
Anybody noticed that they're slowly edging back to a more non PG show. Brock bleeding everywhere (didn't seem to blade, but usually they stop the match and clean the blood up), the ubiquitousness of "bitch," and "bastard," and now a kiss me arse match
TBH, theres nothing overall wrong with the rating (PG). Changing rating wont affect lack of character development.
That will be very... extreme. rofl

Raw has conformed to its normal level of terrible after "Raw after Mania". Standard!

Don't imagine it'll be overly interesting again until Money in the Bank kick starts summer season.
Don't imagine it'll be overly interesting again until Money in the Bank kick starts summer season.

Same every year. Its boring after WM until the summer because they just rehash everything from the previous months but just add one person here or a stipulation there. Extreme Rules has a few rematches from WM but with an added stipulation.

Normally in the Summer they have a big storyline:
-CM Punk turning heel
-ECW relaunch
-Authority/Orton/HHH screwing Bryan
-Brock winning title, etc.

Just wish WM to Summerslam was interesting or focused more on younger talents than spending so much tv time on Big Show, Kane etc.
It's not just that though. It has been terrible since the post WM Raw. The storylines have been garbage, most matches have been awful due to the wrestlers being knackered and injured since WM and the UK tour. You can see half of them are still nursing injuries and covered in bruises and cuts. As @Sylar said, the perfect time to blood some new stars.

Yet again It's all too predictable now. Cena offering an open challenge every week is a great idea, brilliant even, yet not when they are advertising a US Championship match against Rusev every five minutes. It killed any suspense there may have been and everyone knows Cena was going to win each challenge. They should have built the story with Rusev and only advertised the match after this weeks meeting on Raw. Then you might have had a feeling Cena could lose one of his matches. It's moronic booking like that that pisses me off.

I don't mind the Curb stomp being banned, it's a stupid move anyway and the set up for it is even more obvious than Cena's FKS you can't see me. I don't think many sold the move particularly well. It works well outside the ring, like on the cinder blocks and steps, but in the ring, I just think it's a bit wet.

The show is also missing Brock terribly.
@langster Brock and heyman brought something good to it. Legitimacy and destruction as well as a mix of intrigue when they were talking.

The problem is WM is geared towards so many part timers, that once WM is over, it goes back to the full timers who WWE just basically said dont matter (having them lose to part timers and old people). Its really annoying tbh.
@langster Brock and heyman brought something good to it. Legitimacy and destruction as well as a mix of intrigue when they were talking.

The problem is WM is geared towards so many part timers, that once WM is over, it goes back to the full timers who WWE just basically said dont matter (having them lose to part timers and old people). Its really annoying tbh.

Yeah definitely.

It's only when Heyman is missing that you realise how important he is to the show at the moment. Brock's destruction and the general not knowing what the hell he is going to do next made things interesting.

The story with Seth at the moment would not work with Brock around I don't think. He would just batter Rollins on a weekly basis. I hope when he comes back he goes on a rampage of destruction.

Anyone know when he's back? Obviously the ban was a storyline to help explain him going off again.
One highlight from RAW this week though. Ryback turning to the camera after clotheslining the banana and hot dog and saying "It's funny because it's food" and then shell-shocking them both at the same time. I found that pretty funny.
Raw has been terrible for 2 weeks but i'm not surprised at all.

The booking is terrible, they spent the best part of 3 months building up Miz and Mizdows fued, then proceeded to have 3 matches on raw on consecutive weeks! it's just fecking lazy booking. I thought to myself, well, at least miz vs mizdow will be at extreme rules so that's cool amongst a very sub par card.....only, if if they do decide to book that match for sunday, nobody cares anymore because we've seen the match 3 fecking times!

Adrian Neville is a great addition to the main roster, except they have dropped his christean name and 'Neville' sounds like a less scary version of christian. Doesn't work! please stop.

Rollins Vs Orton for the title will be a decent match, except we saw that match at mania, we know that HHH hates short title reigns, we know what's going to happen.

Cena Vs Rusev, as langgy said above, I have enjoyed the US Open challenge but we know that Cena was never going to lose the title while they are advertising Cena Vs Rusev every 15 minutes, Cena will of course win and retain and Rusev will probably never be heard of again, thanks for being undefeated for a year, now you go the way of Umaga....who coincidentally lost his undefeated streak to cena and then lost the following month to Cena and then was booked to do precisely feck all until he was released.

What the actual feck is with the Prime Time playas trying to be funny? who the feck is writing their jokes? it Sean Walsh? he might be the only man in the world that is less funny then these two, please just stop. they are actually worse the LOD lite!

what else is happening? hmmm, Kane is featured in the main event....of a 2015....great! but there is friction between him and Rollins, so there is no way that Kane is going to interfere in the match and cost Orton the title, no way that is happening. I have been watching wrestling for 25 years and nothing like that has ever happened before, except once or twice or 550000000000000 times.

There is literally nothing to get interested in at Extreme rules, I am working andd i will get paid to watch it, and to be honest even then i might give it a miss.
A lot of night security jobs will just allow you to do just that....
I think 'Neville' grates on me because I can only think of our Neville brothers and their dad, who is so Neville they named him twice.
I think 'Neville' grates on me because I can only think of our Neville brothers and their dad, who is so Neville they named him twice.

I think everyone here thinks the same.

He's a great wrestler and a great talent, just those ears! Poor lad, I reckon that's why he decided to get hench in the first place. :lol:
And he has a Geordie accent. Scouse would probably be the only worse one for Americans to understand.
I work as a night porter (i usually say night security as it sounds better) Unless something kicks off i literally get paid for being here.
I did also for 6 months. Nothing like guarding a government building to the dulcet swears of Tony Montana
When they told Barrett that he'd not be in a match with the most over man in the company but instead, a newbie, I hope they started with "Wade, I'm afraid I've got some bad news..."
Do stay up and watch it considering im not in work until 1 o'clock tomorrow or do I just watch it in the morning?!
Do stay up and watch it considering im not in work until 1 o'clock tomorrow or do I just watch it in the morning?!

Depends what time you would sleep otherwise if you werent watching it? Watching it live is good if youre going to live tweet / forum discuss otherwise morning has advantage of allowing you to forward anything you dont like / filler / recap.