Television The Propgropthrop

You shut your filthy whore mouth. Brad Maddox is money.
That crowd can go feck itself, we have one of the most interesting gimmicks of all time being debuted and they chant 'Husky Harris'. fecking twats
Well done to the crowd for chanting 'husky harris' during an immense segment. Well done.
feck with the fans and address it, Husky Harris died, and Bray Wyatt was born. "Fans" only get a rise from these things when they think its some sort of smarky inside joke.
feck with the fans and address it, Husky Harris died, and Bray Wyatt was born. "Fans" only get a rise from these things when they think its some sort of smarky inside joke.

But they shouldnt have to. The same people chanting Husky Harris will be the same people booing John Cena and complaining about how stale WWE is, so when something interesting does happen keep your mouth shut and just enjoy it. Husky Harris wasnt even that big of a deal, he was just a fat guy in Nexus ffs.
I like Maddox. The way he seems to bumble through his managing role is great - suits his character well.
Maddox is brilliant IMO. I won't say much else in case anybody hasn't watched raw yet.

I an genuinely excited about sunday.
The Monday after MITB is my birthday (and I will be livid if there isn't a multitude of messages on here), so I'm going to try and get that off work so I can watch it live. Because "it's my birthday" sounds far better than "I want to watch some fake fighting until 4am,"

Great match between Bryan and Sheamus on RAW, which you've all failed to acknowledge. Shame on you.
Great match between Bryan and Sheamus on RAW, which you've all failed to acknowledge. Shame on you.

On a night that Brad Maddox becomes GM, and the Wyatt's finally debut, a D-Bry match that was good isnt going to get much attention, because it's what we expect by now.

Also, I hope they arent seriously going with another 'fat' angle on Kaitlin, is that the only thing they can think of for women to fight about?
Kane out of mitb possibly. Who do you think will replace him?

I had a look at past entrants yesterday, with this in mind and other than Swagger/Del Rio/Ziggler (as past winners), I can't see anyone on the roster now that I'd class as an all-star. They're all booked, anyway.

The all-star name is why I can't see Bray going into it, maybe they'll leave it with a man down, and try to get over how The Wyatt Family have changed the complexion of the match before its begun?