Television The Propgropthrop

Punks best promo since signing his WWE contract on the ROH title...
Incredible promo.

It is the first time that Raw has ever finished without the WWE logo appearing at the bottom of the screen, which is leading many to believe that the show was prematurely taken off air.

It looks to me as though the promo was planned but Punk went off on a tangent and began telling a few home truths. No surprise that when he was about to tell a little story about Vince McMahon the mic was cut off.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out.
The WWE logo appeared about halfway through the Cena vs R Truth match.

It was nothing more than a very well done Work.
Incredible promo.

It is the first time that Raw has ever finished without the WWE logo appearing at the bottom of the screen, which is leading many to believe that the show was prematurely taken off air.

Raw has ended without the copyright box a few times over the years when the second hour was the War Zone
Raw has ended without the copyright box a few times over the years when the second hour was the War Zone

Im guessing they did it for tension like the way 24 ended with a silent clock on a couple of occasions.

Another reason why there should be no doubt that this was all scripted.

One thing it has done though. I may watch RAW for the 1st time in about 5 years next week
I love how the crowd actually started clapping what he was saying. Not chanting and screaming for it, but clapping in a "hang on a minute, he's right" sort of way.

Of course he then went off at them <_<
When he went off on them he was right. The ones who go to live shows and buy their PPV's/merchandise and then start applauding CM Punk for saying the company is crap is a bit stupid. They may agree about the company being crap and dropping in quality massively vince the Attitude era, but don't start giving it money and then be all against it. They're not exactly making a protest inside are they. Just liked him pointing out their hypocrisy.

Saying the company is crap, the wrestling is poor etc and then buying tickets to go see their live shows and buying all their merchandise is just stupid.
The Cena/Vince promo was really good. I like the direction they have gone and the potential of quite a few outcomes is quite intriguing.

Sure it could just end with Cena squashing Punk and it ending there, but the thoughts of the other outcomes is quite interesting.
The Cena/Vince promo was really good. I like the direction they have gone and the potential of quite a few outcomes is quite intriguing.

Sure it could just end with Cena squashing Punk and it ending there, but the thoughts of the other outcomes is quite interesting.

But WWE being WWE, they will mess it up and go with the safe option.
Does anyone know if punk has renewed his contract? His current one ends in September.
Nobody knows and thats a good thing imo. It makes it much more interesting. Personally, id rather not know (like the good ol days) :)
I haven't watched WWE in ages. But one thing that always irked me was the finishing moves. Did anyone else think they were shit? I mean, the RKO, would that even hurt? It doesn't look painful at all.
I haven't watched WWE in ages. But one thing that always irked me was the finishing moves. Did anyone else think they were shit? I mean, the RKO, would that even hurt? It doesn't look painful at all.

The People's Elbow wins in the category of "Shit Finishing Moves"
The People's Elbow wins in the category of "Shit Finishing Moves"

I don't usually watch, but I did watch a few episodes when the Rock came back. It seems the peoples elbow has gone from being a powerful elbow which results in a guarenteed pin, like this

to something that someone gets straight up from and is able to jump out the ring like this

made me laugh. Is the Rock still on it?
made me laugh. Is the Rock still on it?

He came back for Wrestlemania as the host and the angle with Cena but not in a wrestling capacity as of yet, insurance to cover him with his movie career will probably stop it except for maybe a one off to close off what they started with Cena.
He came back for Wrestlemania as the host and the angle with Cena but not in a wrestling capacity as of yet, insurance to cover him with his movie career will probably stop it except for maybe a one off to close off what they started with Cena.

I might watch if he has a match with Cena then. Though its obvious Cena will win should that happen. No way would they book a match where the top guy in the company loses to someone who hasn't been there in years
Rock pretty much ruined last Wrestlemania with his "HEY GUYS LOOK AT ME, I'M THE ROCK" stuff. Completely overshadowed the Cena/Miz match (and storyline), and most of his promos were substandard (except for the one where he first came back). The final straw was when he had a RAW dedicated to his birthday.

On the other hand, I loved every second of Austin's night as RAW GM.
Rock pretty much ruined last Wrestlemania with his "HEY GUYS LOOK AT ME, I'M THE ROCK" stuff. Completely overshadowed the Cena/Miz match (and storyline), and most of his promos were substandard (except for the one where he first came back). The final straw was when he had a RAW dedicated to his birthday.

On the other hand, I loved every second of Austin's night as RAW GM.

It took the piss.
I think this will end with Punk winning and the money in the bank winner taking the title off him immediately.

I've actually been saying this. More than likely be Rey Mysterio winning MITB, so he can be the big hero and win the title back "for the WWE." I can just see it now, the midget feck coming out with a mic and saying something like "you want to take something away from my familia?"

(I don't much like Rey Mysterio).
I could see it being Del Rio as the money in the bank winner. He pins Punk and then holds it over Cena that he saved Cenas WWE career (since Vince said he would fire Cena if Punk left Chicago with the title not if he beat Cena... etc)

Thus transitions into Del Rio/Cena.
I've only recently got back into WWE, namely when The Rock returned. Why don't the fans like Cena, he's supposed to be a face character right?

Ostensibly he's a face, he's disliked because he plays up to the kids, he's too perfect. I think the way he's portrayed is genius, they have him feud with the Rock and play up to the kids image so the younger fans love him and the older fans, the one who remember the Rock, they hate him even more. He's a great face to one set of fans and a great heel to the other.
I've only recently got back into WWE, namely when The Rock returned. Why don't the fans like Cena, he's supposed to be a face character right?

He's too much of a face. A lot of the WWE audience is holdovers from the Attitude era, who want their faces to curse, beat up Vince, et cetera. Those are the fans who boo Cena. The kids eat him up, though.
Bloke on 411mania wrote this about Cena, which I actually agree with:

The reason Cena is despised is that he's far too clean cut and good. He has no negative flaw, nothing about him is tarnished. If Cena showed weakness in some respect, that would remove a lot of the anger, possibly. But right now, he always fights against the odds, he always overcomes the odds, he always wins in the end. That's the criticism.

I have a theory that every heel should have one redeeming feature and every face one negative trait. I hold it because you always need an out, a way to turn them, but it applies here too, if someone is just pure good, it's boring. But like turning him heel, Cena, to take the obvious example, is kinda stuck in the fact that he's fought back so many times, to have him, I dunno, tap to Del Rio clean just seems so far out of character it's silly. So when Del Rio gets the Arm Breaker on him at Summerslam, there will be no drama since we all know he'll power out.

Now, if they have him come in with a damaged shoulder and Del Rio works it over for a half hour and then does get the tap out, that would be a major help, if he showed some weakness to something, it would shut people up, perhaps.

by 411 Mania's Mathew Sforcina
lol, Cena will never quit. I dont think he should either. Losing though is another story.
Thing is they are close to doing the same to Orton on SD. His character is totally different but his matches are become the same and the way hes being used is almost the same.

The "every heel should have one redeeming feature and every face one negative trait" is interesting and makes sense. But also, if you look at Hogan, he was similar to Cena right now. He didnt really show a negative trait. But when he turned heel in WCW, it was huuuge which could be the same for Cena as nobody would see it coming. Of course the only way that happens is if they get somebody as big if not bigger than Cena (especially in terms of money generated)

Problem is they dont allow it so they are closing the door on themselves.
lol, Cena will never quit. I dont think he should either. Losing though is another story.
Thing is they are close to doing the same to Orton on SD. His character is totally different but his matches are become the same and the way hes being used is almost the same.

The "every heel should have one redeeming feature and every face one negative trait" is interesting and makes sense. But also, if you look at Hogan, he was similar to Cena right now. He didnt really show a negative trait. But when he turned heel in WCW, it was huuuge which could be the same for Cena as nobody would see it coming. Of course the only way that happens is if they get somebody as big if not bigger than Cena (especially in terms of money generated)

Problem is they dont allow it so they are closing the door on themselves.

Part of the problem is the kid audience backed by parental money. Seems like it would be really hard to have everyone's hero turn on the kids and not see some sort of revenue drop. If it was just Vince's money, maybe they wouldn't mind too much, but WWE's publicly traded now.
Bloke on 411mania wrote this about Cena, which I actually agree with:

Load of crap, the reason Cena is despised is that he's a shit wrestler, his matches are boring and he relies on the performance of others to make them even slightly interesting.
Not really considering he was once hugely liked in the IWC.....and was still a shit wrester and relied on others to make the match good.
Not really considering he was once hugely liked in the IWC.....and was still a shit wrester and relied on others to make the match good.

Doesn't matter how well he was liked in IWC, there were lots of wrestlers that were loved from the ECW but it just didn't work for them on the bigger scene. Sometimes the crap wrestlers make up for it with their in ring presence and personality, and include the ability to still tell a story in the ring (great example being the Rock, crap wrestler, massive personality, see also Hogan)which is a skill being lost. Cena just doesn't cut it. I struggle to think of a modern wrestler that isn't Japanese that I think is superb.
Don't know what you are getting into now....

I was just saying he was loved back in 04 and well all this "he's a shit wrestler, his matches are boring and he relies on the performance of others to make them even slightly interesting." rang true then. So clearly parts of what that 411 guy said is true, its the clean cut image and superman image no one likes.
Don't know what you are getting into now....

I was just saying he was loved back in 04 and well all this "he's a shit wrestler, his matches are boring and he relies on the performance of others to make them even slightly interesting." rang true then. So clearly parts of what that 411 guy said is true, its the clean cut image and superman image no one likes.

I hated him back then as well.
Load of crap, the reason Cena is despised is that he's a shit wrestler, his matches are boring and he relies on the performance of others to make them even slightly interesting.

Don't be daft. He's clearly not a shit wrestler. Look at his matches against JBL, Umaga, Khali and Lashley. Not the best matches ever, granted, but they were good, and you can't honestly tell me that wasn't because of Cena's contribution. The idea that Cena relied on Khali is actually laughable.

Really the only match where you can say that Cena was "carried" is the one against Shawn Michaels that went an hour long, and that's only because Shawn is one of the greatest of all time.

When WWE lets his opponents look like they can beat him, then Cena is capable of putting on great matches.
I've only recently got back into WWE, namely when The Rock returned. Why don't the fans like Cena, he's supposed to be a face character right?

Because he's shit, boring, far too clean-cut and has a kiddie image.

Kids and women love Cena (apart from me). Guys, as well as older fans, don't really like him because he's the face of the PG era. I'm old school when it comes to WWE. I grew up with it in the 80's golden era and the 90's attitude era.

John Cena as a person is great, but John Cena as a wrestler/sports entertainer is garbage. Like somebody else pointed out, you just know when somebody slaps a submission move on him, there's no way he's going to tap out. He's going to somehow find the strength within him to get out of it, and somehow get the win every single time. It's boring and predictable.
Because he's shit, boring, far too clean-cut and has a kiddie image.

Kids and women love Cena (apart from me). Guys, as well as older fans, don't really like him because he's the face of the PG era. I'm old school when it comes to WWE. I grew up with it in the 80's golden era and the 90's attitude era.

John Cena as a person is great, but John Cena as a wrestler/sports entertainer is garbage. Like somebody else pointed out, you just know when somebody slaps a submission move on him, there's no way he's going to tap out. He's going to somehow find the strength within him to get out of it, and somehow get the win every single time. It's boring and predictable.

Like Undertaker at wrestlemanias.... :wenger:!