Television The Propgropthrop

So they're trying to get him over with those that boo by making him beat the most popular guy? Yep, that makes sense. Thanks for ruining Wrestlemania also. How'd you get your inside scoop?

That second bit is agenda driven nonsense. Hogan was horrendous in that match. Cena/Rock was very watchable. The match had to be at a slow pace. The Rock was knackered after about 5 minutes, you could see him panting.

My only agenda is I think Cena is average, if people want to fight to the death for him, fair enough personally I think his only redeeming qualities were on the mic and they have been on the wane over the last couple of years.

He can just about work a match and fair fecks to him for sticking his body on the line in those matches with Edge a few years back, but he as a face, is done he needs something new. He is average and boring.
Ahh there it is. The vintage 'John Cena character review'...... As usual with any debate involving an anti Cena individual, when said anti Cena individuals ramblings are questioned, anti Cena individual reverts to 'John Cena character review', which usually goes along the lines of 'He can't wrestle but he's good on the mic, his character needs a change'. Despite it having absolutely no relevance to the discussion at hand.

I don't see the logic in what you're saying in regards to the WWE trying to get Cena over by having him beat the most popular guy, isn't that the worse possible thing to do?
Ahh there it is. The vintage 'John Cena character review'...... As usual with any debate involving an anti Cena individual, when said anti Cena individuals ramblings are questioned, anti Cena individual reverts to 'John Cena character review', which usually goes along the lines of 'He can't wrestle but he's good on the mic, his character needs a change'. Despite it having absolutely no relevance to the discussion at hand.

I don't see the logic in what you're saying in regards to the WWE trying to get Cena over by having him beat the most popular guy, isn't that the worse possible thing to do?

I don't believe so, depending on how the match is worked. As for the rest of your post, I'm not going to bother. You can't sit there waiting for a dissenting view on Cena and then just complain "Aaah, the "usual" justification"

Maybe there is an element of truth in it if a lot of people think similarly on the subject ?
John Cena again :boring:

We knew Rock would be made champion sooner rather than later. Now that the Rumble is over, we're on the road to Wrestlemania and that means one thing.........The Undertaker will be back :D
Kane and DBry to hug it out mid rumble?
:lol: Got close enough in the end.

Ryback obviously number 30, yawn.
I did have to laugh at the commentator trying to big up the uncertainty just before number 30 came out. Yet in the promo for the match Ryback was talking about being in the match.

Think they missed a trick with him in the match. I would have put him in early and had a section where he clears the ring and then each new person runs down gets smashed and eliminated one by one until finally someone survives for a little bit and he eventually gets overwhelmed. Would have been cool him standing there waiting for the next person to come in shouting feed me more.

Yep, it was.

One thing that confused me, didn't Dolph mention in his promo at the start that he was cashing in tonight? Or did I mishear him. I thought it didn't make sense when I heard it.
He was talking about cashing in if he won the rumble so he could then unify the titles at wrestlemania
I was hoping it wasn't the shield, was anyone else wishing the same?

Some part of me hoped it was Taker, leading to Rock v Taker at Wrestlemania... A man can dream
I don't believe so, depending on how the match is worked. As for the rest of your post, I'm not going to bother. You can't sit there waiting for a dissenting view on Cena and then just complain "Aaah, the "usual" justification"

Maybe there is an element of truth in it if a lot of people think similarly on the subject ?

I don't think a handshake will suddenly change everything........

There was no need to enter a debate about John Cena. I simply asked where the logic was in the route you think the WWE are heading down with the Rock. But when you say things like Hogan worked a better match with the Rock than Cena, then it looks like an agenda.
Why the hell at his age is the Rock looking more and more like Scott Steiner? No wonder he looked so tried.
Is it always as predictable as this these days?

I mean, you knew who was going to win the rumble the whole way through...from what I could tell, they didn't even have an antagonist/villain in there who was a genuine threat.

I only knew what was going on with Rock/Punk from the promo video/weird Rock speech just before, yet even from that it was blatantly obvious the match would end up re-starting somehow when Punk won. I guess that was meant to try and make it a bit more unpredictable, but it was so obvious and such a feeble ending there was no element of surprise at all.

Just all seemed to lack any imagination at all. They sacrificed themselves into a corner to set up their precious Rock vs Cena title match...except that must have been planned since last year so I'm slightly confused how they would manage to piece it together in such a dull way. It wouldn't have happened like that 10 years ago. There'd have been mayhem of some kind instead.

I'm going to stop talking about wrestling now.
I think WWE years ago kind of suffered from an almost "too frantic" feel, when I look back at it. Title reigns lasted about a month on average, there were run-ins in every other match, you had backstage brawls every few segments. That's great, but too much of it gets old.

Now they've kind of gone the other way with it, barring the long title reigns thing (looking at the WWE Championship reigns, for example, you can see there's a load of them less than a month before Punk). Now when you get run ins and backstage attacks, it's usually The Shield because they're the "rebels of the organisation." Like you wouldn't get Big Show ambushing Alberto backstage, instead they'll march down to the ring to have a nice chat before Booker T channels the spirit of Teddy Long (despite Teddy not actually having died yet) and makes a tag team match.

They've gone from this hugely fast-paced style of booking to this really plodding style, and I think there's a happy medium to be found in there. The Rock concert, for example, would have been great to have a brawl in, instead they just let him sit there being generally awful and unfunny. If that was Jeff Jarrett, you'd have had a broken guitar before the night was over. And that's the only time I'm going to mention Jeff Jarrett in a more positive light than The Rock.

Tl;dr WWE booking has gone from ADHD to slow and predictable.
So many botches last night :lol:

And Punk should never have put Dwayne over, ended that title reign for that cnut to hold the title for 2 months or something? What a waste

He had it ended so they can have the passing the torch moment with Cena winning from the Rock.
Nothing against Cena, but its just made everything so predictable for the next 3 months
Kane with the heel turn dropping D-Bry. Booooo Kane, booooooo.
Well... I properly enjoyed that PPV. I have barely been watching programming for the past few months (just caught the Punk/Rock interaction mainly), so I actually managed to watch this with a mark hat on for a change, which was nice.

First two matches were solid, especially Del Rio/Show, which was just good fun... and a nice Bret Hart appearance never goes amiss.

Rumble was solidly entertaining, and booked correctly by the WWE I think. People who needed to look strong did, for the most part, look strong... and the right man won in the end. I mean, Ryback win? No thanks... Sheamus? not two years in a row. Jericho is just back, Ziggler has the briefcase, and Orton isn't really firing to be considered to win it. Ultimately, the Rumble isn't used to really elevate talent anymore, so Cena is the logical bet. I'm actually glad in a way that they didn't do what they like to do and do a last minute change in case it becomes "too predictable" ... 'cos they've done that before and ended up shooting themselves in the foot.

Now, whilst I personally don't have much interest in Rock/Cena II, it is the most logical way for the WWE to go from a PPV selling/money making standpoint. I mean, who else is Rock going to face to bring in the bucks? CM Punk? He just did that... and ultimately, after Punk and Cena, there just isn't anyone on that level... bar Undertaker, but it would be a big ask for Rock and Taker to work a match together given their current activeness.

Ideally, I would have gone with Brock... but it would again, be a big ask for Rock to work that style with Brock, and HHH has decided to that's all for him anyway. (urgh).

So yeah, it's Rock/Cena... maybe a triple threat with Punk, but for that, I'd have kept the belt on Punk. Anyway, Rock is appearing solidly on television now up until Mania (I think he's only missing a handful of RAW's? If that? I could be wrong though) so it'll be a fun run to have the belt on him. Also, feck logic, it was a great moment when he won it last night... especially when the screw finish was very convincingly done.
So many botches last night :lol:

And Punk should never have put Dwayne over, ended that title reign for that cnut to hold the title for 2 months or something? What a waste

Punk's been put over by everyone on the roster for close to 18 months. It was time for him to do the job. Like the Rock did for HHH, Brock, Jericho to help progress them as heels, the same way Cena has done for 18 months for Punk to help reach as higher level as possible.

Mania's the biggest PPV of the year and Cena vs Rock 2 is the biggest potential match going into the PPV as the Rock is the biggest draw in the company. Cena's sure to get his win back after putting Rock over and the only way they can make it bigger is for it to be for the title.

I'm not a massive fan of Cena going over the Rock or a face vs face angle but it's the right thing to do after the ROck winning last year and some heel will get big kudos for eventually taking the title of Cena later in the year. Hopefully it will be Ziggler as Punk does not need the push.
I don't think a handshake will suddenly change everything........

There was no need to enter a debate about John Cena. I simply asked where the logic was in the route you think the WWE are heading down with the Rock. But when you say things like Hogan worked a better match with the Rock than Cena, then it looks like an agenda.

Leroy, I'm not talking about whatever you are discussing with Sbozilla but do you not think Cena's face run is stale?

There's no one left for him other than the Rock to work a programme with and that's got a shelf life of until mania. He's had feuds with Punk, Ziggler and Show. There's no heel left for him to work with who is a realistic threat to him. He's been face so long heels he has worked long angles with in the past such as Orton, Miz and Del Rio have since turned face.

For me, as soon as his championship run after his inevitable mania win runs it's course he has to turn heel. It's not that he's doing a bad job he's just got no one left for him to work an angle with as a face that's not been done so many times before. If he turned heel, his character would suddenly be fresh again.

Abit like Hogan, NWO. Sooner or later, he's going to need to go down a different route.
Anybody got a link to a replay of this?
Bit late to the party having just watched this and I understand the complaints (tbh I have the same myself) but quite honestly it's the most logical way to move the story forward. Sheamus, Orton etc. don't have a feud currently (don't think Sheamus vs. Barrett counts a whole lot). Cena's had a relatively shite year, and with The Rock coming back it just makes sense to have it play out this way.

It plain sucks that Punk has to move over for their feud to continue but I hope that he gets back in the title picture at/after Wrestlemania. The Elimination Chamber advert suggested he'd be involved in the WWE title one anyway with The Rock.

I hope this leads to a Punk vs. Undertaker match; that could be quite spectacular. Maybe Punk will be the one to break the Streak? 434 days as a champion yet that all got pissed away last night. Not to mention how it's the most important title in the business and he only truly main-evented a handful of the PPVs for whatever reason. He fended off Cena, Ziggler, Daniel Bryan amongst others, but even though his title reign had longevity, his standing in the company didn't propel him to where he should have been and how he should have been booked on TV.

So I think something needs to catapult Punk to where he should be. A match with The Undertaker might just do that.
Shane O'Mac

Absolutely insane guy hahaha.

Him and Vince did a hell of a lot in the ring. Most of their big matches ended up being entertaining, and they both took some big bumps (Shane especially).

Got to respect them for joining in, when neither of them really needed to. The Austin/McMahon cage match is one of my favourites, and the Angle/Shane street fight.
It was an absolute clusterfeck.

The bad segments were horrific. The good ones were fantastic. There was nothing inbetween.
According to bork broke Vince's pelvis, I hope this leads to a power play from Heyman rather than HHH vs Brock 2

Heyman, The Shield, Brock and Punk :drool::drool:
Leroy, I'm not talking about whatever you are discussing with Sbozilla but do you not think Cena's face run is stale?

There's no one left for him other than the Rock to work a programme with and that's got a shelf life of until mania. He's had feuds with Punk, Ziggler and Show. There's no heel left for him to work with who is a realistic threat to him. He's been face so long heels he has worked long angles with in the past such as Orton, Miz and Del Rio have since turned face.

For me, as soon as his championship run after his inevitable mania win runs it's course he has to turn heel. It's not that he's doing a bad job he's just got no one left for him to work an angle with as a face that's not been done so many times before. If he turned heel, his character would suddenly be fresh again.

Abit like Hogan, NWO. Sooner or later, he's going to need to go down a different route.

The discussion has been done to death to be honest. I don't think you'll catch anyone suggesting otherwise in regards to the longevity of his face run. But it's clear the WWE are not going to turn him heel. Nobody seems to be able to accept this.

I don't think there's anything inevitable about a Cena title run either. It's like people ignore the fact Cena spent the entire of 2012 basically jobbing. And you have some in here after Sunday going "John Cena again"....again what? He's not won the Rumble in 5 years. He's not won a relevant PPV match since Lesnar last May. And these same people are looking forward to the Undertaker returning at Wrestlemania because the Undertakers Wrestlemania results are very unpredictable, obviously.
I think if Cena even does turn heel most people won't be happy. What agenda could they possibly concoct, the guy is like Superman or Captain America. So if they turn him, it will seem forced and even that won't go down well.

The only thing I have against Cena's face run is that he has no edge. None whatsoever. That's what makes him bland for me. I liked it better when he was doing the rapping gimmick.

Also, Cena can wrestle, unfortunately he either chooses not to, or they tell him not to. You only have to look at matches from earlier in his career where he had more in his arsenal other than the 5 moves of doom.
The discussion has been done to death to be honest. I don't think you'll catch anyone suggesting otherwise in regards to the longevity of his face run. But it's clear the WWE are not going to turn him heel. Nobody seems to be able to accept this.

I don't think there's anything inevitable about a Cena title run either. It's like people ignore the fact Cena spent the entire of 2012 basically jobbing. And you have some in here after Sunday going "John Cena again"....again what? He's not won the Rumble in 5 years. He's not won a relevant PPV match since Lesnar last May. And these same people are looking forward to the Undertaker returning at Wrestlemania because the Undertakers Wrestlemania results are very unpredictable, obviously.

But there is a sense of inevitability about the main event of WM now. Cena over the Rock. That's what most people are annoyed about rather than the fact that Cena was booked to win a match
Presuming Dolph goes for the WHC sometime soon, and Cena beats Rock. Punk is still the long term heel from what I can see, unless The Shield lads gets propelled some more. Not sure what I'd do with Ryback tbh.
But there is a sense of inevitability about the main event of WM now. Cena over the Rock.

He should beat The Rock. It makes sense that you'd want your main event wrestler, who's actually going to be there in the future to get his win back over the former wrestler that's come back to do a few matches.
That last segment bit on Raw this week was fantastic. Heyman's got the proper evil villain thing going on.
love the way vinny mac still gets involved with in ring work, at his age you wouldn't be suprised that he's at home putting his feet up, but nope still gets in tangles. Got to love him for that.

Will be interesting to see where this angle goes, will punk and lesnar team up? will punk blame heyman for losing his title? Perhaps punk never knew that heyman had dealt with the shield behind his back.

A few different scenarios for them to play.
Also, Cena can wrestle, unfortunately he either chooses not to, or they tell him not to. You only have to look at matches from earlier in his career where he had more in his arsenal other than the 5 moves of doom.
In one of his matches against Ziggler the crowd chanted "you can't wrestle" at him upon hearing this he tried proving them wrong by attempting a monkey flip, in doing a monkey flip he managed to kick himself in the face. Wraslin'

Shane O'Mac

Absolutely insane guy hahaha.

Used to love Shane's entrance music, and the way he danced around was always funny - the sketch dx did with them taking the piss out of the mcmahons is literally 1 of the funniest things around, never fails to make me laugh.

1 thing for sure if the McMahons have got bollocks.
I'm more fancying Vince to 'hire' the Undertaker to deal with Lesnar rather than HHH, leading to Lesnar being his next Wrestlemania opponent.