Television The Propgropthrop

The guy had crowd backing from his return all due to his own work outside the company. He has been strongly used for sure but that's not a negative
WWE have positioned him as a star because he has everything needed to be a star.

You may find him boring but let's not make silly points for the sake of saying you don't like him and say it's true.

You're lost on what I am debating. I'm not saying he doesn't have fan backing.

I am asking what he brings to the table outside of a done to death angle and riding his father's legacy. Explain to me what it is about him that makes him so special.
You're lost on what I am debating. I'm not saying he doesn't have fan backing.

I am asking what he brings to the table outside of a done to death angle and riding his father's legacy. Explain to me what it is about him that makes him so special.

Couldn’t you use that argument for anybody?

You can run a checklist of stuff that makes him great tbh.

Great talker
Great worker
Great look
Charisma and massively over

He checks almost every box for most wrestling fans and that’s before going into how brilliantly he carries himself and how good he is behind the scenes from business aspect. He’s the full package. Completely understandable if you aren’t a fan though, there’s plenty over the years that didn’t like some of the biggest stars in Hogan, Rock, Austin etc no matter how big they were.
Couldn’t you use that argument for anybody?

You can run a checklist of stuff that makes him great tbh.

Great talker
Great worker
Great look
Charisma and massively over

He checks almost every box for most wrestling fans and that’s before going into how brilliantly he carries himself and how good he is behind the scenes from business aspect. He’s the full package. Completely understandable if you aren’t a fan though, there’s plenty over the years that didn’t like some of the biggest stars in Hogan, Rock, Austin etc no matter how big they were.
I think this is my issue. I dont think he's a great talker, and I don't think he has big charisma. He has bright lights and loud attire but I get bored listening to him when he talks.

I also find his story angle just washed up, it's been done so many times and repackaged. I just want something different as a viewer. That's why Owens, Miz as examples were so interesting when their main event bump came.

Its all personal, but when I see cody I think meh he's vanilla.
I think this is my issue. I dont think he's a great talker, and I don't think he has big charisma. He has bright lights and loud attire but I get bored listening to him when he talks.

I also find his story angle just washed up, it's been done so many times and repackaged. I just want something different as a viewer. That's why Owens, Miz as examples were so interesting when their main event bump came.

Its all personal, but when I see cody I think meh he's vanilla.

I can see where you're coming from, I think part of the issue is that everyone is leaning in to him being his father's son a bit too much - not only is his story at the moment entirely the quest for the title his dad didn't win, but on top of that every time he shares the ring with a fresh opponent, the first few promos are always about his dad. Added together it does get a bit repetitive.

Having said that, I do think you're being pretty harsh, most stories have been done before, but his chase has been done well enough to keep people invested. He's a good talker, and good in the ring, and has shown enough range to stay interesting for the prolonged chase. The real test will be when he's on top, if he can stay compelling and interesting, while also avoiding falling into the trap of Cena-esque burials.
I think this is my issue. I dont think he's a great talker, and I don't think he has big charisma. He has bright lights and loud attire but I get bored listening to him when he talks.

I also find his story angle just washed up, it's been done so many times and repackaged. I just want something different as a viewer. That's why Owens, Miz as examples were so interesting when their main event bump came.

Its all personal, but when I see cody I think meh he's vanilla.
Turn him back into Stardust
I can see where you're coming from, I think part of the issue is that everyone is leaning in to him being his father's son a bit too much - not only is his story at the moment entirely the quest for the title his dad didn't win, but on top of that every time he shares the ring with a fresh opponent, the first few promos are always about his dad. Added together it does get a bit repetitive.

Having said that, I do think you're being pretty harsh, most stories have been done before, but his chase has been done well enough to keep people invested. He's a good talker, and good in the ring, and has shown enough range to stay interesting for the prolonged chase. The real test will be when he's on top, if he can stay compelling and interesting, while also avoiding falling into the trap of Cena-esque burials.
I probably am being harsh, I never warmed to his persona as much as others. He's a sound wrestler and a top worker, but I have a soft spot for some mid card stars I guess.
I still just don't get how wrestlers who are far better entertainers & story tellers (Kevin Owens) cant just be rocketed to the top. I have to see vanilla boy Cody Rhodes just copy his fathers moves and steer a done to death "this is my destiny" story.
That's only a matter of opinion though. Owens has felt bland to me for a number of years now, whether the angle he's involved in is supposed to be important or not. Outside of his early work when being moved to the main roster, his best work has come when he's been working in tandem with someone else - be that Sami Zayn or Chris Jericho.

I genuinely can't remember the last time I felt invested in anything he was involved in when working on his own.

Cody's promo work is a lot more interesting to me than anything Owens has produced in years. He feels a lot more believable as a top guy and most importantly he's provoking a massive reaction on a weekly basis at the moment. You have to strike while the iron is hot in situations like that.
That's only a matter of opinion though. Owens has felt bland to me for a number of years now, whether the angle he's involved in is supposed to be important or not. Outside of his early work when being moved to the main roster, his best work has come when he's been working in tandem with someone else - be that Sami Zayn or Chris Jericho.

I genuinely can't remember the last time I felt invested in anything he was involved in when working on his own.

Cody's promo work is a lot more interesting to me than anything Owens has produced in years. He feels a lot more believable as a top guy and most importantly he's provoking a massive reaction on a weekly basis at the moment. You have to strike while the iron is hot in situations like that.
Yeah I mean, it's just an opinion I agree.

Why are they handing out pro cody signs and engineering him to be even more over as a face if he's already so over? Are they rehashing a Daniel Bryan /Kofi Kingston style narrative again?
That's only a matter of opinion though. Owens has felt bland to me for a number of years now, whether the angle he's involved in is supposed to be important or not. Outside of his early work when being moved to the main roster, his best work has come when he's been working in tandem with someone else - be that Sami Zayn or Chris Jericho.

I genuinely can't remember the last time I felt invested in anything he was involved in when working on his own.

Cody's promo work is a lot more interesting to me than anything Owens has produced in years. He feels a lot more believable as a top guy and most importantly he's provoking a massive reaction on a weekly basis at the moment. You have to strike while the iron is hot in situations like that.

I'll say Owens a product of poor creative. Heel Owens is fecking entertaining.

Felt the same way about Drew, he should have turned heel ages ago. I really enjoyed his heel run with Ziggler.
You're lost on what I am debating. I'm not saying he doesn't have fan backing.

I am asking what he brings to the table outside of a done to death angle and riding his father's legacy. Explain to me what it is about him that makes him so special.
Think most people have given a good response
But tbf you didn't make the mid card arguement for yourself so there's that.
I'll say Owens a product of poor creative. Heel Owens is fecking entertaining.

Felt the same way about Drew, he should have turned heel ages ago. I really enjoyed his heel run with Ziggler.
Possibly. The same could be said about almost anybody though - Reigns being forced on people as a babyface for so long was really bad booking and it was only once he had the opportunity to return as a heel after covid that his character really took off.

McIntyre was great in that stint with Ziggler, I agree. I am enjoying his recent stuff too though.
Possibly. The same could be said about almost anybody though - Reigns being forced on people as a babyface for so long was really bad booking and it was only once he had the opportunity to return as a heel after covid that his character really took off.

McIntyre was great in that stint with Ziggler, I agree. I am enjoying his recent stuff too though.
Owens is the type of wrestler that can sell a virus. It's not really fair to compare him to Reigns.

Probably because he doesn't have the "look" he's just reduced to jobbing. In fact it's insane he got so high up with his sheer charisma and in ring work given how he looks.
Judging by the reaction the other night it would be quite easy :lol: noway Dwayne or his publicist allow it though
If anything it would be more publicity for the event.
Couldn’t you use that argument for anybody?

You can run a checklist of stuff that makes him great tbh.

Great talker
Great worker
Great look
Charisma and massively over

He checks almost every box for most wrestling fans and that’s before going into how brilliantly he carries himself and how good he is behind the scenes from business aspect. He’s the full package. Completely understandable if you aren’t a fan though, there’s plenty over the years that didn’t like some of the biggest stars in Hogan, Rock, Austin etc no matter how big they were.
- Not really a great talker. He just too cautious while speaking because of his lisp
- Good in the ring yes but he's no Shawn Micheals
- Great look? he's a bit small to be a real superstar
- Massively over? yes for now but won't last long. And he wears false charisma
If anything it would be more publicity for the event.

- Not really a great talker. He just too cautious while speaking because of his lisp
- Good in the ring yes but he's no Shawn Micheals
- Great look? he's a bit small to be a real superstar
- Massively over? yes for now but won't last long. And he wears false charisma
-Well he's got his message over with fans, he keeps live audiences in the palm of his hand, quite clearly a great talker

-i don't think no Shawn Michaels is the insult you think it is? Like you're a great in the ring but you're not one of the inring goats, well yeah who is?

-well away from the days where your top guys have to be roid heads. That period is done and Cody a great look, presence and presentation about him that's made him a star

-Been massively over for 2 years now and doesn't look like it's slowing down anytime soon but sure, won't last long.
I probably am being harsh, I never warmed to his persona as much as others. He's a sound wrestler and a top worker, but I have a soft spot for some mid card stars I guess.

I have no problem with Cody at all, but I'm not sure like you said what makes him so spectacularly unique to justify all this nonsense. All over him missing out on 1 match, which, again, he literally already had last year anyway, and isn't even really missing out on as the only difference would be which might he main events.

If they had spent the whole year building his rematch with Reigns and giving him tons of momentum, then had Rock shoehorn in at the last second for no reason (like they tried to do to Brian with Batista) then I could understand, but they haven't done that at all.

Cody has been booked in mostly completely unrelated angles since last year while Reigns has mostly been tangled up in bloodline related stuff which has on multiple occasions hinted at The Rock being at the end of the arc.

I just think wrestling fans can be a weird spoilt little bunch and it's a dangerous road for WWE to start bowing to pressure and letting the smarky twitter element of their viewers start dictating what matches are booked. Because what we have now is a mess. They can't sack Rock off and having him and Cody both up against Reigns doesn't do justice to either.

Wrestlers have their momentum wasted all the time in WWE. Cody is one of the few they've consistently pushed. Look what they've done with Sami since this time last year when he SHOULD have been the one going after Reigns at WM (if Cody was going to lose anyhow).

We'll get a botched together Wrestlemania now and the same fans who threw their toys out of the pram will be the ones to tear it to shreds after, even though it will literally be what they demanded
I have no problem with Cody at all, but I'm not sure like you said what makes him so spectacularly unique to justify all this nonsense. All over him missing out on 1 match, which, again, he literally already had last year anyway, and isn't even really missing out on as the only difference would be which might he main events.

If they had spent the whole year building his rematch with Reigns and giving him tons of momentum, then had Rock shoehorn in at the last second for no reason (like they tried to do to Brian with Batista) then I could understand, but they haven't done that at all.

Cody has been booked in mostly completely unrelated angles since last year while Reigns has mostly been tangled up in bloodline related stuff which has on multiple occasions hinted at The Rock being at the end of the arc.

I just think wrestling fans can be a weird spoilt little bunch and it's a dangerous road for WWE to start bowing to pressure and letting the smarky twitter element of their viewers start dictating what matches are booked. Because what we have now is a mess. They can't sack Rock off and having him and Cody both up against Reigns doesn't do justice to either.

Wrestlers have their momentum wasted all the time in WWE. Cody is one of the few they've consistently pushed. Look what they've done with Sami since this time last year when he SHOULD have been the one going after Reigns at WM (if Cody was going to lose anyhow).

We'll get a botched together Wrestlemania now and the same fans who threw their toys out of the pram will be the ones to tear it to shreds after, even though it will literally be what they demanded
This is very well said and articulates my view (I was struggling to sort of explain why I was a bit cold to him).

The fan hype and him being "so over" is more engineered than anything else. More often than not that's what happens when a guy who used to be a midcarder gets a sustained push - you look at Daniel Bryan, Kofi Kingston heck even Big E got pushes and became WWE Champion. Cody did some sexy things at AEW and got an extra buzz from his return, but it feels a bit like Emporer's new Clothes

This whole fan resentment toward The Rock is a push from the WWE, and the crowd are a bit dim for being told what to think about the situation rather than look at it objectively. I don't know what Codys story is - to main event Mania? He did that. To win a main event at Mania? Okay, he can still do that. As you said there's nothing that should draw him to Reigns.
This is very well said and articulates my view (I was struggling to sort of explain why I was a bit cold to him).

The fan hype and him being "so over" is more engineered than anything else. More often than not that's what happens when a guy who used to be a midcarder gets a sustained push - you look at Daniel Bryan, Kofi Kingston heck even Big E got pushes and became WWE Champion. Cody did some sexy things at AEW and got an extra buzz from his return, but it feels a bit like Emporer's new Clothes

This whole fan resentment toward The Rock is a push from the WWE, and the crowd are a bit dim for being told what to think about the situation rather than look at it objectively. I don't know what Codys story is - to main event Mania? He did that. To win a main event at Mania? Okay, he can still do that. As you said there's nothing that should draw him to Reigns.

The thing is as well like you said, I don't mind Cody at all, but a lot of his popularity is down to WWE pushing him consistently, giving him a better entrance than anyone else, giving him nearly every prime segment, placing him in the middle of every remotely significant thing on Raw, etc (a Raw thats been significantly more dull than Smackdown all year, btw). It's not like he's come up from nowhere. WWE have fed him to the fans. They haven't built any kind of specific story with him and Reigns, and imo where they've fecked up goes a lot further back to the many times Reigns should have dropped at least one of his titles (including to Cody), or even shouldn't have made him double Champ in the first place, because that's why Seth's title isn't taken seriously and why no one other than Reigns can really be taken seriously.

Also the reaction at the start of Raw kind of summed it up for me. The fans basically shat all over Rollins and his work for the past year just to spite Rock who himself I don't really see what he's done wrong. I found it awkward to watch because it was a bit embarrassing. It's a good job Rollins is good at working those situations, but also ironic that fans get so butthurt over Cody supposedly being belittled, but then do the exact same to Rollins themselves, and almost seem completely unaware that WWE are now playing to it.
If they had spent the whole year building his rematch with Reigns and giving him tons of momentum, then had Rock shoehorn in at the last second for no reason (like they tried to do to Brian with Batista) then I could understand, but they haven't done that at all.

Cody has been booked in mostly completely unrelated angles since last year while Reigns has mostly been tangled up in bloodline related stuff which has on multiple occasions hinted at The Rock being at the end of the arc.

I think your dislike of Cody is showing here because everything you're saying about Cody is actually what was happening with Danielson but strangely you used Danielson as an opposite example.

The thing is as well like you said, I don't mind Cody at all, but a lot of his popularity is down to WWE pushing him consistently, giving him a better entrance than anyone else, giving him nearly every prime segment, placing him in the middle of every remotely significant thing on Raw, etc (a Raw thats been significantly more dull than Smackdown all year, btw). It's not like he's come up from nowhere. WWE have fed him to the fans.
This is actually the funniest part. You're acting like no other wrestler has been positioned like this. You can replace Cody's name in this paragraph with a lot of names from WWE past and some fail and some succeed. You're basically neglecting that Cody has delivered himself thus part of the reason he's getting all this

Wrestlers have their momentum wasted all the time in WWE. Cody is one of the few they've consistently pushed. Look what they've done with Sami since this time last year when he SHOULD have been the one going after Reigns at WM (if Cody was going to lose anyhow).

Sami has had three moments before than him losing at mania would been
Him main eventing Vs reigns in Montreal was huge.
Him winning the tag titles at mania on night one main event is better than losing the championship on night 2.
Him defending the title in Saudi and beating solo and reigns.
2 of those moments came after his title loss to Reigns.

This is excellent

Guessing the press conference should be good.
Wondering if they might have Cody take the title from reigns at chamber (have that as a big selling point - haven't checked how tickets are - and have rock actually help stop a repeat of last year's mania - to have a huge international moment in Australia)
And Cody basically giving rock his backing where rock said he's not interested in the title but to show he's the real head of the table to take that off reigns at mania (thus playing into take everything from reigns)

You can then have Cody going in as champ (can also have a number one contender match for Codys title, maybe him v orton, have drew go after Seth again). WWE has so many possibilities
The rock turning heel and seemingly joining up with the bloodline was not on my bingo card.
I don't know about others but that was cinema. Rock turning heel and joining forced with roman is something I didn't expect or maybe there is more twists to come.
Big bastard must’ve gassed himself out running the ropes a few times and realised there’s no chance he can work a one on one at WM
Hollywood Rock is just class. It’s gone from Head of the Table match to the Rock on Roman’s side.
The best part is everyone on that segment came out looking top. The way seth confronted at the end made him look like a badass as well. Heck even Punk in the panel was looking good.

The only thing that would have made it even more interesting is drew showing up and giving a claymore to seth