Television The Propgropthrop

Cena's tasked with mobilizing his young fans up until Wrestlemania and Rock's tasked with drumming up interest among older fans and anything they do that accomplishes that works. Nothing Cena does is going to appeal to us and a lot of Rock's stuff isn't going to appeal to the kids, but ultimately that doesn't matter.
Just don't go racing to witch mountain, cos your mountain is brokeback


wonder who wrote that for him / or how long he sat there thinking it up
but ultimately that doesn't matter.

Cenas rap was awesome. Took like 5 years to finally get that shit back...shame it'll probably only last like 3 weeks, if that.

I'm thinking maybe one on the Miz maybe and another, or not I dunno.
The more I think about it, the more Cena's promo sucks and the more Rock's gets even better. Cena did go in hard with his insults about Rock's acting career and him leaving his fans hanging but he completely undermined that with his homophobic insults. What the feck was that about? It was made even more stupid by the fact that Cena had just told Rock to suck his dick. Rock used childish insults in reference to how Cena is just a big child, how he represents everything PG. How he represents everything stupid about WWE now.

Also Rock's delivery was electrifying and while Cena's was very good it didn't hold a candle to Rock's.
hehe, Cena's comments were quite homophobic/erotic what ever way you look at it

but I don't think it undermined what he said about the Rock leaving for 7 years, that really hit home

Cena is a corny feck, but he's been here the whole time being a corny feck while the rock fecked off, something alot of the fans will think about
hehe, Cena's comments were quite homophobic/erotic what ever way you look at it

but I don't think it undermined what he said about the Rock leaving for 7 years, that really hit home

Cena is a corny feck, but he's been here the whole time being a corny feck while the rock fecked off, something alot of the fans will think about

It's something a lot of the PG fans will think about. I don't think theres many fans over the age of 18 that will give a shit about Cena when pitted against the Rock

That is if any adults give him a second thought in the first place...
hehe, Cena's comments were quite homophobic/erotic what ever way you look at it

but I don't think it undermined what he said about the Rock leaving for 7 years, that really hit home

Cena is a corny feck, but he's been here the whole time being a corny feck while the rock fecked off, something alot of the fans will think about

What matters is the reception he got, if the fans gave a feck, they'd have boo'd him. He's back and that's all the fans care about, whatever Cena says. He came out and delivered a rap dissing The Rock to fans who screamed their lungs out at his return.

The Rock was there for 8 years before he disappeared. Cena has only just been there for 7 (?) years himself. It's not like he's served any longer than The Rock or stayed to endure hardships after The Rock went. Cena needs another year there to even equal the service The Rock put in before he left, so to try the whole 'I'm still here' is a bit stupid. Even then, the 7 years of John has nothing on the 8 years of Dwayne.
I just looked through TNA's roster and it seems they have a lot of ex-WWE and ECW wrestlers in there including Hulk Hogan.
I just looked through TNA's roster and it seems they have a lot of ex-WWE and ECW wrestlers in there including Hulk Hogan.

Its always been like that. I remember when i first heard of tna, and looked at their roster. I was amazed at the amount of ex WWE stars on there. Once you leave the wwe, Tna is where to go. Vice versa.
Because of this thread I sky plus'd the PPV last Sunday. Just finished watching it and I fast forwarded through most of it.

It was bad 5 or 6 years ago. My god it is ultra shit now.

Best moment was Trish botching her spot.
The Rock was there for 8 years before he disappeared.

The Rock is awesome and one of my all time favs. I dont hate on him for leaving because lets be honest, 99% of people would have done the same. He did it all in the industry, and imo, he did the right thing for himself (and for anybody trying to break through into WWEs main event)

But where did you get the 8 years figure from? He debuted in late 96 (november) and had his last match at WM20 in 2004. But he was only full time between 96 (realistically 97 as 96 was a month) and 2001.

Then all appearances after that equalled possibly a year at most. After his WM17 "suspension" he came back for the invasion and was there for around 6 months, went off, then came back and won the title and then lost it to Brock. He was then gone again and came back for a few months for the "Hollywood Rock" which was just amazing. Some of his best stuff especially his concerts and his stuff with Hurricane.
He then left and was back in 2004 for a few weeks for the tag match and his final match.

IMO, nobody will ever compare to the rock. His delivery, his lines, his intensity and charisma will go unmatched. But also he had good writers and a good product at the time. Cena is good but whats behind him is quite horrible in comparison.
This thread had me going back and watching some of the older stuff I remember.

The crowds used to be so good.
The crowds used to be so good.

They really did. I've got a couple of WWE classic DVDs, and the crowds would be going mental for the likes of Al Snow. Nowadays even the likes of Kofi Kingston can come out (just picking out an upper-midcarder at random), and the crowd are like "oh it's you, is it?"

Probably the biggest pop I've ever heard in WWE history. Triple H's return in 2002 from a long injury lay-off. I'd love to hear more crowds like this nowadays.

The Rock, Undertaker and HHH have all recently returned and all got great responses from the crowd but it needs to happen more often, although it's no coincidence that these three are 'Attitude' superstars. A lot of the superstars nowadays don't generate that type of response from the crowd.
Goldberg winning the title = GOAT pop. Oh how the WCW(well Hogan) ruined their two biggest fights is still amazing though, Hogan vs Goldberg on free tv? lolz. Hogan vs Sting completely botched ending? lolz. Good job Hogan.
i just bought Best of RAW Vol 1 and 2, it saddens me to see how good it used to be, the good old days of 98/99, today is nothing in comparison,
^^IMO, it all went downhill when Vince bought his competition. The Invasion angle should have been one of the best things but it was ruined which was a huge shame.

One of the biggest reactions I heard was when Austin came out and smacked the Rock with a chair and Foley won the title. Will need to find the vid of that.

Goldberg winning the title = GOAT pop. Oh how the WCW(well Hogan) ruined their two biggest fights is still amazing though, Hogan vs Goldberg on free tv? lolz. Hogan vs Sting completely botched ending? lolz. Good job Hogan.

:lol: Its just madness. The sting/hogan match was built up so well as well. But the match and ending was one of the biggest WTF?

Goldberg winning the title was just awesome, but as you said, they ruined it. They gave it on free tv and not only that, they announced it on the thunder before.
I was thinking about the old great entrances, how shit they are now they just walk out arrogantly, no effort.

Kane, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Jericho, Batista, Gangrel, The Godfather etc. Proper titantrons, great music and pyro effects... now you hear Cena going 'arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeebaaaaaaaaaaa'
^^IMO, it all went downhill when Vince bought his competition. The Invasion angle should have been one of the best things but it was ruined which was a huge shame..

What happened, according to Jericho, was that WCW was meant to be it's own separate brand, like Smackdown/RAW. WWF and WCW would only clash on special occasions.

But then Vince saw Booker T vs. Buff Bagwell, which was a terrible match because neither of them knew how to work "WWF style." He hated it so much he decided to scrap the idea of separate brands, and had WWF swallow WCW whole.
I was thinking about the old great entrances, how shit they are now they just walk out arrogantly, no effort.

Kane, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Jericho, Batista, Gangrel, The Godfather etc. Proper titantrons, great music and pyro effects... now you hear Cena going 'arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeebaaaaaaaaaaa'

Undertaker usually had an eerily stunning entrance with torch bearers and shit for PPV's.

Cena just gets on my tits. fecking annoying. His music, his dialogue, his face etc. His emergence put me off WWE completely.
If you watched wrestling in the late Eighties, early Nineties, you owe it to yourself to watch this:


Probably the biggest pop I've ever heard in WWE history. Triple H's return in 2002 from a long injury lay-off. I'd love to hear more crowds like this nowadays.

The Rock, Undertaker and HHH have all recently returned and all got great responses from the crowd but it needs to happen more often, although it's no coincidence that these three are 'Attitude' superstars. A lot of the superstars nowadays don't generate that type of response from the crowd.

The audio on that clip doesn't do that justice. The place erupted in that 10 minutes. That was HUGE when he returned. New gear, new entrance (that water spitting thing)

And the Motorhead pumping through the speakers :drool: that song blew my mind
HHH was doing the water spitting entrance before 2002.
I was watching some youtube videos earlier on today, and correct me if I'm wrong;

The rocks last match was against Hulk Hogan, to which he played a cowardly type persona and was constantly being bood.

Does someone want to fill me in with what that was all about?
I was watching some youtube videos earlier on today, and correct me if I'm wrong;

The rocks last match was against Hulk Hogan, to which he played a cowardly type persona and was constantly being bood.

Does someone want to fill me in with what that was all about?

I think his last match was when he teamed with Mick Foley to take on Evolution.
Or trashing McMahon's corvette with concrete and the beer bath to the corporation. Atleast it was more innovative then, now it seems like a bag of recycled PC gags.

JBL is poopy lolololololol. (Yeah, you're right).

2001 Royal Rumble is always worth a watch. My favourite Rumble ever (in terms of the match).

Although this is fun: