Television The Propgropthrop

The DOO name is suspiciously similar to Luke Gallow's "Director of Chaos" nickname in TNA.

Edit: Although considering Luke Gallows was Fake Kane a few years ago, I suppose it's only fair that Kane gets his own back <_<.
Apparently The Miz cut s heel promo before having a match with Kofi Kingston during a live event in Belfast.

The Miz?


Who cares about The Miz
Nice use of Sir Nic.

I like the Miz to be honest.

He is a midcard level talent at best, and its tragic to see a former WWE champion with such little credibility. Any other former champion would be part of a feud that is main event worthy, or at least upper midcard, whereas Miz is a guy who in theory should be at his peak right now but yet is just a 'talk show' host and an enhancement talent for the guys with real potential. They dont even mention he's a former WWE champion any more he's that bad, it would take away credibility from the title. That burial promo that Steph gave the other week was spot on, he's the go to guy when they need to advertise a new supermarket or something
He is a midcard level talent at best, and its tragic to see a former WWE champion with such little credibility. Any other former champion would be part of a feud that is main event worthy, or at least upper midcard, whereas Miz is a guy who in theory should be at his peak right now but yet is just a 'talk show' host and an enhancement talent for the guys with real potential. They dont even mention he's a former WWE champion any more he's that bad, it would take away credibility from the title. That burial promo that Steph gave the other week was spot on, he's the go to guy when they need to advertise a new supermarket or something

I disagree.

He is a very credible in ring performer who has worked hard to climb the ladder to become a champion, he has stagnated somewhat though and i can't quite figure out why.

You speak of him as if he is a bad wrestler, He most certainly is not, Hulk Hogan is a bad wrestler, John Cena is a bad wrestler, Kevin Nash is a bad wrestler, all 3 had/have bodies and therefore their limited talent is overlooked.

With his face experiment it didn't help things, but he has the potential to be a top level heel, if he is paitient and re-builds from midcard.

As for the Stephanie burial, fair enough, but seeing as the Mcmahons are currently blaming Danial Bryan for the low summerslam buy rate and were close to releasing CM Punk once upon a time, have continued to keep Cena as a champion and a face and have actually put the world title on yhe great khali in the past, what do they know about judging talent?
It won't be good watching.

Even Shawn Michaels couldn't draw a decent match out of Hogan, he did spend much of the match over selling the shit out of it though.
That "Steiner Screwdriver" has to be the most dangerous move ever.

It is a modified piledriver but I can see why it is dangerous. According to some of the comments in that particular video, there are a few moves that he did (due to his exceptional strength in those days) that are actually banned now. Whether that is true or not, I don't know.
Cena a bad wrestler? Miz better than him? :lol:

fecking hell some people come out with some embarrassing things. Hogan also wasn't as bad as people think, he simply limited himself to the massive character he played.
Cena a bad wrestler? Miz better than him? :lol:

fecking hell some people come out with some embarrassing things. Hogan also wasn't as bad as people think, he simply limited himself to the massive character he played.

At least have the nuts to quote me.

Yes I believe that Cena is a poor wrestler, His dedication is second to none, his pain threshold is amazing and the works he does for the make a wish foundation is extraordinary. He is an asset to the WWE and is a genuinely nice bloke as fsr as i can tell.

That doesn't make him a good wrestler, His selling is off in most matches, his offence is sluggish, he refuses to move away from the 5 moves of doom, he will always be the face (despite the orten stotyline) And this has been provan by the fact that he came back and was instantly awarded the world title.

Wrestling is an art form, Cenas boring and mundane style is old and is almost a carbon cppy of Hogans first real americsn WWF run, but Cena has much more ability, likeability and charisma than Hogan.

Do i think The Miz is a better in ring performer than Cena? yes I do.
Do I think Miz will ever be a bigger star? No, never.

For the record, Hogans best matches were in Japan, he really upped his game in Japan in the mid to late eighties and for a change he gave everything he had, he was still extremely mediocre.

I suppose at the end of the day, we all have our opinions on what wrestling ability is and I respect yours, but for me. Daniel Bryan, Cm Punk, Cody Rhodes and Antonio Cesaro are the current shining stars in the company, Cena is s long way down the list.
At least have the nuts to quote me.

Yes I believe that Cena is a poor wrestler, His dedication is second to none, his pain threshold is amazing and the works he does for the make a wish foundation is extraordinary. He is an asset to the WWE and is a genuinely nice bloke as fsr as i can tell.

That doesn't make him a good wrestler, His selling is off in most matches, his offence is sluggish, he refuses to move away from the 5 moves of doom, he will always be the face (despite the orten stotyline) And this has been provan by the fact that he came back and was instantly awarded the world title.

Wrestling is an art form, Cenas boring and mundane style is old and is almost a carbon cppy of Hogans first real americsn WWF run, but Cena has much more ability, likeability and charisma than Hogan.

Do i think The Miz is a better in ring performer than Cena? yes I do.
Do I think Miz will ever be a bigger star? No, never.

For the record, Hogans best matches were in Japan, he really upped his game in Japan in the mid to late eighties and for a change he gave everything he had, he was still extremely mediocre.

I suppose at the end of the day, we all have our opinions on what wrestling ability is and I respect yours, but for me. Daniel Bryan, Cm Punk, Cody Rhodes and Antonio Cesaro are the current shining stars in the company, Cena is s long way down the list.

He has been a face for far too long and it is about time they turned him into a heel. It worked wonders for Hulk Hogan when he was in the WCW, same thing with Scotty Steiner and his brother. Heels make for the best matches in all fairness.
Miz is sloppier that Cena. Cena is comfortably the better wrestler rolly. Cena's matches with Punk are enough to show that, he can go in the ring. The character doesn't really allow for him to do much outside of his usual in all honesty.
He has been a face for far too long and it is about time they turned him into a heel. It worked wonders for Hulk Hogan when he was in the WCW, same thing with Scotty Steiner and his brother. Heels make for the best matches in all fairness.

Cena will never turn heel. He'll get heel reactions in some cities but the character will never change.
At least have the nuts to quote me.

Yes I believe that Cena is a poor wrestler, His dedication is second to none, his pain threshold is amazing and the works he does for the make a wish foundation is extraordinary. He is an asset to the WWE and is a genuinely nice bloke as fsr as i can tell.

That doesn't make him a good wrestler, His selling is off in most matches, his offence is sluggish, he refuses to move away from the 5 moves of doom, he will always be the face (despite the orten stotyline) And this has been provan by the fact that he came back and was instantly awarded the world title.

Wrestling is an art form, Cenas boring and mundane style is old and is almost a carbon cppy of Hogans first real americsn WWF run, but Cena has much more ability, likeability and charisma than Hogan.

Do i think The Miz is a better in ring performer than Cena? yes I do.
Do I think Miz will ever be a bigger star? No, never.

For the record, Hogans best matches were in Japan, he really upped his game in Japan in the mid to late eighties and for a change he gave everything he had, he was still extremely mediocre.

I suppose at the end of the day, we all have our opinions on what wrestling ability is and I respect yours, but for me. Daniel Bryan, Cm Punk, Cody Rhodes and Antonio Cesaro are the current shining stars in the company, Cena is s long way down the list.

That's just the usual nonsense regarding Cena though, the same guy that has delivered countless top class matches. It's just the 'cool' thing to hate on him or act like he's not a good wrestler. To even claim he's bad is ridiculous and there's not even really a point in discussing it with you when you're trying to claim The Miz of all people is a better wrestler.

No disrespect, but that's a shocker mate. But hey, as you say, we all have different opinions.
That's just the usual nonsense regarding Cena though, the same guy that has delivered countless top class matches. It's just the 'cool' thing to hate on him or act like he's not a good wrestler. To even claim he's bad is ridiculous and there's not even really a point in discussing it with you when you're trying to claim The Miz of all people is a better wrestler.

No disrespect, but that's a shocker mate. But hey, as you say, we all have different opinions.
Hang on, you can't have it both ways, I can't be
trying to be 'cool' by disliking the in ring ability of Cena. while at the same time enjoying the in ring ability of The Miz who is, as you point out extremely 'uncool'

I don't hate John Cena, I just find his persona and wrestling skill boring, If they were to turn him heel, he still wouldn't be a particularly good wrestler, but he would become a hell of a lot more interesting.

For the record Jack swagger is better in my opinion as well, so long as you stop him talking.
Cena a bad wrestler? Miz better than him? :lol:

fecking hell some people come out with some embarrassing things. Hogan also wasn't as bad as people think, he simply limited himself to the massive character he played.

Cena is an average wrestler...
Cena is a far better wrestler than Miz. When Miz manages to drag a decent match out of Bobby Lashley, come back to me.
Hang on, you can't have it both ways, I can't be
trying to be 'cool' by disliking the in ring ability of Cena. while at the same time enjoying the in ring ability of The Miz who is, as you point out extremely 'uncool'

I don't hate John Cena, I just find his persona and wrestling skill boring, If they were to turn him heel, he still wouldn't be a particularly good wrestler, but he would become a hell of a lot more interesting.

For the record Jack swagger is better in my opinion as well, so long as you stop him talking.

At no point have I called The Miz 'uncool' and you seem to be failing to understand what I actually meant. For years upon years it's almost been the 'cool' thing to dislike Cena and boo him, which quite a few do just because, as mentioned above, it's the apparent 'cool' thing to do. Miz has nothing what so ever to do with any of that, the only place he comes into it at all is with you trying to say he's better in the ring, which in my view is a hilarious statement to make. Cena's delivered countless fantastic matches, you don't do that by being a bad wrestler.
Miz is an underrated wrestler, tbh, decent selection of moves, pulls them all off well, and sells well too. His finisher is shite, though, and he does suffer from not looking the slightest bit like a wrestler(like it or not, appearances matter in this business).
At no point have I called The Miz 'uncool' and you seem to be failing to understand what I actually meant. For years upon years it's almost been the 'cool' thing to dislike Cena and boo him, which quite a few do just because, as mentioned above, it's the apparent 'cool' thing to do. Miz has nothing what so ever to do with any of that, the only place he comes into it at all is with you trying to say he's better in the ring, which in my view is a hilarious statement to make. Cena's delivered countless fantastic matches, you don't do that by being a bad wrestler.

I guess it just comes down to taste, wrestling just like any sport or hobby is subjective i suppose, but I was probably too hasty in my original statement.

What I probably should have said was that The Miz is underrated and I personally prefer to watch Mizs matches than Cenas, but now i have actually had a chance to think about why that is, I eould probably say it was due to the repetative nature of Cenas feuds and matches.

But thinking about it, It was unfair of me to Label him a poor wrestler, I do believe there is much better in the company right now, but i retract my previous statement.