Television The Propgropthrop

Wow....seriously wow.

Haven't had goosebumps over wrestling for a long time WOW!
Should have switched it up there, have Taker not kick out but Michaels not count to 3!
They weren't shitting when they said "End of an Era"....last of their type.

TBC - The Rock vs. John Cena = The Rock
Correct - Triple H vs. The Undertaker = The Undertaker
TBC - CM Punk (c) vs. Chris Jericho = CM Punk
Correct - Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Sheamus = Sheamus
Correct - Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Big Show = The Big Show
Wrong - Randy Orton vs. Kane = Randy Orton
TBC - Team Teddy vs. Team Johnny = Team Teddy
Correct - Maria Menounos & Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix & Eve Torres = MM & KK

Other Stuff

- First Match: Daniel Bryan Vs. Sheamus
TBC - Last Match: Rock-Cena
Wrong 11.5 - How much time will pass between either HHH / Taker / HBK (depending on whose out first) music hitting and the bell sounding?: 15:00
Correct - How many Pedigree's, Last Rides and Tombstones will we see?: 5
TBC - Does Cena Turn Heel: Yes
TBC - Will there be a handshake of any kind between Cena and Rock: Yes

The Rock vs. John Cena = John Cena
Triple H vs. The Undertaker = The Undertaker - Yes
CM Punk (c) vs. Chris Jericho = CM Punk
Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Sheamus = Sheamus - Yes.
Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Big Show = Big Show - Yes.
Randy Orton vs. Kane = Randy Orton - No.
Team Teddy vs. Team Johnny = Team Johnny
Maria Menounos & Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix & Eve Torres = Maria & K2 - Yes

Other Stuff

First Match: Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus - yes
Last Match: The Rock vs. John Cena
How much time will pass between either HHH / Taker / HBK (depending on whose out first) music hitting and the bell sounding?: Twenty minutes - No
How many Pedigree's, Last Rides and Tombstones will we see?: 8 - No.
Does Cena Turn Heel: No
Will there be a handshake of any kind between Cena and Rock: No.
