Television The Propgropthrop

Despite some valid points the MJF and Adam Cole bromance has been pretty epic and better than anything elsewhere over the past few months (even if they did happen to stumble across it).

But surely that is further proof? I agree with you, that is the most entertaining thing on the show by far, but it just serves to prove how good wrestling can be when it focuses on story and drama.

The double clothesline is more over than any crazy bump or spot.
Tbh I still find the AEW shows more entertaining than any episode of Raw since about 2001.

I do think all the over the top spots in every single match are a bit much and wish they would put more focus on the story telling for the TV shows and maybe save the crazy for the ppvs, but at least Dynamite is usually fun.

It's not like there's no story telling either. MJF/Cole has run a long time. Christian has pretty much constantly been feuding with someone, Hangman and Swerve. It's not that it isn't there. It just gets lost in the need to dial every match to 11/10.

I feel they're on to a no win with that now as well because if they did suddenly tone it down a lot of the audience might tone down with it.
Dont even think Tony Khan himself would believe that but each to their own.
I know this might be a pretty hard concept to grasp, but there isn't a correct way to wrestle. Folks like watching different things.

I'm fairly certain its a vocal minority of wrestling fans, but there's a section that foam at the mouth at anything AEW does. Always an expert in what AEW should be doing.

I am reminded of why I don't read this thread anymore.

You don’t read the thread because people have different opinions to you?
I think they put on a good ppv but the weekly tv is trash. I completely turned off a few months ago when every episode opened with Orange Cassidy, AEW must just not be for me because I’ve been watching wrestling a long time and that is the worst gimmick I’ve ever seen and I was a fan of wwf in the 90’s. Unwatchable.

Yep each to their own. It's background watching rather than must watch for me and Collision doesn't even get on the radar, but Dynamite is usually lively and there's enough entertaining wrestlers to make it ok.

Raw i cant remember the last time i made it through more than about half an episode. Its 3 fecking hours long and even if you watch the top 10 highlights package on youtube at least half the clips are of NOTHING happening. I'm genuinely baffled how anyone watches it at all.
I suspect he would. The obnoxiousness in this thread is something else, consodering its fecking wrestling
You've just said in a roundabout way there hasn't been an entertaining episode of Raw for over 20 years (fecking wild btw), and then talk about the obnoxiousness of this thread. Right.
Yep each to their own. It's background watching rather than must watch for me and Collision doesn't even get on the radar, but Dynamite is usually lively and there's enough entertaining wrestlers to make it ok.

Raw i cant remember the last time i made it through more than about half an episode. Its 3 fecking hours long and even if you watch the top 10 highlights package on youtube at least half the clips are of NOTHING happening. I'm genuinely baffled how anyone watches it at all.

I feel like WWE is still more about getting the stories over which is why you have overly long and drawn out segments (and programs) whereas AEW cuts the storylines to a minimum and rather have longer matches. I mean some of the matches AEW gives away weekly on the TV show are PPV worthy in their own right but just feels like Big Tone needs to cram everything in ASAP rather than slow build to the PPV most of the time.

AEW reminds me a lot of Ring of Honor between like 2002 and 2010 when I was well into it with the so many near falls and (lack of) selling. But I love all that so bring it on.
Swerve vs Hangman was one of the best matches I've ever seen. I hate deathmatches and I hate excessive gore in wrestling, but in the right feud it can season it like nothing else. That was incredibly brutal. Hope they don't overthink it. Swerve should probably end up as champion by Revolution at the latest. Strike the iron whilst it is hot.

Mixed feelings about the main event. It was way overbooked and I still don't love MJF as a babyface. Main events like that are largely why a company like AEW now exists and why Cody Rhodes managed to lose his home crowd. That said, they seemed to be subtly playing up that Adam Cole was trying to sabotage MJF by getting pretty much everything wrong from the belt to the diamond ring, whilst retaining plausible deniability, and he never took any punishment from Bullet Club, so it might have a payoff.
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Swerve vs Hangman was one of the best matches I've ever seen. I hate deathmatches and I hate excessive gore in wrestling, but in the right feud it can season it like nothing else. That was incredibly brutal. Hope they don't overthink it. Swerve should probably end up as champion by Revolution at the latest. Strike the iron whilst it is hot.

Mixed feelings about the main event. It was way overbooked and I still don't love MJF as a babyface. Main events like that are largely why a company like AEW now exists and why Cody Rhodes managed to lose his home crowd. That said, they seemed to be subtly playing up that Adam Cole was trying to sabotage MJF by getting pretty much everything wrong from the belt to the diamond ring, whilst retaining plausible deniability, and he never took any punishment from Bullet Club, so it might have a payoff.

I finally got around to watching the PPV (which shows how far AEW has fallen as I would normally stay up or watch asap) and I wasn't particularly enthused about any of the matches, so much of it seemed to be about shoehorning people onto the card. The main event was overbooked to a silly degree - Jay White is a credible threat to MJF without all the injury nonsense, or he was until he lost to a one legged man despite having his mates around to help.

The deathmatch wasn't for me either, I've enjoyed most of the others they've done but this seemed to rely more on shock factor than the story making all that much sense. I agree on Swerve though, he's fantastic.
You've just said in a roundabout way there hasn't been an entertaining episode of Raw for over 20 years (fecking wild btw), and then talk about the obnoxiousness of this thread. Right.

Yeah. So there was (I mean blatantly) a degree of exaggeration in that post. Even though actually I can't think of a single even slightly memorable episode of Raw since god knows when, but you know, you have working brain cells so would have been able to figure out that my post wasn't meant to be taken literally. The need to ignore what I was actually saying to behave like a bellend instead obviously overuled that.

This thread is tedious because its just page after page of man babies acting like twats over being the bestest at knowing what the correct opinion is about wrestling. To the point anyone who actually has anything interesting to say or wants to just discuss wrestling like a normal person ends up getting shut down.

I'm not sure there is a subject where considering yourself an expert gives you right to behave like a tit to everyone else. If there is, I'm afraid it definitely isn't watching grown men pretending to have a fight, so maybe just chill out.
Haven't watched any wrestling for years but this LA Knight guy has me hooked again. A man from the attitude era.
LA Shite more like. He's garbage. Give me KO turning on him and burying him for KO-Mania.
Haven't watched any wrestling for years but this LA Knight guy has me hooked again. A man from the attitude era.
That's really interesting tbf. He's most definitely a throwback.

Zero interest in Survivor Series. Only gonna watch to see if Punk shows up and enjoy the internet shitshow afterwards.
I mean I'd be willing to put money on he's not.
How have WWE let this Roman title run and boring stable last so long? All it does is hold up the titles and make, even the biggest PPVs, non events.

They are limping on to wrestlemania just for the sake of boosting numbers for an average talent that took a 5-6 year push to get over as a decent heel.

It’s not worth all of this, if one of your biggest shows of the year is a non-event unless Punk shows up.

Move on already and consider a second idea or story that isn’t the bloodline. It’s beyond stale.
Return or no return?

Im going with no return, although unsure who Nakamura faces.
How have WWE let this Roman title run and boring stable last so long? All it does is hold up the titles and make, even the biggest PPVs, non events.

They are limping on to wrestlemania just for the sake of boosting numbers for an average talent that took a 5-6 year push to get over as a decent heel.

It’s not worth all of this, if one of your biggest shows of the year is a non-event unless Punk shows up.

Move on already and consider a second idea or story that isn’t the bloodline. It’s beyond stale.

Been saying the about Roman and the titles for what seems like years now. I'll still watch it tomorrow for the wargames matches as they're something a bit different at least. Genuinely have no idea what else is even on the card. The only other remotely interesting thing happening is with Escobar and that makes zero sense if he's not fighting Carlito or Rey.

Christian is easily the most entertaining thing in either wwe or aew atm for me, just a shame you have to sift through the mess/chaos with AEW for the one good segment every 2 weeks
If CM Punk shows up, the Internet will explode with complaints
If CM Punk doesn't show up, the Internet will explode with complaints

Either way it will be fun to watch.
I just can't imagine WWE pulling something that big without making it 5000% obvious and effectively running the surprise, so they can make sure they fully cash in.
I just can't imagine WWE pulling something that big without making it 5000% obvious and effectively running the surprise, so they can make sure they fully cash in.
Maybe that's the reason for announcing Orton early to throw everyone off. Still I'd bet he's not showing up.
Been saying the about Roman and the titles for what seems like years now. I'll still watch it tomorrow for the wargames matches as they're something a bit different at least. Genuinely have no idea what else is even on the card. The only other remotely interesting thing happening is with Escobar and that makes zero sense if he's not fighting Carlito or Rey.

Christian is easily the most entertaining thing in either wwe or aew atm for me, just a shame you have to sift through the mess/chaos with AEW for the one good segment every 2 weeks

Christian is fantastic and I hope he gets the legacy he deserves after all is said and done. He was always fantastic with whatever he was given. He was great in TNA too.

It’s great to see him getting this run now in AEW and getting some props for his character work. Hopefully Edge, who has been so boring in both promotions since his comeback, doesn’t derail his momentum!
I’ve got a feeling he’s coming back tonight. The dirt sheets are incredibly quiet which is very unusual.

1 year contract with a exit clause if he gets upto his usual bullshit. The build to Mania with Punk would be insane, business is business!

I feel like I should stay up and watch this but I’m already falling asleep
Christian is fantastic and I hope he gets the legacy he deserves after all is said and done. He was always fantastic with whatever he was given. He was great in TNA too.

It’s great to see him getting this run now in AEW and getting some props for his character work. Hopefully Edge, who has been so boring in both promotions since his comeback, doesn’t derail his momentum!

Yeah I've always liked Christian. Edge has been a bit dull for a while. I don't really like him as a face and WWE just don't seem to let their heels act like enough of an arseh*le for someone as respected as Edge to ever actually get booed.

That said his feud with Judgement Day was decent up until the I Quit match, and I've found him decent enough in AEW...althought its Christian that's carrying the whole angle and everyone involved in it.

I’ve got a feeling he’s coming back tonight. The dirt sheets are incredibly quiet which is very unusual.

1 year contract with a exit clause if he gets upto his usual bullshit. The build to Mania with Punk would be insane, business is business!

I feel like I should stay up and watch this but I’m already falling asleep

Maybe that's the reason for announcing Orton early to throw everyone off. Still I'd bet he's not showing up.

Nah. I think if it is him nothing happens tonight and they'll carry on building this Nakamura thing until the next PPV or even the Rumble. Its what they generally seem to do. How many months did Wyatt's return get teased for? And how dumb obvious did it eventually become by the time it happened? Same with Cody...and Punk even now would be bigger than either.

Although I hope I'm wrong because it would just be so much cooler and old school WWE if he just showed up.
Watching this live, first time I've been caught up on wwe in ages. Just in time for tonight's show.

and Wwe aren't limping to mania. They are shit hot right now with their shows, one of the hottest peroids they've been in ages
Watching this live, first time I've been caught up on wwe in ages. Just in time for tonight's show.

and Wwe aren't limping to mania. They are shit hot right now with their shows, one of the hottest peroids they've been in ages
Literally in their biggest boom for years objectively but wrestling fans struggle to give companies their due across the board.

If somethings turd call it turd, but if somethings good, keep the same energy.
Iyo sky still continues to be amazing, but it feels like damage control are the good guys here
Watching this live, first time I've been caught up on wwe in ages. Just in time for tonight's show.

and Wwe aren't limping to mania. They are shit hot right now with their shows, one of the hottest peroids they've been in ages

They have one really over star in LA Knight. This is definitely not a boom period.

No proper stars and no really captivating stories. The bloodline thing has been dragged on for far too long, and I can only guess it’s because they don’t have any other ideas for main stories.

This is Survivor Series and look at the state of the card. If that’s shit hot, I would be worried about them.
They have one really over star in LA Knight. This is definitely not a boom period.

No proper stars and no really captivating stories. The bloodline thing has been dragged on for far too long, and I can only guess it’s because they don’t have any other ideas for main stories.

This is Survivor Series and look at the state of the card. If that’s shit hot, I would be worried about them.
Question, how is it their only over star isn't their highest merch pusher? Make that make sense please.

WWE have been killing it for a while now, with record attendences, record merch sales, consistent TV ratings and generally have a much better product than in previous years. You might not like the bloodline stuff, quite a lot of people love it. If you genuinely think LA Knight is their only over superstar, you're either blind, deliberately obtuse or simply don't watch the product. But hey ho I'm gonna carry on watching survivor series after that banger of an opening match Infront of a record crowd ;)
They have one really over star in LA Knight. This is definitely not a boom period.

No proper stars and no really captivating stories. The bloodline thing has been dragged on for far too long, and I can only guess it’s because they don’t have any other ideas for main stories.

This is Survivor Series and look at the state of the card. If that’s shit hot, I would be worried about them.
Haha OK, if that's what you believe then so be it.
Let's just pretend roman, Cody, seth, jey uso, aren't really over .
Let's just pretend they aren't selling out nearly every show with hot crowds including international premium shows.
Considering nobody believed miz had a chance, they told a great story to get the crowd behind miz and believing the close pins
Lads, they clearly aren’t on the level of even the stars in the Cena/Batista era. That roster wasn’t even their peak and it was insane compared to this one.

The only big reactions are for LA Knight and the TV is predictable. None of those guys listed are big stars. Cody, Seth and Jey Uso as the best examples of “stars” tells it’s own story. Seth Rollins doesn’t even have a character.

But I won’t take away from it anymore, glad you are enjoying the show/product.
Lads, they clearly aren’t on the level of even the stars in the Cena/Batista era. That roster wasn’t even their peak and it was insane compared to this one.

You're now talking about something else.
Ruthless aggression may have had bigger stars or more household names
But wwe product wasnt as hot as it is now.

The only big reactions are for LA Knight and the TV is predictable. None of those guys listed are big stars. Cody, Seth and Jey Uso as the best examples of “stars” tells it’s own story. Seth Rollins doesn’t even have a character.

But I won’t take away from it anymore, glad you are enjoying the show/product.

Haha stop it. You went from who's over to then talking about stars to then talking about character. You're just throwing a whole bunch of stuff at the wall now.

Trust me, you're not taking anything away from anything. You can say what you want but it doesn't change the fact that this is the hottest wwe has been in ages