Television The Propgropthrop

Jimmy Uso sure has been talking about Superkick Party's on commentary a lot of late.

In other news there's an NXT taping tonight. I wonder if we'll get any Liger style appearances announced for the next Takeover and the tag tournament.
The E&C podcast was good. Is the Paige one worth watching? Other than for Paige, obviously.
What's the point of Bo Dallas, can someone explain? He has as much charisma as a wet towel and looks like a fecking baby who is about to cry.
His character (once they realised he should be a heel rather than trying to force him as a face) in NXT worked so well. It was kinda like New Day but as a singles guy.

The whole "im so good" that it will make you sick of him. In WWE hes a jobber.
What's the point of Bo Dallas, can someone explain? He has as much charisma as a wet towel and looks like a fecking baby who is about to cry.

NXT Bo Dallas was the greatest. He got injured and Triple H got distracted by his new toys so now he's just a nobody who gets treated like shite because Vince doesn't get him.

Oh yes, I still Bolieve.
He's Bray Wyatt's brother irl, you can see who got all the talent
Bo got all the talent
I guess that's the thing that irks me most. The fact that Bray is pretty damn good (maybe not as a wrestler, but as a character) and all Bo can do is get F5'd for comic purposes.

Edit: damn that white text.


Another one for Bray to beat up after the match as a warning to not join in with Reigns & Ambrose?
Who's interested?

Was there a 12 Rounds 2?

Edit: Just looked it up, Randy Orton was in it. Completely missed that.
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The twitter posts between New Day vs Team BAD are excellent, and then the dance :lol:
Wouldn't be surprised if it's MOTY.

And please let Kana/Bayley happen at some point.

Hopefully at London.... Cause i really hope the women's match we get is not Bayley vs Eva. Although i wouldn't be surprised if they bring back Sasha for that either.

Think they were planning setting up Dana/Eva to step up and feud with Bayley, but probably put that on hold due to how rubbish they've both been.
Hope this set of tapings is when everyone realises how awful the booking of NXT is. It may be the worst yet, and that's saying something.

It also backs up my point on how awful the curtain call finish at Brooklyn was.
Been hearing snippets about Bryan being ready for a comeback. Could he be the secret partner for Ambrose/Reigns? He has history with the Wyatts.

In other news, Kurt Angle's TNA contract is up in January....just in time for the Rumble maybe???
In other news, Kurt Angle's TNA contract is up in January....just in time for the Rumble maybe???
Maybe, he'd have to bury the hatchet with Haitch and Vince though, as apparently he wasn't very impressed with the way they treated him last time they flirted with resigning him.
Been hearing snippets about Bryan being ready for a comeback. Could he be the secret partner for Ambrose/Reigns? He has history with the Wyatts.

In other news, Kurt Angle's TNA contract is up in January....just in time for the Rumble maybe???

Don't get your hopes up on either count.

A Bryan return is a very outside possibility (I've heard far too many well placed people say he's done to think there's nothing to it), whereas Kurt is an absolute no go. He would never pass the medical for one, and he's on the bad side of the head of recruitment, which won't help him even if he physically could pass.
First Orton, now Uso. Gotta love the Wyatt's mind games. Very predictable but awesome still. Also quite fun that they have Neville jump in to save the dragons. Three high-fliers together might make for some spectacle in a future match.
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I just really want The Shield to reform. Obviously not happening any time soon but when it does (hopefully after a period where Ambrose and Reigns aren't fisting each other weekly) I'll mark out to feck.

Really want Kane to be their mystery partner purely for the meltdown.
Maybe, he'd have to bury the hatchet with Haitch and Vince though, as apparently he wasn't very impressed with the way they treated him last time they flirted with resigning him.

Trips has been praised fairly heavily for putting aside personal feelings in order to improve the company though. E.g. Warrior in the HOF
So how do we think Baron 'Jeremy' Corbin will do in the election?

Hoping for an absolute squash match.

The bad feeling was from Angle's side, he felt they fecked him around.

Wrong. WWE hated the way Angle acted last year when his contract came up.

What happened was Angle wanted to go back, so got in touch with Trips to try to sort it out since he handles recruitment. Trips rightly mentioned Angle's health meaning he A) wouldn't pass the medical and B) his addiction history making it very possible that even if he did pass the medical, there'd be the risk of a Olympic hero dying in a WWE ring, and all the negative press that would result. Kurt was unhappy with this and decided he'd just contact Vince direct to overrule Trips, however Vince fully agreed with Trips call and told him if you want a job sort it with Trips, which Angle then tried to do again to be told in no uncertain terms, no.

Angle is desperate to go back but WWE have all kinds of things to think of outside of popping a one off rating. Anything Angle says to the contrary is merely the old school kid "I never liked them anyway" routine.
Wrong. WWE hated the way Angle acted last year when his contract came up.
I said I meant Angle was upset in response to someone who assumed I meant Triple H. How does WWE also being upset mean that's wrong?

Here's a link to what I was talking about:
Kurt Angle said:
I wasn’t going to leave TNA unless WWE was offering a fair deal.

Paul [Levesque] is in charge. I found that out when I contacted Vince. I’ve always had a good relationship with Paul, so I didn’t consider that a problem. But he decided they had enough talent.

For the Vince McMahon who I knew, enough was never enough. He always wanted more. I don’t know what was going on over there, but they even canceled our meeting. I never went to see them. They didn’t even sit me down and talk to me.

It blew my mind. It was as if I was a nobody, that I wasn’t Kurt Angle.
From a wrestling standpoint, they just weren’t interested. But TNA not only stepped up, they gave me everything I wanted – the dates, the money, and it’s no secret that I’ve went to rehab in the past, and they gave me time off. You talk about a company that’s loyal to you, and you want to be loyal back. So I didn’t pursue the WWE any further. When it comes down to it, you’ve got to stick with the people who want to take care of you. And Dixie Carter took care of me.

But I’m going to be straight with you - the WWE would have made more money this year if they would have signed me. That’s no secret.
I said I meant Angle was upset in response to someone who assumed I meant Triple H. How does WWE also being upset mean that's wrong?

Here's a link to what I was talking about:

Triple H is trying to shake up WWE, and you can see that with WWE. Bringing back Kurt Angle to WWE will give an older guy, with a poor injury record, that is risking his well being every time he wrestles a main event spot that could go to a younger upcomer.
I said I meant Angle was upset in response to someone who assumed I meant Triple H. How does WWE also being upset mean that's wrong?

Here's a link to what I was talking about:

Angle would go back in a heartbeat if they wanted him. As he says he's been to rehab and you remember loyalty, loyalty such as WWE footing the bill for that rehab, while he was in TNA.
Triple H is trying to shake up WWE, and you can see that with WWE. Bringing back Kurt Angle to WWE will give an older guy, with a poor injury record, that is risking his well being every time he wrestles a main event spot that could go to a younger upcomer.
I'd agree that there are legitimate reasons not to bring Angle back - WWE were concerned about his health even when he was on their roster - but given that this is the WWE we're talking about, fear of over-reliance on older nostalgia acts is something I'd imagine doesn't factor much into their decision.
Watching all the attitude era Raws, May 25th 98 - Triple H vs Rock, Undertaker vs Austin. The second of which never really gets going buy damn that roster is outrageous.
Hoping for an absolute squash match.

Wrong. WWE hated the way Angle acted last year when his contract came up.

What happened was Angle wanted to go back, so got in touch with Trips to try to sort it out since he handles recruitment. Trips rightly mentioned Angle's health meaning he A) wouldn't pass the medical and B) his addiction history making it very possible that even if he did pass the medical, there'd be the risk of a Olympic hero dying in a WWE ring, and all the negative press that would result. Kurt was unhappy with this and decided he'd just contact Vince direct to overrule Trips, however Vince fully agreed with Trips call and told him if you want a job sort it with Trips, which Angle then tried to do again to be told in no uncertain terms, no.

Angle is desperate to go back but WWE have all kinds of things to think of outside of popping a one off rating. Anything Angle says to the contrary is merely the old school kid "I never liked them anyway" routine.
Angle wants the return, but the WWE arent interested. I think HHH is blamed for this , but if Vince wanted him, Angle would be on Raw now..He just doesnt seem to get the message sadly.
TNa inducting Earl Hebner into their HOF.

Probably cos they have no wrestlers left...