Television The Propgropthrop

Nah. Well not for me. Best in a long long while for sure and by a distance, but then there's been pretty much 0 competition.

The original/early Vince vs Austin angle was done brilliantly. Vince gradually descending from the responsible owner trying to deal with a troublesome employee, to becoming an obsessed madman. The segment where Austin comes out and confronts Tyson and Vince ends up losing it and being dragged away yelling "you've ruined it" still cracks me up now. The whole angle got silly after a year or so but even then was still great entertainment. Kane/Undertaker as well.
Vince vs Austin has to be the greatest storyline ever. I'll have Daniel Byan's rise above the bloodline storyline if we're discussing the past few years only.
I'd agree with that.

Austin/Vince along with Rock turning corporate (with the way the whole survivor series 98 deadly game tournament was small angles all building to one angle at the end) which ultimately tied in with the Austin/Vince angle was brilliance (and also including taker/kane and mankind too as top players).
That roster was loaded with talent. You could easily have 3 successful promotions with that roster. A dozen (or even more) genuine contenders for the WWF title.
I'd agree with that.

Austin/Vince along with Rock turning corporate (with the way the whole survivor series 98 deadly game tournament was small angles all building to one angle at the end) which ultimately tied in with the Austin/Vince angle was brilliance (and also including taker/kane and mankind too as top players).

Yeah, think I've mentioned before on here but the whole way the Deadly Game PPV was built and executed was brilliant. The matches and athleticism now are levels above then and so is a lot of the mic work,but the story telling and feuds during that whole period more than compensated.

Vince vs Austin has to be the greatest storyline ever. I'll have Daniel Byan's rise above the bloodline storyline if we're discussing the past few years only.

Yeah I'd probably agree, well if you mean Bryqn vs Triple HHH/Orton.

The Sami stuff has been great but a tag title match just isn't a massive pay off for what's been the main storyline in WWE for over half a year.
Seth's so entertaining he can just essentially be a jobber. You know, like Jericho jobbing to that dancing dude that on Wrestlemania..... yet it doesn't effect his status at all, you could still dump back in a feud with Cody post-WM and no one would bat an eyelid, I mean, despite the fact Cody's like 20-0 against him already and beat him with one arm.

He's above this shit. Just there to have a ball now.
There's loads of stuff WWE have done better than the Bloodline stuff. It's been magic since Sami got involved, but was really stale before that, and its place in history relies on it being given an ending it deserves.
I just can’t get into Seth Rollins. The gimmick is hokey and bad annoying. A weird mishmash - wrestles like a face but personality of a heel, dresses all camp but comes out to semi metal music, tweener… nothing about him feels especially clear. His in ring work is decent, of course, but I just don’t care about him. Most overrated wrestler in many years IMHO.
Goldberg's a free agent.

I'd watch him in AEW tbh. Infact I'd probably pay to watch wardlow squash him.
Logan has it. And it's fantastic that people hate him even more for the fact that he has it.
I just can’t get into Seth Rollins. The gimmick is hokey and bad annoying. A weird mishmash - wrestles like a face but personality of a heel, dresses all camp but comes out to semi metal music, tweener… nothing about him feels especially clear. His in ring work is decent, of course, but I just don’t care about him. Most overrated wrestler in many years IMHO.

I've always thought there's something missing with Rollins. Can't quite put my finger on it.
Great segment at the end of Raw. Roman as a heel has always had good/convincing delivery. But theres usually not a lot of content and entertainment to the promo. This one had some killer lines as well as the excellent and believable delivery. Cody was also very good going back the other way, but that was pretty normal for him. All in all couldnt have been done a lot better so props to them both
Logan has it. And it's fantastic that people hate him even more for the fact that he has it.

He's so much better as a heel. Still think his mic work comes across forced and awkward in some moments, but then that's nothing that doesn't apply to almost any other wrestler when they're first pushed.
Great segment at the end of Raw. Roman as a heel has always had good/convincing delivery. But theres usually not a lot of content and entertainment to the promo. This one had some killer lines as well as the excellent and believable delivery. Cody was also very good going back the other way, but that was pretty normal for him. All in all couldnt have been done a lot better so props to them both
They've both been fantastic and it's a wrestlemania worthy main event and it's so good that it's not people from the attitude era or people that won't be there past mania (granted reigns has been more part time but it works and he's not just here for mania season)
I'm really looking forward to 'Mania... Probably about 6 or 7 matches I'm invested in.

Think they've let themselves down on the women's side of things though... nothing feels nearly as hot as the men's side (and that's even with Rhia being incredibly over).
I'm really looking forward to 'Mania... Probably about 6 or 7 matches I'm invested in.

Think they've let themselves down on the women's side of things though... nothing feels nearly as hot as the men's side (and that's even with Rhia being incredibly over).
Yeah thats fair. I think they could have made more use of the footage from a few years ago when Charlotte beat her, how Rhea looked like Charlotte before a change to stand out. The brawl from Smackdown was great.
It was also weird as Rhea felt like she was the 'face' on Raw vs Bayley. Dont see them doing a double switch with Charlotte.

Asuka/Bianca should be a great match but again, its been the usual partners, then tag together then one turns stuff.
Tweets only in the tweets only United sale thread, remember.

Anyway you're presumably standing up for Bianca - but you can't surely think she's interesting in any way, other than being mildly attractive. I haven't spoken to anyone who particularly likes her. She isn't a big enough star to be so dominant.
Charlotte is blander than Bianca tbh.

Also im surprised theres nothing at Mania for Rousey.
Charlotte is blander than Bianca tbh.

Also im surprised theres nothing at Mania for Rousey.
Same. Though one can assume her last run which was just so bad has kinda halted the tracks a little. She always also seems to take it quite badly when she gets negative reactions from the crowd unlike say Logan Paul who relishes it.
Kenny v Vikingo was as mental as predicted. Was a couple of times where I winced from the nasty looking bumps that Kenny was taking (especially that one from the top).

Glad to see some more story stuff happening which is what the product has been crying out for although I'm not sure that the after match stuff with Callis really makes any sense. Surely Kenny can just watch a video and see that Hangman didn't do anything and Don was just being Don?
Very indie/lucha match from Kenny and Vikingo. Not my favourite, but certainly some flashy high flying moves and Kenny doing his best to make him look good

Meltzer calling it one of the best matches of the year, not for me.
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Very indie/lucha match from Kenny and Vikingo. Not my favourite, but certainly some flashy high flying moves and Kenny doing his best to make him look good

Meltzer calling it one of the best matches of the year, not for me.

Yeah not a patch on Kenny v Ospreay. Will be tough to beat that for me. Had everything.
Very indie/lucha match from Kenny and Vikingo. Not my favourite, but certainly some flashy high flying moves and Kenny doing his best to make him look good

Meltzer calling it one of the best matches of the year, not for me.

Reminded me of early doors x division. Kids will have loved that shit last night.

If you're into that brand of wrestling you'd have absolutely loved it.
Kenny v Vikingo was as mental as predicted. Was a couple of times where I winced from the nasty looking bumps that Kenny was taking (especially that one from the top).

Glad to see some more story stuff happening which is what the product has been crying out for although I'm not sure that the after match stuff with Callis really makes any sense. Surely Kenny can just watch a video and see that Hangman didn't do anything and Don was just being Don?

Yeah, this was weird unless they play off of it next week, otherwise it makes Omega look a bit stupid.
Speaking of Omega, hes so much better as a singles star. Its been much needed. Thankfully only Callis came out with him rather than the rest of his jobber crew.

Also Sting is awesome!
Yeah, this was weird unless they play off of it next week, otherwise it makes Omega look a bit stupid.
Speaking of Omega, hes so much better as a singles star. Its been much needed. Thankfully only Callis came out with him rather than the rest of his jobber crew.

Also Sting is awesome!
Think it will be Kenny that beat down the bucks and he's turning.
Yeah, this was weird unless they play off of it next week, otherwise it makes Omega look a bit stupid.
Speaking of Omega, hes so much better as a singles star. Its been much needed. Thankfully only Callis came out with him rather than the rest of his jobber crew.

Also Sting is awesome!

TV wrestling always has this logic though. The Bloodline story for example has had loads of stuff where if people watched the show back they wouldnt be confused and would know whats going on. But in both companies, the wrestlers dont watch the show, nobody tells them what happened and they cannot have a conversation with another wrestler unless its on the next wrestling show. Thats just what has been presented as the "rules" on tv wrestling for ages and the fans just go along with it.
TV wrestling always has this logic though. The Bloodline story for example has had loads of stuff where if people watched the show back they wouldnt be confused and would know whats going on. But in both companies, the wrestlers dont watch the show, nobody tells them what happened and they cannot have a conversation with another wrestler unless its on the next wrestling show. Thats just what has been presented as the "rules" on tv wrestling for ages and the fans just go along with it.
Aew has established that wrestlers watch the show. Jericho and inner circle have mentioned it. Quite a few wrestlers have mentioned it on aew programming already
Aew has established that wrestlers watch the show. Jericho and inner circle have mentioned it. Quite a few wrestlers have mentioned it on aew programming already

Sure and they've also had times when if someone watched the show back the angle wouldnt have worked. Same exact thing way back before when Callis claimed the young backs attacked him and Omega has tension with the Bucks because of it when it didnt happen. I think there was a week where Britt Baker was blaming Hayter for a loss a week after when she didnt do anything as well, if she watched it back that doesnt work.

Likewise in the Bloodline storyline there was one week Roman told one of the Usos to stay home instead of coming to the show because of what you can see that you might not if you were there. Thats despite other times when Sami was blamed for something where, if you watched the show you'd know it wasnt the case. So in other words yes they will have times where suddenly it makes sense and the wrestlers are supposed to have watched, or are going to watch instead of being on the show. And at other times, and more often unless specifically stated, the assumption is that the fans will go along with the idea that the wrestlers dont watch the shows back.
Mr. Attention Whore kicking off again.


It's in response to these comments by Meltzer.

Has there ever been an as toxic and polarising person as CM punk in wrestling?

Hogan? Shawn?