Television The Propgropthrop

I’m still adamant they should have put the belt on Sami last year in Montreal. Red hot story, red hot crowd they’ve had Roman hold the belt and has made about 5 appearances since. Absolutely pointless.

They need to change it because people aren’t having The Rock in this situation. RR will be the baby face at WM

It’s been a good start under Triple H but this has been a complete mess
I would have thought that was obvious and it has done what they wanted in terms of drawing attention from Vince for a bit
Yep. Cody with the worst sad face acting job last Friday gave it all away but the fanbase is ready to jump on anything.
McIntyre v Seth needs to happen and Drew needs to win. He deserves it. He can cement himself as the top heel if Roman is part time.

Wrestlemania publicity event this Thursday, will see what happens during that.
People saying it’s been handled awfully but WWE is trending like never before, and I’d argue it’s made Cody the biggest he’s ever been.
I think they'll pivot again now to Roman vs Rock night one and Roman vs. Cody night two.
Which is the correct decision! I’d consider going the other way around so Cody’s prediction of ‘taking everything from him’ comes true and I want Cody to beat him first.

Night 1 Cody wins clean
Night 2 Rock wins but the entire family turns on Roman and Rock is head of the table.
So it was a work after all.

I don't think it was a work. The plan was clearly Roman v Cody and Seth v Punk, but Punk's injury curtailed that. They brought in Dwayne to switch it around but they did not expect the negative backlash. I don't believe they could have anticipated that reaction for Dwayne.

They've started to backtrack now and are making it into a work, in my opinion.

Dwayne's presence alone should have been enough for people to forget the Vince story. But it didn't work.
Which is the correct decision! I’d consider going the other way around so Cody’s prediction of ‘taking everything from him’ comes true and I want Cody to beat him first.

Night 1 Cody wins clean
Night 2 Rock wins but the entire family turns on Roman and Rock is head of the table.

I quite like this - also makes the finish more unpredictable for Roman vs Rock isn't for the title but no way I can see them doing a Mania main event that doesn't include the title.

I don't think it was a work. The plan was clearly Roman v Cody and Seth v Punk, but Punk's injury curtailed that. They brought in Dwayne to switch it around but they did not expect the negative backlash. I don't believe they could have anticipated that reaction for Dwayne.

They've started to backtrack now and are making it into a work, in my opinion.

Dwayne's presence alone should have been enough for people to forget the Vince story. But it didn't work.

According to I think Meltzer, Rock was agreed to be wrestling at Mania even before the Rumble, which makes all this even weirder.
I quite like this - also makes the finish more unpredictable for Roman vs Rock isn't for the title but no way I can see them doing a Mania main event that doesn't include the title.

According to I think Meltzer, Rock was agreed to be wrestling at Mania even before the Rumble, which makes all this even weirder.

They were building up the other two possible main events though? Seth v Punk had to have been on of the main events.
I don't think it was a work. The plan was clearly Roman v Cody and Seth v Punk, but Punk's injury curtailed that. They brought in Dwayne to switch it around but they did not expect the negative backlash. I don't believe they could have anticipated that reaction for Dwayne.

They've started to backtrack now and are making it into a work, in my opinion.

Dwayne's presence alone should have been enough for people to forget the Vince story. But it didn't work.
I honestly don’t think that’s true. There’s been talk of Rock coming back for months now and even called out Roman on Raw before Punk got injured and before Vince got exposed
The problem, as I see it anyway, is people just assumed Cody would face Roman 1 v1 for 12 months without thinking there was another way to it. We’ve already seen that match a year ago, that was always the problem.
I don't think it was a work. The plan was clearly Roman v Cody and Seth v Punk, but Punk's injury curtailed that. They brought in Dwayne to switch it around but they did not expect the negative backlash. I don't believe they could have anticipated that reaction for Dwayne.

They've started to backtrack now and are making it into a work, in my opinion.

Dwayne's presence alone should have been enough for people to forget the Vince story. But it didn't work.

I would argue it has worked as it's the only thing wrestling fans have talked about since they set it up.

Set it up without actually announcing it either which always suggested it was a work from the start.
Do we not think it was possible they were building to a punk-drew match? As punk said, there’s always next year for him to headline WM.
WWE having other wrestlers talking about it and especially leaning into the backlash across media platforms has given it away too easily. Would’ve thought they keep it up in the air for longer than three days, then again maybe it’s a double swerve.
So it was a work after all.

Just to clarify, what evidence is there for this? That the WWE are leaning into the backlash?

I’m inclined to agree with you. This has Paul Heyman’s fingerprints all over it and I’m aware he books a lot of stuff involving Reigns. It’s smart if they ‘pivot’ to a triple threat - it protects Rock as an aging worker, is gonna draw huge, puts Cody over massively and protects him from overpush burnout and is getting everyone talking. It’s very much the smart play and they can tell interesting stories with it, especially if it’s dragged out a while.

Having said this, I don’t think the WWE acknowledging the backlash is indicative of a work. They can’t not lean into it, given the strength and publicity of the negative sentiment.
WWE having other wrestlers talking about it and especially leaning into the backlash across media platforms has given it away too easily. Would’ve thought they keep it up in the air for longer than three days, then again maybe it’s a double swerve.

Just to clarify, what evidence is there for this? That the WWE are leaning into the backlash?

I’m inclined to agree with you. This has Paul Heyman’s fingerprints all over it and I’m aware he books a lot of stuff involving Reigns. It’s smart if they ‘pivot’ to a triple threat - it protects Rock as an aging worker, is gonna draw huge, puts Cody over massively and protects him from overpush burnout and is getting everyone talking. It’s very much the smart play and they can tell interesting stories with it, especially if it’s dragged out a while.

Having said this, I don’t think the WWE acknowledging the backlash is indicative of a work. They can’t not lean into it, given the strength and publicity of the negative sentiment.

Yeah WWE do this all the time now. Since they tried to ignore Cenas booing all those years ago they now go along with whatever’s happening regardless of whether it was intended or not . I mean they pushed Reigns as the top baby face for years and widely acknowledged he was being shat on by the fans most weeks.

I guess time will tell whether it is or isn’t….. if it’s triple threat then yeah it’s a work. Anything else and it’s a no.
It makes sense for it to be a triple threat doesn't it. It also makes sense for them to lean into the negative reception for the Rock and go into the match with a "will he/won't he be on the side of his cousin or not" only for him to ultimately help Cody to the title. Seems pretty obvious booking to me. You get the Rock in the main event and you get the title onto someone who's red hot and can commit to appearing on more than just the ppv's.
It makes sense for it to be a triple threat doesn't it. It also makes sense for them to lean into the negative reception for the Rock and go into the match with a "will he/won't he be on the side of his cousin or not" only for him to ultimately help Cody to the title. Seems pretty obvious booking to me. You get the Rock in the main event and you get the title onto someone who's red hot and can commit to appearing on more than just the ppv's.

Absolutely, there’s lots of possible story threads there. The hilarious twist would be Damien Priest cashing in and being the one holding the belt at the end of Mania (I really don’t think they’d do this but lol).

Apparently WWE have had a huge spike in ticket sales since Friday so it doesn’t seem to be doing them much harm. We’re not talking about Vince much now. Not saying that’s a good thing but it’s great business/PR by WWE.
WM main event ever not being one on one always makes it slightly less than for me

This was a one on one match according to wwe record books :wenger:
Just to clarify, what evidence is there for this? That the WWE are leaning into the backlash?

I’m inclined to agree with you. This has Paul Heyman’s fingerprints all over it and I’m aware he books a lot of stuff involving Reigns. It’s smart if they ‘pivot’ to a triple threat - it protects Rock as an aging worker, is gonna draw huge, puts Cody over massively and protects him from overpush burnout and is getting everyone talking. It’s very much the smart play and they can tell interesting stories with it, especially if it’s dragged out a while.

Having said this, I don’t think the WWE acknowledging the backlash is indicative of a work. They can’t not lean into it, given the strength and publicity of the negative sentiment.
They’ve been teasing Rock v Roman for months now, Rock even said he told a make a wish kid how it would pan out. Rock didn’t show up out of nowhere, this wasn’t sudden and Cody won the Rumble only a few weeks ago.
I have a theory I may as well post. I don’t think this angle was planned months ago but I do think it was changed fairly recently and not due to Punks injury but Okada becoming available.
I’m very causal these days but there’s a reason why we’re reading about Mone expected dates, filming footage etc and most radio silence on Okada. Thats because the AEW leak has nothing on Okada since he’s WWE bound.
There’s nobody for Seth to face bar Drew and that could be why Roman was allowed to shit on Seth’s title. Okada debuting and going for Rollins almost immediately elevates that title. Okada doesn’t fit into the participation award wrestler who already lost to Roman jibe.
but we’ll see
I still just don't get how wrestlers who are far better entertainers & story tellers (Kevin Owens) cant just be rocketed to the top. I have to see vanilla boy Cody Rhodes just copy his fathers moves and steer a done to death "this is my destiny" story.
I still just don't get how wrestlers who are far better entertainers & story tellers (Kevin Owens) cant just be rocketed to the top. I have to see vanilla boy Cody Rhodes just copy his fathers moves and steer a done to death "this is my destiny" story.

Kevin Owens is currently a two-time back to back WM "main eventer" - I put that in quote marks, because I personally only see the show/sunday closer as the main event. But either way it's a spot that's enough for Punk seemingly, Seth, and Flair to have a meltdown over not getting. KO ain't doing too bad to be fair, and he's probably getting the Logan match up this year, which is, despite what anyone may think, a big spotlight now.

But yes, the Jericho feud not main eventing and being for the belt is one of the biggest blunders in modern era. Jericho openly states it's essentially what pushed him to AEW.... and his presence in AEW elevated it to levels it had no right reaching so quick. A big blunder that essentially generated a fairly massive boom for wrestling, so not really a blunder in the wider scheme of things :nervous:
Kevin Owens is currently a two-time back to back WM "main eventer" - I put that in quote marks, because I personally only see the show/sunday closer as the main event. But either way it's a spot that's enough for Punk seemingly, Seth, and Flair to have a meltdown over not getting. KO ain't doing too bad to be fair, and he's probably getting the Logan match up this year, which is, despite what anyone may think, a big spotlight now.

But yes, the Jericho feud not main eventing and being for the belt is one of the biggest blunders in modern era. Jericho openly states it's essentially what pushed him to AEW.... and his presence in AEW elevated it to levels it had no right reaching so quick. A big blunder that essentially generated a fairly massive boom for wrestling, so not really a blunder in the wider scheme of things :nervous:
Yeah, I mean for me Owens is the closest thing to greatness in the WWE.
I also rate Miz highly for his storytelling compared to Cody. I'm a casual viewer though, how is LA Knight doing? Does he suck or is he just hot air? He seemed more fun to watch than Cody too.

I dont know I just feel like Cody is so plain and boring, just in loud clothing and hair dye.

I don't mind Priest getting a major push, I find him interesting as a character, on the mic, and in the ring.
I still just don't get how wrestlers who are far better entertainers & story tellers (Kevin Owens) cant just be rocketed to the top. I have to see vanilla boy Cody Rhodes just copy his fathers moves and steer a done to death "this is my destiny" story.
Like it or not, presentation matters. Cody looks like a comic book character.

While KO, entertaining as he is, looks like a Twitch streamer with some problematic views.
Like it or not, presentation matters. Cody looks like a comic book character.

While KO, entertaining as he is, looks like a Twitch streamer with some problematic views.
But Cody hasnt got a thing that say, LA Knight and Miz don't.

Actually I guess he's got his father's angle, which is basically his whole gimmick.
Cody is a top star. Every metric that matters basically indicates it.

Also the womens matches are looking like it could be great. Nia has been built as a beast with her return, so her vs Rhea should be a good brawl. Rhea winning in her home town and setting up her v Becky, which has been teased a lot last year.
And Iyo/Bayley too.
Theyve done well with that. They have enough time if they wanted to do Bianca/Jade but see them saving that for a years time. Guessing they will do a multi-woman tag title defence or maybe a pre show battle royal.
But Cody hasnt got a thing that say, LA Knight and Miz don't.

Actually I guess he's got his father's angle, which is basically his whole gimmick.
If you don't like the guy, you don't like the guy. A lot of people love apples and I can't stand them for the most part.

But let's not talk bollocks. To say he has nothing that LA Knight or the miz hasnt is objectively false.

He's had a genuine hand in changing this industry, he's bet on himself and got himself over in the Indies, in Japan, had a hand in creating the 2nd biggest wrestling promotion in America, created a record breaking independent ppv, come back to the WWE and got himself so over he's the top face of the company. He's got people booing the rock because they want him to finish his story. For some reason in this thread some have such trouble accepting that Cody Rhodes is the biggest star they've had in years.

Got nothing on LA Knight and the miz? Give over.

This was a one on one match according to wwe record books :wenger:
Every 10 years then, as WM XXX was meant to be Randy Orton V Bluetista, maybe the voices will be heard and it will be Reigns V The Rock V Cody Rhodes. Surley The Rock and Reigns on smackdown being the most disliked video in WWE history won’t go unnoticed.
If you don't like the guy, you don't like the guy. A lot of people love apples and I can't stand them for the most part.

But let's not talk bollocks. To say he has nothing that LA Knight or the miz hasnt is objectively false.

He's had a genuine hand in changing this industry, he's bet on himself and got himself over in the Indies, in Japan, had a hand in creating the 2nd biggest wrestling promotion in America, created a record breaking independent ppv, come back to the WWE and got himself so over he's the top face of the company. He's got people booing the rock because they want him to finish his story. For some reason in this thread some have such trouble accepting that Cody Rhodes is the biggest star they've had in years.

Got nothing on LA Knight and the miz? Give over.
Thats nice, but completely missed my point. He's been given a push by WWE to be put into that position. And his whole angle is essentially riding his father's legacy and tugging on the emotions.

Getting a crowd to boo the rock is quite engineered, they're handing out cody signs at the last Raw FFS :lol:

If they put LA or Miz in his story angle for the past year it would be no different, outside of the fact that those 2 are interesting in themselves.
Thats nice, but completely missed my point. He's been given a push by WWE to be put into that position. And his whole angle is essentially riding his father's legacy and tugging on the emotions.

Getting a crowd to boo the rock is quite engineered, they're handing out cody signs at the last Raw FFS :lol:

If they put LA or Miz in his story angle for the past year it would be no different, outside of the fact that those 2 are interesting in themselves.

Haha this is some next level dislike / hate. Come on now
Haha this is some next level dislike / hate. Come on now
Its true though. Cody has had a relentless push, and when stars get that it's quite easy to engineer crowd backing. Kofi is an example of that.

I just find Cody quite boring, there's nothing authentic about him. He's riding his father's legacy because he has no real angle of his own. It's just tiresome hearing the "I need to finish my story" angle as though it's some overdue destiny for the billionth time at Wrestlemania.
The guy had crowd backing from his return all due to his own work outside the company. He has been strongly used for sure but that's not a negative
WWE have positioned him as a star because he has everything needed to be a star.

You may find him boring but let's not make silly points for the sake of saying you don't like him and say it's true.