Television The Propgropthrop

Regardless, UK eating good right now. 3 major PPVs in 2 years after literal decades of nothing. Clearly they think it's worth it.

Interesting. I think if they dont price out fans, they should do well. Its a 'first', so going for the stadium and shooting high is a smart move.
WWE easily could have got more for MITB
Hopefully touts dont get a hold of the good tickets
The hardy boyz are actually permanently concussed. With how fecked up there bodies (and minds) are, why the feck would you wrestle frequently when you can get yourself on a legends contract, do legend spots on the odd show and do your own thing? Utterly bizarre. In 2023, I dont want to see either of them wrestle.

Can Matt Hardy even sit down?
What a weird Dynamite that was. The main event was zzz. Although I did laugh at Adam Cole and Keith Lee together at the end.

That reaction for Jeff Hardy was huge. Reckon hes come at a time to try build up for something for the Wembley show (having him, Punk, would be good for AEW).

The Darby/Swerve match was good, but strange too. Having Swerve lose was not good.
I liked the promo stuff after with MJF/Darby and then Sting added too. Wondering if they do a Sting retirement year or maybe a retirement match In Wembley?

Everything else after that, felt like just squash matches or meh. And wow, theyve killed all of Hobbs momentum putting him with those jobbers. So either he loses the title next week or once again, Wardlow gets no win...
And where were FTR? Winning the tag titles last week and.... ?
No acclaimed either.

There is no balance on their shows anymore. Hiring all these people with no real plans, and them making Rampage a nothing show for so long was not good obviously. Toni Storm looked great though.
So what are they going to do? Run with three top Championship belts ? Or consolidate Roman’s into a single WWE Universal title?

Rather than create a new title, wouldn’t it just have been easier to take one of the titles off the part time golden boy Roman?
So what are they going to do? Run with three top Championship belts ? Or consolidate Roman’s into a single WWE Universal title?

Rather than create a new title, wouldn’t it just have been easier to take one of the titles off the part time golden boy Roman?
I hope they some how manage to get the WWE title off Roman and properly unify it's lineage with this new title. Not gonna happen though, and it's weird Roman will have a 1000 day reign for what will eventually become a defunct title. Universal was a cursed title from the start anywho so glad it'll hopefully be gone soon.

New title is a beaut btw. Proper modern day big gold.
What's the point in this world title? There's already 2, they're just both held hostage by Roman, so this is a 3rd one that's a "not really world title" world title.

The belt looks great, but it's such a stupid idea all round, it devalues Roman's reign (no pun intended) compared to the Hogan one they're probably trying to beat, but the other belt is effectively the WWE not-Roman championship.
It's like giving whoever comes second in the league a Premier League trophy too. Dumb, but it's wrestling so shouldn't analyse it that deeply.

Beautiful belt though.
Everyone missed how he mentioned "all over the world". The belt is to add value to the global main events.
Vince back, another title introduced, urgh.
Think the title is fully Triple H. Got commissioned almost immediately after he took over if rumours are to be believed, and I think originally the plan was for Roman to take on Rock and probably something like Cody to take on whoever for the WHC, and first champion crowned at mania.
Unless one guy has them all, three belts really devalue the prestige of being Heavyweight Champion.
Isn't it more likely that someone will beat Roman at Clash of Champions, unify the belts as one and simply have it as the "WWE Championship" again?

Then you have the WWE Title and the World Heavyweight Title again, like when they first did the brand split
Isn't it more likely that someone will beat Roman at Clash of Champions, unify the belts as one and simply have it as the "WWE Championship" again?

Then you have the WWE Title and the World Heavyweight Title again, like when they first did the brand split

There's no way they have Roman's reign end on a B tier PPV.

I think the original plans were for him Vs Rock and that got kiboshed so they went with Rhodes. I wouldn't be surprised if the original plan was for this title to be won at Mania and Rock's schedule changed plans.

Earliest I see Roman dropping the titles is SS. Next Mania is more likely though.
Isn't it more likely that someone will beat Roman at Clash of Champions, unify the belts as one and simply have it as the "WWE Championship" again?

Then you have the WWE Title and the World Heavyweight Title again, like when they first did the brand split

More likely he'll start coming out with one belt and they'll quietly change the name of his championship to WWE universal champion for a little while before dropping the universal altogether.

More likely he'll start coming out with one belt and they'll quietly change the name of his championship to WWE universal champion for a little while before dropping the universal altogether.
We’ll see. I read that PPV will be his 1000th day as champion. Feels like a nice time to end it as a 1000 day champion

I predict it then gets unified with a new belt on the next Raw or Smackdown
We’ll see. I read that PPV will be his 1000th day as champion. Feels like a nice time to end it as a 1000 day champion

I predict it then gets unified with a new belt on the next Raw or Smackdown
Think they'll keep the WWE belt and scrap the universal. 2 new belts in one year would be somewhat wild I feel. More wild then the fact that there's 3 world titles across 2 brands right now :lol:
Yeah, this is a bit bizarre to me. Essentially they have to end the Universal Title, since surely they can't end the WWE Title... for obvious reasons, but then he hasn't held the WWE Title for a 1000 days, so what are they going to continue referring him to if he doesn't lose it. Which essentially means, he's losing it? Because why three belts/reigns otherwise.

I mean I guess he can just hold the two until whenever he loses them... but still, the issue will be that there's 3 straps loitering about, regardless if 2 are actually 1.
Yeah, this is a bit bizarre to me. Essentially they have to end the Universal Title, since surely they can't end the WWE Title... for obvious reasons, but then he hasn't held the WWE Title for a 1000 days, so what are they going to continue referring him to if he doesn't lose it. Which essentially means, he's losing it? Because why three belts/reigns otherwise.

I mean I guess he can just hold the two until whenever he loses them... but still, the issue will be that there's 3 straps loitering about, regardless if 2 are actually 1.
They'll quietly unify the titles properly. Wouldn't even be shocked if they ended the WWE title lineage for Roman.
Consolation prize :lol:

Also I'm hoping it's because we're waiting for the draft this week, but damn the past few shows have all had some sort of sameness To it.

Especially with Solo defeating one of ko/Sami/riddle. And lwo just losing to JD some way.

Will try for P2 / P3 I think. Gonna be pot luck I feel.

The dugout part being the ramp is a neat idea.
Also feck Ticketmaster and their extra fees
Think there's a way everyone's happy but requires another year of bloodline storytelling.

Think Cody wins the WHC first and drops it to whoever (probably Seth). But I think rather than going for the title again, they set up Cody/Roman 2 at next mania, and Cody goes over. Clean.

Would truly be an all time GOAT title reign if they can keep Roman interesting till next mania though.
Probably the greatest sustained pop and standing ovation that has ever been. Four and a half minutes on TV and close to ten minutes live if you were there in person, without a single drop of noise in that entire time.

Smackdown in Montreal in 2002. Fecking unreal.

Why didn't they just have Reigns drop the title at Mania rather than come up with some bizarre way of having a world champion that allows him to still be champion and thus completely devaluing both.

Anyone who wins the new world title is just someone who can't win the real world title off Reigns, and Reigns is now no longer a real universal champion because they've just recreated the other world title to get around him hogging it.

It's not fecking boxing.
Don't care who's fault it is, just get Vince and shaky cam Dunn outta there