Television The Propgropthrop

Raw was bleh.

The podcast was decent but very WWE friendly. Cena comes off well like he normally does on these sort of interviews, but I honestly dont think Jericho will ask questions like Austin did or would.
With the exception of the Rollins-Neville match and New Day's promo - the "we clap, or we snap" bit was pretty good - it was an underwhelming RAW. Anyone else annoyed at the way they messed up Miz/Mizdow? All that build-up for a match on RAW...
Anyone else annoyed at the way they messed up Miz/Mizdow? All that build-up for a match on RAW...

Which Miz wins and the commentators say "well done mizdow, failed cash in, failed battle royal and failed to beat Miz".

I get they want to build it up and probably do it next PPV (maybe, who knows, Mizdow might be punished for getting himself over like Zack Ryder did) but yeah, felt like a waste and very underwhelming.
Mediocre Raw that, If they don't put Mizdow over at Extreme rules I am going to be very annoyed. He deserves so much better then he is getting at the moment.

The thing with the product is that we can be fairly sure that there will be no title changes in the next few months, except maybe the tag titles.
I went to the Newcastle show. It was really good. Zack Ryder won a match and everything.

It also changed my opinion 100% on Cena. The amount of joy he gives children is incredible. I can handle him being superman when it produces the sheer amount of happiness in those kids

Not sure another storyline with Undertake would be the answer either

Answer is probably to get rid of him totally as he has never really been interesting ever

I liked him in the Brothers of Destruction time. There was one particular episode where Vince call the 'putrid piles of shit' or something and they get berserk and choke slam every wrestler in the ring for the whole episode. Fun times, that!

I would like Big Show written off quicker than Kane. Would love for Kane to have one more stint as a masked face.
I actually really enjoyed Kane during his last WHC run. When he beat Mysterio via MITB, and feuded with Undertaker. That was a fair while ago now though.
I went to the Newcastle show. It was really good. Zack Ryder won a match and everything.

It also changed my opinion 100% on Cena. The amount of joy he gives children is incredible. I can handle him being superman when it produces the sheer amount of happiness in those kids

That's another reason why I like Cena. His whole message is extremely positive for kids and he is an amazing role model for them. The whole never give up, hustle, loyalty, respect attitude when looked at from a kids point of view is inspirational. It really hits home when you go to live events the impact Cena has on everyone, but especially the kids. I have nothing but respect for the man. I will say though, that no matter how big Cena is with everyone, he really does come a distant second to the way kids used to go for Rey Mysterio. Both times we saw him at Butlins the kids literally tore the roof off and lost their shit when he came out. Cena got a massive reception for sure, but nothing like Rey. I'd also say that he won the Kids merchandising war comfortably with it being 80%+ for Rey, the rest Cena.

Raw was pretty meh this week but at least they gave all our home grown stars centre stage. Nice touch. I just wish Michael Cole would STFU! Last year we had Jerry Lawler talking racist UKIP bollocks that "he heard from a London taxi driver" this year we had Cole telling everyone Preston is an hours drive from London, Norwich is a 3 hour drive from London and Newcastle is a small mining settlement 3 hours outside of London :lol:

As always the London crowd did us all proud. "you fat bastard" to Big Show was quality :lol:
Cena is the best heel WWE has. Hes beating all the midcarders, kicking out all their finishers and continuing to win. haha


"Us Irish, we don't like you English bastards."

The cheapest of cheap heat but quite a hardcore line by today's standards in WWE.
I knida think they know that they can get away with using English rude words (Arse, Wanker) and stay PG on American telly.

As for an Irishman saying he doesn't like the Irish, that is pretty close to the bone over here but I bet in the US (especially the WWE Audience), a decent % think that England is part of Ireland or Ireland is part of Wales or the UK is Ireland, England and Sweden.
I knida think they know that they can get away with using English rude words (Arse, Wanker) and stay PG on American telly.

As for an Irishman saying he doesn't like the Irish, that is pretty close to the bone over here but I bet in the US (especially the WWE Audience), a decent % think that England is part of Ireland or Ireland is part of Wales or the UK is Ireland, England and Sweden.

Harsh on poor Renee.
Just watched last weeks RAW... I know there's no point in arguing with WWE logic but why on earth didn't Randy Orton just stipulate that any outside interference will result in a title change?
According to WWE sources, the company will be banning Seth Rollins from using the curb stomp finishing move.

WWE’s feeling about the move, which the WWE World Heavyweight Champion uses as his finisher, is that it’s too much of a direct liability and risk for a head injury. All of sports is trying to be more proactive when it comes to preventing head injuries and concussions, and this is the reason for WWE banning the curb stomp.

WWE reportedly doesn’t want its top star to be doing that move every night and they also don’t want to be showing it in past clips or videos anymore. This is why last week on RAW when Rollins came out, the video which played during his entrance was primarily just graphics of his name. The normal entrance video for Rollins features a compilation of clips, several of which are him performing the curb stomp.

That's shit.