Television The Propgropthrop

Mark Henry still wrestles?

Most of these newer wrestles look like almightly douchebags. How can you call yourself Dolph Ziegler ffs?! :lol:

Surely better than being Nick Nemeth and a former member of the Spirit Squad...
But he looks like a douchebag.

Admittedly he's no Golddust, but he still looks stupid, and has a gay name.

do you prefer this??


edit - yes, those are pom poms in his hand.
No, I am 100% certain the Rock will win tonight. Obviously could be wrong, but I think they will continue the fued with Cena winning the next one. He won't turn heel if he wins, he'll just be happy larry, and the whole thing would have been for nothing. Coming in talking about how he's superman, just to be superman.

So I'm hoping loss, heel turn, rematch where he wins and the torch is passed. He was bragging the other day about how he always wins. To have him lose would make his heel turn believable.
TBC - The Rock vs. John Cena = The Rock
Correct - Triple H vs. The Undertaker = The Undertaker
TBC - CM Punk (c) vs. Chris Jericho = CM Punk
Correct - Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Sheamus = Sheamus
Correct - Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Big Show = The Big Show
Wrong - Randy Orton vs. Kane = Randy Orton
Wrong - Team Teddy vs. Team Johnny = Team Teddy
Correct - Maria Menounos & Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix & Eve Torres = MM & KK

Other Stuff

- First Match: Daniel Bryan Vs. Sheamus
TBC - Last Match: Rock-Cena
Wrong 11.5 - How much time will pass between either HHH / Taker / HBK (depending on whose out first) music hitting and the bell sounding?: 15:00
Correct - How many Pedigree's, Last Rides and Tombstones will we see?: 5
TBC - Does Cena Turn Heel: Yes
TBC - Will there be a handshake of any kind between Cena and Rock: Yes

I'm suprised there wasn't a finisher spot fest at any point in the match... The 3 synchronised barrell flips over the top rope was impressive though.

Yep... We're are going to see a LOT of Eve.
Zack Ryder :lol: tbf if I was him I'd go back for more after that kick to the nuts.
Why'd the bitch (admittedly a sexy bitch) kick him in the nuts? She lost him the match!

Her character is that of a total bitch. She's a heel in the middle of a massive push... and it's started with her fecking Zach Ryder about.
Well at least my random guess on the GM match was accurate - still a pathetic 3/9 :o