Television The Propgropthrop

So, predictions for HIAC gents?

Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro and Neville vs. Rusev, Sheamus and King Barrett.
The WWE version of EuroThrash will win. Probably dirty, a disguised Bullhammer or something.

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) Hell in a Cell match.
Either Lesnar wins it clean or Undertaker wins through interference. Thing a clean win is needed to settle it once and for all. Build up Taker for WM next year and his final match. Against Cena maybe?

Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt. Hell in a Cell match.
Reigns, killing the feud once and for all. Clean win, Reigns proving the haters that he is getting ready to chase the World Title once again, and earning it the hard way, not via the Royal Rumble.

Seth Rollins (c) vs. Kane
Would love to see Rollins win this clean. He needs to go back to actually looking like the performer he is, not the coward and weak man he’s been built up to be lately. But, I can see Kane win it and lose the title to a Sheamus cash in straight away. Going for a Rollins win though.

Charlotte (c) vs. Nikki Bella
Charlotte retains. Too early for her to lose it. Maye a full Paige heel turn afterwards, running to the ring to congratulate and then turning it around into a beatdown?

The New Day (c) vs. The Dudley Boyz
Dirty win for The New Day. The feud has not run it’s course yet I think.

Kevin Owens (c) vs. Ryback
Owens wins, feud ends. Ran out of steam a while ago.

John Cena (c) vs. TBD
With Ziggler occupied by Breeze, I am having a hard time in thinking who would be the one to come out. Ambrose has nothing to do and would benefit from a title run, especially if the feud with the Wyatts ends now. Cesaro is a possibility, or maybe a heel like Barrett, someone from NXT or a shock return from Daniel Bryan? But Cena will lose, maybe even clean.
Imagine if its Big Show that answers the US open challenge haha.

Im going for:

Ziggler, Cesaro and Neville
New Day
Cena to lose. To.... Daniel Bryan :P
My picks are:

The Euro heels
Dudleys(I hope not and maybe they've changed their plans but having them come back and not win the tag titles would be weird)
I'm going for Ziggler to win it dirty. Or maybe Bray Wyatt with Braun Strowman as the man who 'injures' Cena.
Ziggler, Cesaro and Neville
Kevin Owens
New Day
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
Brock Lesnar

I like this card, not a single bad match and expect it to be a better show than many are expecting. Interest in most of the matches although I'm worried the challenger to Cena will be a massive letdown. Hoping it's not Strowman.
Actually that would be good wouldnt it, the Euro heels (im gonna refer to them as that now), win, Ziggler gets pissed off with Neville and Cesaro. Shows sign of heel before cheating to beat Cena (although that will get him cheered lol)
Had a dream last night of a baby Brock Lesnar (looking exactly like Brock does now, but baby-sized and in nappies) being fed by Tazz. As Tazz was moving the spoon towards Baby Brock's mouth, he was going "WELP,HERE COMES THE PLANE."

You may now return to your normal thread proceedings.
Had a dream last night of a baby Brock Lesnar (looking exactly like Brock does now, but baby-sized and in nappies) being fed by Tazz. As Tazz was moving the spoon towards Baby Brock's mouth, he was going "WELP,HERE COMES THE PLANE."

You may now return to your normal thread proceedings.
And I thought my dream about Dash Berlin giving me a hamster to take care of was weird...


Would not hold it against Vince...
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Hmmmm...Really wouldn't want to spoil this for anyone so don't read...seriously, even though it's just a rumour don't read it. Don't. Stop. Don't click it.
Stop! I told you already, stop, you may ruin something awesome.
Fine, seeing as you insist. Apparently Bryan is in LA and is Cena's opponent for tonight. As much as half of me says why would they give a title to a guy who has just had to vacate 2 titles because of injury, the mark half of me thinks this match, and moment will be absolutely awesome if it happened.
Hmmmm...Really wouldn't want to spoil this for anyone so don't read...seriously, even though it's just a rumour don't read it. Don't. Stop. Don't click it.
Stop! I told you already, stop, you may ruin something awesome.
Fine, seeing as you insist. Apparently Bryan is in LA and is Cena's opponent for tonight. As much as half of me says why would they give a title to a guy who has just had to vacate 2 titles because of injury, the mark half of me thinks this match, and moment will be absolutely awesome if it happened.

It's going to be so hilarious because so many are getting excited over who the mystery opponent is and the look on their faces if a Strowman or somebody ridiculous shows up will be comedy gold.

Refusing to get my hopes up. I'm no doubt interested but I know how badly this could end up :lol:
It's going to be so hilarious because so many are getting excited over who the mystery opponent is and the look on their faces if a Strowman or somebody ridiculous shows up will be comedy gold.

Refusing to get my hopes up. I'm no doubt interested but I know how badly this could end up :lol:

Exactly. Trying to keep the mark(hehe) in me under control but damn, that would be amazing.
PPV on an hour earlier than usual, bank holiday tomorrow and a possible mystery opponent for Cena. Probably worth staying up for this.

I know I'll regret it at 3am.
It's going to be so hilarious because so many are getting excited over who the mystery opponent is and the look on their faces if a Strowman or somebody ridiculous shows up will be comedy gold.

Refusing to get my hopes up. I'm no doubt interested but I know how badly this could end up :lol:

Someone else teasing an appearance

haha, well tbf, Cole was putting over Cesaro big time on commentary today. Good to hear.

Looking at that match, at least 4 of them should be solid main eventers as a minimum by now.