Television The Propgropthrop

Undertaker won't wrestler Brock. I don't think his body could take the intensity. Brock slowing down to the tempo that HHH was at in last years match would look silly.

Punk/Taker looks likely with Lesnar feuding with Orton/Sheamus/Del Rio/Ryback.
Daniel Bryan on Twitter at the moment:
Felt strong until I looked over and saw @AntonioCesaro benching 100 pounds more than me #demoralized #PeopleStrongerThanTheRyback

#PeopleStrongerThanTheRyback THE DAZZLER
I think I'm in love with AJ.


Its hard to put exactly what i like about her so much - i dont think i would see her walking down the street and be like :eek: but their is something about her attitude / manour that i find hot. That and she has a real great ass
Wrestling sites running stories, unconfirmed I might add, that Undertaker may not be healthy enough to wrestle at WM29.

Of course we will have to wait and see if that is true or not, but as much as it pains me to say this - if Taker does make it to the show and wrestles CM Punk (the rumoured match should he compete), then I think it's time for the streak to end and Taker to bow out gracefully. As long as the streak remains, he will be expected to put it on the line each year.

He's given everything and more to the business, and if he's unable to give 100%, then perhaps it's time to walk away.
Yeah, apparently it's very up in the air as to whether or not 'Taker will do Mania this year. As you say, we'll have to wait and see, but I'd say at this point there is a definite possibility he won't be there.

If he is though, he should go over Punk. I personally don't think Taker should ever lose the streak, and it's something he should just have and that should just live on... but if he were ever to lose it, it has to be to properly make a guy... and Punk is already made, he doesn't need to end Takers streak to be any more over.
Putting Ambrose over would be a wet dream! Though one last fight (punk would be a good wrestler to bring him through it) then retire with the streak intact would be great.
My take on the whole Taker thing is that he should give this Wrestlemania a miss. If they're still not sure whether he can physically do it, it's best to be on the safe side and just let him rest. He's obviously in bad shape.

Also, we're only a month and a bit away from Wrestlemania. Is that really enough time to build a match for him, assuming he returns after Elimination Chamber?
My take on the whole Taker thing is that he should give this Wrestlemania a miss. If they're still not sure whether he can physically do it, it's best to be on the safe side and just let him rest. He's obviously in bad shape.

Also, we're only a month and a bit away from Wrestlemania. Is that really enough time to build a match for him, assuming he returns after Elimination Chamber?

I'd say so.

RAW: Punk, I have the best streak in WWE History

.... Gong

Match set, people are interested, job done.
Wrestlemania just wouldn't be the same without Undertaker. Even with Rock and Lesnar's starpower, it would still be lacking.
I think I'm in love with AJ.

Pah, Paige >>>>>>>>> AJ.

On which note, Paige follows me on twitter :cool:

Putting Ambrose over would be a wet dream! Though one last fight (punk would be a good wrestler to bring him through it) then retire with the streak intact would be great.

Punk would be perfect to carry Taker, just as he did Rock at the Rumble, relatively speaking he's not made though, and I'll come back to that one.

My take on the whole Taker thing is that he should give this Wrestlemania a miss. If they're still not sure whether he can physically do it, it's best to be on the safe side and just let him rest. He's obviously in bad shape.

I see what you mean, what with Mania 30 being the perfect time to bow out, at one of the bigger Mania's, but there's surely a very real question as to whether he'll be capable next year, if he isn't this year.

Also, we're only a month and a bit away from Wrestlemania. Is that really enough time to build a match for him, assuming he returns after Elimination Chamber?

I'd say so.

RAW: Punk, I have the best streak in WWE History

.... Gong

Match set, people are interested, job done.

Yeah, that. The bigger problem is having a back-up storyline for Punk to be in at Mania that can be built up quickly if Taker isn't available.

Wrestlemania just wouldn't be the same without Undertaker. Even with Rock and Lesnar's starpower, it would still be lacking.

This is a major part of the problem, this view. These part time guys are currently the ones everyone's looking forward to for Mania, where's the talk about what Alberto is going to be doing? Or D Bry? Or Wade? Or Cesaro? This is just as, if not more important, they need people to take an interest in these guys, tobe the HHHs, the Rocks, the Undertakers of the future.

This is kinda the point I was alluding to on Punk before too, you may say Punk has made it, but will he draw in the casual fan? No, he's not made it to those levels, and say beating Taker, that puts a MASSIVE focus on him, as a regular, and those casual fans have someone to know, and follow to an extent. Shows him off as the companies superstar (which he absolutely is).
On an added note, what are the thoughts on the potential War Games style match at Elimination Chamber?

I'm hoping they go with that, rather than just a normal 6 man tag, which doesn't really do anyone any favours. They could easily make everyone look good with the former, start out 1 on 1 (obviously), add in another Shield member, maybe both are the first two, they have numerical advantage throughout. Bang, babyfaces put up a good fight, just not good enough to overcome the odds. The Shield get massive build and exposure still.

I've never seen such trust placed in new guys, they're positioned perfectly for a major role at Mania, which is incredible, considering that at this rate it'd be their 3rd match.
I've heard that they're having it be a normal six man match, because if they made it elimination they'd have to have five of their top stars being pinned.

I see their point, but dammit I want to see the tag team EC match.
I've heard that they're having it be a normal six man match, because if they made it elimination they'd have to have five of their top stars being pinned.

I see their point, but dammit I want to see the tag team EC match.

That's the point I was making, have the Shield outnumber the babyfaces at all times, have two of the Shield left at the end, the outnumbering should remove the making them look weak.

I suspect you're right, but god dammit I want them to do this right, give us entertainment.
Sandow is alot bigger than I expected, he matched sheamus in stature which I found surprising.

He and cesaro are 2 major players for the future IMO.
Is it just me that finds it hilarious that they have Roman Reigns wear platforms so that he looks taller than Dean Ambrose?

I mean, at 6"3 he's already massive, you don't need to mock him being taller than Ambrose, who's just generally massive.
Is it just me that finds it hilarious that they have Roman Reigns wear platforms so that he looks taller than Dean Ambrose?

I mean, at 6"3 he's already massive, you don't need to mock him being taller than Ambrose, who's just generally massive.

Funnily enough Reigns is billed as 6"3' on and Ambrose is 6"4'. So it's not overly hidden. Makes it a bit strange.
Actually, you think that's why Roman enters alone all the time?
Actually, you think that's why Roman enters alone all the time?

Indeed I do, and the fact that the website makes it clear Ambrose is taller is funny, it's not hidden that he's taller than Reigns, but when they're all in the ring Reigns certainly seems taller, unless it's just Ambrose's posture that makes him seem shorter.
Maybe he's being inducted into the HOF?
Wait, Undertaker hasn't been inducted into their hall of fame yet?? I thought for sure he would have been, they have inducted people that haven't stopped wrestling before haven't they
Is this the most pointless match ever or what.

Not at all, shows just how strong the face team is, just like any squash match.

On which note, going off of the law of reverse momentum, The Shield and Rock are winning Sunday, which is something I suppose.

Rock's promo was awful, btw. Truly terrible, it took 10 minutes to mention Elimination Chamber apparently, by then I'd zoned out completely, that should have been top of hour two, had the Shield close the show. It was a much more natural ending.

Last but not least, the IOC has removed wrestling from the Olympics, I'm predicting Russo is booking and this is all a work.
Wait, Undertaker hasn't been inducted into their hall of fame yet?? I thought for sure he would have been, they have inducted people that haven't stopped wrestling before haven't they

They usually wait until a wrestler has properly retired before inducting them mate.