Television The Propgropthrop

Would not be that unthinkable. Not sure if he is out with Fozzy though.

Also feels like they are setting the stage for a Paige heel turn. Lot of losses lately and kinda looks like she is not that into PCB. Maybe that provides a bit of a spark for the Divas division.

Hoping for Bryan or The Rock but Jericho would be okay too.

I kind of see what you mean about Paige she's not having a good run at the minute and looked pretty annoyed when Charlotte beat the clock
They were 'injured' by Brock Lesnar and are out indefinitely.

No need for the quotation marks, poor Jamie Noble could have died!

I went to Summerslam and the Raw after it, one of the best experiences of my life. Think I'm gonna go Wrestlemania now as well off the strength.

Also this is a good read:

A decent read, don't agree with everything but this whole thing has been a mess booking wise.

As easy as it would be for a champion to low blow every opponent he ever faces to make sure he doesn't lose it.

It kinda reminds me of one of the few good things TNA did in recent years which for some reason got a shitload of abuse, when they had Magnus tap out the second he was put in a hold in a non-title match. It was a great idea.

It was taken from the WWE website so the chances of it being fake are about 0%, though it could be a swerve.

Pssst: it wasn't ever on the site. It's a fake. The Eva Marie one was a fake too.
Hoping for Bryan or The Rock but Jericho would be okay too.

I kind of see what you mean about Paige she's not having a good run at the minute and looked pretty annoyed when Charlotte beat the clock
The beatdown on Raw she and Becky got after her match was another one. Team Bad was quick to pounce when Charlotte was not around and you could warp that into Paige being pissed off even more for Charlotte not having her back.
Bryan would get the biggest pop, if it's a new Shield they're looking for pick up AJ Styles, but it'll be Orton before he goes back to fighting Sheamus
Tbh, the diva trio's are just to accommodate weaker players.

Paige vs Banks is a given.
Charlotte (plus Becky) vs Nikki (plus Brie) should be enough. Singles or as a tag team, both are OK.

I honestly don't think Alicia, Naomi or Taminah bring much to the table. And without Sasha, Team BAD would anyway disintegrate.

And where is Natalya? Why is she not part of the revolution?
And where is Natalya? Why is she not part of the revolution?

I asked this initially, she's the most qualified wrestler on the roster. Paige, Sasha, Charlotte, Becky, Bayley, Natalya, Naomi are the only ones who i'd reckon could put on decent matches. But only if they were booked the way Trips does in NXT.

(I was being kind with Naomi, she's not won me over totally.)
Where is this notion about Rowan coming from? Not too familiar with the past (recently started watching & all) but why would he side up against the Wyatts? Unless it is for an inevitable betrayal. Orton would make sense in a way that he is probably pretty pissed about the Wyatts jumping him and has nothing going on in terms of angles. Would be a bit easy. Samoa Joe would be fun and would balance out the brute that is Braun I think.

I think Rowen is still injured and it isnt him.

Saw this on another side :

Imagine the heat if Seth Rollins came out through the crowd in Shield gear, the crowd pops...

Then after they quiten down, Seth declares that he isnt the 3rd member as he is too busy defending two titles unlike them.He could then say how this shows that he was right when he told them he was the brains behind the Shield.
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Nikki is better than several of those you list, as is Alicia.

Nattie isn't really around as she's not on the road a huge amount at the moment, she's looking after Tyson pretty often.

Nikki has a good match every now and then, she won't be around much longer i'm guessing. Get the feeling she's winding her career up and Cena is helping her more than she helps herself. Alicia is not on the same level talent wise, just my opinion though, each to their own.

Tyson can man up and look after himself. Nattie is a decent ring general and would be a great help alongside the newer, less experienced talent. They need someone like that in this so called revolution
Nikki has a good match every now and then, she won't be around much longer i'm guessing. Get the feeling she's winding her career up and Cena is helping her more than she helps herself. Alicia is not on the same level talent wise, just my opinion though, each to their own.

Oh I agree Nikki is nearing the end of her time, but since her return she's undoubtedly been one of the most improved in the company.

Alicia is a hell of a talent. I seem to recall Regal saying something along the lines of 'if she understood psychology she'd be one of the best around' and I struggle to disagree. Her in ring is crisp as anything, she never messes anything up

Tyson can man up and look after himself. Nattie is a decent ring general and would be a great help alongside the newer, less experienced talent. They need someone like that in this so called revolution

She would be, hell just look at that all time carry job with Charlotte, but her husbands health and wellbeing are by far more important.
As for the partner to Roman, I don't think it will be a 'monster'. Roman was the physical guy in the Shield and will continue to be. A part timer like Rock (who comes to help family) or even a returning Kane (mistreatment by Authority) will tide this through interim rather than creating a stable.
And where is Natalya? Why is she not part of the revolution?
Apart from being valet for Tyson and Cesaro up until recently, I would guess she's not the sort of person WWE want to be prominent in their Diva roster.

Natalya is an experienced wrestler with an athletic build, and WWE don't really value these things in women. They more value appearance and 'marketability', and unfortunately Natalya probably wouldn't be 'that girl' in their eyes.
Tyson can man up and look after himself. Nattie is a decent ring general and would be a great help alongside the newer, less experienced talent. They need someone like that in this so called revolution

Harsh, Nattie is great in the ring but Im sure she herself wants to be with Tyson even if the Divas division could use her.
Harsh, Nattie is great in the ring but Im sure she herself wants to be with Tyson even if the Divas division could use her.

From what I know both her and Tyson would actually prefer her to be on the road a bit more at this point, but they can't just create a spot for her with the ongoing stuff despite regular pitching of ideas.
I reckon if Rock was wrestling they would advertise it ahead of time.

Yeah, probably, but on the other hand Dwayne is always saying how he likes to surprise the fans whenever he can.

I think it'll be a return. Whether it'll be The Rock, Jericho or someone else remains to be seen, but I think the fact that they haven't announced their partner yet points to a surprise return. Orton will be a bit too predictable and Cesaro will be pointless to keep a secret until the last moment when they could have recruited him at any point in the last few weeks.
Harsh, Nattie is great in the ring but Im sure she herself wants to be with Tyson even if the Divas division could use her.

In the interviews I read, she mentioned that she does not have any idea on why she was not part of the revolution and hope things change in future.

I sincerely hope I see the day the Nikki retires and we get on after the 'erasing AJ Lee name' petty mindset of WWE.
Yeah, probably, but on the other hand Dwayne is always saying how he likes to surprise the fans whenever he can.

I think it'll be a return. Whether it'll be The Rock, Jericho or someone else remains to be seen, but I think the fact that they haven't announced their partner yet points to a surprise return. Orton will be a bit too predictable and Cesaro will be pointless to keep a secret until the last moment when they could have recruited him at any point in the last few weeks.
But the whole secrecy bit ties into protecting their partner though. I mean, maybe Orton and Reigns were just talking about their next fishing trip, and Wyatt still went after him. Would be awesome if its the Rock though.
But the whole secrecy bit ties into protecting their partner though. I mean, maybe Orton and Reigns were just talking about their next fishing trip, and Wyatt still went after him. Would be awesome if its the Rock though.

Yeah, that makes sense. Hopefully it's someone with history with the Wyatts (except Rowan) or if it's The Rock, it'll obviously be because he's related to Reigns. There has to be some logic behind it, a motive and not a ''pull a random name from the hat'' type of thing.
From what I know both her and Tyson would actually prefer her to be on the road a bit more at this point, but they can't just create a spot for her with the ongoing stuff despite regular pitching of ideas.
In the interviews I read, she mentioned that she does not have any idea on why she was not part of the revolution and hope things change in future.

I sincerely hope I see the day the Nikki retires and we get on after the 'erasing AJ Lee name' petty mindset of WWE.

Was that the bits from the total Divas? Regardless, maybe its a good things shes not part of it as it stands (in its current version). Also now that AJ Lee has been pretty much been erased in WWEs mind, maybe they will finally start with the title changing hands at NOC, the teams break up, and all divas actually gun for the title and we get a reason for them challenging ,seeing the evolution of the divas (rather than how it was, get a shot, lose, not be used for a few months, then tag up).
Watching the divas title match again, it was a good match, and I actually didnt mind the finish tbh. Probably in a minority but it makes sense given they have a PPV this weekend. With the record gone, they can now move on from that and do what they have to.

I actually think its a shame they didnt have Nikki defending her title twice a month once the divas came up (but protecting the three that came up) and thus leading to the PPV this sunday.
I thought The Rock would have been the biggest rumor. It is the one which makes most sense to me.

Though if not, I would expect it to be a heel turn face thing. So most likely that forgettable Wyatt guy with the sheep head or Kane.

I would like it to be a complete surprise out of nowhere though. Like Hogan.
Watching the divas title match again, it was a good match, and I actually didnt mind the finish tbh. Probably in a minority but it makes sense given they have a PPV this weekend. With the record gone, they can now move on from that and do what they have to.

It makes perfect sense to set up the match at NOC rather than have the title switch on Raw. I have an issue with the stupid twin swapping thing, would have been better for her to get purposely DQ'd but keeping the title on Nikki isn't that much of a problem.

I thought The Rock would have been the biggest rumor. It is the one which makes most sense to me.

Though if not, I would expect it to be a heel turn face thing. So most likely that forgettable Wyatt guy with the sheep head or Kane.

I would like it to be a complete surprise out of nowhere though. Like Hogan.

If it was the Rock they'd have probably have had him come out on this past Raw so you get the shock reveal but then they can advertise him for the PPV.
I dont even mind the twin swapping from them. Theyve used that before (always found it funny Brie proving shes not Nikki by taking tissues out her stuffed bra)
One thing I hate is that Authority need to settle on whether they are heels or faces. Its freakin annoying how they look to get cheered for some decisions but then are heels in the main event.

Like wise Bellas, they should just stick to being heels all the way through.
I dont even mind the twin swapping from them. Theyve used that before (always found it funny Brie proving shes not Nikki by taking tissues out her stuffed bra)
One thing I hate is that Authority need to settle on whether they are heels or faces. Its freakin annoying how they look to get cheered for some decisions but then are heels in the main event.

Like wise Bellas, they should just stick to being heels all the way through.

That article posted on the last page made a very valid point that the bellas are the heels against the white girls but faces against the blacks. Given WWE's history with blacks, I wouldnt be surprised if this was a conscious decision, having naomi, tamina and sasha in the same team was laughable to start with.
One thing I hate is that Authority need to settle on whether they are heels or faces. Its freakin annoying how they look to get cheered for some decisions but then are heels in the main event.

Like wise Bellas, they should just stick to being heels all the way through.
It's partly the ego of the participants, partly that one of them is a McMahon, and partly that shitty inconsistent writing is a staple of the WWE now.

For instance, when the Diva Revolution started it was Stephanie who fronted it. According to Meltzer, it never occurs to them that a McMahon shouldn't be involved in a big angle. We have a long history of McMahons getting pointlessly shoehorned into angles and stables... it infamously ruined the Invasion.

At least it was somewhat tolerable with Vince because he's such a great performer and he knew when it was time for a pay-off. Stephanie is not a great heel or face performer and her feuds rarely end in any sort of pay-off or comeuppance. Triple H in this role doesn't really work either.

Lastly it's hard to pin down even if they're heels anymore. Before they wanted power no matter what and chose their guys to push to the top by any means necessary. Now that they have one of the guys holding the main belt of the company, they set up matches for him to 'prove' he's the champion and get face pops. Why? Why do they care? In reality it's because they need a PPV match, but the route they take there is so sloppy and inconsistent.
That article posted on the last page made a very valid point that the bellas are the heels against the white girls but faces against the blacks. Given WWE's history with blacks, I wouldnt be surprised if this was a conscious decision, having naomi, tamina and sasha in the same team was laughable to start with.

If you're doing teams Sasha had to be with those two. She had to be with the heels and she's genuinely close to Tamina and to a lesser extent Naomi. The Bella's aren't as heelish as BAD and aren't faces to the level of PCB, so of course they flip flop. It's one of the issues with gang warfare.

The problem is doing gang warfare, not who was teamed with who.
If you're doing teams Sasha had to be with those two. She had to be with the heels and she's genuinely close to Tamina and to a lesser extent Naomi. The Bella's aren't as heelish as BAD and aren't faces to the level of PCB, so of course they flip flop. It's one of the issues with gang warfare.

The problem is doing gang warfare, not who was teamed with who.

But that was never shown on screen? It was literally like these are three black girls and they are together. With PCB, you get the camaraderie and friendship from the NXT days. It would literally have taken one week to show her or naomi recruiting the other.
Overall though, I dont think many people have an issue with who teamed with given the options, but the fact that it happened in the first place.
But yeah, I agree, why are Team BAD together? Cos Stephanie told them to be?

Anyway, for a moment, when they all faced off on Raw, it was cool, because the crowd went crazy for it, but for long term, it just didnt make sense at all. You cant force it and brand it as such and expect people to say "ok yeah, that works".

Watching something I dont care about for 2 minutes or 18 minutes is the same thing, except one is longer. Since the "revolution" started, the only matches that have mattered are the beat the clock (three which lasted total of like 8 minutes or something) and the title match from last Raw.

:lol: Definitely eva after she wins the nxt title! A less dancy emma can be good as well I suppose.

Emma currently as she is on NXT is fun. I quite liked her and Dana together.
Overall though, I dont think many people have an issue with who teamed with given the options, but the fact that it happened in the first place.
But yeah, I agree, why are Team BAD together? Cos Stephanie told them to be?

Anyway, for a moment, when they all faced off on Raw, it was cool, because the crowd went crazy for it, but for long term, it just didnt make sense at all. You cant force it and brand it as such and expect people to say "ok yeah, that works".

Watching something I dont care about for 2 minutes or 18 minutes is the same thing, except one is longer. Since the "revolution" started, the only matches that have mattered are the beat the clock (three which lasted total of like 8 minutes or something) and the title match from last Raw.

Emma currently as she is on NXT is fun. I quite liked her and Dana together.

DarkEmma FTW! I particularly loved her slap bayley, just as long as she doesnt bring that stupid dance back.
But that was never shown on screen? It was literally like these are three black girls and they are together. With PCB, you get the camaraderie and friendship from the NXT days. It would literally have taken one week to show her or naomi recruiting the other.

It doesn't have to be shown on screen, you can see just by how they interact that they're close. Compare that to PCB where you instantly get the feeling that these three aren't particularly friendly off screen (which is also true).

Just look at all of the videos of BAD backstage hanging out having fun, you have none of that from them.
It doesn't have to be shown on screen, you can see just by how they interact that they're close. Compare that to PCB where you instantly get the feeling that these three aren't particularly friendly off screen (which is also true).

Just look at all of the videos of BAD backstage hanging out having fun, you have none of that from them.

I would argue that to progress a story you need that? You cant use the girls instagram,etc videos to push a story unless its shown on tv. Majority of viewers wont even bother to check them and its horrible story writing.

Arent they breeding dissension in team PCB anyway?