Television The Propgropthrop

Bring back legends, have two of them try and put Roman over. They've not learned.
Undertaker/Lesnar bit felt flat. Nothing of the threat and visioucness that was done with the buildup to Summerslam for example. Such a shame.

Hurray, an open challenge at HIAC. Wonder which heel will kick his ass out of the show for a while. Maybe Ambrose now he's out of the pre-show?
It has to be said tho, Cena's actions when the Dudleyz were in the ring were great! Slightly heel-ish antics too, with him going in Beatdown mode after the match and helping Xavier through a table. Seemed out of character.

Orton out of HIAC. Kayfabe injury or something else? Maybe he's abducted and the Wyatts turn him. A 5 man Wyatt Family. Love Rowan just showing up instead of Harper, no explanation given.

"I'm out of here, hit my music" *dead silent* :lol:

"Go to Paddy Power and bet on it." WWE Creative just throwing all the foreign/europeans in one tag team with Ziggler for some reason. On the pre-show of HIAC as well.

"Shield" reunion tag match was pretty fun. Braun broke the pin a bit late though, but it was a good match I thought.
Undertaker/Lesnar bit felt flat. Nothing of the threat and visioucness that was done with the buildup to Summerslam for example. Such a shame.

Hurray, an open challenge at HIAC. Wonder which heel will kick his ass out of the show for a while. Maybe Ambrose now he's out of the pre-show?
It has to be said tho, Cena's actions when the Dudleyz were in the ring were great! Slightly heel-ish antics too, with him going in Beatdown mode after the match and helping Xavier through a table. Seemed out of character.

Orton out of HIAC. Kayfabe injury or something else? Maybe he's abducted and the Wyatts turn him. A 5 man Wyatt Family. Love Rowan just showing up instead of Harper, no explanation given.

"I'm out of here, hit my music" *dead silent* :lol:

"Go to Paddy Power and bet on it." WWE Creative just throwing all the foreign/europeans in one tag team with Ziggler for some reason. On the pre-show of HIAC as well.

"Shield" reunion tag match was pretty fun. Braun broke the pin a bit late though, but it was a good match I thought.

Cena has always given revenge beat downs..

It's just stupid that him and the Dudleys got beat down by the New Day two weeks ago, they forgot about it for one week, and then suddenly it's remembered.

Randy has been working with a duff shoulder for a whilst according to Meltzer and it finally popped before the Mexico tour. Think they gave an explanation of Harper being same place as Orton, in reality it's family/personal reasons.

Few people saying it'll be Tyler Breeze that challenges Cena, but i can't see him as the guy to write off Cena.. Unless a) he has a character change or b) Cena just has a no explanation no show. c) Breeze changes is character... one that he's refined for years.

Can't think of many people on the current roster that will challenge Cena and write him off. My ideal situation would be Ryback beats Owens early on in the night, Owens challenges and gives Cena a Sami Zayn style beatdown. Otherwise maybe Baron Corbin... Or have Balor challenge him, turn heel and bring Balor Club up at same time and destroy Cena.

As for last nights Raw, pretty poor for a go home show really. Don't really get there segment placing. It also seemed more of a giant Roman Reigns push than push to promote HIAC.
Cena has always given revenge beat downs..

It's just stupid that him and the Dudleys got beat down by the New Day two weeks ago, they forgot about it for one week, and then suddenly it's remembered.

Randy has been working with a duff shoulder for a whilst according to Meltzer and it finally popped before the Mexico tour. Think they gave an explanation of Harper being same place as Orton, in reality it's family/personal reasons.

Few people saying it'll be Tyler Breeze that challenges Cena, but i can't see him as the guy to write off Cena.. Unless a) he has a character change or b) Cena just has a no explanation no show. c) Breeze changes is character... one that he's refined for years.

Can't think of many people on the current roster that will challenge Cena and write him off. My ideal situation would be Ryback beats Owens early on in the night, Owens challenges and gives Cena a Sami Zayn style beatdown. Otherwise maybe Baron Corbin... Or have Balor challenge him, turn heel and bring Balor Club up at same time and destroy Cena.

As for last nights Raw, pretty poor for a go home show really. Don't really get there segment placing. It also seemed more of a giant Roman Reigns push than push to promote HIAC.

Yeah I picked up on the same rumors. Adding to your Breeze point, he seems to be about ready for the call up according to this article. Can't see them push up both him and Finn/Joe at the same time I guess.

Good point about Owens, would fit his Heel Prize Fighter character as well. His son would not be too happy if Owens dicks the living daylights out of Cena.

I thought that Raw was alright, nothing too special. It did miss some bit, I'll give you that. Maybe I'm just pretty positive because my expectations/standards are lower as a new watcher, I have no material to compare too.
@Mark_GrumpyLion Seriously, cenas character has been a dick for a while now. I mean an arrogant dick that would be a heel for anybody else (well he does get bood by adults, so pretty much yeah).

I also think Rowan was late after the match and was meant to take the spear (sacrifice himself) for Wyatt. He ended up eating a spear anyway lol.

It was just a weird Raw. If they are building for Rollins vs HBk, great, otherwise their segments together would have been the most bizarre thing. I would really enjoy it if they had a match, but cant see HBK coming out of retirement.

The Cena thing will be funny if somebody challenges him, Cena ends up winning, and nothing. lol. With the news hes going to be off for 2 months, it is intriguing what will happen tho.

I honestly think Bray vs Roman has been built so much better than Taker vs Lesnar. I can see why the former is within the HIAC but theres actually no need for the latter to have it.
Yeah I picked up on the same rumors. Adding to your Breeze point, he seems to be about ready for the call up according to this article. Can't see them push up both him and Finn/Joe at the same time I guess.

Good point about Owens, would fit his Heel Prize Fighter character as well. His son would not be too happy if Owens dicks the living daylights out of Cena.

I thought that Raw was alright, nothing too special. It did miss some bit, I'll give you that. Maybe I'm just pretty positive because my expectations/standards are lower as a new watcher, I have no material to compare too.

Don't think they will push Joe onto main roster. Think he's going to be the same as Rhyno. Same as James Storm and Asuka. Think they are mainly there to help get some more focus on NXT and help the younger talents.
I forgot Phelan does that ITK gimmick, dont know why since hes been doing it for the last few pages.

Fair enough then, guess my remark makes no sense then.

Well tbh, it maximises his character. Kids still love him and get his merch, adults still come to see him and boo him. Probably whats been best for him for a while now.
@phelans shorts so what happened with rusev? Seemed business as normal.

Nothing what so ever, it's more bollocks from the ridiculous dirt sheets who had no ITK knowledge and instead did what they usually do by making more awful predictions. If you believe online there isn't a single worker in the business that isn't 'in the doghouse' :lol:
Podcast was fun. Flew by, would be interesting to see somebody else interview him (outside the WWE umbrella) especially more of the MMA stuff (helwani would be good).

He can beat him down after or maybe someone else takes him out setting up a feud for when he comes back.

I know, just saying, It will be interesting to see what they will do or how they will do it for it to make sense (if they even do it).
Somebody beating him, Cena congratulating him, and then a third person taking him out would be interesting though.

Poor Cesaro. Being buried and now this. What's next, a shitty gimmick?
God I hope it goes well.

Same. But I have a feeling he will be given meaningless multiman matches like Neville. Saying that he hasnt really won a major match in NXT for like a year... :P
Same. But I have a feeling he will be given meaningless multiman matches like Neville. Saying that he hasnt really won a major match in NXT for like a year... :P

Oh I think he is destined to be stuck in that vacumn of talented guys they have no idea what to do with. I just hope he gets something decent initially before ending up in pointless matches against Cesaro and Neville on main event.
Raw was pretty average again this week. Looking forward to HIAC this weekend, pretty good card IMO.

This weeks Table For Three was pretty good (Miz, Truth and Axel). I still get annoyed how underused and under appreciated The Miz actually is. He's just such a fantastic heel.

Unfiltered with Finn was decent, lego models FTW :lol:

  • I'm still madly in love with Asuka.
  • James Storms debut was decent.
  • Dash & Dawson are probably my favorite tag team going right now.
  • I'd be lying if I said I was sold on Crews like a lot of people. I'm still not there with him but they did a fantastic job with the behind the wrestler video package with him this week, love them.
Good show.
  • World's smallest Trombone :lol: I like corporate Kane, interesting to see Xavier is "Injured"
  • Man, I wish they would book Rollins differently. I hate that cowardly nature he has.
  • Tyler Breeze debut! Looks like we're getting a Breeze/Ziggler feud. Thoughts?
  • "Here is a guy that made One Direction go another way." Jezus Jerry, that was cringeworthy. Bo teasing a challenge at HIAC.
  • Wonder how happy kids are with a broken chain. Damnit Ryback.
  • The Reigns-New Day match had some good spots. That spear looked nasty, Kofi's head snapped backwards pretty hard.