Television The Propgropthrop

Could someone explain the significance of having a WWE Champion, as well as a world heavyweight champion? Around the time I stopped watching, each champion was exclusive to either raw or smack down, it seems to defeat the purpose if they're on the same show every week
Could someone explain the significance of having a WWE Champion, as well as a world heavyweight champion? Around the time I stopped watching, each champion was exclusive to either raw or smack down, it seems to defeat the purpose if they're on the same show every week
There practically isn't any significance any more, the WHC is clearly seen as the second title. The only way they'll give it some prestige is by letting it main event some PPVs (unlikely) or give it to John Cena (highly unlikely).
They really do need to go back to the pre brand split set up.

Main title-Inter-US(Euro)-Tag-Divas(Womens). To make up for the lack of a World title, they could bring back the Cruiserweight/Lightheavyweight, or something.
Booker T is in the hall of fame now? Christ, they're really struggling to get people for that thing.

I personally loved the Booker T - Stone Cold feud, the supermarket fight, the scenes in the church. All great comedy/action. They really dont do enough of that kind of stuff anymore!.
Awwwwhhhh Shucky Ducky Quack QUACK!

People need to relax on the Booker hate. Who else can wrestle whilst also break dancing all the while wearing a nappy? Not many...
Booker t is well worthy of being in the hall of fame. I even enjoyed his king booker gimmick cos it was so daft and funny at the same time.
Booker t is well worthy of being in the hall of fame. I even enjoyed his king booker gimmick cos it was so daft and funny at the same time.

King.... BOOOOKEUAHGHAHAAAA was amazing. One of my favourite 00's gimmicks.

They're probably saving Randy Savage for WM 30

Or for an alternate reality where he didn't (allegedly) sleep with a 14 year old Stephanie...
I've just remembered Booker's stint with a strange African accent in TNA. I can't find any videos of it, but it definitely happened.
Love booker t in the supermarket "price check on a jackass" and booker t with a lightsaber, don't forget spinarooni and that he's a 5 time 5 time champion. Plenty of reasons
Steve Austin ‏@steveaustinBSR 14 Apr
#WWE You heard it here first.

Try 6-8 weeks! Fandangoing is the new planking it seems.

He'll be a champion in a matter of weeks to cash in on his current fame.
King.... BOOOOKEUAHGHAHAAAA was amazing. One of my favourite 00's gimmicks.

Or for an alternate reality where he didn't (allegedly) sleep with a 14 year old Stephanie...

I've heard the rumour but surely if that was true then vince would have tried to have savage locked up
Booker T is in the hall of fame now? Christ, they're really struggling to get people for that thing.

He absolutely deserves his spot in there.

Yep, when people like Jake Roberts and Randy Savage aren't in it.

What a bollocks point. They're headline names for it, a la Bruno this year.

Also, Jake physically couldn't go in before this year, because hell, would you have trusted him to turn up clean and not be an absolute embarrassment?

I've just remembered Booker's stint with a strange African accent in TNA. I can't find any videos of it, but it definitely happened.

TNA doesn't count. They think Jeff Hardy as a champion whilst Sting and Hulk Hogan feud is STILL a good idea.

Not to point out the obvious, but they really have to drop the "American Patriot" gimmick on the back of the Boston atrocities. It's only right.

No chance.

In fact, I'd go as far as to say that this gimmick was probably inspired following all of the news reports in the aftermath of Sandy Hook and all of the right wing nutjobs that came out then, so there's no chance this will cause them to drop it, as much as it isn't working anyway.

He'll be given a night off, that'll be it. If there's one TV company in the world that know how to put on a brave face and put on a show to distract from a terrible situation, it's WWE.
First time in god knows how long that I genuinley considered turning off after Ziggler lost to Swagger. A night of some of the worst booking in god knows how long. Cesaro loses the title to fecking Kofi, Truth fecking pins Barrett and then Ziggler loses a week after winning the world fecking title. Ridiculous all around.

The only sense that can be made out of Kofi beating Cesaro is that they're going to have him drop the title to Fandango very soon and that's why they made the title switch. Truth going over Barrett is a mind boggling decision.
Hello wrestle people, I was listening to the MMA hour (an internet podcast about mixed martial arts) and CM Punk was on it. CM Punk is a huge MMA fan and was at the last UFC show, he also does Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Anyway, the interviewer asked him several times, well sort of hinted at it, about him actually fighting in MMA and CM Punk sort of kept dodging the question or making a joke of it. Is it possible he might transition over?

Secondly, 'cos I have never really heard of him I went back and watched his last match in Wrestlemania 29. He seems quite small compared to a lot of the other wrestlers and Wrestlemania was shit. What happened to it? I remember being like 10 or 11 watching Wrestlemania x7 and it was the greatest thing ever. You had Vince McMahon against his own son, who flew off the turnbuckle and kicked a garbage can into him. That 3 way TLC match in the same event was cool as feck.

I remember a lot of that whole "Attitude Era" from when I was younger. A lot of the wrestlers now, from what I could tell watching Wrestlemania 29, don't seem to be anywhere near as good as back then.
I'd be surprised if Punk isn't good at martial arts, so I'm sure he could hang with fighters in his weight category. I wouldn't want him to make the switch though, he's a very good wrestler and I imagine the last decade or so of wrestling (injuries and aging) probably means he wouldn't anything in MMA.

Also, any excuse to post this: