Television The Propgropthrop

Rhodes Scholars find out their match is scrapped.

Yeah I think Cena will win this.

I remember Wrestlemania 17 when The Rock fought Stone Cold. Vince McMahon, Stone Cold's arch enemy, came down to the ring and helped Stone Cold beat The Rock. That was a surprise. You don't get enough of that no more.
why exactly is everyone boo-ing Cena? trying to pin-point when it started?
Does anyone know why Rocky's matches since his return have been extremely disjointed. Is he injured or something?

I'm at work at the moment so can't watch, but is the show worth downloading and watching when I get home at all?

Personally speaking, I wouldn't say so. I'm only watching cos I used to be a big fan once upon a time and wanted to see what it's like these days. Seems to have lost all the magic I used to love
This is really poor, boring, moves look poor, can see Cena talking to Rock every move.