Television The Propgropthrop

Sheamus & Randy Orton & The Big Show vs. The Shield - **1/2
Mark Henry vs. Ryback - **
Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston vs. Team Hell No - **1/2
Fandango vs. Chris Jericho - ***
Jack Swagger vs. Alberto Del Rio - ***1/2
CM Punk vs. The Undertaker - ****
Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar - ***
John Cena vs. The Rock - **

Overall rating: 4.5/10
Once again, as usual, Cena shows no signs of being beat up after the match. Rock sweating his tits off, out of breath, looks like he's just been in a match while Cena just stands there laughing casually not even out of breath. No wonder Lesnar was furious with him when he no sold after their match and came out right as rain to speak to the crowd.

Don't tell me you actually believe The Rock was selling and pretending to be out of breath and tired? :lol:
That was all pretty average wasn't it? Punk/Taker was good, Lesnar/HHH had it's moments but the rest was all a bit meh.They need to bring back the MITB and no Rhodes Scholars :(. The main event thing was bizarre, why was there no promo and no special entrances, it just seemed to start out of nowhere. Crowd were shit all night too. Well at least my mate paid for it. Oh and feck that handshake bollocks at the end, I mean seriously, it was just so obvious that you thought "nah, they won't do it, it's too obvious" but then they went and did anyway.
Thought it was a pretty poor event overall. I was a big fan of Taker vs. Punk, thought it was really quite excellent... and both the Shield match and Jericho/Fandango were decent as well... but everything else was either average or poor.

Wasn't into Del Rio/Swagger at all... couldn't give two shits about the match before hand and they did nothing to get me into it during. It was barely a TV main event match, never mind a Mania title match.

Lesnar/HHH was, as most HHH matches are these days, slow and plodding for the majority, with it coming to life at the end. The result was absurd though... why HHH needed to win this match I have no idea. He barely wrestles anymore, meanwhile you have Lesnar who is meant to be a monster/legitamiser... but has lost half of his matches since returning.

The main event was woeful. There were probably about 10 moves in total in the whole sodding match... and it because a finisher-fest after about 10 minutes (half of those 10 minutes was just a bunch of posing as well) which is never a good sign. Cena did have to go over, but they should have done it in a much more interesting/dramatic way. The handshake stuff at the end was shit as well... I was praying for a Rock Bottom or AA to save the whole thing... alas, it never came.

Disappointing Mania overall, I'd give it a 4/10.
Highlight of the show was Living Colour.

Doug Wimbish is a wonderful man.
This is what happens when your results are insanely obvious and you go with them results anyway.

Didn't watch because what's the point, I knew who was winning.
I fell asleep during the HHH v Lesnar match lol

Was too gutted about my bet to care after the first few matches :( I'd saved up some betting money from a few football wins and a small win on the National, so I whacked £40 on a Wrestlemania accy. The only matches I didn't throw on were Barret vs Miz and the Tag Team Match that wasn't for the titles. The only one I got wrong was Ryback vs Mark Henry which was a fecking joke haha. No reason for Henry to win that match and the way he won was pathetic. Cost me so much money...
Im not a big wrestling fan and haven't watched it proper in a few years but I watched Wrestlemania and I enjoyed it. That being said who the hell is Alberto Del Rio and how is he a world champion? he looks and wrestles like complete shit, a few years ago he'd be lucky to a regular on RAW nevermind a champion. So many seemingly average wrestlers in it these days, why Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler are championship material is beyond me.
Im not a big wrestling fan and haven't watched it proper in a few years but I watched Wrestlemania and I enjoyed it. That being said who the hell is Alberto Del Rio and how is he a world champion? he looks and wrestles like complete shit, a few years ago he'd be lucky to a regular on RAW nevermind a champion. So many seemingly average wrestlers in it these days, why Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler are championship material is beyond me.

I can tell you haven't watched it in a while because Dolph Ziggler is one of the highest rated guys amongst appreciative fans of wrestling. He's a really good technical wrestler, sells moves superbly, has a bunch of charisma and generally doesn't have bad matches at all. I think, unfortunately, you saw him in a match which really didn't do him any justice. See below :-

He's a complete overseller, you can't be doing that as a main eventer. And because that one of the things that's made him popular, double edged sword really.

Rock was an overseller too, but he knew when to and when not to for the most part. Ziggler seems to do it for everything and everyone. He's basically HBK vs Hogan all year, which is hysterical.
What I would like to see next year at WM30:

Triple H v Shawn Michaels
The Undertaker v John Cena
Brock Lesnar v The Rock
CM Punk v Stone Cold Steve Austin

The absolute only way to turn Cena heel is by getting a cheap win here, has been for years, if they turn any other way, the smarks win, but they'd legit hate him taking the streak in a ultra cheap "anything to win" way. Just force his shoulders to stay down like Foley/Rock and the forklift.

Brock might be a little too stiff for Rock? I dunno. Do we need HBK/HHH again? The HIAC from them two is still the worst "big fight" I've ever witnessed.
The absolute only way to turn Cena heel is by getting a cheap win here, has been for years, if they turn any other way, the smarks win, but they'd legit hate him taking the streak in a ultra cheap "anything to win" way. Just force his shoulders to stay down like Foley/Rock and the forklift.

Brock might be a little too stiff for Rock? I dunno. Do we need HBK/HHH again? The HIAC from them two is still the worst "big fight" I've ever witnessed.

They're all matches we've never seen before at Wrestlemania. The Rock has confirmed he'll be there, and I expect the likes of Lesnar, Undertaker, HHH and Michaels to be there also.

They've been talking on and off about a Punk/Austin match for a while. It would be a great set of big matches which we've never seen before on the show.
I was disappointed with the event as well. As a standalone PPV it would be decent/good but as a Wrestlemania it was disappointing.

For me, if the mid-card had been developed abit better, more storylines were built before the event and some of the matches were booked differently it would have been significantly better(i.e. Ryback vs Henry, Ziggler cashing in etc).

Some of the matches were okay and Taker vs Punk was excellent but it's really hard to care about the mid card matches such as Jericho vs Fandango, Team Hell No vs Zig/Big E when they were put together last minute and it's a massive waste of the talent involved. Put simply, why should we give a shit if the writers/booker don't put in the effort.
He's a complete overseller, you can't be doing that as a main eventer. And because that one of the things that's made him popular, double edged sword really.

Rock was an overseller too, but he knew when to and when not to for the most part. Ziggler seems to do it for everything and everyone. He's basically HBK vs Hogan all year, which is hysterical.

I agree with this. I like Ziggler but his selling is abit over-rated. He still puts on good matches, is very athletic and is charismatic(compared to most of the upper mid card) but he needs to tone down the selling. Rock used to oversell big moves(such as the stunner), you would not see him fly across the ring if he got a slap.
My moment of Mania was Ambrose chopping Big Show. Crazy fecker.

EDIT: And Punk slapping Taker, little things like that added to that match so much.
I can tell you haven't watched it in a while because Dolph Ziggler is one of the highest rated guys amongst appreciative fans of wrestling. He's a really good technical wrestler, sells moves superbly, has a bunch of charisma and generally doesn't have bad matches at all. I think, unfortunately, you saw him in a match which really didn't do him any justice. See below :-

Still dont see it, in fact that video probably makes it even worse. He just looks and acts like an intercontinental style wrestler, Im not a wrestling expert these days and I haven't seen any of his storylines but if first impressions are anything to go by he just looks like a 2013 version of Billy Gunn :lol:. Meh Wrestling has moved in since 5 years ago when I watched it but he doesn't look like a world champion to me, then again neither does Del Rio or Shamus but that's just my opinion. Get Randy Orton back in the frame I think he's one of the best around at the moment, seems like he's dropped off lately though.
I agree with this. I like Ziggler but his selling is abit over-rated. He still puts on good matches, is very athletic and is charismatic(compared to most of the upper mid card) but he needs to tone down the selling. Rock used to oversell big moves(such as the stunner), you would not see him fly across the ring if he got a slap.

Completely agreed.

Mainly because I'm pretty sure I wrote a big thing about his selling a while ago.
Still dont see it, in fact that video probably makes it even worse. He just looks and acts like an intercontinental style wrestler, Im not a wrestling expert these days and I haven't seen any of his storylines but if first impressions are anything to go by he just looks like a 2013 version of Billy Gunn :lol:. Meh Wrestling has moved in since 5 years ago when I watched it but he doesn't look like a world champion to me, then again neither does Del Rio or Shamus but that's just my opinion. Get Randy Orton back in the frame I think he's one of the best around at the moment, seems like he's dropped off lately though.

you're not alone in thinking that btw.
I was into it and got out of it for ages before getting back into it again recently (but accepting it is nothing like the product it once was). How Del Rio, Sheamus, etc are being branded as 'icons' and 'superstars' is beyond me.
Got home at 5.30 and just finished watching it all, skipped through most video packages and the diddy concert, loved the punk match and the shield match, really disappointed that ziggler didn't cash in his title
Sure that was David De Gea in the green hoodie

I thought that too, so I took a photo

WWE Title Match
John Cena vs. The Rock

World Heavyweight Title Match
Jack Swagger vs. Alberto Del Rio

WWE Tag Team Title Match
Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston vs. Kane and Daniel Bryan

No Holds Barred Match with Triple H’s Career On The Line
Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H
Shawn Michaels will be in Triple H’s corner

CM Punk vs. The Undertaker

Sheamus, Big Show and Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns

Ryback vs. Mark Henry

Fandango vs. Chris Jericho

Brodus Clay, Tensai, Cameron and Naomi vs. Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow and The Bella Twins

Pre-show WWE Intercontinental Title Match
The Miz vs. Wade Barrett

7/9 is not too shabby, given that one of them got scrapped.

With the Ryback vs. Henry match, I reckon the only reason Henry won was to piss off the smarks; Ryback still came out looking strong.

HHH vs. Lesnar was far too slow and not enough weapon action. Michaels' involvement was much too predictable too and he didn't really add anything. He also ended up with a busted nose for his troubles.

As for the main event, it wasn't great but it wasn't diabolical. I'll admit, in the second-last round of counters I really got sucked in and thought The Rock had retained. But alas it wasn't to be. Also, having shown the Cena Make-A-Wish video package earlier, I knew straight away he wasn't going to turn heel.

Line of the night: 'You hear that? They don't like you, you son of a bitch' - The Rock.

Also I wonder if anyone read his lips at the end? He said 'I retired. I came back for this moment.'

EDIT: Oh and Lesnar botched the pedigree :lol:

2nd EDIT: Did anyone else notice that 'Taker looked like he was about to burst into tears after his win?
:lol::lol::lol: @ People stil expecting WWE to be exciting and willing to pay for such "special" events.

These have been underwhelming for years now.
:lol::lol::lol: @ People stil expecting WWE to be exciting and willing to pay for such "special" events.

These have been underwhelming for years now.

Don't think I've paid for a WWE event in about 5/6 years, so glad too, always end up skipping most of it and have it finished in a couple of hours
Think the ONLY event I paid for was Rebellion 2000. Miss the glory days of Channel 4 and Sky doing it all for free, but then again, I miss the glory days of wwe.
Source: The Wrestling Observer
There is panic backstage at RAW right now. The show was scheduled to build to a segment where Brock Lesnar beat up Rock to set up next year’s WrestleMania main event. The problem: Rock is not there and has reportedly gone home. Vince McMahon, the writers and producers are in the process of redoing the show, evidently believing the angle has been nixed. Nobody knows any details as to what happened past that. As of this time, the belief is that The Rock is not appearing.

Also, there is a second major angle tonight to set up the main feud going forward and the Extreme Rules main event involving John Cena’s next title defense. Word is that it is one of the things that has been planned for some time and was actually scheduled before Mania.

More details as they come…

Please be true.
Oh dear, they have no stars?

What are they going to do when these guys retire? Just close the company and cry?