Television The Propgropthrop

Vince will do it himself, the bastard is crazy. Remember that shawn michaels elbow drop?
Hmmm... I thought they made Bryan look like a heel tonight... he was acting like a total dick (not to Sheamus levels), I wonder if they're losing faith in the mega-push.
Vince doesn't see money in anyone but Cena. It's why he brings back Rock and pays Lesnar a feck-ton of money. He was pretty much forced to see money in Punk... but other then that, we'll just continue to see people threatening to become big, before being knocked down a peg or two when Vince shits his pants.

I mean, you have Bryan, who can work and has been incredibly over in recent weeks... why not give it a go? You'd think the fact that he has arenas all chanting YES for him would be a sign that he's actually quite popular...
Vince doesn't see money in anyone but Cena. It's why he brings back Rock and pays Lesnar a feck-ton of money. He was pretty much forced to see money in Punk... but other then that, we'll just continue to see people threatening to become big, before being knocked down a peg or two when Vince shits his pants.

I mean, you have Bryan, who can work and has been incredibly over in recent weeks... why not give it a go? You'd think the fact that he has arenas all chanting YES for him would be a sign that he's actually quite popular...

I can't wait for Vince to disappear, just so that HHH gets the reigns and lets the likes of Ambrose, Punk, Ziggler, D-Bry work their magic fully
"he's 6'3, 250 pounds"...

Could just be covering Vince's ass here, but who else could it be about?
"he's 6'3, 250 pounds"...

Could just be covering Vince's ass here, but who else could it be about?

They could be working the internet, play up to Vince's new heel persona
Ambrose, Punk, Heyman, Coulter, Vince and Mark Henry are the current stars in that department, Bryan is nowhere near those guys.


You all is like puppets! Have a word with yourself, Danielson is a country mile ahead of henry in every department including mic work.
I'd agree with Silva's assessment, D-Bry's mic work isnt the best. That's not to say he is awful, he's perfectly acceptable on the mic, but he isnt on the level that Punk and Ambrose are, and he never has been. His best work in the indies was never about how good a promo he cut, it was always that he was the best in ring performer, every night.

You all is like puppets! Have a word with yourself, Danielson is a country mile ahead of henry in every department including mic work.

Henry is probably the weakest in that list, but he's still miles better than Bryan. What Henry is good at is issuing threats, unlike most of the roster, when he's trying to be angry and yell at someone, he makes it look scary as opposed to goofy as feck. Not to mention his god-like retirement promo. Bryan just kind of says things, which is fine because that's not what makes us like him, it's his ring-work that draws us in.
Daniel Bryan is a perfectly good mic worker. Not the best sure, but is always *at least* good enough.

Henry is better though, from his mean bastard shtick, to his "retirement", he's class.
I'm taking nothing away from Henry's retirement speech, that even reeled me in for a bit, it was brilliant.
I just think Bryan is a better all rounder, good on the mic, great in the ring.
This thread gets my 13,000th post, feck the wrestling haters.

In other news: Ricardo has to serve a 30 day suspension for violating the wellness program.

For fat burners is the rumour going around.
Ricardo's real name is Jesus Rodriguez.

I'm amazed they didn't let him keep that, it's almost perfectly stereotypically Mexican.
Ricardo's real name is Jesus Rodriguez.

I'm amazed they didn't let him keep that, it's almost perfectly stereotypically Mexican.
They almost never let a wrestler use their real name, or keep an indy/rival name anymore, as they wouldn't own it. CM Punk was an exception. It's a major kick in the stones for the likes of Mistico. Or even worse, Chris Hero, pile of shite name they gave him. Remember thinking the same thing about Dean Ambrose, but I've grown used to it.
Yeah, I know. Started during ECW, didn't it? Matt Sydal - Evan Bourne is the first I can remember. I mean obviously people had their name changed before him, but I think he was one of the first "everybody gets a new name" guys.
Can Somebody please PM me a place to download ROH episodes, so i can complain to the correct authorities of course.
SAF mention on Smackdown, weird.

JBL always mentions stuff that the typical American WWE fan wouldnt care about, thats what makes him awesome.

That goofy smile he does when the camera is on him (like when Cole is talking about the 'disturbing...Wyatt family') is not so awesome. But you take the rough with the smooth
Not really, they often do that with celebs in the audience, and wanted heat in England.

Weird to call it "owning" though. He threw a few shots that would be considered witty by American standards at a guy unable to defend himself.
You know what would be brilliant? If at SummerSlam, CM Punk lost his match to Brock Lesnar due to interferance from the newest 'Paul Heyman Guy' ... John Cena.

You then have a 6 month build of CM Punk trying to get a match from Cena, eventually managing to win the rumble, leading to a huge Mania main event.

Never happen in a million years (as it would involve Cena to turn heel amongst other things) but for a bit of fantasy booking...
Just watched that Silent Library thing. Good fun, but MTV must have been a tiny bit annoyed when they asked for WWE "superstars" and got Caylen Croft :lol: