Television The Propgropthrop

Massive build? The prices for tickets didn't correspond to the type of PPV it was so they didn't sell out. Obviously if it's a dynamite they're not going to sell out a Wembley, but a full fledged PPV that actually matters, I reckon could sell out for the simple reason youd have people across Europe travelling for it.

I just don’t think AEW has that pull. The only thing selling out Wembley is a Summerslam or Mania in my opinion.

AEW is nowhere near the level required to sell that many tickets, unless it’s a full fledged ppv I actually think a UK tour wouldn’t even do that well
I reckon they'd sell out an arena for a dynamite ok, as a one off. Although depending on the pricing. A lot of people would go juat because it'd be the only chance to.

They wouldn't get by on a dark show or B grade ppv though, and they wouldn't sell out a stadium full stop.

Wwe has built up recognition and appeal over decades and has affiliation with Holywood megastars, as well as all the nostalgia fans from the attitude era who'd go to a live show even if they think the current brand is shite. The only thing AEW has even remotely close to giving them that kind of appeal is Chris Jericho.
Are people talking about them easily selling out Wembley Arena or Wembley Stadium?

I need to know before I post any green smilies.
Are people talking about them easily selling out Wembley Arena or Wembley Stadium?

I need to know before I post any green smilies.

I don't think anyone is suggestion that they could sell out Wembley stadium, but Wembley arena is only around 12k capacity, hard to see them not filling that fairly comfortably.
I don't think anyone is suggestion that they could sell out Wembley stadium, but Wembley arena is only around 12k capacity, hard to see them not filling that fairly comfortably.
Arena they sell out easily. They could do O2 arena too, but not sure about easily. Would depend on what it is they do
Anybody know what Roman was going to say before he got interrupted on Smackdown? Thought ending was weird aswell.
The World Cup Smackdown are doing doesn’t seem very diverse when half of them are American

Having half the competition be outside the US is pretty good for a US competition with world in the title.

But yeah, some of the countries even get multiple competitors. Half baked idea
Anybody know what Roman was going to say before he got interrupted on Smackdown? Thought ending was weird aswell.

Thought he was just going to say he acknowledged the Usos.

Didn't mind the ending. Reigns even half bailed out the mic issues. Feels like the Bloodline are basically faces now though so the fans aren't really going to get behind another face group going after them.

I thought the war games match would be Judgement Day vs Edge and co as that would be a properly built up feud, but thats juat been dropped completely and seems it'll be Bloodline vs Sheamus and co instead. All seems pretty last minute and fudged together.
There’s rumours that after Ronaldos interview he went backstage and got into a fistfight with Maguire and Shaw. Mike Phelans’ dog was bitten.
Watching raw and a Cathy Kelley doing a interview with the OC and Mia Yim, she’s forgot to put trousers on, haha.
Looking forward to Wargames now HHH is got it, when it was on NXT was usually better than the Survivor Series.
They did a good job of explaining the Austin theory cash in (though it doesn't explain why he didn't just go for the nxt title)

Reckon him cashing in on nxt title and then coming on raw with it would allow bronn to also debut and then win it back.

Theory is good so hopefully they continue this with him now

The men's war game will be interesting with the news of Owens being hurt. Felt certain he would be the final guy.
They did a good job of explaining the Austin theory cash in (though it doesn't explain why he didn't just go for the nxt title)

Reckon him cashing in on nxt title and then coming on raw with it would allow bronn to also debut and then win it back.

Theory is good so hopefully they continue this with him now

The men's war game will be interesting with the news of Owens being hurt. Felt certain he would be the final guy.
Have they even mentioned anybody yet for it?
Think they might go with the bloodline v brawling Brutes, is 2 or 3 teams? Sure in the NXT days there were 3 teams.
Have they even mentioned anybody yet for it?
Think they might go with the bloodline v brawling Brutes, is 2 or 3 teams? Sure in the NXT days there were 3 teams.

It's 2. They just need to add Sami back to the Bloodline and one more to the brutes to go with Drew.

I thought it'd be Owens but now probably Mysterio or whoever the bloodline conveniently decide to beat up on Friday.

The stuff with Theory on Raw was good. Seems they wanted to reinvent his character a bit, although still highlights how pointless Motb is until Reigns drops the title. In hindsight should have just had him mess up a cash in for the world title at Clash at the Castle or Crown Jewell.
Have they even mentioned anybody yet for it?
Think they might go with the bloodline v brawling Brutes, is 2 or 3 teams? Sure in the NXT days there were 3 teams.
Last SD had Bloodline without Sami brawling with Brutes + Mcintyre.
Sami would make the five men for Bloodline. So somebody like Owens would make sense for a 5 on 5.

NXT was always 2 teams except the first one (which was a variant of Wargames as I remember)
Think that was 3 on 3 on 3

The rest have basically been 5 on5.
Catching up on AEW:

Elite (well Omega) coming back might be a really good thing for AEW. With Punk not there, they seem to be missing high guys. Bryan should be a main eventer but is seen as another guy. Really think theyve done a horrible job with him. Same with Cesaro. Grouping them all together has taken the shine off them and not let anybody stand out. Mox at least does his own stuff away from them and is champion.

MJF is the other singles guy who is just a star. They really need to make him champion on Saturday. Its intriguing the way they go with this as there are several options.
They can either have him just win and keep him as a face for a bit (well guy thats cheered and isnt forcing the crowd to try boo him).
Or they show it was a plan all along with the Firm and he took the beating recently to sell it like the Devil he is.
Or Regal turns.

Acclaimed are great.

I think they are doing a decent job with Ethan Page. Should let him promo more. And should also let Starks promo much more. At least he got like 20 seconds this week.

Renee was a good hire. Shes a good interviewer. Also dont mind AEW signing people like Bandido, AR Fox, etc. People who dont feel like ex wwe guys (or arent). Or even ex TNA guys that give off full TNA vibes.

Nyla/Jade is zzz. Saraya/Brit will be intriguing. They need to have Hayter take the next level. Whether its her winning the title or being cost by Britt Baker so she can move onto that for now (then win the title). Either way. (though i do like Toni Storm)

Also AEW confirmed for London for next year. They better not come whilst im out the country the bastards.
AEW numbers tanked this week. I hate the fact everything is so American centric since next week is Thanksgiving so that’ll be two bad numbers in a row.
That means if you’re enjoying the product now or certain storylines be prepared for a reset after Full Gear.
The crowd were dead for Dynamite btw. Except for Acclaimed coming out which was over huge. But even during MJF coming out and the promo with Mox it was dead compared to usual AEW crowds. (I checked online to see if it was just me but it seems it wasnt very well attended either).
The crowd were dead for Dynamite btw. Except for Acclaimed coming out which was over huge. But even during MJF coming out and the promo with Mox it was dead compared to usual AEW crowds. (I checked online to see if it was just me but it seems it wasnt very well attended either).

Wasnt just you. Meltzer called it their worst crowd iirc, something along those lines. Was a bit dissappointed we didnt get more from The Elite this week, that was a lame reveal. But I can also see why they'd want to keep it all for the pay per view. Think I'd have had them appear on tv properly and just save the entrance for the show.
The aew game looks good. Interested in it

Wasnt just you. Meltzer called it their worst crowd iirc, something along those lines. Was a bit dissappointed we didnt get more from The Elite this week, that was a lame reveal. But I can also see why they'd want to keep it all for the pay per view. Think I'd have had them appear on tv properly and just save the entrance for the show.
Ok just saw it was Bridgeport,CT. They gotta give it time before they ever return there.
I thought KO was injured? Must’ve been a work, can remember Owens being in wargames before but can’t remember what year? Was it the year with the undisputed era?
I thought KO was injured? Must’ve been a work, can remember Owens being in wargames before but can’t remember what year? Was it the year with the undisputed era?
2019. Team ciampa surprise Vs undisputed era. Was a great match and great surprise
Yeah really good ppv considering the (lack of) build up. The finishes in the final 2 matches were predictable but no worse for it.

Really great to see Hayter get the strap in the women's division. She's brilliant.

That Elite entrance was *chefs kiss* as well.

Hayter, MJF and Acclaimed as champs. Lots of people who dont have the WWE machine rub getting a big push now. The right people too. Now you can have Saraya Vs. Jamie as a match which will help make her a more well known star
Watching full gear now. The elite coming out to Kansas is *chefs kiss*
Yeah really good ppv considering the (lack of) build up. The finishes in the final 2 matches were predictable but no worse for it.

Really great to see Hayter get the strap in the women's division. She's brilliant.

That Elite entrance was *chefs kiss* as well.
I've literally just seen your comment about the elite entrance, great minds :lol:
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Full gear was good, I liked it. Good matches. My only gripe really, and I appreciate this is probably just a me thing, when I watch aew PPVs, I never really feel like I'm watching an actual PPV if that makes sense? Like the actual production of the shows could stand out more, make it it more special I guess.

But again, that's probably just a me thing.

Think MJF is the most interesting champion they've had thus far, looking forward to his reign.
Full gear was good, I liked it. Good matches. My only gripe really, and I appreciate this is probably just a me thing, when I watch aew PPVs, I never really feel like I'm watching an actual PPV if that makes sense? Like the actual production of the shows could stand out more, make it it more special I guess.

But again, that's probably just a me thing.

Think MJF is the most interesting champion they've had thus far, looking forward to his reign.

Their production values hold them back so much. If they genuinely want to rival WWE eventually; they really need to make their shows looks and feel better.

Since its inception AEW has the look and feel of an Indy promotion that just happened to get a TV deal. Lucha Underground had better production values. While they have such an amateur look and feel they will always struggle to attract the more casual audience that WWE currently monopolise.
Went looking for old Jamie Hayter matches earlier and discovered EVE for the first time today. Some really good stuff on YouTube. Some of the matches are very entertaining and really funny...

Went looking for old Jamie Hayter matches earlier and discovered EVE for the first time today. Some really good stuff on YouTube. Some of the matches are very entertaining and really funny...

I used to have a sub in like 2017 back when I never missed a Stardom show. Plenty of quality talent comes through EVE, either imported internationally or built up domestically. Eve was also the first place I saw Hayter before she started to do Stardom tours. Funnily enough she wasnt someone I really noticed that much at first, but when she went to Japan she stood out a lot more and was one to watch