Television The Propgropthrop

Because in wrestling, you are meant to suspend belief and sometimes logic.
Why is the undertaker's record at Wrestle mania such a big deal? Every 'win' he's had has been scripted. So why is it a big achievement? You might say that he's only scripted to win because he's the crowd's favourite but techinically his 'unbeaten streak' is a complete farce. I might be naive about all things wrestling but I've never understood the complete w.ankfest over his so called record.

Someone explain to me how his "streak" is in anyway an actual achievement? Let's face it, if the writers decide, they can end that streak anytime they liked.

It's not really a big deal, only within the magical world of kayfabe is it a big deal.

They never planned ahead for him to get to such a streak it just kinda happened and then after about the 11th in a row they thought they might as well use it as an easy angle to build to wrestlemania.

So now you get your usual "will so and so win the title?" plus "can *insert name here* break the streak".

He's probably one of, if not, the most well known wrestler around the world, so having him win on the biggest event of the year keeps the punters happy.
I liked Rock more when he was a heel. Back when he threw Farooq out of the Nation, or later when he briefly turned good but then teamed with Mcmahon to screw Austin at the Survivor Series (that was the best PPV ever btw). There was that episode of Raw where he stole Austin's belt and was prancing around on some bridge with it, mouthing off. The whole show was a build up to Austn eventually finding him, and when he did The Rock just threw him off the bridge and carried on mouthing off :lol:

It was funny when he was still "Rocky Maivia" too, and the crowd used to bitterly hate him despite him supposedly being a good guy. Being a naive kid at the time I used to feel really sorry for him because I couldn't figure out what was going on or why everyone hated him.

Once him and Austin were both good guys I got bored and stopped watching.
one of my fave Rocks was when he became a heel AGAIN, after they booed him at Wrestlemania vs Hogan

his concerts to wind up the fans was hilarious and his feud with the hurricane

but he proper dissed the fans here

Why is the undertaker's record at Wrestle mania such a big deal? Every 'win' he's had has been scripted. So why is it a big achievement? You might say that he's only scripted to win because he's the crowd's favourite but techinically his 'unbeaten streak' is a complete farce. I might be naive about all things wrestling but I've never understood the complete w.ankfest over his so called record.

Someone explain to me how his "streak" is in anyway an actual achievement? Let's face it, if the writers decide, they can end that streak anytime they liked.

Part of it is that he's such a revered figure both in the ring and behind the scenes that the writers have chosen not to end the streak. I remember reading a rumour that Randy Orton was supposed to end the streak at 12 as part of his Legend Killer persona but he actually refused to out of respect.

And yeah, like Xander says, it seemed to just happen (I mean the third win was a win by disqualification) so it wasn't like the writers decided beforehand to give this guy this legendary streak. After a while it became a storyline on its own. Personally I think there's a bit too much focus placed on it by the WWE and I think it seems a bit more legendary if it's just kind of a background storyline fun fact.

Apparently Calloway does want his streak to end, though. I disagree but if they do end it, I hope someone worthy gets to do it. At this point having some noob do it cheapens all the previous wins and having an established veteran or legend do it wastes any potential impact. He's labeled Wade Barrett as a guy who he wants to work with and put over, but right now it's just too soon in his WWE career for him to break the streak. WWE's managed to get a lot of mileage out of the streak, which is good, but as a result they've also painted themselves into a corner where if they don't get the absolute right up and comer to do it, they can seriously embarrass themselves (imagine someone breaking the streak and fecking off to TNA a year later).
one of my fave Rocks was when he became a heel AGAIN, after they booed him at Wrestlemania vs Hogan

his concerts to wind up the fans was hilarious and his feud with the hurricane

As a die hard Kings fan, I remember this moment vividly, even though I wasn't watching WWE on a regular basis at the time. They were taping Raw at Arco Arena and I was listening to sports radio (on the Kings' flagship station) at the time and someone had called in to the show from the event live. They stopped talking to listen in just as this was happening:

I was absolutely shocked when he dropped the Lakers beating the Kings in May line. It's a moment on par with Ron Burgundy telling San Diego to go feck itself. There were even a few Kings players at the event too. In hindsight I'm still in awe of this moment since it's one of the absolute greatest windup moments in the history of the company. I think more people around the world remember the Kings for being on the butt end of this jab than for being a good basketball team at the time.
Shane McMahon is one of my favs ever.

He missed the first one completely :lol: and the second one he just dropped off. Fair enough it's a big drop but the floor obviously wasn't proper wood. Was never a fan of his, especially that entrance where he be skipping around like a clown.

TBH, I've never read of anything negative regarding Undertaker. I remember the time he got eliminated from the Royal Rumble by a young thing called Maven. Taker knows how to put young guys over.

I'm pretty sure he was an enforcer backstage back in the day. When it wasn't a big deal to give a superstar a few backhands for being a cnut.

The great one

Easily the most charismatic wrestler you'll see.

Kane was by far my favourite. That mask was so cool, and the fact that he was near invincible. Then once he started to interact and eventually dropped the mask he became a whipping post. His inital feud with Undertaker was great.

:lol: The way he is taking the piss out of Cena is just fantastic.

Any video?
Give shane mcmahon his dues, if I was vince's son, I'd be too busy counting the money to go jumping off things.
Give shane mcmahon his dues, if I was vince's son, I'd be too busy counting the money to go jumping off things.

Fair point. But it's not like he was taking over his dads reins or anything. He had a chance to be a part of something big and took the chance because he had a fasttrack to it. I guess I can't blame him in that regard. If I had the chance to feud with Cena I'd kick him square in the balls and take a real chair to his head :p
Isn't this Entertainment?

Triple H prolly returns with Taker on Monday, but I don't think Rocks gonna be around until WM now, so no Rock burying HHH #234234234234231231231231 *cries*

I couldn't find the third part, but this is one of the highest rated segments in the history of the WWE. I think it drew 8.4 in the ratings which was absolutely incredible.

Poontang pie :lol:

Watch Stone Cold in this segment, pure comedy gold he is :D

Kurt rapping against Cena :lol:

One of the funniest moments from the late Eddie Guerrero, just brilliant :lol:
This was probably my favorite part of the Invasion story, when the 'old' Stone Cold came back to open a can of whoop-ass on the Alliance:

Ok a question:

Who had the better chokeslam, Undertaker or Kane?

I like Kane's, but that's only because he follows up one with another and another on a rampage. That said I haven't studied them closely or anything, but it just seems like Undertaker's is technically better.

Edit: Now that I think about it, Kane seems to have to use the second hand a bit too much.

I like Kane's, but that's only because he follows up one with another and another on a rampage. That said I haven't studied them closely or anything, but it just seems like Undertaker's is technically better.

I prefer Kanes for the reason you gave. They also seem way more psychotic, which is the reason I like Kane in the first place. Just doesn't give a shit like

The last one of Edge
Can't find a decent quality video of it but Mankind winning his first WWF title is my favourite wrestling moment, and Bulldog winning at Wembly a runner up!
:lol: Fantastic.

Look if you dont understand, you dont understand so I wont blame you for it. But nobody who posted here comes across as one of the kids you're talking about, who see it as a real thing. Everyone is posting from behind the curtain and talking about whats going beyond behind the scenes in the industry or their favourite times when they were younger and WWE was better.

Its not okay to look at it and think "Well I think it would be better like this"? Or to appreciate the athletisism of some of the things they are able to do at times? Or have a chuckle at some of the bad acting and feckups - I'm sure you've never ever had a chuckle at someone doing some really bad acting or messing something up

I guess if you talk about the animation industry you're a loser too. Afterall these days most of it is clearly aimed at kids.

I'd choose to watch mma over it 10/10 but the few times it isnt boring a year, this can be entertaining too.

No no, I'd imagine they've grasped it's not real by that age.

The ones who are talking about it in the past tense I understand, but that's not everyone. But yeah, I just don't 'get it'.
One of the Crawley fans was holding a poster of The Rock up on Sky News after the game
Edit: Now that I think about it, Kane seems to have to use the second hand a bit too much.

To be fair he had only started the Kane persona shortly before that clip. It's only normal to do it two handed when you're starting out so as to not injure anyone accidentally. Undertaker was doing it for 7 years before Kane.

I love this clip

My guess would be (semi) legit, either that or it was planned without the commentators knowledge, hence the "holy shit" you hear one of them shout (Tazz?)

It wouldn't really be wise for the company to not tell the commentators what was planned, after all it's the commentators job to keep the story alive.
It was planned. Big Show didn't want to do it because it's such a stupid idea and they wouldn't even bother doing it if it wasn't planned like that, but yeah, like when people go "through" the ring with chokeslams, you can see them looking around before the fight making the ring is setup right for it.

They also don't always tell the commentators everything, since they also have to sell the surprise and if they know...well they can't sell it as well sometimes.
It was planned. Big Show didn't want to do it because it's such a stupid idea and they wouldn't even bother doing it if it wasn't planned like that, but yeah, like when people go "through" the ring with chokeslams, you can see them looking around before the fight making the ring is setup right for it.

They also don't always tell the commentators everything, since they also have to sell the surprise and if they know...well they can't sell it as well sometimes.

Yeah JR screaming THEY'VE KILLED HIM when Mankind hit the Spanish announce table (which they need to bring back because that thing got destroyed about every other week) added to the wonder of that incident..
The best feckups

Brock had actually been doing the shooting star for a while, just rarely in the wwe. And with this feckup almost breaking his neck, and killing Angle, from this point on he was banned from using it.

Albeit Shockmaster was WCW, its absolutely legendary

Honestly, how some people can say wrestling isnt real
It wouldn't really be wise for the company to not tell the commentators what was planned, after all it's the commentators job to keep the story alive.

I'm sure I read somewhere that JR actually asked not to be told about the major happenings, so he could react to them as a fan.
Jerry Lawlor has a cheat sheet just to remember superstars names, so even if he's told whats going to happen he's still going to react properly
Uppercunt, would like all you Red Cafe sweat hogs, to keep the noise down...while I take my robe off, and let the ladies view the sexiest man alive.
The best feckups

Brock had actually been doing the shooting star for a while, just rarely in the wwe. And with this feckup almost breaking his neck, and killing Angle, from this point on he was banned from using it.

Albeit Shockmaster was WCW, its absolutely legendary

Honestly, how some people can say wrestling isnt real

The real parts are seriously dodgy all the same

I used to love wrestling as a kid, Sid vicious, Macho man and The Ultimate warrior were early favourites. Then you had the Rock etc in later years.

The downfall has been a shame but it did give us some great/bizarre moments.

That scarred me for ages.

As did this.(wouldn't advise watching if you've just eaten).

The mention of the woman's name still sends a shiver down my spine. That's only the few I remember but there were quite a few WTF! moments.

The Rock was great because he was an asshole(or developed into one after the initial nice guy thing backfired) but he acted the asshole towards wrestlers you didn't like thus making him your asshole.