Television The Propgropthrop

A pitch for Mansoor being behind 9/11 given he was only 5 in 2001 is crazy
Probably the greatest sustained pop and standing ovation that has ever been. Four and a half minutes on TV and close to ten minutes live if you were there in person, without a single drop of noise in that entire time.

Smackdown in Montreal in 2002. Fecking unreal.

feck hulk hogan.

For balance

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Waiting for him to Post Benoits WM win reaction.

Also AEW. Man, I dont get whats happening with it. The crowd was meh but then again, the show was meh:
-Jeff fckin Jarrett not only on TV in 2023 but winning matches, and pinning a tag champion. Just what we need, Jarrett + 1 going for the tag titles whilst the Acclaimed cant even make Dynamite.
-The whole four pillars stuff, theyve made a complete mess out of it imo.
-Theyve completely ruined all momentum Hobbs had by putting him with a bunch of jobbers and then losing his first real title defence.
Also dropped the ball on Swerve Strickland too.
-Roddy was a nice surprise (and him being released by WWE being kept quiet was quite something)
-All this talk about Jay White, but from all his appearances in AEW, he just seems like a mid carder. Nothing about him feels special.
-Where the heck is ricky starks? Or hook? Or House of Black? Or the Lucha brothers?
-Have they mentioned whats happened to Pac and Miro? Or Joe? Or Scorpio Sky?
Waiting for him to Post Benoits WM win reaction.

Also AEW. Man, I dont get whats happening with it. The crowd was meh but then again, the show was meh:
-Jeff fckin Jarrett not only on TV in 2023 but winning matches, and pinning a tag champion. Just what we need, Jarrett + 1 going for the tag titles whilst the Acclaimed cant even make Dynamite.
-The whole four pillars stuff, theyve made a complete mess out of it imo.
-Theyve completely ruined all momentum Hobbs had by putting him with a bunch of jobbers and then losing his first real title defence.
Also dropped the ball on Swerve Strickland too.
-Roddy was a nice surprise (and him being released by WWE being kept quiet was quite something)
-All this talk about Jay White, but from all his appearances in AEW, he just seems like a mid carder. Nothing about him feels special.
-Where the heck is ricky starks? Or hook? Or House of Black? Or the Lucha brothers?
-Have they mentioned whats happened to Pac and Miro? Or Joe? Or Scorpio Sky?

You're asking questions like TK has a long term or mid term booking plan, as opposed to his fantasy-of-the-week style.
Has anybody seen any of the videos of meltzer and Alvarez covering cm punk's return to aew
They sound like somebody has died the way they are reporting it :lol:
Don't care who's fault it is, just get Vince and shaky cam Dunn outta there


The WWF/E has ALWAYS pushed the limits and often well overstepped the mark when it comes to racism/misogyny/sexism/xenophobia/homophobia and cultural stereotypes and bullying. feck, the whole wraslting thing is a huge gimmick based on piss takes. At the same time they often make huge political statements and bring important issues to the light.

Who can remember Vince saying 'my ni**er' with Booker T right behind him. That was fecking cringe, but so Vince.

There is a fine line with it all and some of it like the Small Court full of dwarves with Trips and Shaun Michaels was hilarious, as was there constant refering of Vince loving Cocks. But then some of it is just bad taste or simply unfunny or offensive. But that's what happens when you push limits all the time. The trouble is too many, especially in the US, take it seriously and think it's real and they can't separate what's real or not.

IT's definitely evident how different Trips sees the future to Vince. Vince just wants to hold it in the past with all his sexist/racial stereotypes and big built stars etc, Trips clearly wants to take things to a new level with more emphasis on wrestling than size. More modern hard hitting storylines laced with humour rather than old stereotypes and the same storylines being used over and over again.
Yeah standard ticketmaster shitshow. Got some floor seats quite far back (row V) which will have to do.

Really annoyed as I had better ones, went through to pay, did that and then it came back to the site with an error their end. :mad:
The wheel is just spinning for me on the pre registration part it wont load anything up
Fite TV code
Oh wow, I did well then to get tix (though 175, but given its a first, i dont mind)

The wheel is just spinning for me on the pre registration part it wont load anything up
Either the site has crashed and cant deal with the number of people or there are no more tix available.
Ive gone in and it says

"Something went wrong...There has been a problem with the connection." when searching for tickets
Oh wow, I did well then to get tix (though 175, but given its a first, i dont mind)

Either the site has crashed and cant deal with the number of people or there are no more tix available.
Ive gone in and it says

"Something went wrong...There has been a problem with the connection." when searching for tickets

Yeah the site is rubbish, took multiple windows to get it to allow me to purchase, and on top of that it's basically a lottery where it picks tickets for you. Had to roll the dice a few times, but ended up getting some (hopefully) good tickets on the pitch.
Yeah the site is rubbish, took multiple windows to get it to allow me to purchase, and on top of that it's basically a lottery where it picks tickets for you. Had to roll the dice a few times, but ended up getting some (hopefully) good tickets on the pitch.

You can pick your price points though so you'll likely be around where you want to be, we picked our price point and we got tickets in the place where we wanted
Looks like the pre sale thing has been taken down? there's nothing to click now after the queue and the spinning wheel isn't even loading
You can pick your price points though so you'll likely be around where you want to be, we picked our price point and we got tickets in the place where we wanted

Yeah but on the floor the price points had a huge variance, so it was still somewhat random
Looks like the pre sale thing has been taken down? there's nothing to click now after the queue and the spinning wheel isn't even loading
Try it again. I just had a look and I can still see tickets (x2) here and there. eg sections 141, 139 (best available)
*refresh - get back in Q (although it will be quicker now)

Either that or wait until the next sale periods, as im sure theyve held back tickets for tose sale periods
Pretty obvious shenanigans going on. All the best seats left are 'platinum' package only (whatever that means). £2500 to sit at ringside. Mental. I want a lap dance from Anna Jay and MJF to buy me a pint at the that price..
Pretty obvious shenanigans going on. All the best seats left are 'platinum' package only (whatever that means). £2500 to sit at ringside. Mental. I want a lap dance from Anna Jay and MJF to buy me a pint at the that price..

I've changed the settings on mine and there's at least 2 together in the nosebleeds (27.50), Level 2(114.95) and Level 1(141.95).... plus definitely more expensive I'm not willing to go near.
Yes boy.

I've changed the settings on mine and there's at least 2 together in the nosebleeds (27.50), Level 2(114.95) and Level 1(141.95).... plus definitely more expensive I'm not willing to go near.

Oh yeah plenty of nosebleed stuff left. Meh, mine will have to do. They'll be plenty of screens and atmosphere should be great.
Won't be long until WWE book a big PPV for wembley now. Probably has already been in the plans since CATC.
Won't be long until WWE book a big PPV for wembley now. Probably has already been in the plans since CATC.
They seriously need to do mania in wembley in the future.

But closer to that, I'd be happy with the rumble