Television The Propgropthrop

Look at this guy above... trying to deflect from himself to the Macdaddy. Triple H basically created bitter Punk by being Triple H.... the original and forever most polarising figure in wrestling.
Look at this guy above... trying to deflect from himself to the Macdaddy. Triple H basically created bitter Punk by being Triple H.... the original and forever most polarising figure in wrestling.
Is papa haitch polarising?
Tweets only in the tweets only United sale thread, remember.

Anyway you're presumably standing up for Bianca - but you can't surely think she's interesting in any way, other than being mildly attractive. I haven't spoken to anyone who particularly likes her. She isn't a big enough star to be so dominant.

She's good but has fallen into being another face completely lost in the crowd which is the case for so many of the top, overbooked faces over the years. Classic example in Reigns who was so dominant yet booked so badly for the most part as a face, now we are seeing him shine. Not to say this can happen for everybody but it's a common and regular thing in the company, the top faces that dominate mostly become stale. The company sometimes does so well when a face is chasing the title and then shits the bed the moment they have their moment and reach the top. They've just booked her very badly. She's definitely not outstanding but the booking has done her no favours at all. We saw this with Rhea as well until they stopped forcing her down peoples throats as a face and she's now climbed back up and is easily the best female in the company as a heel.
If one thing has become clear since the big fallout, it's that Punk has a legitimate gripe regarding the ridiculous volume of rumours about him from gossip-mongers like Meltzer, it's been basically non stop since he moved into the title picture in AEW.
Problem with Bianca is she's basically a monster face and that doesn't really work.

One of the big reasons the audience route for someone is wanting to see them overcome adversity. There's no adversity for Bianca as they just have her bully everyone she wrestles like she has superpowers.

Same thing they did with Cena for ages except he could get away with it to a degree with his charisma, and owning the fact half the fans would cheer for whoever his opponent was.

Still prefer Bianca over Charlotte as well. If Charlotte isn't a heel she really is completely pointless until the audience decide to make her one anyway.
Is papa haitch polarising?

The IWC was great, either you were an ultra Trips fan.... or plain hater :lol: I mean he's somehow got past it thanks to the NXT stuff and the classic WWE thing of just massively forcing things through, they've also turned Cena around from his hated 05-08 boring run and Reigns more recently... not stuff they'd get away with when they had legit challengers since they wouldn't have the time, so essentially Austin, Rock and DX(lol HHH) were exceptionally organic. As was Mick in all forms.
Problem with Bianca is she's basically a monster face and that doesn't really work.

One of the big reasons the audience route for someone is wanting to see them overcome adversity. There's no adversity for Bianca as they just have her bully everyone she wrestles like she has superpowers.

Same thing they did with Cena for ages except he could get away with it to a degree with his charisma, and owning the fact half the fans would cheer for whoever his opponent was.

Still prefer Bianca over Charlotte as well. If Charlotte isn't a heel she really is completely pointless until the audience decide to make her one anyway.
Problem for who though?
Bianca gets great reactions when she comes out and has her matches. She's not getting booed

It's like how so many were adamant Cody was gonna get booed going into mania...

And Cena didn't get away with crowd reactions because as the top face he was booed loudly.
Wwe however embraced it eventually (though they kept saying it was controversial)...
Problem for who though?
Bianca gets great reactions when she comes out and has her matches. She's not getting booed

It's like how so many were adamant Cody was gonna get booed going into mania...

And Cena didn't get away with crowd reactions because as the top face he was booed loudly.
Wwe however embraced it eventually (though they kept saying it was controversial)...
Cena is the reason everyone expects the big faces to get booed. It's nice that it isn't happening, kind of getting fed up with the 'lets boo the face' crowd.
HHH was definitely a prick and power-hungry but that was 10/15/20 years ago. He seems to grown a lot in the last decade. Off the top of my head, I can't remember anything overly shitty he was involved in that time.

Punk, on the other hand, has been a twat for pushing on 20 years now and shows no sign of slowing down on that front.
Problem for who though?
Bianca gets great reactions when she comes out and has her matches. She's not getting booed

It's like how so many were adamant Cody was gonna get booed going into mania...

And Cena didn't get away with crowd reactions because as the top face he was booed loudly.
Wwe however embraced it eventually (though they kept saying it was controversial)...

The people who I was responding to in this thread? I don't mind Bianca personally but I just find the women's division a bit dull in general, and it would definitely help if they gave their main face some actual odds to overcome. Bianca vs Ripley would actually have been interesting imo. I think Bianca would be fine with some better booking/story as she was when fighting Becky or Banks.

I mean that was literally my point with Cena. He got booed because it was boring having superman as champion/no1 guy, but he had the charisma and awareness to play on it so managed to make something work out of it, even if it was just having loud "lets go Cena/Cena sucks" chants during all of his matches. Unlike say with Reigns when they tried to make him a monster face and its turned out basically the same gimmick works 20x better as a heel, because people dont want to see the good guy going round easily bullying everyone and then just being exlected to cheer him because they are told to.
HHH was definitely a prick and power-hungry but that was 10/15/20 years ago. He seems to grown a lot in the last decade. Off the top of my head, I can't remember anything overly shitty he was involved in that time.

Punk, on the other hand, has been a twat for pushing on 20 years now and shows no sign of slowing down on that front.

It's easy to stop being a dick when your politicking has secured your place as heir apparent to the company, he threw a whole lot of folks under the bus to get to the position he's in.

Punk is obviously cantankerous, and far to reactionary for his own good, but at least his explosions are when he's been wronged rather than trying to undermine threats to his spot.
It's easy to stop being a dick when your politicking has secured your place as heir apparent to the company, he threw a whole lot of folks under the bus to get to the position he's in.

Punk is obviously cantankerous, and far to reactionary for his own good, but at least his explosions are when he's been wronged rather than trying to undermine threats to his spot.
Hhh turning the summer of punk into a feud between hhh and Nash was shameless. Hhh killed punk, made him look like a dweeb then somehow got revenge on Nash for Nash texting himself pretending to be hhh or something. Ridiculous waste.

The people who I was responding to in this thread? I don't mind Bianca personally but I just find the women's division a bit dull in general, and it would definitely help if they gave their main face some actual odds to overcome. Bianca vs Ripley would actually have been interesting imo. I think Bianca would be fine with some better booking/story as she was when fighting Becky or Banks.

I mean that was literally my point with Cena. He got booed because it was boring having superman as champion/no1 guy, but he had the charisma and awareness to play on it so managed to make something work out of it, even if it was just having loud "lets go Cena/Cena sucks" chants during all of his matches. Unlike say with Reigns when they tried to make him a monster face and its turned out basically the same gimmick works 20x better as a heel, because people dont want to see the good guy going round easily bullying everyone and then just being exlected to cheer him because they are told to.
Tbf this thread (and forum) and twitter shows how ott reactions and opinions are when it comes to things wrestling.

Asuka in her current form is a great person to put against bianca but they've done a meh Job building these two. I know asuka can't carry long promos but they could have made use of video packages and maybe training for the match for the two making the womens title a big deal. Especially with Bianca having a year reign now and asukas previous streak and reigns (and her chamber win)
Cena is the reason everyone expects the big faces to get booed. It's nice that it isn't happening, kind of getting fed up with the 'lets boo the face' crowd.

Faces have been booed for years before Cena was a thing. The reason we have The Rock as the biggest star wrestling has ever produced is because his original white-meat smiling character was rejected by fans, and rather than forcing it he pivoted.

Cena got booed because he was among the most stale and boring acts in wrestling history for about a decade, the superman booking was just so tedious and his "fine speech" promos often burying every opponent didn't help either.
To be fair, Trips is wild to me. I don't get his whole thing and how much is actually him and Vince using his willingness to be the ultra yes man to make his point.... like the Summer of Punk stuff was insane, but even since then, he's put over Bryan and Rollins directly as a Wrestler and NXT behind the scenes, so he's seemingly clearly fine with indie wrestlers and he's clearly going to push hard to get Omega and headline him at WM40 if he gets his way. He was also the one to eat the submission with Benoit too, whereas he could have easily shovelled that across to Shawn.

His WM record is actually shite.... but still has wins he shouldn't have had at all, like Sting, Brock and Booker. Hey 2 WCW guys and someone who left. (Sound like Vince decisions to me! :lol:)

Yeah, I don't overly mind him, but dude was massively polarising in the day, and still is, but not to the level. The dude just played his cards to perfection.

I think Punk's just massively jealous that Bryan, Rollings, and soon, Cody will have done his dream and closed WM with a title celebration really grates him, because he made a massive song and dance about it. I mean he was absolutely right, thus why they are doing it more often. But still. Dude just needs to get over it, and headline WM40 with Omega!
Tbf punk leaving wwe at the time he did was greatly beneficial to Danielson
That crowd reaction when Rey clocked Dom was fantastic.

WWE have done a good job in the last six or so months of building stuff to lead to a great payoff or moment where the crowd are invested or react so well. Bloodline has had like five or so reactions like that obviously.
Faces have been booed for years before Cena was a thing. The reason we have The Rock as the biggest star wrestling has ever produced is because his original white-meat smiling character was rejected by fans, and rather than forcing it he pivoted.

Cena got booed because he was among the most stale and boring acts in wrestling history for about a decade, the superman booking was just so tedious and his "fine speech" promos often burying every opponent didn't help either.
Yeah course faces have been booed, I'd argue Cena was the one who was cool to boo as you said he was stale and OP. Cena was getting booed 1 year into super Cena (see Cena v HHH at WM22).

His huge run of doom is what has caused resentment towards babyfaces getting big pushes in my opinion anyway.
Tbf this thread (and forum) and twitter shows how ott reactions and opinions are when it comes to things wrestling.

Asuka in her current form is a great person to put against bianca but they've done a meh Job building these two. I know asuka can't carry long promos but they could have made use of video packages and maybe training for the match for the two making the womens title a big deal. Especially with Bianca having a year reign now and asukas previous streak and reigns (and her chamber win)

I do think there's a point though that Bianca's current superwoman character doesn't really work as a face. It's not like she's getting booed and generally her character comes across quite upbeat/likeable, but its difficult to build good feuds or stories when outside of Ripley she can basically just bully around every opponent.

But yeah they could have at least tried to do a better job of building her vs Asuka. Have them properly fall out or Asuka turn heel or something. The women in general seem to have been left behind a bit in this regard. The build and storytelling with the men has really picked up over the last couple of months, where as with the women its still as it was where nothing really happens or moves along from one week to the next. The only real feud is Becky/Baily and that's been rolled up and lost somewhat in what's basically a legends match.

In all honesty not been this excited for a mania for years.
Just seen Cody's most recent interview. Thought he came across great and he's right, he could have been a big laughing stock if he had returned to WWE and he didnt get a positive reaction. He bet on himself doing something after locking himnself into something not working in AEW, but he was still a big name on the show and if he had come in with a lukewarm reception he might have just ended up another guy in the midcard for WWE and that might have been a worse spot than he gave up. Now he has the chance and a realistic possibility that it will happen that he does something huge in the biggest wrestling promotion in the world. So good for him, I hope he continues down his current route of success and im just glad we're not still in the same spot he was in a few years ago where the fans wanted him heel and he wouldnt go with it. If he was still in that spot today it would have been such a waste.
Just seen Cody's most recent interview. Thought he came across great and he's right, he could have been a big laughing stock if he had returned to WWE and he didnt get a positive reaction. He bet on himself doing something after locking himnself into something not working in AEW, but he was still a big name on the show and if he had come in with a lukewarm reception he might have just ended up another guy in the midcard for WWE and that might have been a worse spot than he gave up. Now he has the chance and a realistic possibility that it will happen that he does something huge in the biggest wrestling promotion in the world. So good for him, I hope he continues down his current route of success and im just glad we're not still in the same spot he was in a few years ago where the fans wanted him heel and he wouldnt go with it. If he was still in that spot today it would have been such a waste.
It's odd how AEW has siphoned off those extremely stubborn fans from WWE. It was all set up for them to turn on Cody and demand Sami have the spot but they accepted it without any "We want Sami" stuff. I don't think Cody is doing anything majorly different in WWE. He is still schmaltzy and over-sincere but entertaining nonetheless. But fans in WWE are buying into it while fans in AEW pushed back. I think the last time I remember fans pushing back in WWE was the Rollins with the Fiend and Lesnar. They had no interest in Rollins being the plucky underdog against Brock and called bullshit, rightly, on Wyatt's nonsense.
It's odd how AEW has siphoned off those extremely stubborn fans from WWE. It was all set up for them to turn on Cody and demand Sami have the spot but they accepted it without any "We want Sami" stuff. I don't think Cody is doing anything majorly different in WWE. He is still schmaltzy and over-sincere but entertaining nonetheless. But fans in WWE are buying into it while fans in AEW pushed back. I think the last time I remember fans pushing back in WWE was the Rollins with the Fiend and Lesnar. They had no interest in Rollins being the plucky underdog against Brock and called bullshit, rightly, on Wyatt's nonsense.

In fairness though WWE has been successful in reigning in some of the worst excesses of Cody that contributed to the fans turning on him in AEW. I'm talking about things like his wife and her godawful faction being thrust on us every other week and stuff like the Agogo feud which went down like a lead balloon. Those things don't happen in WWE because they obviously have more writers and tighter booking control which whilst not always a good thing certainly is in his case.
Hi guys, it's been a long time since I posted in here,hope everyone is ok.

So...... I bought some WrestleMania 39 tickets for my son as a Christmas present. We were due to fly out to L.A. tomorrow but we can no longer attend. It's too late for me to sell the tickets on Viagogo so I have had to put them on ebay.

It's a huge gutting experience for me and my lad as we had looked forward to this for months, even years. But I'm asking here if anyone wants to buy the tickets please PM me and I will either discuss directly or send over the ebay item link.

They are unrestricted tickets in row 9! Area 544. Absolutely fecking banging tickets they cost me $711for the pair but I will sell for £550... May even work a deal out if they are going to someone from here.

Please could you pass this message on to anyone you know who lives in L.A. or whoight want to go.

Cheers guys.
Hi guys, it's been a long time since I posted in here,hope everyone is ok.

So...... I bought some WrestleMania 39 tickets for my son as a Christmas present. We were due to fly out to L.A. tomorrow but we can no longer attend. It's too late for me to sell the tickets on Viagogo so I have had to put them on ebay.

It's a huge gutting experience for me and my lad as we had looked forward to this for months, even years. But I'm asking here if anyone wants to buy the tickets please PM me and I will either discuss directly or send over the ebay item link.

They are unrestricted tickets in row 9! Area 544. Absolutely fecking banging tickets they cost me $711for the pair but I will sell for £550... May even work a deal out if they are going to someone from here.

Please could you pass this message on to anyone you know who lives in L.A. or whoight want to go.

Cheers guys.
Unreal deal. Sorry you and your son can't go.
Hi guys, it's been a long time since I posted in here,hope everyone is ok.

So...... I bought some WrestleMania 39 tickets for my son as a Christmas present. We were due to fly out to L.A. tomorrow but we can no longer attend. It's too late for me to sell the tickets on Viagogo so I have had to put them on ebay.

It's a huge gutting experience for me and my lad as we had looked forward to this for months, even years. But I'm asking here if anyone wants to buy the tickets please PM me and I will either discuss directly or send over the ebay item link.

They are unrestricted tickets in row 9! Area 544. Absolutely fecking banging tickets they cost me $711for the pair but I will sell for £550... May even work a deal out if they are going to someone from here.

Please could you pass this message on to anyone you know who lives in L.A. or whoight want to go.

Cheers guys.
Sorry mate, hopefully you get to go to one another time.

Have you also tried twickets? I once sold a NXT ticket on it.
Also do the usual of trying on Facebook and Twitter to sell them if you don't get any response on eBay
Sorry mate, hopefully you get to go to one another time.

Have you also tried twickets? I once sold a NXT ticket on it.
Also do the usual of trying on Facebook and Twitter to sell them if you don't get any response on eBay

Thanks for the advice guys.

The first time I liked her finish. Usually it makes no sense for her opponent to randomly dive head first towards the turnbuckle. Especially as they would know what her finisher is. It would be like leaping straight at Orton for no reason giving him the perfect chance to hit an RKO.

Here its perfectly set up with the submission leaving Ivy vulnerable.
The first time I liked her finish. Usually it makes no sense for her opponent to randomly dive head first towards the turnbuckle. Especially as they would know what her finisher is. It would be like leaping straight at Orton for no reason giving him the perfect chance to hit an RKO.

Here its perfectly set up with the submission leaving Ivy vulnerable.
She did one the other day that was smooth af.

Absolutely love that dynamite addressed the hangman/kenny/callis stuff, as noted before, its been pointed that aew guys watch tv and their own shows. So they avoided looking stupid and it was done so well.

Hangman calling BCC ... BBC made me laugh for some reason. Also I really liked how the crowd knew what Danielson was upto when he came out. Looks like they will build to Hangman saving Elite and the 4 on 4.
Absolutely love that dynamite addressed the hangman/kenny/callis stuff, as noted before, its been pointed that aew guys watch tv and their own shows. So they avoided looking stupid and it was done so well.

Hangman calling BCC ... BBC made me laugh for some reason. Also I really liked how the crowd knew what Danielson was upto when he came out. Looks like they will build to Hangman saving Elite and the 4 on 4.

Yeah looks like they've listened to some criticism and started to pepper more storyline stuff back in to their programming now which is good news. BCC fully embracing the dark side with Danielson and I love it.

Did you see Don Callis get proper busted open as well? Oof.
Yeah looks like they've listened to some criticism and started to pepper more storyline stuff back in to their programming now which is good news. BCC fully embracing the dark side with Danielson and I love it.

Did you see Don Callis get proper busted open as well? Oof.
Mox slapping his glasses off first was smooth haha.

Also why does Brit baker hate thunder Rosa so much? It's so weird. They are all blaming TR for Toni storm being Interim when that was tony khan's doing. Weird AF
Mania nights match splits announced on ESPN (not sure if the order means anything, probably not)

Night 1:

John Cena VS Austin Theory

Men's Tag Team Showcase Match

Seth Rollins VS Logan Paul

Becky, Lita & Trish VS Damage Ctrl

Rey Mysterio VS Dominik Mysterio

Rhea Ripley VS Charlotte Flair

KO & Sami vs Usos

Night 2:

Brock Lesnar VS Omos

Women's Tag Team Showcase Match

Drew Mcintyre VS Sheamus VS Gunther

Bianca Belair VS Asuka

Edge VS Finn Balor

Cody Rhodes VS Roman Reigns