Television The Propgropthrop

Rhea does look great. I actually perfer her current look to the look she had before with the long blonde hair

I was struggling during Gunther/Miz as I am exhausted, but got up to try and stay awake. Womens war games was great. Bayley eating the pin makes me think Damage CTRL turning on her soon.

Lots of 4 Horsewomen mentions. Foreshadowing Sasha return/ They kept mentioning how 3 of the 4 were in the match.
You're now talking about something else.
Ruthless aggression may have had bigger stars or more household names
But wwe product wasnt as hot as it is now.

Haha stop it. You went from who's over to then talking about stars to then talking about character. You're just throwing a whole bunch of stuff at the wall now.

Trust me, you're not taking anything away from anything. You can say what you want but it doesn't change the fact that this is the hottest wwe has been in ages

Sorry mate, didn’t know it was so personal for you :lol:
Rhea does look great. I actually perfer her current look to the look she had before with the long blonde hair

Easily, shes come into her own especially since joining JD. Think shes a whole package and only 27
Great ending, but two really good wargames. Other matches were good and the pacing was good. I've enjoyed the tighter premium shows since hhh took over.
Changing topic once youve been made to look foolish. Got it.

Bizarre arguments. I just realized I was up against a fan boy, so there really isn’t any logical argument to be had about the quality of characters, lack of stars, uninteresting stories etc…. You have your opinion and seemed very touchy about it, so I decided to leave it at that.

Anyway, great to see Punk back. Love him or hate him, he knows how to generate buzz and is so believable. Hopefully he can stay injury free and have a great run there.
Bizarre arguments. I just realized I was up against a fan boy, so there really isn’t any logical argument to be had about the quality of characters, lack of stars, uninteresting stories etc…. You have your opinion and seemed very touchy about it, so I decided to leave it at that.

Anyway, great to see Punk back. Love him or hate him, he knows how to generate buzz and is so believable. Hopefully he can stay injury free and have a great run there.
Talk about logical arguments whilst stating LA Knight is the only superstar over right now. Outstanding stuff.

Rather than doubling down and talking waffle, you could just admit you might have been wrong about a couple things and leave it at that.
Talk about logical arguments whilst stating LA Knight is the only superstar over right now. Outstanding stuff.

Rather than doubling down and talking waffle, you could just admit you might have been wrong about a couple things and leave it at that.

How can you be wrong about opinions mate? Stop being so strange about it. It’s ok for someone not to think this is a good product. It’s definitely improving under HHH, but they have a long way to go. It was awful for a long, long time.

LA Knight gets the best reactions on shows consistently. The likes of Cody, Rollins, Usos are nowhere near the level of guys like Cena/Batista/Taker. It’s not waffle, it’s a perfectly valid opinion.

Massive stars haven’t been a thing for a long time in WWE and that hurts the product. Stop being so precious about people having a negative opinion. If you are enjoying it, that’s great!
How can you be wrong about opinions mate? Stop being so strange about it. It’s ok for someone not to think this is a good product. It’s definitely improving under HHH, but they have a long way to go. It was awful for a long, long time.

LA Knight gets the best reactions on shows consistently. The likes of Cody, Rollins, Usos are nowhere near the level of guys like Cena/Batista/Taker. It’s not waffle, it’s a perfectly valid opinion.

Massive stars haven’t been a thing for a long time in WWE and that hurts the product. Stop being so precious about people having a negative opinion. If you are enjoying it, that’s great!
If there are other active superstars selling more merch than him, than that's an objectively wrong opinion, isn't it?

No one's being strange you were just objectively wrong and doubling down.

Anyway, good night.
I turned my recording off and as i pressed the X I was like... wait.. did I just hear something and had to reload it. :lol:

Punk v Rollins night 1 WM main event a lock surely? And rightly so.
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Talk about logical arguments whilst stating LA Knight is the only superstar over right now. Outstanding stuff.

Rather than doubling down and talking waffle, you could just admit you might have been wrong about a couple things and leave it at that.
There's no point, first It was limping to wrestlemania when there's indicators that prove how hot wwe as an entity is now
Them it was la Knight is the only over superstar despite reactions and merch proving otherwise
Then changing to talk about characters and roster from 05
Then now talk about comparisons to previous stars when none of that addresses the point that he's wrong.
Then the topper, using fanboy :lol:

I'm waiting for the word agenda to be used. Saying you don't like the product is one thing but trying to deny key metrics as opinions is ridiculously funny :lol:
There's no point, first It was limping to wrestlemania when there's indicators that prove how hot wwe as an entity is now
Them it was la Knight is the only over superstar despite reactions and merch proving otherwise
Then changing to talk about characters and roster from 05
Then now talk about comparisons to previous stars when none of that addresses the point that he's wrong.
Then the topper, using fanboy :lol:

I'm waiting for the word agenda to be used. Saying you don't like the product is one thing but trying to deny key metrics as opinions is ridiculously funny :lol:

The next thing will be them criticising the thread because they don’t like different opinions. :lol:
Punk will be fine. Didn’t seem to be any major issues with him previously in WWE, but in AEW there was, on top of all the other AEW locker-room nonsense.

Roman vs Cody and Punk vs Rollins at Mania surely?
What an absolutely wild build up to the Punk payoff though, I love how they obviously did tease him, yet had all the wrestling reporters convinced he wasn't coming back.... all in the mud right now :lol:

Seth's been waiting for this one given no one expected TK to take him back amid that cancer comment, played it brilliantly.
Punk will be fine. Didn’t seem to be any major issues with him previously in WWE, but in AEW there was, on top of all the other AEW locker-room nonsense.

Roman vs Cody and Punk vs Rollins at Mania surely?

I've always had the feeling Tony Khan is a bit of a limp dick and it's pretty much anarchy backstage, WWE will be much more professional imo even of they think Punk is a dick the dollar bills they'll make is to hard to turn down
Punk will be fine. Didn’t seem to be any major issues with him previously in WWE, but in AEW there was, on top of all the other AEW locker-room nonsense.

Roman vs Cody and Punk vs Rollins at Mania surely?

Yeah there are a few folks seemingly desperate for him to blow up, presumably to legitimise Tony and the Elite guys, as otherwise it makes them look really unprofessional.

I expect things will be fine - he's grown a bit, seen the not very green grass alternative, and most importantly WWE is a different company to the one he left, where talent health is a priority.
Wwe knows how to run a business and they are smart to bring him back. Aew were idiots to lose him when they did. Yes he is a trouble but the best business is to capitalize real life heat and turn into money and not with petty pot shots at WWE.

Anyways excited to see how it pans out. Like someone here said he could be fired soon but I feel wwe will try to make some good money out of him for a year and then he can f off for them.
Wwe knows how to run a business and they are smart to bring him back. Aew were idiots to lose him when they did. Yes he is a trouble but the best business is to capitalize real life heat and turn into money and not with petty pot shots at WWE.

Anyways excited to see how it pans out. Like someone here said he could be fired soon but I feel wwe will try to make some good money out of him for a year and then he can f off for them.

They let a 100 pound no mark 'shoot' on the companies biggest star at one of the biggest wrestling events in history and wonder why he reacted

Fecking Jungle Boy, who by the way is supposed to be one of the biggest dick heads in real life should have had his contract terminated on the spot.

God I hate AEW with a passion. The AEW fans are absolutely fuming this morning on social media its great to see.
Think its great that WWE gave the crowd what they wanted

I am far more interested in how this works out politically and backstage than I am anything to do with Punk actually being on screen. Seth's reaction was apparently working, but Drew stormed off and out of the building. Yes it was before Punk's entrance, but they all knew it was coming. I wonder if he'll actually wrestle before Jade does

Thought the show was okay
Think its great that WWE gave the crowd what they wanted

I am far more interested in how this works out politically and backstage than I am anything to do with Punk actually being on screen. Seth's reaction was apparently working, but Drew stormed off and out of the building. Yes it was before Punk's entrance, but they all knew it was coming. I wonder if he'll actually wrestle before Jade does

Thought the show was okay
Sounds like a double work. Drew needs some time off with his wife's sister just dying is the report I read before last night.