Television The Propgropthrop

Macho Man Randy Savage -- one of the most famous wrestlers of all-time -- died today in a car accident in Tampa, Florida ... TMZ has learned.

TMZ spoke with Randy's brother, Lanny Poffo, who tells us the wrestling legend suffered a heart attack while he was behind the wheel around 10 AM ... and lost control of his vehicle.

Earlier this month, Savage celebrated his 1-year anniversary with his new wife Lynn.

Savage was 58.

Macho Man Randy Savage Dies In Car Accident |
RIP to the macho man, oooohhhh yeeaaahh and the beat goes on diggit.

On a side note, what the hell is this all about?

Yeah, it is. I'd quite like it if it was Triple H behind it all, in a heel GM role.

I suppose Mick Foley is another possibility, now that he's left TNA.
Anyone else see RAW? Best ending in a long, long time.

Looks like a really good angle being built up.

WWE's committing fully to the angle too. Punk's been suspended and his bio's been pulled from the RAW web site (though it would help make it a bit more believable if they had pulled Chavo's bio as well considering he was actually released from his contract).

Since there's an overseas tour coming up they taped two episodes of RAW tonight. I just read the spoilers on what's coming up and I like where this is going.
I <3 CM Punk! Vinny Mac needs to drive an 18-wheeler full of cash up to Punk's house, get on his knees and beg the man to sign a new contract.
:lol: that was probably the best thing that has happened in the WWE for years.
Punk is the modern master of the mic, the general quality (whats left of it) would plummet without him.

I couldn't stand him as a babyface, but as a heel I think he really excelled. His mic skills improved and he was entertaining that way.

Sadly I agree, there isn't much quality left in the WWE. The only two I like in it now, who both are full time performers, are Randy Orton and Sheamus. I find John Cena incredibly boring, and the Miz is annoying with his whole 'really?' thing he spouts.

I wish we could make all the old school guys 25-30 again, and put them back into the WWE and feck the rest out.
Putting it out there. Probably contextually the best/most important promo there has ever been for that company. Still don't know if it beats the initial Promo from Hogan's heel turn to NWO overall. But man that will take some beating.
Wow haven't watched wrestling in a while but that was awesome from Punk. They need more of that kinda stuff than the scripted bullshit they're meant to say.
Not sure how Punk is going to go out with a bang unless it's a prelude to some Mick Foley GM shit where he comes back tired with McMahon and tries to reinstate the Cactus Jack attitude era.

I really cannot see Punk leaving with the world title. It's just bad business.
It still seems like he's speaking his mind though, I guess if he did it without permission then he probably would've been fired legit? But it's good stuff, would be interesting to see the ratings for the shows after this.
Incredible promo.

It is the first time that Raw has ever finished without the WWE logo appearing at the bottom of the screen, which is leading many to believe that the show was prematurely taken off air.

It looks to me as though the promo was planned but Punk went off on a tangent and began telling a few home truths. No surprise that when he was about to tell a little story about Vince McMahon the mic was cut off.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out.
It still seems like he's speaking his mind though, I guess if he did it without permission then he probably would've been fired legit? But it's good stuff, would be interesting to see the ratings for the shows after this.

I think creative must have figured out that the best way to build up this feud is to blur that fourth wall and just let Punk speak his mind. While theoretically most normal companies would squash this kind of public insubordination immediately, WWE is taking advantage of it. The agreement is probably that Punk can trash the company all he wants and the company can milk all the ratings they can out of it.

Younger viewers will continue to tune in because that's what they do and their boy Cena is now facing a legitimate threat again. Older viewers and people who have lost interest are now going to tune in to watch Punk go off on the company (and out of respect for Punk and his talent during his final weeks at WWE).

It also adds a semi-legitimate level of intrigue to a normally predictable storyline situation. If WWE is crazy enough to not only allow Punk to publicly trash the company on live tv every week, but to actually provide the platform and set aside the time for him to do it, they just might actually be willing to let him win the title and spin it into a "WWE picks up the pieces after an embarrassing situation" storyline.

It wouldn't be the first time they've incorporated real life controversy into a real-life storyline, most notably the creation of the Mr. McMahon persona after the Montreal Screwjob. It would be a stroke of brilliance if they could pull it off again by actually allowing the "bad business" and public embarrassment to play out and spin it into interest and ratings. Could you imagine how many people would tune into RAW the night after CM Punk completes his public trashing of the WWE by pulling off the ultimate embarrassment of the company just to see the aftermath?
Anyone who thinks anything they saw on air wasn't 100% signed off on is kidding themselves. That said, it was a brilliant promo, and I look forward to seeing where they're going with it.
It was all planned I think but I'm sure he also said things that weren't expected. Apparently some of the people in the locker room were surprised with what was said, especially the Paul Heyman part, which I thought was class.

I do think its obviously his own personal feelings but WWE (well in the past at least) used to use the anger the wrestlers had towards the company and other wrestlers for stories and they were usually entertaining. The last one I remember where even I could see some tension was Mick Foley and Ric Flair having some exchange about each other in the ring.

The whole PG aspect of it has ruined it for the older viewers. They are making everyone play nice which is just hard to watch. WWE needs people like CM Punk who can speak the truth where the older viewers can actually agree with him and the youngsters just keep thinking he's the bad guy. Losing CM Punk is a huge mistake on Vince's part.
Google the details about next weeks Raw if you want to know if this was a worked shoot or not. I'm not going to post any details or links as many won't want to know.

Next weeks show was also filmed last night as the European tour kicks off next week so Raw won't be shown live.
I think creative must have figured out that the best way to build up this feud is to blur that fourth wall and just let Punk speak his mind. While theoretically most normal companies would squash this kind of public insubordination immediately, WWE is taking advantage of it. The agreement is probably that Punk can trash the company all he wants and the company can milk all the ratings they can out of it.

Younger viewers will continue to tune in because that's what they do and their boy Cena is now facing a legitimate threat again. Older viewers and people who have lost interest are now going to tune in to watch Punk go off on the company (and out of respect for Punk and his talent during his final weeks at WWE).

It also adds a semi-legitimate level of intrigue to a normally predictable storyline situation. If WWE is crazy enough to not only allow Punk to publicly trash the company on live tv every week, but to actually provide the platform and set aside the time for him to do it, they just might actually be willing to let him win the title and spin it into a "WWE picks up the pieces after an embarrassing situation" storyline.

It wouldn't be the first time they've incorporated real life controversy into a real-life storyline, most notably the creation of the Mr. McMahon persona after the Montreal Screwjob. It would be a stroke of brilliance if they could pull it off again by actually allowing the "bad business" and public embarrassment to play out and spin it into interest and ratings. Could you imagine how many people would tune into RAW the night after CM Punk completes his public trashing of the WWE by pulling off the ultimate embarrassment of the company just to see the aftermath?

Wasn't the montreal screwjob legit rather than scripted?
Incredible promo.

It is the first time that Raw has ever finished without the WWE logo appearing at the bottom of the screen, which is leading many to believe that the show was prematurely taken off air.

It looks to me as though the promo was planned but Punk went off on a tangent and began telling a few home truths. No surprise that when he was about to tell a little story about Vince McMahon the mic was cut off.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out.

You thinking that probably means it worked very well. I have not watched it properly for years. And just watched the promo posted above just now.

Its 100% a work. Just like everything else in WWE. Including the Monteral Screw Job
The Montreal Screw job was 100% legit. Read Bret Harts Biography which was in no way associated with the WWE.

He didn't speak to McMahon for over 6 years. The British Bulldog and Jim The Anvil Neidhart (Bretts Brother in laws) left the WWF in protest over it.

Due to the negative publicity over the Montreal screw job the WWF decided to cash in on McMahons unpopularity by creating the evil Mr McMahon character that most famously feuded with Stone cold Steve Austen.