To be fair, Trips is wild to me. I don't get his whole thing and how much is actually him and Vince using his willingness to be the ultra yes man to make his point.... like the Summer of Punk stuff was insane, but even since then, he's put over Bryan and Rollins directly as a Wrestler and NXT behind the scenes, so he's seemingly clearly fine with indie wrestlers and he's clearly going to push hard to get Omega and headline him at WM40 if he gets his way. He was also the one to eat the submission with Benoit too, whereas he could have easily shovelled that across to Shawn.
His WM record is actually shite.... but still has wins he shouldn't have had at all, like Sting, Brock and Booker. Hey 2 WCW guys and someone who left. (Sound like Vince decisions to me!

Yeah, I don't overly mind him, but dude was massively polarising in the day, and still is, but not to the level. The dude just played his cards to perfection.
I think Punk's just massively jealous that Bryan, Rollings, and soon, Cody will have done his dream and closed WM with a title celebration really grates him, because he made a massive song and dance about it. I mean he was absolutely right, thus why they are doing it more often. But still. Dude just needs to get over it, and headline WM40 with Omega!